Young Martial God

C143 Ability

C143 Ability

4The middle-aged man let out a roar. Like a savage beast, he dashed forward and unleashed a wave of energy, lunging at Ye Zhi.    


"Peak One Thought Stage? Just nice, let's try out the Tyrant Body."    


Ye Zhi showed no fear. He smiled and shook his body. A terrifying and brutal aura surged out from his body.    




A muffled sound was heard from the bottom of his feet. The ground cracked open.    




Ye Zhi unleashed all of his Tyrant Qi and punched out.    


* Hong Long...... *    


The moment the fist wind collided with each other, it caused ripples to appear in the air, and it seemed like it was going to explode at any moment.    


The middle-aged man and Ye Zhi took four steps back in unison.    


"What's going on?" The middle-aged man was shocked. Although he didn't use his full strength, he wasn't someone a High Rank of One Thought Stage could handle.    


Moreover, his opponent's strength was extremely terrifying, and even he was forced back four steps.    


Wuh Hsing, who was behind him, mistakenly thought that he was showing mercy, and couldn't help but shout, "Uncle Yun, don't be too reserved. This kind of person doesn't need to be tested!"    


"Is that so?"    


Ye Zhi opened his mouth and raised his body. His body swayed and formed a wave of air. He turned into a giant beast and rushed towards the middle-aged man.    


Bang! Bang!    




The narrow alley was instantly filled with explosive sounds. The two figures recklessly collided with each other and erupted with shocking power, causing cracks to appear on the walls on both sides.    


"Where did this person come from? Such terrifying power is actually not inferior to mine at all." The middle-aged man was even more shocked. Ye Zhi's attack was very ferocious, and his strength wasn't any weaker than Ye Zhi's. At first, he was able to deal with Ye Zhi, but after that, he was able to deal with Ye Zhi.    




A strong wind rushed towards him. The middle-aged man's pupils contracted, and he reacted quickly. As he retreated, his clothes fluttered, and he was full of strength.    


"Divine Power, Wolf Badger's Fist."    




A black wolf suddenly appeared and condensed on the Giant Fist. A sharp cry resounded through the sky, and with a violent momentum, it pounced heavily towards Ye Zhi.    


"Worthy of being at the peak of the One Thought Stage realm. This strength is truly formidable."    


Ye Zhi's gaze swept across the area. His fist didn't change its power, and the Tyrant Acupuncture Point in his body was instantly unleashed in twelve places.    




His body emitted waves of loud sounds, like thunder.    




The two fists collided, and a series of clangs sounded out. The giant wolf opened its mouth wide and pounced towards Ye Zhi.    


Ye Zhi's body trembled, and he retreated repeatedly. A trace of blood leaked out from the corner of his mouth.    


"Haha, a peak One Thought Stage warrior, you're nothing."    


The energy of the Tyrant in his body was circulating, and the energy he had consumed was quickly restored. Ye Zhi raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man with a heavy expression, then he grinned.    


"Where did you come from?" The middle-aged man had a deep fear on his face. A High Rank of One Thought Stage warrior was equivalent to a peak One Thought Stage warrior. Such strength and talent could be counted on one's fingers in the entire dynasty.    


If this man was really backed by some major power, the Wuh family wouldn't be able to bear the consequences if they killed him.    


Besides, the middle-aged man was still deeply suspicious that he might not be able to kill his opponent.    


Afraid of my backing?    


Ye Zhi had a mocking look on his face. If he really wanted to show his cards, he was afraid that the other party would not be able to take it.    


However, he did not want to show his cards yet.    


Wuh family, if you offend them, then so be it.    


"If that's all you have, then it's really disappointing." Ye Zhi sneered.    


"Do you want to die?" The middle-aged man had a ferocious look on his face, and he was burning with anger.    


Although he was afraid of Ye Zhi's backing, as a peak One Thought Stage warrior, how could he allow a young man to mock him like this? How could he tolerate this? His killing intent couldn't help but surge, and he no longer restrained it.    


