Warlord, Get Out Of My Way

C21 New Year's Opening

C21 New Year's Opening

4After Lin Zhihe and Lee Cuihua walked out, the Lin family returned to its usual tranquility. Tang Xuemei was the only one who kept mumbling. "If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have sent it to your parents and even sent out a couple of autumn winds! Fortunately, we don't have anything in our house. Otherwise, we might not be able to do anything! "    


Lin Kaishan could not open his mouth when he heard his wife's mumbling. He could only pretend to be a snail. After all, it was made by his family. No, wait, wait. He could only quietly clean up the scene that had become chaotic because of the quarrel.    


Lin Zhize and Lin Miaoting looked at each other and turned to leave the house at the same time. They carried the prey that had just been hidden into the house. When they returned to the house, they found that there was no longer Tang Xuemei's muttering in the house. Instead, there was a trace of strange atmosphere that could not be described.    


"Father, Mother. Our family has also reaped a harvest this time. We caught a total of two rabbits, two deer, and a fox. By the way, we also caught a wild chicken!" Lin Miaoting took out the prey as she did so. As he reported the number in a pleasant voice, he tried to ease the tension between his parents. After all, they really did not know what would happen if they did not speak. After all, Mr. Zhou Shuren had said, "If you don't explode in silence, you will perish in silence."    


"Good, good, good. Your uncle's family only managed to catch a dozen or so of the thirty or so pits, but our family has seven pits! Not bad! "Not bad!" Lin Kaishan pretended to be happy. From time to time, he looked like his wife.    


There was silence again.    


"What are you looking at me for? Hurry up and pack up. I'll sell it in the town tomorrow!" Tang Xuemei's tone was not good, but she finally spoke. Everyone was relieved.    


Lin Kaishan, who received his wife's order, was happy. He happily picked up a prey with one hand and packed it up. Lin Miaoting could tell that his father must have provoked her mother just now.    


"Keer!" Lin Miaoting, who was called by her mother, did not dare to slip away. She only waited for Tang Xuemei's order, "Go and clean up the flowers you made in the house a few days ago. Tomorrow we will bring them to the town to see if anyone will take them!"    


"Got it!" Lin Miaoting answered crisply but did not notice her own father, mother, and brother's strange looks. Lin Miaoting took her basket backpack into the house. First, she laid a cloth under the basket backpack. Then, she reached into the cave and took out the small wooden box that she had placed in the cave.    


After taking out the ganoderma, Lin Miaoting was a little surprised. Why did she feel that it was bigger than when she picked it off the tree? "I don't care. It's better to pack up quickly. Don't let mom and dad come in later!" Lin Miaoting muttered softly.    


So Lin Miaoting carefully wrapped the ganoderma with a rag and placed it in the basket backpack. There was a light layer of hair flower on it. Finally, she covered the basket backpack with the lid and placed the basket backpack to the side. She planned to carry the ganoderma on her back when she set off tomorrow morning!    


After a long period of work, the Lin family cleaned up their prey. They took off their shoes early and laid down on the bed to rest. The family of four chatted for a while and then unknowingly fell asleep!    


In the dark room, Lin Miaoting suddenly opened her eyes as if she had been woken up by a nightmare.    


In fact, Lin Miaoting did have a nightmare. In the dream, Lin Miaoting was sleeping very soundly. Suddenly, there was a thunderclap and then she saw the refugees and dry land everywhere. "Could it be that I have been thinking about the winter thunder when I was living in the Tang family? So I was hallucinating?"    


The sound of clothes being worn interrupted Lin Miaoting's train of thought. It turned out that Lin Kaishan had already woken up. After that, her brother and her mother also began to dress. Lin Miaoting did not want everyone to notice anything unusual, so she quickly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.    


Tang Xuemei first lit the oil lamp at home. Since there was no lamp oil at home before the New Year, she had always woken up in the dark. Now that she had lamp oil, she began to be extravagant!    


"Keer, wake up." Tang Xuemei called softly. Lin Miaoting opened her slightly uncomfortable eyes and muttered, "I will get up immediately!"    


In the morning, Tang Xuemei cooked a pot of porridge and cooked a few coarse biscuits. Then, she took out a stack of pickled vegetables from the jar.    


Lin Miaoting looked at the food on the table and lacked interest. She could not help sighing in her heart, "As expected, the year is over. Everything is going back to before liberation!"    


After the meal, the father and son of Lin family carried their own baskets on their backs. Tang Xuemei still brought a few flatbread bags for the father and son of Lin family like last time. When they were hungry, the father and son of the Lin family carried lanterns and walked along the road. From time to time, the cries of unknown birds would add a little strangeness to the already terrifying night.    


It was the fifth day of the new year, the first day of the new year's opening. The shops in the town opened relatively early. Some even hung firecrackers and prayed for the new year's prosperity. The father and son of the Lin family slowly walked on the town's limestone road. As they listened to the sounds of firecrackers and firecrackers, a smile hung on the corners of their mouths.    


Lin Miaoting had already come to this town twice, so she was already familiar with some of the roads. She then requested: Daddy, you guys are going to Jufu Restaurant to sell your prey. Keer is going to sell her head flower by herself! Can you do it? This way, we can go home earlier." In fact, Lin Miaoting was also looking for convenience to sell the ganoderma in the basket backpack.    


Lin Kaishan looked at his daughter with some difficulty. Although it was a good thing to be independent, his daughter was only thirteen years old this year. He thought about it and said, "Ask your brother to go with you."    


Lin Miaoting shook her head and pointed at the basket backpack behind Lin Zhize. "Brother's basket backpack is also full of prey. He can't go with me."    


Lin Kaishan looked at his daughter's stubborn look and finally gave up. He could only nod in agreement. Forget it. Maybe his daughter wanted to walk around by herself. As long as she was safe, it was fine. Keer was also familiar with this street.    


"Then you have to be careful. After selling the flowers, wait in the shop. Daddy and your brother will look for you after selling the things!" Lin Kaishan instructed.    


Lin Miaoting nodded and revealed a satisfied smile at the corner of her mouth. Just like that, the father and son of Lin family, Lin Zhize and Lin Kaishan walked towards Jufu Restaurant while Lin Miaoting walked in the opposite direction.    


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