Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C77 Stadiums

C77 Stadiums

3"Say something, answer me!" Qiu Tong continued to ask.     3


"I... "I don't know!" "No," I said.    


"Hmph, I'm ignoring you!" After Qiu Tong finished speaking, she didn't reply, and neither did I.    


I knew Qiu Tong wouldn't really be angry. She seemed to be teasing me.    


In the city, the three of us ate in a small restaurant. As we ate, Er Zi and Xiao Wu, who had just received the reward of 50 thousand yuan, were in a good mood.    


I didn't say anything more. I focused on eating and recalled the whole process of inviting Zhang Xiaotian. I filtered every detail and tried to figure out Lee Shun's thoughts and intentions …    


After dinner, I took Er Zi and Xiao Wu to North China's Spring Nightclub to inspect the place.    


When the manager of the nightclub saw us, he greeted me warmly: "Brother Yi is here. Come, sit inside. Would you like some tea or wine?"    


There weren't many guests yet, so I waved my hands, "Manager, don't be so polite. We're all family, we'll just take a stroll."    


Er Zi and Xiao Wu to the side to chat with the Miss, the manager accompanied me to visit the nightclub, while introducing the nightclub situation. At this moment, a staff member came to look for the manager. "Manager, the audio system in room 8 has broken down. The repair staff said that the equipment has aged and needs to be replaced with a new audio system."    


"Got it!" "Don't arrange for guests to stay in this room for tonight!" said the manager.    


After the staff member left, the manager muttered to himself: "It seems that I won't be able to change it."    


"Why?" I asked the manager.    


"I don't know the reason either. The boss said that the club will no longer be invested in construction in the future, so we'll temporarily suspend it for now!" said the manager.    


I nodded my head, unable to figure out Lee Shun's intentions.    


After a while, there were more and more customers. The manager was busy. Er Zi, Xiao Wu and I made another round and found a small room to drink tea and watch TV.    


I was distracted, and from time to time I thought about the clouds in the hospital.    


After about half an hour, the manager suddenly pushed open the door with a nervous expression and said to me, "Brother Yi, it's bad, there's been an accident —"    


Looking at the manager's panicked expression, I waved my hand at him. "Manager, don't panic, what's the matter? Slow down! "    


Er Zi and Xiao Wu also looked at the manager: "Yeah, what are you panicking for? Aren't we here with Brother Yi? Speak, what is it? "    


The manager gasped for breath and said, "There were four bold and bald customers who insisted on going to room 8. The waiter told them that the audio system in room 8 had broken and arranged for them to go to the small bag. They didn't want to go, as it was designated that they had to be in the big bag 8.    


"Fuck! One more person, one more person wants a lady, eight more people. Can you arrange for a small bag? Arrange for it to be a middle-sized bag! " Xiao Wu said.    


"There are a lot of guests tonight, and all the medium bags have been reserved. All the large bags except No.8 are full. There's only one small bag left." The manager said, "The staff members repeatedly explained it to them, but they just refused to listen. When I went to explain it to them, they got even more angry. One of them, Baldy, just raised his hand and slapped me." The manager continued.    


Only then did we notice that the left cheek of the manager was red and swollen.    


"Margo Wall, what kind of bird person dares to act so arrogantly and act so wildly here?!" Er Zi stood up in anger, "F * ck them, I'll go meet them!"    


With that, Er Zi was about to leave.    


"Wait — Er Zi, stop!" I called out to Er Zi.    


Er Zi looked at me: "Brother Yi, you tell me, what should I do?"    


I said, "Don't be impulsive. This matter isn't easy to handle recklessly. I'll think about it first!"    


"Consider? What's there to think about? " Er Zi looked at me with dissatisfaction. Brother Yi, are you afraid? "It's okay if you're scared. Drink your tea here, Xiao Wu and I will go out and take care of them with the security guards. Boss Lee didn't raise us for nothing, but at the most critical moment, he should be sincere."    


Er Zi said and was about to walk out again. Xiao Wu also stood up.    


"Stop —" I raised my voice and stood up, blocking in front of the two of them. I looked at Er Zi and Xiao Wu. You two aren't convinced? "You won't listen to me?"    


Er Zi tilted his head, "If you're right, then listen. If you're wrong, then don't listen. We won't listen today when you're afraid of death. Not only we won't listen, I'll report it to Boss Lee later!"    


Xiao Wu did not say anything, but he did not seem to object to Er Zi's words.    


Staring at Er Zi, I slowly extended my hand and placed it on his shoulder, pressing down on his shoulder blade. I suddenly exerted strength and Er Zi immediately went limp. He was in so much pain that his forehead started sweating.    


I must first subdue Er Zi and also suppress Xiao Wu.    


Xiao Wu panicked and didn't know what to do.    


I started to say, "Bastard, you don't have any brains. Do you want to go out and have a big fight? Didn't you already run out of customers? Do you still want to consider reputation in the future? Wasn't this equivalent to him ruining his own reputation? Do you think you can solve the problem with your little guts? Boss Lee said before he left that the two of you must listen to me. I'll tell the two of you, if you don't listen to me, I'll cripple you two first, do you believe me? "    


While I was talking, my hand kept pinching Er Zi's shoulder. Er Zi was in so much pain that he didn't dare to move.    


