Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C78 Mother and Child Encounter

C78 Mother and Child Encounter

1At the same time, the thought of possessing them became more and more intense.    


"My heart is a bit more moved than I am, so I smiled mischievously and said," "You two, the night is long, why don't we play a game?"    


"What game?" Han Bing asked curiously.    


"Have you seen Piggy's Hippie sweetheart?"    


The two girls nodded at the same time.    


"Then you must know the knock and drink game inside."    


"I have some impression of him." Feng Yao said.    


"Well, I'll repeat the rules."    


I cleared my throat and said, "We'll each have a chopstick and choose a man to be the dealer. We'll tap the cup with our chopsticks, we'll tap the cup twice, we'll have to tap our own cup the first time, you can tap anyone's glass the second time, whoever and the dealer will tap the same cup will drink. If no one and the dealer will tap the same cup, then the dealer will change hands."    


The two ladies are clever, I said once, and they understand.    


I quickly brought another red glass, three chopsticks, poured the wine, and looked at them with a little excitement.    


"Heavens, it all depends on you whether or not I, Lin Yang, can fulfill my wish."    


I prayed in my heart.    


The game starts, I'll be the dealer first.    


"Knock, knock, knock …"    


And so, the three of us enjoyed ourselves, getting more and more excited.    


It's just that I played it too well. Gradually, I forgot about my original intention.    


Two hours passed, and we were all drunk.    


In the end, we were all drunk.    


When I woke up, we were in the same bed.    


What made me bleed even more was that the two girls were naked, lying on their sides, one on each side. I was lying in the middle, my limbs in a large calligraphy, my hands on their pink and tender sides, my hands feeling smooth and soft and elastic, and my legs on their white and tender thighs.    


I opened my eyes to look, and my breathing began to quicken, and I felt their pink.    


F * ck!    


It was a draw.    


Even the cherries were about the same size.    


Ga Ga!    


They were the two most beautiful women in the city.    


Now, lying naked beside me, touching their Mimi at the same time, what a fucking thrill!    


My hands are not honest, gently knead, not very big, afraid to wake them up.    


Suddenly, I heard a moan. I saw Feng Yao's eyelashes move.    


Bad food!    


I shut my eyes quickly, and there was a steady snoring sound in my nose, and my hand moved automatically.    


After a while, I opened my eyes carefully and saw Han Bing glaring at me with a face full of anger.    


"Hey, good morning."    


I greeted her, then turned around to look at Feng Yao. Feng Yao's pretty face was flushed red, similarly revealing an angry expression.    


F * ck!    


Since I'm already awake, it doesn't matter if they go berserk or not, I should at least take advantage of them. My grip on my hand grew stronger and the same. I even pinched their little cherry on purpose.    


The next second.    


They slapped me at the same time.    


"Why is she on the bed, why aren't you taking her hand!" Han Bing roared.    


"Oh, oh."    


I quickly took my hand away from Han Bing.    


"That one!" Han Bing roared again.    




So it turns out that she disliked me touching Feng Yao.    


I quickly retracted my other hand, got up, and stood in front of the bed. The guy faced them squarely.    


"Both of you, don't look at me like that, I'm scared."    


"You're still afraid?" "Why didn't I see you look scared at all?"    


Han Bing snorted.    


"You can't blame me for this. We were all drunk last night, but I don't know why they're all lying on the same bed. Hehe, maybe this is our fate."    


I laughed.    


"Damn you."    


Han Bing threw a pillow at me in anger.    


At this time, Feng Yao pouted and said, "Lin Yang, not only did you look at my body, you even touched it. I don't know what you did to me last night, but you have to take responsibility for it."    


"What's your responsibility? You came to our room in the middle of the night and somehow got into our bed. Why should my husband be responsible? Besides, I'm not taking advantage of you." Han Bing said.    


"Are you responsible?"    


Feng Yao completely ignored Han Bing and continued to ask me.    


"Responsible, of course."    


I hastily gave her a perfunctory reply.    


Han Bing glared at him, "You dare!"    


F * ck!    


He couldn't stay in this place for too long. He had to think of thirty-six methods to make his escape.    


I picked up my clothes and ran out of the bedroom. As I closed the door, I said, "My two aunts, please get up. I will wait for you outside. We are going to climb the Lotus Flower Mountain."    


I waited at the entrance of the hotel for nearly half an hour before Han Bing and Feng Yao came out.    


"They all threw their faces at me, and I laughed dryly, and looked at them with an ingratiating look." "Shall we go and eat sesame seed cakes?"    


Han Bing said snappily, "Lead the way."    




I pretended to be a servant and walked to the front.    


Motherf * cker!    


It's not that I'm useless, it's just that they're too outstanding.    


They are the top women of the new century, with status and status, power and tyranny, I am just a diaosi, always inferior in front of them.    


Only in bed could he regain his man's confidence.    


We still went to the scones stall, and after dinner, we still sat in the tricycle, which directly pulled us to our destination this time.    


Lotus Mountain is behind Lotus Village, not a very famous tourist attraction.    


However, because of the Lotus Temple's existence, it attracted a lot of people.    


