Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C144 Wrong Door

C144 Wrong Door

4Before he could finish his sentence, Wild Rose interrupted him, "I know. If you don't trust me, you can take it with you."    


"Don't worry, don't worry, who would have thought that I would leave such an important thing with you."    


Sun Quanming laughed coyly.    


The Wild Rose looked at me and sighed.    


My intuition tells me that this seductive woman is definitely not simple. Sun Ming almost revealed his secret just now, but was interrupted by Wild Rose. She must have done it on purpose!    


This explained a problem.    


The matter that Sun Qun was going to talk about must be something important, or at least closely related to him.    


Who was the person he was talking about?    


However, when this bro heard about photos and videos, he felt a sense of familiarity.    


Were the photos and videos the culprit?    


Thinking this way, he felt that it was very possible. If the photos and videos were really the culprit behind that person's actions, then Sun Qun would definitely threaten that person and make that person work for him or achieve a mutual win.    


This is just like how I used to grasp Huo Qiang's life vein. Huo Qiang could only obediently submit and give up the Northern Qishan territory. Other than that, he would also have to be controlled by me and be my spy.    


This bro is too familiar with this method.    


From how nervous Sun Qun was just now, it could be seen that this person must be very important to him. Just who could make him this nervous?    


Even though he had the opponent's weakness, Sun General Sun Ming was still very nervous. From this, it could be concluded that the person was someone that even Sun Ming had to be afraid of.    


At this point, I already have an idea.    


When he looked at the wild rose again, this bro revealed an excited expression.    


Regardless of whether my guess is right or not, anything that can make Sun Gongming pay attention to must be something good. Since it's a good thing, I will snatch it away.    


If I want this thing, I have to get rid of Wild Rose. But Wild Rose is not a simple woman, I can't see through her.    


What's wrong with this society?    


Ever since he had married Han Bing, the women he had met had all bubbled up.    


Thinking back and forth, the reason why they were so smart was probably because they had two heads in front of their chests.    


Ga Ga...    


At this moment, a well-proportioned snoring sound interrupted my thoughts.    


I looked up and saw that General Sun was already asleep.    


The Wild Rose took her big hand away from her chest and quietly got out of bed. She called out to Sun Ming in a low voice. Seeing that Sun Ming didn't move, she walked towards me.    


"Come out."    


She opened the closet and smiled.    


I sat across from her in the closet and looked up at her naked body. I swallowed, especially the way my little sister held the rose in her mouth.    


I grabbed her little hand and yanked her into the closet.    


"Ah!" she whispered.    


I took her in my arms.    


She was sitting on top of my brother, who was staring hard at her. A sweet smell wafted into my nose, and I breathed in and out.    


She put her arms around my neck and looked at me dreamily.    


"F * ck!" "Cannon bro, I've been busy all day letting him pick up a ready-made one."    


I kissed her cheek and said dejectedly.    


"Hehe, it's your fault for tormenting me, but I'll make you kiss your brother."    


The wild rose stretched out her slender fingers and pointed at my head, pouting coquettishly.    


"I like to have a little fun before anything happens, but who knows he'll come back."    


After I finished speaking, I reached out my hand and rubbed her breasts, then I lowered my head and kissed her on the breasts. A few minutes later, I looked at the spot between her legs. "Shall we continue?"    


"No, if he wakes up, he'll be in trouble."    


The Wild Rose was probably afraid that I was serious, so she stood up.    


"I see he listens to you. You must have a way." I asked tentatively.    


"Do you despise me in your heart?"    


"You still don't know me." I did not answer the question.    


When she heard my question, she gave me a puzzled look.    


I continued, "If you knew me, you wouldn't ask. The best thing about a man like me is that he respects women."    


These words were from the bottom of his heart. Respect for women had always been his principle.    


"Do you not despise the little girls at the table at all?"    


Wild Rose asked in disbelief.    


I shook my head. "It's all life. Who wants to do it if they're born in a family that doesn't have to worry about food and clothing?" "If they didn't steal or rob, why would they look down on them?"    


"But in some people, women are just tools."    


Wild Rose sorrowfully said.    


I think she might be referring to General Sun.    


Had Sun, for his own benefit, used her to do something?    


At this thought, I felt a trace of sympathy for her.    


"Women have always been a vulnerable group, and even in this new era, women are self-reliant. They also need the care of men." I sighed.    


When Wild Rose heard my words, she laughed. "Brother Cannon, don't make me fall in love with you." "Otherwise, you won't be able to get rid of me even if you want to."    


My heart skipped a beat. I believed that.    


If I really get entangled by her, then if Feng Yao and Han Bing find out, they'll definitely skin me alive.    


But if he didn't get close to her, how could he get any useful information from her?    