The manager panicked, "Ah — this — we haven't gotten rid of this external problem yet, how come the internal issue started? Don't do that. "    


"We have to settle down outside, that's what we have to do!" I turned around and said to the manager, then looked at Xiao Wu: "Xiao Wu, what do you think?"    


Xiao Wu quickly nodded. "Brother Yi, I'll listen to you. Do what you want!"    


I let go of Er Zi and looked at him. "What about you?"    


"Sigh — — Brother Yi, I didn't expect your strength to be so great." Er Zi stood up with a grimace and a look of admiration appeared on his face as he said: "I will listen to you too!"    


"Well," I said to the manager, "the security guards aren't close yet, are they?"    


"No, keep a distance from the surroundings. There's no physical conflict!" said the manager.    


"Manager, how about this, since they insist on going to # 8, then fine, you can arrange for them to go in." I said to the manager.    


"Ah - but the sound in booth 8 is broken..." "It can only produce images and no sounds. The sound system in this room has not been repaired even after an entire afternoon of work. The audio system in the room is a model that was specially purchased. None of the other rooms can match up to this model." The manager said, "Let them go in... Wouldn't it mean there would be more trouble …    


"Listen to me, first get them into the room, then talk. What are you making a ruckus outside? Are you going to do this business or not?" I said to the manager, "Once we enter the private room, at least we won't disturb the business. We won't scare the other customers. After they enter, I'll take care of the rest … "Well, go on, but if they want the young lady, say yes, but don't put her in there yet.    


The manager looked at my unquestionable expression and nodded. "Ok."    


Then the manager went out.    


I turned my head towards Xiao Wu and said, "Go out and find me a male waiter's jacket, quick — —"    


"Sigh — —" Xiao Wu agreed and left. He came back quickly and gave me a waiter's coat. I put it on since it was a little small, so it was not too bad.    


Then, I said to Xiao Wu and Er Zi, "Come, follow me out!"    


I brought Er Zi and Xiao Wu to the corridor and walked up to room 8's door. The four bald heads weren't there and the manager was standing at the door and whispering to me, "They're all inside. The waiter has already ordered wine for them and will send it in immediately!"    


I nodded and told the manager, "Go back to your work first. Don't bother with this place anymore. Don't let the security guards come over either. Wait for my notification!"    


When the manager agreed to leave, I said to Xiao Wu and Er Zi, "You two stand guard at the door. I won't call you in, so don't come in!"    


Er Zi and Xiao Wu nodded, but they were a bit worried. Er Zi said: "Brother Yi, I know that you have good martial arts, but there are four big guys in there. Can you do it? I think, why don't the three brothers go in together and clean them up? If we fight in the room, we won't be able to hear anything outside and won't alarm the guests! "    


My son and Xiao Wu have never seen my hands and feet in person, so their unwillingness and doubts are understandable.    


I smiled. "We're in the business here, not just fighting. Whether we can fight or not, it's for the best. If we really need to fight, I will call you guys over when I can't beat you!"    


Er Zi asked me: "Did you bring it with you?"    


I didn't bring the gun that I "invited" Zhang Xiaotian to use last time, so I hid it under the bed in the dorm. This thing is very dangerous on me, illegal possession of a gun means I have to go to jail.    


I said, "No!"    


Er Zi reached his hand into his pocket and said, "Here you go, take it in —"    


I pressed Er Zi's hand down: "Don't — in this situation, don't use this thing. Otherwise, it will cause a lot of trouble! You absolutely cannot use a spear unless you have no other choice, do you understand? "    


Er Zi nodded reluctantly: "Alright! "I'll listen to you."    


Xiao Wu also nodded: "Listen to Brother Yi!"    


At that moment, the waiter arrived with glasses and beer. I stopped the waiter, took what he was holding, and pushed the door open.    


The room was lavishly decorated and the space was very large. Four burly, bareheaded men were sitting on the sofa, smoking and chatting. They didn't mind my coming in, as I was just a waiter.    


I half squatted, put my glass away, opened my beer, and slowly started pouring, listening to them talk.    


"Fuck his ass, this room is so nice, big and spacious. It seems like that f * cking waiter and manager don't want us brothers to be happy and looks down on us, the four Vajra." said a voice.    


The other one took it: "Damn it, I just arrived at Hsinghai and I already ate so much. It's so unlucky, if Boss Bai's other brothers knew about this tomorrow, wouldn't they mock me? How can we stand under Boss Bai in the future? We've only been following Boss Bai for less than a week. Boss Bai has been pretty nice to us, we just came so we have to establish our prestige. "    


When I heard this, my heart jolted, these four bald heads are Bai Laosan's men, they are even known as the 'Four Great Vajra'. It was obvious that they had just arrived at Hsinghai and didn't know that this was Lee Shun's nightclub. They didn't even know who Lee Shun was.    


"Mm …" That's right, it's like this. Boss Bai just lost his Five Tigers, so we, the four great King Kong, have come over from the Peony River. At the beginning, we have to show our faces and do some beautiful work for Boss Bai to see. "I think we can't waste tonight's anger."    




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