Become a Billionaire in One Day



3Wu told the children to find a room to stay, and ordered Wu Ming to bring their luggage here to the inn before informing the others to let them come back.    


Chen Yang told Chen Baoding to arrange a big meal for the children, to let them eat their fill, and to buy sixteen sets of clothes for the children to wear.    


Chen Yang told Tang Xinglong and co. to first wash themselves and not wear old clothes out, and to wait for Chen Baoding to bring the clothes back before distributing them to them. Although these children felt Chen Yang's request was a bit strange, they did not refute it.    


Chen Yang looked at them in satisfaction. After washing up, they looked a lot better, but they were a little too skinny. Chen Yang was not full before, so he was pretty much the same as them.    


As it happened, Wu Ming brought the Rose Special Detachment people back to the courtyard and saw his boss staring at the half-naked kids without stopping. He even felt like there was something wrong with his eyes.    


"Boss!" You must be nurtured by a young man! " Bai Ye's loud voice was heard.    


Tang Xinglong and the others turned to look at the door and felt a little embarrassed when they saw another five people they haven't seen before. After all, they were all wearing a towel.    


"Come, let me introduce a few new friends to everyone." Chen Yang said with a smile.    


He let the people on both sides introduce themselves. Coincidentally, Chen Baoding came back at this time to buy clothes, so he sent them off and told them to put on their clothes before coming out again for dinner.    


Chen Baoding was so considerate that even their underwear was new, and their clothes were simple and generous.    


Looking at the new half-grown boy, Chen Yang was even more satisfied. He felt that this decision of his was really wise.    


Tang Xinglong wasn't so alert anymore. He could tell that the people following Chen Yang were all very strong, and they were all convinced of the fact that they were following Chen Yang. He didn't think that Chen Yang lied to them.    


A car came to the door. It was the meal ordered by Chen Baoding. After all, there were sixteen children waiting for dinner.    


Seeing the two tables filled with food, the group of boys, led by Tang Xinglong, all gulped and glanced at the table from time to time. However, they didn't move when Chen Yang didn't say anything.    


Chen Yang was even more satisfied. Although they were a bunch of children who had never been educated, they could still be considered as obedient.    


"Alright, let's go eat."    


Chen Yang's words were like opening and closing the floodgates of a flood. In the blink of an eye, this group of children arrived at the dining table and wolfed down their food. To them, who often couldn't eat, this was simply heaven's treatment.    


Bai Ye and the others opened their eyes wide when they saw the kids eating like that. Chen Yang patted them with a smile and told them to stop staring and come to the meeting.    


"These kids are all pretty good seedlings, I plan to raise them as backup. Although everyone in your Rose Special Detachment is very strong, there are still too few people, and you guys can't be busy."    


"Boss, are they going to be groomed just like us?" Bai Ye asked what everyone was thinking.    


"Not all of the sixteen of them have the potential. We should first cultivate their normal skills and see if there are any good potential shares. If there is, then we can forget about it."    


"Hehe, then we're still the boss's closest friends."    


Chen Yang rolled his eyes. It seemed like they were afraid that the new members would join and steal their seats.    


"Don't do this, I'm counting on you to train those brats!" "You guys, take turns teaching them, decide what to teach yourselves. After a while, I will check on their results, and if they can't do it, I will find trouble with you guys."    


Only by doing this could they truly show their interest. Chen Yang looked at the children who were still eating, and after a while, he could see whether they were suitable for it or not.    


Chen Yang had accomplished the important matter that he came here for.    


When the children finished their meal, Wu Ming and the others had already started their training for these boys. They were pretty motivated, and finally, they weren't being tortured anymore.    


Chen Yang told them that if these children couldn't persevere, they could ask for their opinion and not force them to quit. Chen Yang had always respected the wishes of others.    


Very quickly, the sky darkened and he wanted to go to the auction house to see if he could sell the favor he owed to Medicine King Valley. If there really was one, he would be able to see Zhao Xinyue sooner.    


He went out on the street alone, to the auction where they had passed during the day. It was brightly lit and grand, and the simple architecture showed the vicissitudes of history.    


"Hello, sir, the invitation."    


Chen Yang was stopped by a girl wearing a uniform at the entrance. However, where could Chen Yang find an invitation?    


"Sorry, I didn't."    


"It's like this, sir. You are not allowed to enter the auction house without an invitation."    


