Take Along A Spring



2Zhang Xiuxiu's family and Chen Ergou also saw Yang Fann's group, especially Zhang Xiuxiu's underling. When they saw Second Aunt pointing at them with her finger, they impolitely gave her a middle finger. First, they pointed at Yang Fann with this middle finger, then they pointed a thumb at Chen Ergou.     3


Without waiting for Yang Fann to say anything, Second Aunt started cursing from afar, "Shameless thing, we just met, and then we meet again before we even went back home. Are you looking for a man so fast? You've never seen such a shameless person before!"    


Zhang Xiuxiuniang was not a good person. After hearing Second Aunt's scolding, she also scolded without any weakness: "Don't pretend to be weak if you don't have the ability, you're still a university student. What's so special about a university student, don't you think you should go home and farm? Look at Chen Ergou, he hasn't even entered high school.    


Chinese loved to watch the excitement the most. Upon hearing that there was a quarrel, a circle of people surrounded them, all of them in front with shining eyes, and the people behind also craned their necks to peek into the crowd. They all wanted to see what was going on, so they could go back and brag to their relatives and friends.    


Chen Ergou was in a good mood today. He had just left the police station and was preparing to go to the teahouse for a free lunch when he met Zhang Xiuxiu's family.    


Zhang Xiuxiu, he knew that the worker's sister who had just returned from the Shencheng was not only dressed beautifully, but also dressed fashionable. Not long after she returned, her name had spread far and wide.    


Two days ago, Chen Ergou had sent someone to Zhang to arrange a matchmaking for him. The matchmaker came back to tell him that the other party had already agreed to meet a university student.    


Chen Ergou knew that he was hopeless when he heard this. How could he compare himself to a university student? Wasn't the opposite party falling in love with a university student the moment they met? How could he still have his share?    


Who knew that he would run into a magpie and beauties as soon as he went out today? Chen Ergou saw Zhang Xiuxiu's long legs and was completely mesmerized. He immediately licked his face and greeted her.    


Perhaps it was due to Chen Ergou's dog shit luck. Who would have thought that after greeting her, he would really form a good marriage with her? The opposite party actually agreed to have a meal with him.    


At the dining table, Chen Ergou started boasting about how brave he was, how he had scared off the hoodlums of Qingshan Town, and how he had been a police officer for all these years …    


Chen Ergou's boasting had stupefied Zhang Xiuxiu's family. Xiuxiu-niang was a rural woman who envied wearing a uniform and eating at a public dinner. Zhang Xiuxiu's lackeys often messed around with a bunch of bullies outside the school, and they were most afraid of the police.    


With this, Chen Ergou's position in their hearts rose infinitely, and Xiuxiuniang didn't even mention the one hundred and fifty thousand yuan betrothal gift before she agreed to Chen Ergou's marriage. She told Chen Ergou to ask the matchmaker to come over another day, and the two of them formally decided on the engagement beforehand.    


They had a good meal, but who would have thought that they would run into Second Aunt and the rest when they were out? Xiuxiuniang couldn't let Second Aunt mess up her daughter's plans, so she and Second Aunt started arguing on the spot.    


Chen Ergou was having a complicated feeling, like he ate a fly because he saw Yang Fann.    


Ever since he was scared away by Yang Fann last time, Chen Ergou had been sick in his heart, no matter how he thought about it, it didn't feel good. He was a dignified guardian of the people, but he was scared by a commoner.    


When he saw Yang Fann today, Chen Ergou was both afraid that Yang Fann would hit him and excited over stealing Yang Fann's target. What's wrong with university students? So what if they could fight? Didn't I still steal the woman? What a great feeling!    


Yang Fann didn't want to get involved in Zhang Xiuxiu's private affairs. Since the other party didn't like him and he didn't like her, then he would go his own way and not interfere with anyone else.    


But looking at Chen Ergou's satisfied look, Yang Fann had the urge to slap him in the face. Besides, Zhang Xiuxiu's family did not know what kind of virtue Chen Ergou was, but how could they not know that? Although Zhang Xiuxiu did not like her, she did not have a bad heart and Yang Fann did not want to see her fall into a pit of fire.    


He got down from the tricycle, pointed at Chen Ergou's nose and said, "Chen Ergou, what are you? Hurry up and disappear from my sight. I'll count to three. If you're still here, do you believe that I'll slap you?"    


Chen Ergou's face turned pale after being scolded by Yang Fann. He wanted to retreat now, but he couldn't afford to embarrass himself, especially when it was in front of Zhang Xiuxiu's family. He had been bragging so much during dinner, and now, if he admitted it, the marriage between him and Zhang Xiuxiu would be ruined.    


Looking around, Chen Ergou felt that with so many people around, he couldn't believe that Yang Fann, a commoner, would dare to beat him, a uniformed man. He braced himself and said with a threatening manner, "Yang Fann, what are you doing? [Do you dare to hit me in broad daylight?] Try hitting me. Do you believe that I won't arrest you and charge you with an assault? "    


Yang Fann was not afraid of Chen Ergou's bullshit assault police, but in front of his mother and Second Aunt, it was indeed a little difficult to hit him. He wanted to take a step forward and scare Chen Ergou away, but Zhang Xiuxiu's little brother pointed at Yang Fann and shouted, "Brother Ergou, quickly catch this brat. He wants to eat swan meat, but he also wants to marry my sister!"    


"Haha, I was wondering why you, Yang Fann, were so unreasonable and even wanted to kill me. So it turns out that it was the other party who looked down on you. You must be angry from embarrassment!" When Chen Ergou saw that Yang Fann was held back by Zhong Runjuan, he became even bolder. He openly held Zhang Xiuxiu's hand and mocked Yang Fann.    


Xiuxiuniang also took a step forward, standing in front of Yang Fann and Chen Ergou, her hands on her hips she yelled at Yang Fann, "What are you doing, ah? Why are you being so unreasonable? My family's Xiuxiu will never marry anyone to you, so just give up on that thought. You actually want to hit me? And you're a university student?! In my opinion, you're just a hoodlum! "    


Yang Fann thought to himself, I should be meddling in other people's business. Originally, I wanted to help Zhang Xiuxiu, but now, I'm letting them misunderstand that I've been dumped, then I get angry and start making trouble for no reason. Forget it, forget it, I don't want to care anymore!    


Yang Fann turned around and pulled Zhong Runjuan and Second Aunt away. He wasn't in the mood to waste words with a bunch of ignorant bastards.    


However, Second Aunt and Zhong Runjuan were not willing to suffer a loss. When they heard the other party's scolding, they were also displeased. Second Aunt was the one who had scolded him, and she was the one who scolded him.    


Yang Fann held his forehead in his hands. Today, he had lost a lot of face. With these few old ladies making a ruckus, wouldn't the news of him having his woman stolen spread throughout the city?    


Yang Fann looked around and finished his piece. Everyone was looking at him teasingly. These guys who only wanted to stir up trouble all wanted to know what he, the unlucky bastard who had his wife stolen, was feeling right?    


At this moment, they heard the sound of a car horn. Everyone turned their heads to look and immediately dodged to the side. A royal blue Maserati honked its horn as it charged into the crowd and came to a screeching halt right in front of Yang Fann!    


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