Take Along A Spring



0Yang Fann saw Lisa lying on the two benches and called her a few more times. Lisa remained motionless with her eyes closed, as if she had fainted.     1


At that moment, Yang Fann even had the urge to call the police, but he quickly gave up on that idea.    


He had already encountered a lot of trouble. If the authorities suspected that he and Lisa had some kind of secret, there would probably be even more trouble.    


As for the reason why Lisa was a great beauty or not, Yang Fann would never admit it. There were so many beautiful women in the world, could it be that Yang Fann could take them all for himself?    


Of course, he couldn't deny that this was an era where one looked at one's face. Under the same conditions, looks always had some advantages.    


After calling for a while, seeing that Lisa did not answer, Yang Fann carefully walked into the Mountain God Temple. He turned around and gently closed the temple door, and quietly arrived in front of Lisa.    


Yang Fann first lightly shook Lisa's shoulder. Seeing that she still didn't react and then shook her body vigorously, Lisa still kept her eyes tightly closed.    


Yang Fann squatted down to check her eyelids and found that her eyelids were slightly swollen. He touched her skin and found that her temperature was very high, about 38 degrees Celsius, and she was having a fever.    


Luckily, Yang Fann had good eyes, otherwise, in the Mountain God Temple's dark environment, he really wouldn't be able to see anything. Even though there was a small window in the back wall that could let in some faint moonlight, it was still better than nothing.    


After carefully checking Lisa's body from head to toe, Yang Fann found that there were traces of blood on her left leg. She must have been bitten by a poisonous snake.    


Furthermore, Lisa had a rope tied tightly around the bottom of her left thigh. It was most likely the moment when Lisa was still conscious, in order to prevent the poison from spreading.    


In addition, Lisa's left calf was covered with a large pool of blood, as well as two small holes. The area where the injury might have occurred was in this area.    


Yang Fann tried to roll up Lisa's left trouser leg to see where the injury was, but the woman was wearing tight jeans and the legs were too tight to roll up.    


His life was in danger, it was more important to save someone. Yang Fann didn't care about that anymore, he took out a pair of scissors from his backpack and sliced Lisa's left trouser leg into pieces.    


In order to get over it once and for all, Yang Fann cut a little bit harder and directly cut to the place where the rope was tied to Lisa's thigh.    


The weak moonlight shining through the Mountain God Temple's rear window just happened to shine on Lisa's thigh, causing her already white thigh to reflect a bright blue light, making her seem as if she was dreaming and unreal.    


Yang Fann gently pressed on it. It felt warm like jade, unlike the rumored thick pores and rough skin of European and American women.    


If it wasn't for the fact that saving someone was about to happen, Yang Fann really wanted to touch it a few more times to enjoy himself.    


At this moment, Yang Fann had already noticed the wound on Lisa's leg. Behind her leg, about ten centimeters away from the popliteal pit, there were two obvious bite marks. However, it had already been cut open by a knife.    


Yang Fann couldn't help but take a deep breath when he saw that the skin around the wound was dark, swollen, and had blisters.    


This was a typical Fire Poison, which was also known as a Blood Circulation Poison. Although the bite marks of a viper were cut with a knife, one could still see some clues. The two fangs were about two centimeters apart, and the wounds were deep.    


Yang Fann then touched the lymph nodes in the groin at the base of Lisa's thigh. He found that there was an obvious swelling and it was basically confirmed that this was done by a five-legged snake.    


Yang Fann was very familiar with the injuries caused by the venomous snake. Not only had he heard Yang Xiangdong talk about it when he was young, but he had also seen it more than once.    


Most of the snakes had triangular heads, relatively thin necks, long teeth, and large jaws.    


The venomous glands of the viper connect to the venomous teeth. When the viper bites, the venom enters the person's body through the teeth, there are two rows of teeth marks at the place where the venomous liquid enters the body. The two teeth marks at the front are deeper and thicker than the rest, so if there are these characteristics, it is likely that the venomous snake will bite.    


It was impossible to do without a certain level of experience. If one could not identify what kind of snake it was, then one would have to ask the injured person. If the injured person was in a coma or could not see what kind of snake it was, then the only thing they could do was chuckle.    


Although there were many poisonous snakes, they could be divided into four main categories based on the nature of the venom.    


The first was the blood circulating toxin, which was also known as the fire poison.    


For example, Viper, Abdomen Snake, Bamboo Leaf Green, Five Step Snake, etc. The wounds bitten by these venomous snakes will quickly swell and harden, bleeding profusely, accompanied by severe pain, purplish black skin, skin necrosis, and enlarged lymph nodes.    


After six to eight hours, the toxin can spread to the head, neck, limbs and lower back. It is often accompanied by tremors, elevated body temperature, rapid heart rate, difficulty breathing, and inability to stand. Nose bleeding, urine, convulsions, etc.    


Failure to receive effective treatment within 4 hours after the bite results in death from heart failure or shock.    


The second was neurotoxin, the so-called wind poison.    


For example, the Golden-Ringed Snake, the Many-Ringed Silver Snake, etc.    


After being bitten by a neurotoxin venomous snake, the local symptoms were not obvious, and the bleeding was little. The redness, swelling, and fever were all relatively mild, but within a few hours there would be acute systemic symptoms, the patient would be restless, often accompanied by painful moans, trembling of the muscles of the whole body, frothing at the mouth, swallowing and breathing difficulties, finally lying down on the ground, and even twitching from the whole body.    


The third was the mixed poison, the so-called Wind Fire Poison.    


Snakes like the cobra and the cobra king snake's venom were mixed toxins.    


People who have been infected with this toxin have a local wound that is red, swollen, and hot. There is a distinct pain that may result in necrosis.    


After the toxins were absorbed, the symptoms of the whole body became serious and complex. There were both neurological symptoms and damage caused by the blood circulating toxins. The strong ones would die from suffocation or heart failure.    


The fourth type was called cytotoxin. Inland snakes usually didn't have this toxin. Sea serpents and other kinds of toxins were called cytotoxin.    


The parts of the human body that are damaged by the venom of sea serpents are mainly the voluntary muscles, not the nervous system. The bite of a sea serpent does not cause any obvious pain and usually has no obvious symptoms.    


Yang Fann couldn't determine how long Lisa had been poisoned, but he could guess from her lost consciousness that the time was not too short. If she hadn't taken the mistake of letting the blood flow and tightening her thigh, she probably would have died by now!    


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