Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C84 Arrest Warrants

C84 Arrest Warrants

2Captain Li took out an arrest warrant. "After verification, the fingerprints on the button at the scene of the deceased were your fingerprints. This is the arrest warrant. We will hold you in custody for the time being."    


I was stunned.    


Captain Li nodded to the two policemen behind me. The two of them immediately came to my side and escorted me out.    


I came back to my senses, and when I passed by Xiaoqing, I grabbed her hand and said urgently, "Sister Yaohua, I have been wrongly accused. You must investigate this thoroughly."    


"Let go!" The two policemen grabbed me and forced me outside.    


"I am wrongly accused."    


Walking in the corridor of the office building, I let out an unwilling roar and was escorted into the police car.    


My mind was in a mess all the way.    


After an unknown amount of time, the police car arrived at a metal gate. On the wall beside the gate was a sign, "Hong Kong City's second jail." The iron gate opened and the police car drove in.    


Not long after that, the doors opened and they pulled me out of the car and handed me over to two armed policemen.    


These two policemen were very serious, the one on their shoulders was a real person, it made me tremble.    


They took me to a room where there was a fingerprint checker in the doorway, and one of the policemen put his finger on it.    


The door to the room opened.    


"That bed is yours."    


The uniformed officer pointed to an upper bunk and closed the door.    


There were five people in the room. All five of them had a ferocious look on their faces, and they did not look like good people.    


"Hello, everyone."    


I weakly greeted them.    


"F * ck!" "What a great P!" A tall, thin man cursed.    


"Kid, what did you do?" a fat man in the bottom bunk asked me.    


"They accused me of murdering someone." "No," I said.    


"What's the use of everyone who comes in saying they're innocent?" Even if he refused to admit his guilt, he would still have to accept the reality. As long as he got here, his sentence would not be far off. "    


"What!" I was surprised.    


"Don't make such a fuss, just wait. It won't be long before you are taken to court."    


"But I was really wronged." I said unwillingly.    


"Who would believe that?" "If you continue to deny it, it will only increase your crime. If you admit it yourself, it might be a little less serious for you when it comes to sentencing you."    


"But I didn't kill anyone. If I admit to it, then it's true. This black pot can't be blamed for anything." I shook my head.    


"Why are you talking so much to him, that's just stupid." A middle-aged man on the lower bunk said to the fatty.    


I was still fuming when I heard the man's words. "F * ck!" I cursed angrily. "Who are you talking about!"    


The moment I finished scolding her, I immediately regretted it.    


The man stood up and walked towards me. At the same time, three other people also walked towards me. Only the fat guy didn't move.    


"Grandson, your father has called you a fool, but you are unwilling to accept this!"    


The middle-aged man came up to me and punched me in the chest as he cursed.    


"Gentlemen, if you have something to say, please say it. I was in a bad mood a moment ago, and now I'm beginning to sound rather unpleasant."    


Just as I was about to say something nice, the middle-aged man interrupted me. "You are in a bad mood, your father is in a worse mood. Beat him up!"    


He waved to the other three, who immediately surrounded me and began punching and kicking me.    


I covered my head and squatted on the ground, not daring to resist. Even if I tried to resist, it would be to no avail. After all, they have many people.    


After they had been beaten for a while, the middle-aged man's voice reached my ear. "Grandson, if you don't want to be beaten up in the future, you have to keep your head down."    


That night, I didn't even get on my bed. I just squatted on the floor, my mind in a mess. Somehow, I became a murderer and even went to the jail.    


It was like a nightmare. He did not know when he would wake up. Once he was sentenced, his life would be over.    


High wall electric net, iron gate cell.    


I was terrified of the life I was about to face. Sitting on the ground, I didn't sleep all night and stared blankly at the iron window, thinking of Chi Zhiqiang's tears.    


"The iron gates, the iron windows, the iron chains, the hands holding the bars … I look out at the beautiful life that is going on outside, and I wonder if I'll ever return to my home …"    


I hummed tears from the iron window in my mouth. Tears kept streaming down my face, and I thought of my heartless mother.    


Now that that man was dead, she could cultivate in peace.    


"It's the middle of the night, sing f * cking bullshit!"    


The middle-aged man closed his eyes and cursed.    


I was instantly angered.    


Even if I hadn't acknowledged her, I would never allow this bastard to insult her.    


I rushed at the guy and punched him hard in the face. When I punched him a third time, he got up and kicked me.    


He kicked me to the ground and punched and kicked me, yelling, "Fucking horse!" "I'll kill you."    


When I heard him curse, I became even angrier and threw my arms around his feet.    


Then I got up, pulled myself forward, and lifted myself up.    


Although I couldn't beat him, I was tall. When I lifted myself, I directly threw him onto the ground. I casually picked up a stool and threw it at him. It was a very forceful smash.    


This scene happened in an instant.    


His companions woke up one after the other and lunged at me.    


At this moment, I had already beaten the middle-aged man to the ground.    




So what if you can?    


I was the one who knocked him down.    


I took the stool and turned to wave at them, and for a moment they couldn't do anything to me.    


