Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Crashing the Auction

Crashing the Auction

1Her words were met with silence but she didn't pay mind to it. She knew that she wasn't the main attraction after all. Nevertheless, she continued to talk.       2

"Considering that this will be our fifth parade and the biggest one as of yet, it is only suitable that the auction will have items of a similar magnitude! With that said, let us begin!"     

She gazed all around her, looking at those in the upper levels as well. As her eyes traveled further to the highest level where it wasn't as crowded, she noticed a white-clothed figure. She looked for just a moment before turning away and leaving as the host of the auction took her place.      

"That must've been Qing Ji..." she thought to herself, "Only someone like her would wear something like that though... she seems a bit familiar."     

Bai Meng couldn't quite shake off this feeling of hers. Despite not having a good view, she couldn't help but feel like she's seen her before.     

"Ah, maybe I'm just too tired, I still need to go entertain that damned clown", she muttered to herself, ignoring this feeling.     

Walking through the back of the arena, she made her way up several flights and entered one of the private viewing rooms.      

It was large, spacious, and very luxurious. It had quite the view of the stage, far enough for one to see the whole thing without having to turn. There were two tables on the side of a large couch where Yao Lu was sprawled on.     

He had his arms and legs spread out in a way that only someone like him would find comfortable.      

Partially turning his head, the clown glanced at her and chuckled.      

"How was my entrance? I had been flying over and my ear itched so I dropped down", he said to her.      

Bai Meng sighed, walking and sitting on the furthest part of the couch, doing her best not to touch him.      

"Seems like a few people aren't very afraid of the Fourteen Evils if they can talk about us so easily."     

Her response was cold and emotionless as if she had put up a wall between them. Yao Lu certainly noticed but he did not care.      

"You know what I'm here for."     

He sneered at her as he spoke in a nonchalant but demanding tone.      

"The fairy... Give it to me."      

The woman just looked at him before laughing out loud.      

"You must be out of your mind! Do you think I can just give it to you? What of all those who covet it? Such a rare item is sure to have gained the attention of a few of those old monsters, let alone me, they'd hunt you down for it", she answered.      

Smiling at Yao Lu, Bai Meng didn't seem to falter under his presence. The clown narrowed his eyes, looking straight into hers. It was quiet for just a moment and it was just them in the room, no one else.      

It seemed as if a fight could break out at any moment until Yao Lu just turned away, looking back at the stage.      

"Gah, whatever, your branch, your rules. If I have to get it fairly then I guess I should."     

She blinked once, trying not to break her composure as she stood up.      

"I'm glad that you understand, I'll have a few people come with some small snacks for you."     

Yao Lu didn't seem to pay much attention to her as he just shooed her away with her hand. She lingered for a few more seconds before leaving the private room. Quietly exiting, she closed the doors behind her while several attendants greeted her.      

"Get him something to eat and some good wine. And try not to bother him, even I won't be able to save you if you offend him."     

"Yes, Miss Bai."     

They lowered their heads in understanding before going off to carry out her orders.      

As for Bai Meng, she quietly made her way back to her own private viewing room. Her hands were clenched tightly into a fist though they were hidden with the long sleeves of her robes. There was no doubt that she was angry, furious even.      

The moment she entered her room, she immediately punched a table holding a plate of fruit, destroying it effortlessly.      

"That fucking bastard clown thinks he can just come in and treat me like this?!"     

Her anger exploded, and her frustrations were fully vented out.      

"Does he think that I'm someone that can be looked down on? Just because he's a madman doesn't make him invincible! He's nothing more than a troublesome little man with some idiotic makeup! Agh, that fucking simpleton! All he has are little tricks and ruses! Who does he think he is?! I'll show him! When everything is set in stone, I will end him. There will be nowhere for that bastard to escape! This entire city will become a feeding ground for me!"     

Her breathing grew heavy and rushed as all of her rage was released. It took her just a moment to calm her breathing and regain her composure. Dusting herself off, she looked down at the mess she had made.      

A wooden table turned to splinters as the fruit it held was nothing more than mush.      

"Hah, someone clean this up for me."     

Calling out of the room, several attendants quickly entered, taking care of the mess and even replacing it with a new table and fruit. She tore off a single grape and popped it into her mouth while sitting down, watching as the auction went underway.      

Outside, Ming Yue watched from the highest level, waiting patiently as one thing came after the next.      

"A Rank 3, Shadowfruit, harvested at two thousand years! Perfect for anyone practicing the Dao of Darkness! Starting at 100,000 gold!"     

"The claw of a Purple Thunder Tiger, a mature one at that! Its power is equal to a Rank 4 Beast! The Starting bid is 150,000 gold!"     

"A chest plate that was stolen from the Forgelord's workshop! Despite its... unique design, it can protect you against most Earth Realm Experts and can disorient your opponent! It is 200,000 gold!"     

The woman couldn't help but smile as she recognized this particular piece,      

"To think someone would steal it..." she thought.      

It had spikes all over the back and the word "Stupid" was etched on the front of it. Compared to the last time she saw it, it seemed much sleeker and not as bulbous as before. Still, the young cultivator didn't think that she'd see such a thing here.      

And soon enough, someone bought it.     

"Sold at 500,000 gold! Please come to the back after the auction to pay!"     

On the other side of the floor, Ming Yue could hear a bit of snickering as she glanced over at the hooded individual.      

"Do they... do they know about this chest plate as well?" she wondered.      

But now wasn't the time to ask as the auction continued. With each item, the rarity ad price continued to climb and so did the clamoring below. Each item was met with a fierce bidding war as the prices soon climbed past a million gold.      

And that was just the start.      

Soon enough, there were Rank 5 products and even a few Divine-Ranked pieces of equipment. And after the flesh of a Rank 6, Goldhorn Ox, was sold, there was a brief pause as the lights soon dimmed.      

The arena grew very quiet as everyone was filled with anticipation.     

As for the announcer, they walked up to the front of the stage and looked up at everyone before revealing the last item.      

"I'm sure that for many of you, this is what you've been waiting for all this time. I'm sure that you're all wondering if it's true. If we do have a fairy as our final prize. Well, I am here to tell you that it is!"     

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