Young Martial God

C156 Treasure

C156 Treasure

4When there was only the last bit of dragon blood left, it was still struggling with all its might, stirring up a bloody storm in Ye Zhi's body.    




Ye Zhi's expression was serious. He held his mind and looked at the little bit of blood energy left. Suddenly, he activated his spirit fire. The light was blazing and boundless azure spirit energy wrapped the blood energy tightly.    


"Begin refining."    


Ye Zhi shouted. The fifteen Tyrant Acupuncture Points in his body opened up at the same time. The surging power seemed to want to forcefully open up a new space in his body.    


As the power of his body and the azure spirit energy attacked, the resistance of the Wild Battle Dragon Elephant became weaker and weaker.    


In the end, it completely turned into a seed plant, Ye Zhi's spirit fire.    


This seed was the connection between him and the Wild Battle Dragon Elephant. Through it, he could easily control the latter.    


If he didn't want the Wild Battle Dragon Elephant, he just needed to destroy this seed and the Wild Battle Dragon Elephant would turn into a shell, slumbering and never waking up again.    


The black Qi on his face slowly dissipated, and his eyes gradually opened.    


"You're finally awake."    


Zhi Yee cried out in surprise.    


Ye Zhi looked at the two of them with concern. "Are you guys okay?"    


"We're okay. It's great that you woke up. Take care of your wounds first." Yue Rou looked at Ye Zhi powerlessly.    


"Here, this is the third level of Spirit Returning Water." Ye Zhi quickly threw two sets of Spirit Returning Water to the two of them.    


"I really didn't expect young master Ye to be such a rich man. He just gave away Level Three Spirit Returning Water so casually." Yue Rou was shocked when she held the Spirit Returning Water in her hand.    


"No matter how rare the Spirit Water is, it can't compare to life. Hurry up and heal your injuries. It's not good to stay here for long." Ye Zhi smiled.    


After that, Zhi Yee and Yue Rou calmed down and sat in the secret room. After consuming the Spirit Returning Water, they quickly entered the state of practice.    


Ye Zhi's mind moved slightly and the Wild Battle Dragon Elephant stood up.    


In front of it, Ye Zhi was as small as an ant.    


A terrifying murderous aura squirmed in the air. The momentum of a Clear Mind Stage made Ye Zhi hold his breath.    


"The strength of a Clear Mind Stage Wild Battle Dragon Elephant is immeasurable." Ye Zhi stared at the enormous Monster Puppet and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.    


His body swayed, and he leaped up, pressing a hand on its head.    


After a long time, he finally landed on the ground, and a trace of depression appeared on his face.    


"If I want it to participate in the battle, I can't believe I need to strengthen my energy."    


This Monster Puppet was different from the others. Although the other Monster Puppets were all puppets, they still had some consciousness and knew how to increase their strength through cultivation.    


As for this Monster Puppet, its consciousness had already been erased by someone, and it even added the special technique of the Spirit Summoning Sect.    


If one wanted to control it, one needed to replenish their energy.    


Currently, the energy within the Wild Battle Dragon Elephant's body was only around half of its peak.    


Ye Zhi roughly estimated that if he wanted it to participate in the decisive battle with the strength of a Clear Mind Stage, he would need to spend a few hundred high-quality medicinal Spirit Stones to replenish his energy.    


"A few hundred high-quality Spirit Stones isn't a lot, but it can only be fought once. He still needs to replenish his energy after using it up. What a bottomless pit."    


Ye Zhi couldn't help rolling his eyes.    


If it was anyone else, even if they refined it, they probably wouldn't be able to afford it.    


He had enough Spirit Stones. And this medicinal Monster Puppet could be of help. It was worth it.    


He looked at Yue Rou and Yue Rou again. Sensing their auras, it would take some time for them to recover.    


He took out a pile of high-quality Wild Battle Dragon Elephants from Miao Guang's ring. He stood in front of the door and threw them into the Wild Battle Dragon Elephant's mouth one by one.    


Outside the Spirit Summoning Sect, ever since they encountered the dummies, Ye Zhi's actions had attracted the attention of most people.    


