Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C104 Strong Capture

C104 Strong Capture

4At this moment, Liu Cong shouted, "Close the window!"    


I was stunned. Then I saw Zhao Wen raise her hand. She was holding something in her hand.    


This thing was not very big, only palm-sized. There were two metal buttons on the front and sparks were flickering between them.    


Even if we haven't eaten pork, we've seen pigs run.    


I recognized the thing and instinctively raised the window.    


But it was too late. Zhao Wen held the electric baton and stuck it in. The electric baton cracked and crackled, scaring me into hiding, but she still hit me in the back.    


The first thing I felt when I was hit in the back was as if I'd been scalded.    


Then, numb, the nearby muscles immediately began to twitch, instantly covering all the nerves in the body, the whole body began to twitch.    


"Sister Wen, you're the best."    


I mumbled, blacked out, and fainted.    


I don't know how long it was before I opened my eyes and looked up blankly. The stars in the sky were twinkling, it was so beautiful. I immediately sat up and looked around. This place was extremely familiar. It was my big brother's home.    


"Bro, you're finally awake. You've slept for five hours."    


The high-pitched voice made me feel very close.    


"Big brother, why am I here?" I remember being electrocuted. "    


"Of course it was Liu Cong who brought you here." The elder brother said with a smile.    


"What about Liu Cong?" Is he all right? "    


I asked a little worriedly.    


"Don't worry, he's fine. The old man has something to talk to him about."    


"That's good." "Big brother, it's fortunate that Liu Cong is here. Otherwise, this little brother's life would have been finished long ago."    


At this moment, Liu Cong walked into the room.    


"Liu Cong, what happened after I was electrocuted?" I thought I was going to be taken away. " I asked curiously.    


"Hmph, with me here, how could they possibly take you away?" Although Liu Cong's tone was very cold, it was very confident.    


"Dammit!" "This time, he was actually tricked by a woman."    


"Do not underestimate a woman. Do you suffer less from her?"    


"Alright, you're the one who likes to act cool!" "Gao Jin said to Liu Cong, then turned to me and said," "He's jealous of your luck with women."    


Liu Cong faced his big brother's back and suddenly struck out with his palm, causing his big brother to stagger.    


"Holy shit!" "You sneak attack!" His big brother steadied his body, and as he spoke, he turned around and punched Liu Cong in the face.    


"I'll sneak attack you, so what!" Liu Cong said this in a scoundrelly tone as he dismantled his moves.    


I was stunned.    


Why did Liu Cong's words sound like he was talking to himself?    


"Damn!" "Being with my brother all day long has made my skin a bit thicker, and I'm a bit of a scoundrel. You fool, this isn't like you at all."    


Big Brother's expression looked a little depressed, which made me even more depressed.    


F * ck!    


Is big brother insulting me, or insulting me?    


"Every day I spend with him, I can't help but get a little bit involved with his ruthlessness."    


They were fighting passionately, and their mouths weren't idle either. They were constantly talking and listening, and the only thing they were doing was to hurt themselves more.    


I looked at my watch, saw that it was eight-thirty, and dialed Wang Long's number.    


"Xiaolong, how's it going over there?"    


"Big brother, Li Feng hasn't been out since he entered the district."    


"Is that his house?" I asked curiously.    


"No, his house isn't here."    


"That's not right. He is an outsider and has no relatives in Hong Kong."    


"Big brother, could it be that he has a lover?" Wang Long chuckled.    


"This is probably very large. Send me your current position."    


I hung up the phone, lost in thought, thinking about what had happened recently, and the more I thought about it the more.    


Right now, his power was still very weak, while his enemies were very strong.    


The mastermind was more than enough for him to deal with himself. Now, there was Zhao Wen, a direct subordinate of Guo Jinhai.    


Currently, these two were the most difficult to deal with.    


Other than them, there was also Boss Zhu's son, Zhu Xu.    


Even the most mysterious viper could have been provoked.    


Unknowingly, I already have so many enemies. These enemies, even I can't afford to offend.    


If not for Liu Cong's protection, I would have been killed several times over.    


Right now, what I'm most worried about is still the mastermind. He's like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadows, ready to bite me at any moment.    


I had to hurry up and find out who the mastermind was, or I would be played to death sooner or later.    


At this moment, Liu Cong and his big brother walked over, panting from exhaustion.    


"Big brother, we have to go." I said to Gao Jin.    


"I envy you so much that you can go anywhere you like." Gao Jin said with a smile.    


"Don't make sarcastic remarks." Liu Cong harrumphed and walked out the door after saying that.    


Uh, from what Liu Cong said, he seemed to be very envious of his big brother.    


My brother and I chatted as we headed outside.    


"Bro, the road you're taking is dangerous, so you have to be extra careful."    


When I got in the car, I rolled down the window. Big Brother reminded me with a serious expression, and I made an OK gesture with my hand and raised the window.    


"Going home?" Liu Cong asked.    


"Let's go here first."    


I opened my cell phone and showed Liu Cong the location information Wang Long sent me.    


"You want to do it tonight?"    


"I have this plan."    


Liu Cong did not ask any further.    


I took out my phone and called Han Bing, telling her that I had something to do at night and would be back very late. Naturally, she interrogated me again, suspecting that I was having an affair with another woman.    


Brother is already used to this.    


After an hour or so, we came to a residential area in the eastern development area and found Wang Long. After asking around, we found out that Li Feng had not come out yet.    


