Daddy, Here Is Mommy



3Lu Yiyao parked the car in front of the villa, the rain was getting heavier and heavier.    


Lin Ange unbuckled her seatbelt and got ready to open the car door to get out. He quickly reached out his hand to stop her.    


"Don't go down first, I'll go get the umbrella."    


"Just these two steps. It's fine."    


Just two steps, Lin Ange thought. Even if it was raining, it wouldn't matter.    


"Be good."    


Lu Yiyao looked at her and said warmly.    




The burning gaze seemed to contain some kind of magic, freezing Lin Ange and making her unable to move.    


Lu Yiyao got out of the car, opened the trunk and took out a big black umbrella. Pushing it open, he walked to the front of the passenger seat.    


The downpour had dampened his hair and clothes, and a good deal of rain fell on his grave face.    


Ignoring it, he reached out and opened the passenger door.    


Carefully supporting Lin Ange, they covered her with the umbrella. Lin Ange's body was clean. Meanwhile, Lu Yiyao was almost drenched.    


"Daddy … Mei Gege …"    


Lin Yanyan called out excitedly when he saw them.    


"Brother Yan, why did you come out? Go in quickly."    


Lin Ange said gently when she saw Lin Yanyan standing at the door.    


"Mei Gege, are you alright?"    


Lin Yanyan looked at her with concern.    


"Mommy's fine. Let's go in."    


After climbing up the stairs, Lu Yiyao put down the umbrella and left it by the door. Lin Ange led Lin Yanyan inside the house.    


"Lu Yiyao, why don't you go and change your clothes?" Be careful not to catch another cold. "    


Lin Ange turned her head and whispered as she looked at Lu Yiyao, who was soaked to the skin.    


When the concern in his eyes entered someone's eyes, a warm current slowly flowed into his heart.    




Lu Yiyao touched Lin Yanyan's curly hair and went upstairs. After a simple wash, he changed into a set of casual clothes.    


When Sister Zhou saw that they had returned, she took the dishes she had prepared earlier and placed them on the table.    


"Third Young Master, Young Madam, dinner is ready. You can eat now."    


"Sister Zhou, it's been hard on you."    


Lin Ange smiled at her.    


"Young Mistress, this is what I should have done."    


Sister Zhou lowered her head in embarrassment.    


Lin Ange remembered that two days later, it would be Uncle Fu's birthday. He was prepared to bring Lin Yanyan for his birthday when the time came, so he took the opportunity to tell him about Lin Yanyan.    


Nanny Wang and Sister Zhou were cousins, so it should have been a long time since they last saw each other.    


"Sister Zhou, I have to go to the Qingyi Garden the day after tomorrow. You should come with me as well."    


"Really? That's great, I haven't seen my cousin for a long time, I've been thinking about going to see her. "    


When Sister Zhou heard this news, she was so happy that tears almost flowed out of her eyes.    


"Mm, then we'll go together."    


The corners of Lin Ange's mouth curled up, and the swirling dimples of her pear-shaped lips were filled with a clear and shallow smile.    


When Lu Yiyao heard this, he was startled for half a second. He didn't say anything. He carefully scooped a bowl of soup for Lin Yanyan and blew on it twice before placing it in front of him.    


"Be careful, it's hot. Drink slowly."    


"Thank you, Daddy."    


Lin Yanyan's eyes were curved, his obsidian eyes were like crescent moons.    


"No need to thank me."    


Lu Yiyao smiled and replied politely. he said warmly as he scooped another bowl for Lin Ange.    


"I'll feed you."    




Lin Ange was caught off guard as her face flushed red.    


This man really didn't pay attention to the occasion and always liked to speak randomly.    


She fiercely gouged out his eyes, curled her lips and coldly and heartlessly refused.    


"No need."    


"Then drink slowly."    


Lu Yiyao was not annoyed at all and warned him warmly.    


"Lu Yiyao, you're so annoying."    


Lin Ange couldn't stand it any longer, so she raised her eyebrows and complained.    




Lu Yiyao didn't say anything, so he continued to feed her. A moment later, Lin Ange's plate was piled into a small hill.    


"You …"    


Lin Ange weakly rolled her eyes at the ceiling.    


Having someone to take care of him was a type of happiness.    


Having him to take care of her was a form of 'torture'.    


"Cluck, cluck …"    


Lin Yanyan couldn't help but laugh out loud. He drank a mouthful of soup and said in a soft voice.    


"Mei Gege, if you don't eat anymore, you won't be able to stack the dishes."    


Lin Ange had no choice but to lower her head and slowly wipe them out bit by bit.    


"Don't force yourself if you can't eat it."    


Lu Yiyao gave himself a bowl of soup and reminded him in a low voice.    




Lin Ange ignored him and ate her own food.    


Although his head was injured, his appetite was not affected.    


Lu Yiyao looked at the big one and the small one that were focused on eating. His heart was wrapped tightly by a warm current.    


He had a wife and children. How lucky.    


This was the beginning of his life. What else could he ask for?    


He suddenly remembered that he had decided to apply for a marriage certificate with Lin Ange.    


They had been busy these past two days, to the point of delaying.    


Tomorrow, after Lin Ange had finished her inspection, he would take her there. In case there was too much trouble.    


After the meal.    


Lin Ange watched the cartoon with Lin Yanyan for a while, then she got sleepy and yawned a few times.    


"Mei Gege, are you sleepy?" Why don't you go to bed? "    


"It's fine, I'll accompany you again."    


Lin Ange leaned back on the sofa. Her vision became more and more blurry. Her long eyelashes fell down, covering those clear eyes.    


Lin Yanyan patted her hand.    


"Mei Gege, you're really tired. Hurry up and rest."    


"I'm fine …"    


Lin Ange forced her eyes open and smiled at him.    


"I'll sleep here for a while."    


She really didn't want to go to Lu Yiyao's bedroom anymore.    


It had only been a few days, yet he had already 'eaten' it twice for no reason.    


Even worse, she didn't seem to dislike him at all …    


If this goes on, I'm afraid my greed will increase.    


Lu Yiyao came down from the study room upstairs. Seeing that Lin Ange was a little drowsy, he quickly walked over.    


"Go up and sleep."    


"I'm fine …"    


Before Lin Ange could finish her words, Lu Yiyao had already lifted her up and carried her upstairs.    


"Brother Yan, watch some TV first. Daddy, wait a moment."    




Lin Yanyan nodded obediently.    




Lu Yiyao carried Lin Ange to the bathroom door and put her down.    


"Give me a simple change. I'll go get you some pajamas."    


"Mm …"    



Lin Ange rubbed her sore eyes, pushed open the door and walked in.    


After changing his clothes, he walked out and saw Lu Yiyao waiting at the door.    


"Let me go to Gong Nanling's room to sleep."    




Lu Yiyao's expression turned serious.    


"Lu Yiyao …"    


Lin Ange glanced at him with a trace of displeasure on her face.    


"Be good and go to sleep. I have a video conference tonight, and it's going to be late. "    


Her cold, deep voice seemed to be filled with concern. The latter part seemed to be trying to reassure her. Tell her he's busy tonight and won't 'disturb' her.    




Lin Ange pouted and sighed.    


Lu Yiyao helped her walk to the bedside and lifted the quilt. He gently caressed and let her lie down, then covered her with the quilt.    


After finishing his work.    


A warm kiss landed on Lin Angeguang's forehead.    


The clear, cold, thin scent and the faint fragrance of orchids intertwined together, causing both of their hearts to beat chaotically.    


Lin Ange instantly felt her forehead burning as her mind grew increasingly dizzy …    


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