Especially the pond in the lotus nunnery, which attracted many young men and women, so the Lotus Flower Mountain became a good place to talk about love.    


Lotus Mountain wasn't very tall, only five or six hundred meters.    


We carried our climbing sticks, and with water and food on my back and cameras around my neck, I led the way, while they walked and stopped to admire the scenery of Lotus Hill and let me take pictures of them.    


It took him about two hours to reach the Lotus Temple at the top of the mountain.    


"The two great beauties, the holy land of buddhism, silence the hubbub. Don't argue on my behalf anymore." I laughed.    




Han Bing rolled her eyes at me and was the first to walk into the Lotus Temple.    


As soon as I stepped into the Lotus Temple, I smelled the scent of burning incense. Perhaps it was due to the influence of the environment. I felt my heart immediately become very tranquil.    


Han Bing and Feng Yao rushed to Lotus Flower Temple. It seemed like they wanted to burn incense, so I followed them.    


There was a nun in the buddhist hall who looked to be around fifty years old.    


When I saw this nun, I was stunned for a moment. I felt that she was a bit familiar, so I immediately shook my head.    


"Do you burn incense?" the nun asked us.    


We nodded.    


The nun gave the chief inspector a beating, then lit incense for us. After we reverently kowtowed, Han Bing and Feng Yao donated some incense money.    


"They can give you a free divination. It's called marriage."    


The nun pointed to a table at the side, where a teacher was sitting.    


Feng Yao glanced at me and walked over with a smile. Han Bing hesitated for a moment and followed behind her. They were quickly finished, but their faces revealed a strange expression.    


Han Bing shouted at me, "Lin Yang, you try to make the calculations too."    


I didn't believe it, but I didn't want to spoil their fun, so I walked over.    


Just as he took two steps, the nun's voice came from behind him, "Wait."    


I turned my head to look at the nun, only to see that she was staring at me without blinking. She was looking very carefully, and there were still tears in her eyes.    


With a trembling voice, she asked, "Your name is Lin Yang?"    


"Yes, is something the matter?" I looked at her doubtfully.    


"Is your father called Linson?"    


"How do you know?" I was even more confused.    


"Child, you are already so old."    



She grabbed my arms, her expression agitated.    


"Who are you?"    


"I am your mother."    


I was stunned. The words' mother 'had not appeared in my dictionary for many years.    


Today, this nun in front of me actually said she was my mother.    


"Haha, what kind of joke is this? I have no idea where she's married off to."    


I let go of her hand and laughed.    


"Child, I really am your mother."    


She began to cry.    


Actually, I already believed her the first time she said it, but I just didn't want to admit it.    


"Didn't you remarry?" "How could it be here?"    


"I, I was remarried, and the man was kind to me at first, but he was getting worse and worse with me, and a few years later he was a violent man, and I couldn't stand it any longer, so I divorced him, and I was discouraged by my life and left home."    


Her eyes were full of guilt. She didn't even dare look at me when she spoke.    


"Haha, good, you would rather come and be rich than to bother with me, you are such a good mother." However, God has eyes. This is the punishment for abandoning your child. "    


My heart is wrenched, trying not to cry, because she does not deserve it!    


"I'm sorry."    


"Does it make sense now?" Do you know what kind of life I've had since you left me? "The children all bullied me, humiliating me without any parents, scaring me so much that I didn't even dare to go out. Even today, the villagers were still humiliating me, and in their eyes, I was no better than a dog. This was all thanks to you."    


"Sorry, sorry."    


She kneeled on the ground, covering her face as she cried.    


"Well, if it weren't for Grandpa, I'd be a beggar on the street." "Don't think that crying here is asking me to forgive you. Let me tell you, I will never forgive you in this life."    


I took her arm and made her look at me.    


At this moment, Han Bing and Feng Yao came to my side.    


"Lin Yang, don't be like this. She … she is your mother after all." Han Bing advised me.    


"Don't mention mother to me, she's not fit!" I suddenly turned my head towards Han Bing and shouted, quickly walking outside.    


They only saw me angry, perhaps they would feel my cold blood, but how could they understand that the pain I was feeling right now was no less than the pain in my mother's heart.    


As I walked aimlessly, I accidentally came to the Wishing Pool.    


Looking at the clear pool, he could no longer hold back his tears. Squatting on the ground, he hugged his head with both hands and cried on his knees. The more he cried, the more sorrowful he became.    


I don't know how long I cried, but I felt two small hands on my shoulders.    


Feng Yao's soft voice reached my ear, "Cry, it will feel better if you cry."    


I took a deep breath and looked up.    


"Husband, even if you hate her, she's still your mother, and that will never change. She has her due." "I believe that the man whom I, Han Bing, love is not a person of small measure." Han Bing said seriously.    


"The man I love, Feng Yao, can't be a nobody." Feng Yao also said, unwilling to fall behind.    


"You are joining hands to force me."    


I smiled bitterly.    


At this moment, a loud voice came from the temple.    


We looked over curiously. A man was standing in the doorway of the temple with a bottle of wine in his hand. He was drinking and shouting, "You bitch, you don't even want children anymore. I will kill you."    


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