"Big brother, you can go back. We'll just keep an eye on this place."    


"No, me."    


Just as he said the word 'I', he suddenly saw Li Feng come out.    


Beside him was a seductive woman in pajamas. The two of them kissed each other intimately.    


I quickly filmed the scene and thought: If I let my sister the police officer see these pictures, she would definitely never like Li Feng again.    


Ga Ga!    


He didn't expect that he would have some unexpected gains when he was packing up the net.    


Li Feng hugged the woman and kissed her for a while. Then, he made a farewell gesture with his hand and walked towards the car by the side of the road.    


I looked around but there was no one around, so I hastily patted Liu Cong and said, "Drive over."    


Liu Cong quickly started the car and drove towards Li Feng.    


When the car began to move forward, it turned on the headlights. When it was very close to Lifeng, it turned on the headlights.    


The lights were very bright. Li Feng had both his hands in front of his face and his head was slightly twisted.    


Immediately after, Liu Cong got out of the car and rushed towards Li Feng.    


At this moment, Li Feng had already walked out of the lighting area. When he saw Liu Cong, he was stunned for a moment before turning around to run away.    


Liu Cong's figure suddenly sped up. He reached out his hand to grab Li Feng's shoulder and forcefully pulled him back. Li Feng's reaction was fast. He tilted his body and punched Liu Cong in the face. Liu Cong tilted his head and dodged the punch.    


At the same time, he loosened his grip on Li Feng's shoulder, grabbed Li Feng's wrist and twisted it.    


Li Feng's back was now facing Liu Cong. He turned his body according to Liu Cong's strength, and reached out his other hand to pinch Liu Cong's neck. This was a typical counter grab.    


But for an expert like Liu Cong, how could he be held back?    


The answer is no.    


Liu Cong loosened his grip and quickly hit the back of Li Feng's neck with his palm. Just as Li Feng's hand reached out towards Liu Cong's chest, he stopped.    


Following which, he rolled his eyes and fainted.    


Liu Cong quickly looked around and supported Li Feng to the front of the car. He opened the back door and shoved Li Feng inside.    


"Xiaolong, what about this guy?"    


After I finished asking, I didn't hear Wang Long's reply. I turned around to see Wang Long looking at Liu Cong with a face full of admiration.    


"Is it powerful?"    


"Formidable." Wang Long nodded subconsciously.    


"Of course, I don't have any morons around me." I said proudly.    


Wang Long came back to his senses and chuckled.    


"Get the guy, don't tell me you're not ready."    


"I'm ready, I'll get it."    1


Soon, Wang Long brought over a large cloth bag.    


I opened it and was stunned for a few seconds. Inside were handcuffs, iron hooks, iron pliers, horsewhip, and all sorts of other tools.    


Damn it, these things really made me want to kneel before Wang Long.    


I swallowed hard and looked at Wang Long in disbelief. "Xiaolong, you let me get to know you again today. You are even more ruthless than I am."    


Wang Long gave an embarrassed smile and said, "Who told him to torture my elder brother?"    


I took out the handcuffs and pulled Li Feng's hands behind his back. Then I handcuffed them together and taped his mouth shut.    


"Wang Long, find a brother who knows how to drive. Take Li Feng's car."    


I found the key on Li Feng and handed it to Wang Long. He nodded in understanding and got out of the car.    


"In the back of the Qingjiang district high school in the northern suburbs, I remember there was an abandoned factory. There weren't many small districts around it, so it was very quiet and very suitable for us to do business."    


After I finished talking to Liu Cong, I couldn't help but laugh.    


He was about to get his revenge. He was very excited.    


Right now, Li Feng is just a piece of fish on a chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered by me.    


More than an hour later, we arrived at the abandoned factory.    


Other than the walls surrounding the factory, there was only a single door. The inside of the factory was desolate and devoid of anything else.    


One of the boys, holding a steel bar clamp, broke the lock on the door and waved at us.    


Liu Cong drove towards the furthest open area. Wang Long's car followed closely behind, leaving behind two subordinates to guard the entrance.    


Three cars were parked side by side, and Liu Cong and I got out.    


I raised my head to look at the night sky. There were many stars and the moon was shining brightly in the sky. Even though the lights of the car had been turned off, I could still see clearly.    


Wang Long came to my side. Xiao Liu and the pheasant pulled Li Feng down.    


The pheasant squatted down and patted Li Feng's face. "Wake up!"    


Li Feng forcefully opened his eyes, shook his head, looked around, and finally fixed his gaze on me.    


"Woo, woo."    


Li Feng seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't because of the tape stuck to his mouth.    


I walked up to him, squatted down, and pinched Li Feng's chin. imitating Great Master Fan, I mischievously said, "I didn't expect we would meet again so soon. It's really fate, haha!"    


"Look at your eyes, I can't wait to eat you!"    


I pretended to be scared, but my hand was patting Li Feng's face.    


Li Feng's mouth kept on groaning. I knew that he was definitely scolding me.    


Brother, tonight I want to feel the pleasure of revenge, I want to feel good, and I can't let his obscenities get in my ears.    


Therefore, for the time being, I won't give him the chance to tear off the adhesive tape. I won't even give him the chance to curse.    




"Li Feng, you made me wish I were dead in the jail." "It's your turn now, guess what I'll do to you?"    


I smiled complacently as I got up to take out the large cloth bag from the car and threw it in front of him.    


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