The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



0How could Fu Jie not see through Huang Xing's thoughts? She blew lightly and a strand of hair on her forehead danced gently.    


Seeing that Fu Jie did not say anything, Huang Xing quickly followed up: "Boss Fu, don't you think that Bao Shijie is a little too arrogant now?" He was arrogant and had no sense of discipline! He was the one who made the first move on today's matter, and he was … He was brooding over the fact that I exposed him as a pervert today! Today, I'm completely defending myself!    


'Self-defense? ' Fu Jie snorted. Can you hide it from me? From the moment Bao Shijie entered the mall, you had already disliked him!    


Yes, I don't like him! I'm afraid no one in the whole business district thinks he is pleasing to the eye. However, I can still differentiate between public and private!    


Fu Jie frowned. "Don't talk about personal matters in front of me. Didn't you say you didn't want him to travel with me?"    


You can even tell that?    


Huang Xing blushed, but he still insisted, "No!" Absolutely not!    


Fu Jie said, Why are you blushing when you can't even lie? Let me tell you, go to the hospital and apologize to Bao Shijie immediately. Also, cover all the medical expenses that he incurred! And the missing pay, it's all deducted from your salary!    


'Is he still in the hospital? ' Huang Xing said in astonishment, "Surely not?" You need to be hospitalized for such a small amount of skin injury?    


Fu Jie said resentfully, "Huang Xing, how can I say hello?" No matter what you say, you are the General Manager of the Xin Dream's Merchant Shop.    


He was the one who made the first move, Huang Xingqiang said.    


Fu Jie said, You're still quibbling? Why aren't you telling me the truth!    


Huang Xing was a little angry. Fu Jie was so biased towards Bao Shijie, so she took out a cigarette and put it in her mouth.    


In my office, don't smoke.    


Huang Xing sucked in a mouthful of air. Fu Jie, about this... I hope that you can keep your eyes open and not put all that shit on my head!    


Fu Jie slammed her hand on the table. "I hope you broke it yourself. I didn't deduct it for you!" You must understand the serious consequences of this matter! According to the rules of the Merchant Shop, beating someone and resigning was not an exaggeration!    


Huang Xing said, "Sure, fire me!" Forget it, it's better if I take the leave automatically. You only need to approve it!    


Fu Jie frowned. You're still … Why are you still pestering me!    


I'm not trying to pester you. I just want you to treat me fairly! If you can't even beat Bao Shijie, then you have to fight at least fifty times each, right? I think I can accept it if I dismiss both of us.    


The problem is, you went to Package Manager's office to fight! Moreover, he had been seriously injured!    


Huang Xing snorted and said, "Do you still want to fight?" If he's injured, that only proves that your skills are inferior, that he's useless, that he's trash! What, according to your logic, when the Chinese army defeated the Japanese army, they still needed China to compensate them? What logic!    


Fu Jie pressed a finger to her forehead. Huang Xing's unreasonable actions made her feel helpless. She lowered her voice and said, "If I didn't press him, Bao Shijie would have already called the police. Did you know that?" Do you know what will happen once you call the police? You will be taken to the police station, and the Xin Dream Merchant Shop will be shamed! What have you done, you!    


What's there to be afraid of in the police station? At most, they could eat prison food for a few days! If he wanted to eat, he had to eat with Bao Shijie!    


Fu Jie asked, "Can you talk properly?"    


Huang Xing to her side: It was you who had leaned the balance towards Bao Shijie from the beginning!    


I'm from an objective angle! Fu Jie said. What else do you want? With such a big thing happening in the mall, the person involved is the general manager and the manager. They are both the pillars of the mall, my right and left hand, how do you want me to deal with them? Especially you, look at how you're acting now, impulsive, dry, and unreasonable!    


Huang Xing wanted to say that he was forced to do this.    


But he endured it.    


When Fu Jie saw Huang Xing's ashen face, she could not help but sigh and mutter to herself, "How worrying!"    


Huang Xing was stunned for a moment. He was surprised to find that Fu Jie's face looked a little more haggard. His heart was suddenly moved. He wanted so much to care for her as a lover, but he couldn't muster up the courage to do so.    


Fu Jie emphasized, "For the business district, for your future work, I hope you can go to the hospital to see Package Manager and express your feelings." After all, you still have to work together.    


Huang Xing wanted to retort again, but the words that came out of his mouth were a bit hard to bear. Perhaps Fu Jie was right. From her standpoint, she had indeed gone a little too far.    


'All right, now, come and have a look with me! ' Fu Jie stood up and picked up her cell phone from her desk.    


'I... ' Huang Xing stammered, "I still …" Tomorrow. Let's go tomorrow!    


It must be now! Are you going to fight again tomorrow? Ai, I'll be on a business trip tomorrow, and Bao Shijie won't be able to go … This messy family matter … Let me tell you, if you give me any more trouble during the two days I've been away on business, I'll. Then I won't forgive you!    


Huang Xing clicked his tongue and said, "What kind of trouble can I stir up!"    


Fu Jie countered, "You didn't stir up a big mess today?" Come with me!    


Huang Xing saw Fu Jie was so determined that if he didn't comply, Fu Jie might lose her temper, so he decided to follow her to the hospital.    


It was only a matter of face, it didn't matter!    