At this time, everyone saw Ye Zhi throwing good quality Spirit Stones into the dragon elephant's mouth like cabbages. All of them had a blank look on their faces.    


"Those are good quality medicinal Spirit Stones! One is equivalent to 10,000 poor quality medicinal Spirit Stones! I can't even earn a single good quality medicinal Spirit Stone in a month! This person actually fed it to medicinal Monster Puppets to eat!"    


"Who is this person? Could it be that he is the person in the 11th private room of the Nine Furnace Auction House? " I really can't think of anyone who would be so rich. "    


"Giving me a good quality medicinal Spirit Stone, even if you call me a bull or a horse, you will still be satisfied."    


Everyone was dumbstruck as they watched. Competing with others was truly a death sentence. Competing with goods was like throwing away.    


When Ling Mooh and the other elders on the stage saw this scene, they could not help but look at each other and smile.    


"It looks like he has reaped a great harvest. He even dared to use high-quality medicinal Spirit Stones to replenish his Monster Puppet's energy. Impressive." Ling Mooh's eyes lit up as he let out a faint smile.    


Time slowly passed. Under the effect of the Spirit Returning Water, Zhi Yee and Yue Rou recovered.    


Ye Zhi put the Wild Battle Dragon Elephant into the ring of light. The three of them walked out of the secret room and walked to the other side.    


About an hour later, the three of them heard the sound of battle.    


"Hand over the Moonlight Lotus, or I'll make a move."    


"Moonlight Lotus?"    


Ye Zhi did not know what was going on outside, but he heard the angry roar. He frowned and looked confused.    


"It's the Moonlight Lotus?" Yue Rou was surprised.    


"You know about the Moonlight Lotus?" Ye Zhi couldn't help but look at Yue Rou.    


"Yes, the Moonlight Lotus is not an ordinary item." Yue Rou nodded. Her eyes were full of shock. She muttered to herself, "The Moonlight Lotus is a very rare spiritual item. It is usually found in cold areas. It is filled with moonlight."    


"Under the watering of the moonlight, after a thousand years, a pond of moonlight spring will be formed and the Moonlight Lotus will be born within."    


"The Moonlight Lotus and the Moonlight Spring are both very precious. The Moonlight Spring can be used to increase the intensity of a martial artist's spirit fire, and the Moonlight Lotus can even change the nature of the spirit fire, and even transform into new divine power."    


"Hu ~"    


Ye Zhi took a deep breath.    


It was too exaggerated to produce a new divine power.    


"Moonlight Lotus. Moonlight Spring can increase the intensity of spiritual fire. Moonlight Spring." Ye Zhi's eyes lit up. He stared at Yue Rou and said, "Miss Yue, there is Moonlight Lotus. In contrast, there should also be Moonlight Spring."    


"Yes, the Moonlight Lotus and the Moonlight Spring blend together. Where there is a Moonlight Lotus, there will also be a Moonlight Spring." Yue Rou said.    


"You guys want the Moonlight Lotus? Dream on."    


"He is indeed a disciple of the Tyrant Spirit Sect. His tone is very arrogant. I just don't know how strong he is."    


"Brothers, let's go! Let this guy see what we can do!"    


Bang! Bang!    


Bang, bang ~    




As soon as his voice faded, the sound of metal clashing rang out. The sound of sharp weapons colliding with each other was extremely shocking. The powerful Spirit Qi Wave was activated, causing Ye Zhi and the others who were in the tunnel to be scared witless.    


"This is Qiu Ming's voice. Senior Brother Qiu is outside."    


Ye Zhi and the others were dumbfounded.    


"Since Senior Qiu has gotten it, we can't have any improper thoughts." Ye Zhi smiled helplessly.    


He originally wanted to take the Moonlight Lotus.    


But since it was Qiu Ming who got it, this thought was suppressed.    


As disciples of the Tyrant Spirit Sect, they didn't have any grudges against each other. They were still in the same team.    


Although the Moonlight Lotus was very rare, Ye Zhi had his own principles.    


"Are you not interested in it at all? You have to understand that if you get the Moonlight Lotus, even the cultivator of Unforgetful Stage will be tempted." Yue Rou stared at Ye Zhi with a shocked expression.    