Why does this bro always have to encounter such a stupid and painful situation!?    


"I don't care if you fall in love with me or not, I have to finish what I did today."    


I rolled my eyes and decided that when I was with her in the future, I would not talk about love, but only about sex.    


Hearing my words, the wild rose happily covered her mouth and laughed. She definitely thought that I was joking.    


F * ck!    


This bro wants to prove his determination with his actions.    


I pushed her down, unzipped my pants, and pulled my bloated brother out. Then I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back into my arms.    


She had her back to me, her white buttocks on top of my brother's, and I grabbed him and shoved him hard in the middle.    


The next second.    


I felt like my brother had found a soft place to enter with a little more effort.    


I thought to myself, "Finally, I found the 'small door' of the Jade Gate. Just as I wanted to use my full strength to get in, Wild Rose unhappily shifted her butt and patted my brother's head."    


"You scoundrel, I've never done anything there."    




Could it be that he had gone to the back garden?    


F * ck!    


I almost went in.    


Ga Ga!    


"I'm sorry, I went through the wrong door, so let's do it again."    


I pulled her back.    


This time, just in case we make another mistake, let's send the five girls to scout the area first. The five girls easily entered the canyon, and very soon, they arrived at the jade door. It was definitely wet.    


The brothers immediately followed the footprints of the five ladies and headed towards the Jade Gate. With the five ladies' guidance, they easily reached the Jade Gate.    


I held out a hand to stop her from getting up again.    


This time, I have finally got my wish!    




Suddenly, there was movement in the room.    


I subconsciously stopped and turned my head to look, only to see Sun Qun sitting up on the bed. I opened my eyes wide, and even my breathing stopped.    


Wasn't he sleeping!    


Could it be that he was awakened by the commotion on our side?    


I forcefully swallowed my saliva as cold sweat dripped down my forehead and my brother fell limply to the ground. My heart was stuck in my throat as my hands and legs trembled. Even my brother, who had just softened down, was starting to pee at an inopportune moment.    


God, you can't play with me like that!    


"Wild Rose stood up and looked at me with some amusement." "He has somnambulism," she whispered. "    




I looked at Sun Yat-sen in surprise.    


I've only heard of this kind of illness before, and it's the first time I've seen it.    


His eyes were blank. After sitting up, he walked around the room like an empty shell that had lost its soul.    


"If he was sleepwalking in the middle of the night, it would be scary." I whispered to the wild rose.    


"When I first started, I was almost scared to death."    


I rolled my eyes and smiled mischievously. I reached out to pull at the rose again, but it backed away from my hand and waved at me.    


I deliberately put on a pitiful face.    


She smiled and shook her head. She bent down to pick up her pajamas from the bed and put them on, covering her sexy body. If she didn't wear them, it would be fine.     4


I came out of the closet and took a few steps to her back and held her in my arms. I covered the two soft lumps with my hands and kissed her on the cheek.    


The wild rose breathed in my ear like a orchid and said, "Brother Cannon, let's meet another day."    




Actually, I'm also afraid to leave this place as soon as possible. Although Sun Qun is just sleepwalking, once he wakes up, he will be in bad shape.    


"I'll go out and take a look first."    


Wild Rose put on a long coat, opened the door, and went out.    


I hid in my room and looked out through the crack in the door. When she went down the stairs, I heard her voice saying, "You two go get me something."    


Soon she was back, gesturing to me at the foot of the stairs.    


I nodded happily. Just as I was about to go out, I was grabbed on the shoulder. My heart skipped a beat and I carefully turned around. Sun General was standing behind me, looking at me with his listless eyes.    


Damn it!    


You're sleepwalking, and you still want to scare me?    


If he wasn't in the enemy camp, he would have really given him a brick.    


I crouch down slowly, his hand still level.    


I crouched out of the bedroom, closing the door softly behind me, and let out a long breath.    


He patted his chest and imitated his sister-in-law's tone, murmuring, "I scared the baby to death."    


I got up and walked over to the Wild Rose, who turned and walked toward the door. She looked around the doorway and waved back at me.    


I followed the path I had come from and came to the "evil" dog.    


This time, I have learnt my lesson. Before I even got close, I had already shouted its name.    


Spot ignored me and whined.    


I climbed up the wall a few times and was about to jump down when I glanced back at the Wild Rose at the door. She made a phone gesture and waved at me.    


I pouted at her and jumped out.    


At this moment, Liu Cong was standing outside the car. When he saw me, he showed a look of disdain.    


"He didn't get caught by Sun Ming in bed?"    


"Did you see him?"    


I asked back in surprise, standing by the roadside and began to "release the water."    


"I also saw someone, someone you know."    


Liu Cong nodded.    


Curious, I quickly asked, "Who is it?"    


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