This troubled Chen Yang, but he felt that someone would forget to bring the invitation letter right? He did not give up and continued: "Do we need to have an invitation letter? Can't you go in if you don't? "    


"The situation is special today. You must have an invitation letter before you can enter." The etiquette lady was getting impatient, but she still politely answered Chen Yang's question.    


"Hey!" "Brother!"    


Chen Yang was hit from behind. He turned around and saw it was Zhou Zhengyi.    


"What a coincidence." Chen Yang revealed a smile.    


"That's right!" You're also at the auction? " Zhou Zhengyi still had the same words.    


"Yeah, but I don't know if I can't enter without an invitation."    


"That's easy to say, I do. Come in with me, you're alone."    


Zhou Zhengyi came at the right time to help Chen Yang solve a big problem.    


As he followed Zhou Zhengyi into the auction house, Chen Yang found that it was almost filled with people. They arrived at the place they had reserved beforehand, a seat at the front.    


The seats at the front were all hidden rooms with a superior position. There was also a person following Zhou Zhengyi. He looked quite extraordinary, but he was also following Zhou Zhengyi. Presumably, it was someone his family sent to protect him.    


"Where are Chen Yang, Wu Ming and the rest? Why did you come here alone? " Zhou Zhengyi asked in a gossipy tone.    


"They have other business, I have no business to come over to take a look at this large-scale auction."    


"So that's how it is. Then you should come. This year's auction will produce a lot of good things that you won't be able to see in the outside world." Zhou Zhengyi gossiped mysteriously with Chen Yang.    


Chen Yang wasn't annoyed. Anyway, the auction hadn't started yet, so it would be nice to have someone to talk to on the side.    


Soon, the auction started.    


It was similar to the stone auction that Chen Yang had participated in before, but there were all kinds of things being auctioned here. The quality was pretty good, but none of them caught Chen Yang's eyes.    


He had Jade Spirit, an experienced helper, and the Tao Tie System, which contained the best things. Chen Yang did not need to buy anything here.    


Zhou Zhengyi did not make a move either, he acted as if he was just watching a show, he wanted to see who took everything.    


"Everyone, it's almost time for our final collection. Everyone, take advantage of this opportunity."    


After the auctioneer finished his sentence, the things that came up were even more extraordinary. Chen Yang felt that there was a very good martial art manual from the introduction. If it wasn't because he already had a lot of martial arts, he might be able to participate in the auction.    


Zhou Zhengyi won the bid this time. The items here were not only auctioned with money, but also exchanged with money and an item. The more valuable the item was, the better it was.    


Zhou Zhengyi used some money and a martial art manual that he had already practiced to win this fist art. He was talking to Chen Yang excitedly.    


After another cultivation manual and an herbal essence appeared, the item for auction was sold out.    


Chen Yang was a little disappointed. There was no favor from Medicine King Valley like Zhou Zhengyi, and it was also true. How could such an illusory promise be sold?    


Chen Yang stood up and was about to leave, but Zhou Zhengyi stopped him.    


"Where are you going?"    


"Didn't we already finish shooting it?" Chen Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise.    


"Hehe, you don't know this, right? The next item is the most important thing in this auction." Zhou Zhengyi said proudly.    


Chen Yang had a trace of anticipation in his heart. Sure enough, what the auctioneer said next hit Chen Yang's mark.    


"Next up, what we are auctioning are not items, but a favor. I believe that everyone here knows about the great name of Medicine King Valley, so this time, we are auctioning a favor for Medicine King Valley!"    


The audience immediately boiled up, and quietly discussed about Medicine King Valley's favor.    


"The auctioneer doesn't want money. He needs you guys to give him some things in exchange. If you want to bid, then come over and talk to the seller one by one."    


It was Chen Yang's first time seeing such auction rules. This way, the seller would be able to pick out what he wanted and the buyer would also spare no effort to show him the good stuff because Chen Yang didn't know what the other person was.    


Zhou Zhengyi also prepared to auction this favor, this was the main reason why his family sent him here.    


Quite a few people entered from behind the curtain, but they all shook their heads in disappointment as they walked out. It seemed that the seller did not agree to the exchange.    


Chen Yang also went in. He took out a pill that could increase his own potential. The other party was shocked and immediately expressed that if Chen Yang's pill was real, he would be able to win this favor.    


The favor from Medicine King Valley is a token, so taking the token can help you out. Most people go there to treat their illness, as Medicine King Valley is the best way to treat it.    


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