Ye Zhi shrugged and smiled. "It is a lie to say that you are not tempted."    


"But I have a bottom line. Sometimes it depends on fate. I don't really need the Moonlight Lotus. In fact, I'm more interested in the Moonlight Spring."    


"I'm really speechless..."    


Yue Rou was so angry that she stomped her feet. That was a real treasure - the Moonlight Lotus. Was this person's head made of elm?    


What teammate? What colleagues?    


In the vast martial world, in the face of the temptation of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, even brothers would turn against each other.    


Looking at Yue Rou's appearance, Ye Zhi knew what she was thinking. He suddenly sneered and said, "Miss Yue, if I fight for it, would you still be willing to follow me?"    


Yue Rou's expression froze and she stared blankly at Ye Zhi.    


With Ye Zhi's strength and the Clear Mind Stage Monster Puppet, if Ye Zhi attacked, then she really had no other choice.    


At this point, she suddenly stared at Ye Zhi with a strange expression.    


He really was different from others.    


Seeing Yue Rou fall into silence, Ye Zhi smiled and said, "Let's go. It sounds like Senior Qiu is in a bad situation."    


After saying that, his body swayed. In an instant, he crossed several pillars and walked towards the source of the sound.    


After that, Yue Rou and Zhi Yee looked at each other. She smiled and said, "I think it's good that Ye Zhi does this. As long as you don't touch his bottom line, we can get along peacefully."    


"If it was anyone else, they would not be so lucky."    


Yue Rou did not know how to respond. She shook her head and followed him.    


In a hall, six people were in a stalemate.    


The hall was in a mess due to the scattered energy. The energy waves were very turbulent.    


Out of the five people, four were Middle Rank of One Thought Stage while the remaining one was a High Rank of One Thought Stage, and they were attacking Qiu Ming together.    


Ye Zhi hid his Qi and hid at the side, observing the battle.    


In the beginning, Qiu Ming could fight five enemies by himself, but as time passed, Qiu Ming's spirit energy was consumed more and more, and he was in a sorry state.    


"I never thought that Senior Brother Qiu's cultivation base would be so high, only slightly lower than the peak of the One Thought Stage realm."    


Ye Zhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.    


However, the opponent of the High Rank of One Thought Stage wasn't simple. His strength was like a huge rock, and his moves were retracted. He rushed to the front, and Qiu Ming was exhausted from fighting back.    




Ye Zhi's gaze swept across the hall, and suddenly, he fixed his gaze on a space at the back of the hall.     2


"That pool is the Moonlight Spring, right? Do you see the indentation on it? That's where the moonlight came from."    


Yue Rou did not know why she came behind Ye Zhi and lowered her voice.    


"This is probably a place specially used to breed the Moonlight Lotus."    


Ye Zhi did not say anything, but his eyes were staring intently at the pond.    


Although it was a little blurry inside, a kind of cold air floated out.    


The sun and the moon were opposite, the sun and the moon were yin.    


"Where are you? There is actually a moonlight spring here, it really is inconceivable."    


A cry of surprise suddenly sounded in Ye Zhi's mind, causing him to be startled.    


He hadn't heard Evil Venerable's voice for a while, and it suddenly appeared, causing him to miss it quite a bit.    


"Evil Venerable, you're finally awake."    


"Yes. Could this be the inheritance of the Spirit Summoning Sect?"    


"Yes. There is still the Spring of Moonlight here. It should be of some help to you."    


"Of course, the Spring of Moonlight here has a history of at least a thousand years. Perhaps it can help me recover some of my spiritual fire."    


"That's good. Evil Venerable, don't be impatient. Wait for me to get the Moonlight Spring."    


"It's not a waste of my efforts to help you. Good luck. I have faith in you."    


Ye Zhi couldn't help rolling his eyes. He turned his gaze back to the battlefield.    


"Change of the Stars."    


In the battlefield, Qiu Ming's face was filled with embarrassment. He suddenly let out a loud shout, and his Qi suddenly soared. Powerful energy gushed out of his body, and in an instant, it had spread to the void, and the stars were faintly visible.    


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