Suddenly, I heard the door open behind me.    


The next moment, an electric current struck him in his lower back, causing his body to tremble. The chair fell to the ground, and he fainted.    


When I woke up, I was in a small dark room.    


The small dark room was very quiet. I wanted to find the lamp in the room, but just as I stood up, I heard a loud noise.    


So I had handcuffs and shackles on my hands and feet, and they were locking me up.    


F * ck!    


When those people hit me, they ignored me.    


[What the heck is this? They appear right after I hit them!]    


After an unknown amount of time, the door opened and light shone in. I couldn't help but raise my hand to block my eyes.    


"Lin Yang, come out and visit the prison."    


Did Han Bing come?    


I followed the staff member to the visiting room, and at the door he uncuffed me and unshackled my feet.    


Walking into the cell, I saw Han Bing and a man.    


The man wore glasses and looked very gentle.    


F * ck!    


I just came in and she's already looking for someone else?    


Sadly, I sat down in front of them, separated by a platform half a man's height with a gap of ten centimeters. Above it was the glass.    


"Lin Yang, what is going on?"    


Han Bing grabbed my hand with a very worried expression.    


"I didn't know what was going on, so I got caught in the act and they called me a murderer."    


At this point, the man said to me, "Mr. Lin, please tell me the details of the matter. You can't miss a single place."    


"Who is he?" I asked Han Bing.    


"Oh, this is the lawyer I hired for you. Lawyer Zhang is a gold medal lawyer. Whatever he asks you, you can tell him. Don't hide anything from him." Han Bing instructed me.    


I heaved a sigh of relief. It turned out to be a lawyer. I had misunderstood Han Bing.    


"Wife, I have been wrongly accused. I have been at home for the past few days. How could I go to the Lotus Flower Mountain to kill someone?" Someone framed me. "    


Damn it!    


He had been beaten like a goose all year round, but this time he was beaten by someone else.    


His own little intelligence was not the least bit inferior to the person who designed him.    


Even though he admitted his defeat, he had to admire the brilliant design of this scheme.    


I explained the whole thing, in detail, to Lawyer Zhang, who wrote it down.    


He analyzed it and said that there were many points of doubt, including the two points mentioned by his sister.    


"According to what you said, all this should only be their speculation. Logically speaking, they shouldn't just use reasoning to convict you. Even if there is evidence to identify you, there must be a clear course of action before the case can be submitted to the People's Examiner."    


"I didn't kill anyone at all, that must have been their guess."    


Lawyer Zhang fell into deep thought as he listened to what I had to say.    


"Did they hit you?" Han Bing's eyes were misty with tears, and she looked at me with an expression of heartache.    


I smiled and gave her a reassured look. "It's fine. I just had a quarrel with a few prisoners."    


"Last night, Liu Cong told me that you had been arrested, that the police had come to search the house in the middle of the night, that they had taken away your blazer and claimed that you had killed someone, so I called in a lawyer." Han Bing said.    


"My wife, this time it was carefully planned. Not only did they find someone who was very similar to me, but they also wore my clothes. They must have sneaked into our house, taken my clothes, and created the illusion that I killed someone. They succeeded." I said weakly.    


"Who was the mastermind behind all this painstaking planning?" Han Bing said to himself doubtfully.    


"Last night, I thought about it. With Guo Jinhai and Boss Zhu's abilities, they wouldn't need to go through so much trouble to deal with an insignificant person like me. Apart from that, I thought of one other thing."     4


"What is it?" Han Bing asked curiously.    


"Do you remember the accident I told you about last time?"    


"Yes, that person threatened you and told you to stay away from Feng Yao." Han Bing nodded.    


"Yes, I suspect those are the people who did this." Feng Yao followed us to Lotus Village. She stayed with us for two days straight, and she acted very close to me. If the person behind this knew about it, they would definitely take action. "    


The more I analyzed it, the more it made sense.    


"If that's the case, then you really deserve to come in. Let's see if you dare to cause trouble outside again in the future." Han Bing was very angry.    


"Let's not talk about this, it's no use at all for the case." Lawyer Zhang interrupted.    


Han Bing smiled embarrassedly, motioning for Lawyer Zhang to continue.    


"We must find out what we can find out to your advantage."    


"What three points?" I asked curiously.    


"First, check out the area surveillance footage a few days before the crime to see if you can find traces of the person who pretended to be you. Second, visit Lotus Hill to see if you can find any witnesses. Third, the taxi driver, who's critical, has a direct relationship with whether you've been to Lotus Village."    


When I finished listening to Lawyer Zhang, I excitedly took his hand.    




"You're welcome, Director Han and I have always been good friends, so I will definitely help."    


"Thank you." Han Bing thanked Lawyer Zhang with a smile.    


"My wife, tell Liu Cong that I asked him to protect you." I said to Han Bing.    


Han Bing smiled and said, "Liu Cong told me to tell you that he wants you to be a cowardly turtle inside, so don't try to be brave."    


"Thanks for the reminder, hmph."    


I rolled my eyes.    


Suddenly, I remember someone who might be able to help me.    


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