As he sat in Fu Jie's car, Wu Tie fastened his seat belt. Bao Shijie's appearance of hanging a bottle of IV drip was still lingering in his mind, causing him to be slightly startled. He didn't know why, but he finally got the chance to beat Bao Shijie up today. However, he wasn't as excited as he thought. On the contrary, he felt that Bao Shijie was rather pitiful!    


At a middle hospital.    


Fu Jie stopped the car and pushed the door open. Her steps were a bit anxious, so Huang Xing quickly followed her.    


In the ward, Huang Xing saw Bao Shijie, who was covered in wounds, lying on the bed and fiddling with his phone. Beside him, there was a person sitting. It was Hanna, the clerk in the office.    


Why was she here?    


Huang Xing guessed that it was Fu Jie who arranged Qihai Na to accompany Bao Shijie in bed!    


Seeing Fu Jie walk into the ward, Bao Shijie quickly put his phone aside and sat up with his hands behind his back.    


Qihai Na also stood up and greeted Boss Fu!    


Huang Xing followed suit and entered the ward. He could feel that the pungent smell coming from within was rather pungent. Bao Shijie, who was on the sickbed, had an innocent look on his face. Often, no matter how vicious an evil person was, once they laid on a sickbed, anyone who saw it would not be able to help but feel some instinctual pity and sympathy in their heart.    


When Bao Shijie saw Huang Xing, his eyes widened as he stammered, "You..." You. What are you doing here?    


Fu Jie quickly explained, "Package Manager, Boss Huang came over to apologize to you." Just now, he took the initiative to come to my office and ask me to come to the hospital to see you. He realized that he was wrong and impulsive. Isn't it, Boss Huang?    


Huang Xing nodded, "Package Manager, are you alright?"    


"No …" "It's none of your business!" Bao Shijie gritted his teeth as he stared at Huang Xing. You are a scoundrel!    


Huang Xing frowned. I gave you face in my heart, right? But he said, Same here. Don't worry, I'll pay for your medical fees and the cost of losing your job. You just take care of your wounds and don't think about anything else.    


Bao Shijieqiang said, "It's none of your business!" I can afford it! I want. I want to join hands with the manager of the whole merchant house and the Employees to sign my name and sue you!    


Fu Jie quickly gave Bao Shijie a meaningful look: Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive! Package Manager, what are you doing! Was there a need to be like this?    


Bao Shijie pointed at Huang Xing. He … He's a scoundrel! If I don't punish him and don't drag him down, he'll deliberately find fault with me!    


Fu Jie said, "Alright, alright. Listen to my advice and make peace!" I've already talked to Boss Huang, and he's realized his mistake. But you're wrong about this, aren't you? Alright, it's more important for you to recuperate.    


Bao Shijie stretched out his hand and said emotionally: "One palm …" A single slap could still resound!    


He slapped the edge of the bed.    


Bao Shijie continued: "He is just creating trouble. He is purposely looking for trouble!" I... I can't stand him! He is worthy of being the general manager. Pui!    


Huang Xing knew that he was scolding 'pui' to express his anger towards himself. However, he pretended that he had misheard and called Bao Shijie over: "Are you worthy?" I am not worthy of you?    


He then turned to Fu Jie and said, "Do you hear me, Boss Fu? You want to kick me out and take my place!" Didn't he just do this kind of thing? He purposely framed Xu Wenguang. This person did whatever it takes to get a promotion. Du!    


Fu Jie turned her head and said, "Stop talking!"    


Then he said to Bao Shijie, "Don't worry Package Manager, this kind of thing will never happen again!"    


Bao Shijie had always hated Huang Xing to the bone. How could he give up this opportunity to impeach him? Bao Shijie said, "With him here today, there will be more of this kind of thing happening in the future!" Very rogue! When I get out of the hospital, I'll definitely sue him! Definitely!    


Fu Jie said: Don't be angry with me. What are you complaining about? We're on the same side! They were both in Xin Dream's Merchant House, a large family...    


Bao Shijie countered, "Who is on the same side as him?" He's the kind of. The kind of person who would pull his comrade's body to block a gun for him!    


Huang Xing was not used to it and stressed, "You're the kind of person who is!" Package Manager, don't go too far! I came to see you because of Boss Fu...    


Bao Shijie interrupted Huang Xing: "Don't be a weasel and pay your respects to the chicken!" You give me. Get out of here!    


Huang Xing snorted and said, "The hospital is yours?" I don't want to go.    


Bao Shijie glared at her angrily. He reached out his hand to touch the bruise on his cheek, but turned to Fu Jie and said, "Boss Fu, I'm sorry. I can't accompany you on a business trip tomorrow. Take care of yourself."    


Fu Jie said, "As long as you take good care of your injuries, don't worry. I'll bring Yun Lu with me." Call me if you need anything. I'll arrange it. You have been wronged this time.    


Bao Shijie actually had tears in his eyes, "I..." Boss Fu, I'll go to work normally tomorrow. But... But he.    


He pointed angrily at Huang Xing, then said, He treated his subordinates this way and beat me to such a sorry state. Could it be … Did Boss Fu just sit back and let him do whatever he wanted? Yes, he is the general manager. His position is higher than mine. However, this wasn't something he could do!    


Fu Jie looked troubled as she turned around to look at Huang Xing.    


Obviously, Bao Shijie was using a stratagem to pressure Fu Jie.    


It seemed that he had pissed Bao Shijie off!    


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