Warlord, Get Out Of My Way

C11 Disappointed Surprise

C11 Disappointed Surprise

2When Lin Kaishan and Lin Miaoting returned home, they first washed their hands and prepared to eat.    


After the meal, Lin Kaishan, Lin Zhize, and Lin Miaoting followed what they said yesterday and went up the mountain to look at the traps while picking up some dried firewood to sell in town.    


Lin Miaoting and her father left the house with the tools that Lin Zhize had packed up at home in the morning.    


Lin Miaoting was in high spirits the whole time. On the other hand, Lin Kaishan and Lin Zhize's expressions did not change at all. Both of them still had doubts about the prey in the traps.    


The three men from the Lin family followed the marks on the trees when Lin Miaoting entered the forest. Soon, they found the place where the trap was set.    


On the mountain road, Lin Kaishan praised Lin Miaoting for her foresight. Lin Miaoting only responded with a graceful and polite smile to this point, but she was a little nervous in her heart.    


After all, this number was not prepared to go up the mountain today. It was prepared for her future explorations.    


Lin Kaishan and Lin Zhize Although they did not agree with the idea of digging a hole and catching prey, they could not control their excitement about catching prey.    


When they reached their destination, Lin Zhize excitedly walked to the front of a hole and opened the trap. However, there was nothing in front of him now. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.    


Lin Zhize was a little discouraged. Lin Miaoting went forward to take Lin Zhize's position and continued to open the trap.    


However, in the second, third, fourth and fifth place, there were still lonely wooden sticks stuck in the pit. Lin Miaoting wanted to sing a song called "Cool" to herself. Was it really not possible?    


Lin Kaishan did not have much hope, so he was not as disappointed as his children. He walked to the sixth trap and gently opened it. In an instant, Lin Kaishan was stunned. He could not believe his eyes!    


Rabbit! Furthermore, there was more than one!    


Lin Miaoting looked at her father's stunned expression and quickly ran to the sixth trap!    


"Rabbit, rabbit. Two gray rabbits!"    


Lin Zhize ran over when he heard his sister's shout. His face was filled with disappointment and joy. He jumped into the pit excitedly to catch the two rabbits. One was dead, and the other was alive!    


With disappointment and joy, Lin Miaoting mustered up her courage and walked towards the last trap. She removed the dried branches that were attached to it.    


"F * ck!" Lin Miaoting inadvertently cursed.    


A moment of silence made Lin Miaoting notice what she just said. She could only lower her head and act like an ostrich.    


Lin Kaishan stared at his daughter who had just said "swollen." Although he was curious how his daughter learned this word, he did not ask her in the end. He just walked slowly to the seventh trap.    


When Lin Kaishan saw the animals inside, he was slightly surprised. It was actually a red-furred fox!    


A fox!    


Although one of the fox's legs was stabbed by a sharp wooden pillar, Lin Kaishan was still afraid that the fox was playing dead. He found a rock and threw it at the fox's head.    


No reaction? Lin Kaishan threw another stone, but there was still no reaction. After repeating this for three or four times, Lin Kaishan jumped into the trap with ease.    


Lin Kaishan carefully took off the dead fox. He felt the fox's fur with his hands and felt an indescribable excitement in his heart.    


Lin Miaoting and Lin Zhize worked together to pull Lin Kaishan out of the trap. First, they placed the prey in the basket baskets they each carried. Then, the three of them restored the seven traps to their original state.    


"I think this fox smelled the smell of dead rabbits. Lin Kaishan said as he cleaned up the trap.    


"Let's go pick up more firewood after we finish packing up the trap and cover the prey. As for the living one, Keer's clothes were big and Keer held it in her arms. In case someone finds out."    


"Because it was arranged in a more detailed manner, although the villagers we met when we went down the mountain asked a few questions, they did not say anything when they saw the two boxes full of firewood behind Lin Kaishan and Lin Zhize. They only thought that the three of them went up the mountain to pick up firewood and store it for the new year.    


On the contrary, when they went home, they encountered a problem, Lin Miaoting's aunt Lee Cuihua. Because there were only a few thick wooden blocks between the two families, it was very easy to see the things that Lin Miaoting and the other two carried in the basket backpack.    


However, their aunt never looked at it herself and asked instead.    


"Yo, did you go up the mountain again today? What's in the basket backpack?"    


"Aunt, didn't you see it? It's firewood." Lin Zhize replied sarcastically and showed Lee Cuihua the basket backpack. Because the prey was wrapped tightly, he was not afraid that Lee Cuihua would find out.    


"Firewood. Lin Kaishan was very annoyed with this sister-in-law, but he could not ignore her. He hastily replied with two words and opened the door to enter the house.    


Lee Cuihua looked at the three people who entered the Lin family one after the other and gave a silly laugh. Thinking about the meat Lin Kaishan brought today, she was in a good mood. She also turned around and went back to her own home.    


After they entered the house, Lin Kaishan and Lin Zhize took out the firewood from the basket backpack bit by bit. They were careful not to hurt the skin of their prey. Then, they took out the fox and rabbit from the basket.    


Lin Miaoting also took out the gray rabbit from her clothes and placed it in one of the clean baskets. She touched the fur on the rabbit's body. It was very soft and comfortable.    


Tang Xuemei looked at the things that were taken out and placed on the ground one after another. Her face was full of surprise as she pointed at the prey on the ground with one hand and covered her mouth with the other. She said softly, "This is what you guys hunted today. This luck is too good! This, this, how much silver do you want to buy?!"    


"It was my sister who set a trap!" Lin Zhize answered proudly, as if he was the one who had caught it. Lin Zhize had already thrown his distrust aside. The rest of his confidence was filled with pride and admiration.    


"It was indeed Keer's trap. I didn't believe it before, but now I have nothing to say." Lin Kaishan looked at the prey on the ground, his eyes filled with uncontrollable excitement.    


Their family could finally have a good year!    


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