Daddy, Here Is Mommy



1Lin Yanyan's heart rose and fell slightly as he nodded his head.    


Gu Mengmeng, who was sitting in the front row, naturally did not pay attention to the expressions of the people seated behind her.    


"Lawyer Jin, I know, but I really can't take this lying down. Ge Ge is my best friend, how could I possibly … I understand... "But …"    




As she spoke, Gu Mengmeng stepped on the brakes and stopped the car.    


"Lawyer Jin, what did you say?" Lu Yiyao won't let him report it? "Why wouldn't he let us know …"    


Gu Mengmeng completely forgot about the two in the backseat and was completely immersed in her own anger.    


"Just because Lu Hengyuan is his nephew, he protects him like this. "Bastard …"    


"No, Lawyer Jin, sue, we have to sue. "I don't believe it. I can't sue him …"    


"I know, but I can't stay calm. "No, I have to see Geiger right away."    


"Are you at the Qingning Hospital? "Alright, I'll be right there."    


When Gu Yunxiao and Lin Yanyan heard her finish talking on the phone, their faces were tense. They looked at each other and communicated through eyes.    


"Godfather, we have to go to the hospital and see Mommy?"    


"To the hospital? Then, are we? "    


"Mommy is more important than anything!"    


Lin Yanyan's thin lips were very tight and his eyebrows were very tight on his sunglasses.    


"Alright. "Understood."    


Gu Yunxiao nodded and knocked heavily on the back of the driver's seat.    


Gu Mengmeng, who was about to start the car and drive towards the Qingning Hospital, suddenly remembered that there were still two men inside the car, one big and one small.    


He quickly turned around and said apologetically to them.    


"Sorry, my friend had an accident …" I'll send you to the company immediately. "    




Gu Yunxiao was still as arrogant as before.    


Gu Mengmeng only wanted to quickly send them to the 'Huale' and then quickly go visit Lin Ange at the Qingning Hospital.    


There was no time to despise Gu Yunxiao. He stomped on the gas pedal and sent them to the entrance of the 'Huale' media group at the fastest speed possible.    


Just now, she had called Ma Li and told her to meet them at the group entrance.    


Ma Li did not dare to slack off. She hurried downstairs and waited at the door. Noticing Gu Mengmeng's car driving over, he hurriedly went up to welcome her.    


"Sister Mengmeng."    


"Ma Li, this is Leo and Leo's dad from the audition. Bring them up there. "I have something important to do right now. Tell Manager Ai about it."    


"Mm. Alright."    


Seeing Gu Mengmeng's anxious expression, Ma Li hurriedly nodded her head in agreement.    


"Leo, Leo dad, this is my disciple Ma Li, she's bringing you up."    




Gu Yunxiao acknowledged and got off the car with Lin Yanyan. He raised his eyes and looked towards the Huale Group Building. Ye Zichen squatted down, pretended to clean Lin Yanyan's clothes, then whispered in his ear.    


"Brother Yan, you're really not going up?"    


"What do you think?"    


Lin Yanyan's shiny black eyes were clearly closed tightly.    




"Brother Yan, then you have to act a bit more lifelike."    


A hint of ridicule flashed across Gu Yunxiao's eyes.    




Lin Yanyan rolled his eyes at Ma Li with his back facing her. Then he screamed in pain.    


"Aiyo …" "Ouch …"    


"Leo, what's wrong with you?"    


Gu Yunxiao looked anxious.    


"Daddy, my stomach hurts …"    


"Stomach pain …"    


Gu Yunxiao picked Lin Yanyan up and smiled at Ma Li.    


"You call a horse …"    


"Leo dad, I'm called Ma Li."    


"Oh, Ma Li, my son's stomach suddenly feels a bit uncomfortable. I want to take him to the hospital to have a look. Tell your manager that the audition will be pushed to tomorrow? "    




A trace of awkwardness appeared on Ma Li's face.    


The entire company knew Ai Kexin's character.    


Make the right decision.    


Most importantly, the director of the audition, "Traveling with Dad", was also very busy.    


Ma Li's heart ached as she looked up at the little bun's pink chin, which was twitching from the pain.    


Kids don't pretend to be sick.    


Ma Li pursed her lips, her gaze full of certainty.    


"Okay, I'll go and tell the manager right away. I'll inform you guys when everything's settled."    




Gu Yunxiao's jaw tightened as he nodded his head. Carrying Lin Yanyan, he went up, stopped a taxi and drove towards Qingning Hospital.    


He got in the car and gave him a thumbs-up.    


"Brother Yan, you did well."    


"Since you were young, your acting skills have always been good?"    


Lin Yanyan said in disdain.    


The taxi driver at the front almost burst out laughing.    


Gu Yunxiao smiled embarrassedly and continued to speak in a low voice.    


"Brother Yan, if we just go like this, won't we scare them?"    


"I won't."    


Lin Yanyan, on the other hand, was a lot calmer at this moment. His meaty hands pushed the sunglasses on his nose and his small face gradually turned serious.    


Gu Yunxiao looked at him, but he was still worried.    


Firstly, he didn't know Lin Ange's actual situation?    


Secondly, was he worried about running into Lu Yiyao in the hospital?    


He could not imagine what kind of sparks would appear if Lu Yiyao saw Lin Yanyan.    


Lin Ange returning to the Yunjing, and purposely left the little bun in the Li City, precisely because she was worried about this.    


Gu Yunxiao suddenly regretted a little. He shouldn't have been threatened by him and come back with him?    


However, he had already made it this far without even looking back. It would be impossible for him to let Lin Yanyan go back.    


Even the driver of the taxi looked at this extremely handsome 'father and son,' not to mention the doctors and nurses from Qingning Hospital.    


In front of the nurses' station.    


Lin Yanyan spoke softly.    


"Beautiful sister nurse, may I ask, which ward is Lin Miss Ange in?"    


"Lin Ange?"    


The nurse on duty stared blankly for a moment, her face revealing a trace of awkwardness.    


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