"No matter who you are or where you come from, you won't be able to escape." The middle-aged man laughed sinisterly. His killing intent surged like a tidal wave, turning into sharp blades that rushed towards Ye Zhi in all directions.    


Ye Zhi didn't panic in the slightest when he sensed this terrifying aura.    


He was in the middle of the storm, but he was still leisurely and leisurely. His body was as tall as Mount Tai.    


"Divine Power, Seal of Yellow."    


The middle aged man roared, and the imposing aura in his entire body converged into a single point. Surging spiritual power erupted as he formed a seal with both hands. A huge yellow palm appeared in the air.    


The power of the palm was extremely ferocious, as if an ancient god had descended into the world. Its boundless might covered the entire alley. Under the effect of the overflowing power, all the walls were turned into ashes.    




The palm strike hit the air. The air cracked, and the cracks kept folding like a tide. It was as if they were shuttling through time and space, pressing down heavily.    


The powerful pressure made Ye Zhi's feet sink, and he actually sank a foot deep.    


Ye Zhi stared at the giant palm with a heavy expression.    


It would be great if he could have some kind of divine power that could attack actively.    


His innate divine power needed to be absorbed by the divine power to activate the vortex, while the High Rank of One Thought Stage needed to absorb four types of divine power to fill up the vortex and trigger the Devouring Eye.    


Although the two types of Divine Power were strong, they were still in a passive position in a battle.    


It seemed like he had to find a type of Divine Power suitable for himself.    


This thought flashed through Ye Zhi's mind. His body trembled, and he activated all fifteen Tyrant Acupuncture Points. With the power of the Tyrant's Qi, his entire body trembled violently, and the terrifying power gathered on his right hand.    


A simple and crude punch was thrown at the giant palm.    




The moment this fist was released, the air shattered, as if it was piercing through a bubble.    


This power was unstoppable, as if it wanted to crush the void.    


Boom ~    


The giant palm fiercely collided with the giant palm, and a loud sound shook the clouds.    


Terrifying waves spread in all directions.    


This kind of powerful fluctuation caused many people to stop. However, when they saw the terrifying Spirit Qi Wave moving inside, none of them did not avoid it. They were at a loss of what to do.    


In a battle like this, ordinary martial artists who were too close might be accidentally injured by the dispersed power.    


"That fellow is dead, right?"    


Wuh Hsing stared at the dust in the sky with a pale face. Ye Zhi's cultivation gave him a deep fear, but he was even more jealous. He really wanted to see Ye Zhi defeated.    


The cloud of dust dispersed, finally revealing the battlefield.    


In front of him was a huge pit that was ten meters deep, but Ye Zhi was nowhere to be seen.    


"Uncle Yun, is that kid done for?" Wuh Hsing looked happy, but he still didn't dare to believe it. He asked the middle-aged man anxiously.    


The middle-aged man shook his head, took a deep breath, and carefully walked over.    


Although he knew that even a High Rank of One Thought Stage warrior wouldn't be able to survive under this attack, the strength Ye Zhi displayed still made him not dare to let his guard down. He thought that he could really finish the battle in one move.    




When he arrived in front of the huge pit, he suddenly heard a cough.    


"He actually didn't die! Really." Wuh Hsing said through gritted teeth.    


The middle-aged man was shocked. He stared at the figure who was slowly climbing up from the pit.    


Ye Zhi had a miserable look on his face. He was covered in blood and his Qi was in disorder.    


However, he could feel that Ye Zhi's aura was strengthening.    


"Could it be that he is tempering his body? Such a terrifying recovery rate is something that even Clear Mind Stage warriors can't achieve!" The middle-aged man's face was pale.    


"Xiaotun, do you want to eat him?"    


Ye Zhi focused his mind.    


"Host, he is too weak and his strength is not pure. Xiaotun does not like him." The Xiaotun was a little dissatisfied.    


"Do you like him or not?" Ye Zhi was a little angry.    


"Eat it. It's not good to waste it." The Xiaotun quickly said.    


If the middle-aged man knew about this, he didn't know how he would feel.    


As a peak One Thought Stage warrior, how could he be looked down upon like this?    


Seeing Ye Zhi slowly straighten his body, the middle-aged man suddenly revealed an ominous glint in his eyes.    




With a shout, he quickly pointed his finger and a red light flew out, piercing through the air and carrying a burning force.    


"The moment the Extreme Yang Divine Finger appears, who can compete with it?"    


The middle-aged man laughed fiercely.    


Ye Zhi seemed to sense danger approaching. At the critical moment, he twisted his body.    




A ray of light pierced through Ye Zhi's shoulder, and blood scattered.    


"He actually managed to dodge it."    


The middle-aged man took a deep breath, his face full of shock.    


Even a peak One Thought Stage warrior couldn't dodge it at such a close distance.    


While he was still in shock, Ye Zhi gritted his teeth and suddenly raised his eyes. His eyes were filled with dense blue light.    


"It's my turn."     4


Ye Zhi smiled and jumped up. He flew toward the middle-aged man like an arrow leaving the bow.    


The middle-aged man felt a strong sense of danger and quickly retreated.    


"Xiaotun, it's up to you."    


Ye Zhi roared in his mind and flew away like a hawk. His speed was very fast and he approached the middle-aged man in an instant.    


He turned his fingers into claws and clawed at the middle-aged man.    




A beautiful blue light rose from Ye Zhi's hand, and a surge of devouring power burst out.    


The middle-aged man's body froze, and soon, he unconsciously moved towards Ye Zhi.    


"What's going on? Why can't I... control my strength?"    


The middle-aged man was terrified. His body trembled as he stared at Ye Zhi. It was as if he was looking at a devil.    


"Ya ~"    


In an instant, the middle-aged man's body was stuck to Ye Zhi's hand. He let out a wail and his body shriveled up.    




Wuh Hsing collapsed to the ground. His face was pale as he stared at the scene in front of him in shock.    




A dried skin bag was thrown to the ground.    


Wuh Hsing swallowed his saliva. At this moment, he wanted to run, but the fear in his heart spread, making him unable to move.    


His luck had died just like that. A peak One Thought Stage warrior had been killed by him.    


Who exactly was he?    


Ye Zhi looked at the withered corpse and slowly walked towards Wuh Hsing who was lying on the ground.    


"No, don't kill me. I was wrong. I was really wrong." Wuh Hsing cowered. The previous stroke had made him collapse. His eyes were filled with tears.    


"I am the Second Young Master of the Wuh family. If you kill me, the Wuh family will never forgive you."    


"I am still a two-star Spirit Wielding Cultivator of the Spirit Fire Pavilion. If you kill me, the Spirit Fire Pavilion will never forgive you."    


Wuh Hsing was panicking. He poured out all the beans in his mind.    


"Spirit Fire Pavilion?" Ye Zhi suddenly stopped and looked at Wuh Hsing mockingly.    


Seeing this scene, Wuh Hsing thought Ye Zhi was afraid of the Spirit Fire Pavilion, so he quickly said, "As long as you let me go, the Wuh family will not cause trouble for you, and neither will the Spirit Fire Pavilion."    


"I remember what you said. Help me take a look at what this is. You are a two-star Spirit Wielding Cultivator." Ye Zhi spread out his hand and slowly unfolded a blue token.    


Wuh Hsing stared blankly at the token, his mind blank.    


"This is a three-star, three-star Spirit Wielding Cultivator token. Difficult. Could it be that you are a three-star Spirit Wielding Cultivator?"    


"No, no. You are so young, it is impossible for you to be a 3-star Spirit Wielding Cultivator?"    


Ye Zhi kept the token and mocked, "What else do you have to say? You scared me. Maybe I will really let you go."    


"Tyrant Spirit Sect. Yes, it is the Tyrant Spirit Sect!" Wuh Hsing had an idea. "You know about the Tyrant Spirit Sect, right? My sister knows their Successor Disciple. If you really kill me, the Successor Disciple of the Tyrant Spirit Sect will definitely not forgive you."    


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