Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C180 cymbidium

C180 cymbidium

2When the people of Tzu Yi Jing Zhai saw the dozen or so people that suddenly appeared, they were immediately shocked, because these people were all people that they knew, and had interacted with many times before. Regarding the experts of Demonic Sect and Demonic Sect, they, the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai, understood them very well, they never expected that all of them would actually make their moves this time.     4


It was because the last time it was the Phantom of Fengdu who attacked, the Phantom of Fengdu was already about to be breached by them, but it was this Elder who appeared, easily killing several disciples of Tzu Yi Jing Zhai with a higher cultivation, instantly reducing the morale of the entire Tzu Yi Jing Zhai, and in the end, had no choice but to retreat.    


When the disciples of Tzu Yi Jing Zhai saw the appearance of these people, they involuntarily stopped their attacks on Yang Feng, while Yang Feng took the opportunity to return to the side of Bai Qi and Zhao Kuo, and panted heavily. Although the energy that the battle just now consumed was not great, and most of the energy came from his strange heart, the powerful energy had placed a huge burden on his body, causing Yang Feng's body to be extremely exhausted.    


After panting a few times, Yang Feng raised his head and saw Ba Tian and the Ghost King, and nodded to them. He then looked at Xie Wang and Elder Suo Ming. Although Yang Feng could not feel any energy fluctuations from their bodies, but from the respect the Spirit King and Ba Tian had for the two of them, he knew that their identities were not simple.    


When Evil King and the life reaping elder saw Yang Feng nod at them, they also smiled in response before turning their gazes towards Siyi, Xue Yi and the rest who were fighting in the sky. Yang Feng did not ask Ba Tian and the Ghost King why they were here so late either. As long as they were here, it would be enough. Although Yang Feng knew that it was Blood -- they were very powerful, but he was still a little worried about their safety, so he also looked towards the sky.    


As for the disciples of the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai, when they saw that the Demonic Sect and her people did not have any intentions to fight, they were naturally not foolish enough to provoke them.    


That was to say that the eleven blood guards were fighting against the Siyi at the same time. However, when everyone raised their heads to look at the sky, they realized that the situation of the eleven blood guards was not looking good. Not only were they not at an advantage due to the numbers, they were even faintly at a disadvantage.    


When Xue Yi brought the other brothers and charged towards Siyi, Siyi's figure flashed and flew into the air, pulling the battlefield up into the air. Naturally, Xue Yi and the others flew up into the air as well to compete with him. The eleven of them surrounded Siyi and started attacking him.    


Blood One had already transformed at the same time as the attack was launched. Its huge black wings flapped behind them. After transforming, not only could it increase their strength and speed by many times, it could also increase the defensive capabilities of their bodies. Although they had only recovered seventy to eighty percent of their original strength, and were no longer as strong as they were back then, in their eyes, eleven men was enough to deal with a woman with only the cultivation of a Heavenly Immortal. At their peak, they had once single-handedly beheaded an Immortal who had come down from the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan to help the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan fight against Chi You!    


The weapons that Xue Yi and the rest wielded were all blood-red scimitars, similar in shape to the scimitars used by the ancient Mongols. After surrounding the Siyi, Xue Yi held his scimitar and attacked the Siyi first. Xue Yi's curved blade hacked towards Siyi, and immediately released a red blade light. The red blade light slashed towards Siyi, but when it arrived beside him, it was broken apart by a green light that came from the small willow branch that was not even as thick as a thumb!    


The small willow branch in the Siyi's hand did not know what it was, but the green light it emitted easily destroyed the blood-red blade light released by Xue Yi. Seeing that his attack did not work, Blood Red released a few more blade rays. However, he did not expect that each time it was easily defeated by the green light rays from the willow branch in Siyi's hand.    


Seeing such a situation, Blood One wanted to rush to Siyi's side and attack him, but what was even more unexpected was that when the blood neared a three feet radius around Siyi, a ray of golden light shot out from the willow branch in Siyi's hand, towards Blood One. A ray of golden light had accidentally struck Blood One's wing, causing a huge hole to appear on the pair of black wings behind him.    


Xue Yi's wings had a large hole in them, so he was in extreme pain. He quickly turned around and returned to his brothers. Then, Xue Yi and the other blood guards started to attack Siyi together. Streaks of blood-red blade lights chopped at Siyi, but they were unable to break through his defenses. Siyi merely brandished her willow branch and a green light appeared. The blade lights disappeared.    


The occasional green or golden light emitted by the willow branches in Siyi's hands was a huge threat to the Blood Guards. Although they had the advantage of numbers, they were at a disadvantage.    


Yang Feng also saw the situation of the Blood Guards from below. He originally thought that these old monsters from the ancient times, even if they had not recovered their peak strength, could easily defeat them with their numbers. He did not expect such a situation to occur in the end.    


Yang Feng was very curious as to what kind of willow branch Siyi had in his hand that had such power, so he asked Tyrant Heavens who was closest to him, "Senior Ba Tian, do you know what kind of willow branch that woman has in her hand?! Why is there such power?! "    


Although Ba Tian was a person who had cultivated for a few hundred years, he wasn't clear about Yang Feng's question at all. Evil King saw that Yang Feng and Ba Tian were looking at him, so he smiled slightly and said to Yang Feng, "If I'm not wrong, Siyi should be holding the Merit Green Willow in her hand! No wonder she was able to endure three heavenly tribulations and become a third transition Loose Immortal.    


Merit Green Willow? When Yang Feng heard Xie Wang say this name, he was even more confused. Evil King saw that Yang Feng was confused, so he told Yang Feng about the Green Willow and let Yang Feng understand why such a small willow branch was actually so powerful.    


The willow branches in the Siyi's hands could actually be traced back to the Ancient Desolation. At that time, the Desolate Land was filled with demons and witches, and the remaining ones were savage beasts that had no humans. As for the human race, they were created by Nuwa after she mixed her own blood and sweat with the Nine Heavens Swelling Earth. Because she was the creator, Nuwa became the first Saint of the primitive world!    


Therefore, he casually plucked a willow branch from a nearby willow tree, then dipped that willow branch into the Nine Heavens Swelling Earth, which had been mixed with her blood and sweat. Then, he swung the branch, and all the mud and dirt that had been thrown out turned into human beings one by one, allowing her to become a person much faster.    


Once Nuwa succeeded in creating a human, and the Heavenly Daos descended upon her with boundless karmic virtue, allowing her to become a Saint, Nuwa casually tossed aside the willow branch she used to make a human. However, what she didn't know was that this willow branch that she used to create a human had also absorbed some of her merits when she received the Heavenly Dao Merits. It had become a treasure of the Houtian realm!    


This willow branch that Nuwa had casually thrown away was later taken by Daoist Master Ci Hang and placed into her clear glass bottle. After the Conferred God Battle, Daoist Ci Hang had joined the Western Buddhist Sect to become Guan Yin's Bodhisattva. He then passed down the teachings of the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai!    


However, no one expected that Guan Yin, Bodhisattva, would also pass this treasure of acquired merits to the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai, and it even landed in his hands. In fact, there was nothing to be surprised about, the legacy of the Daoist Canon was originally just relying on luck and not longevity, although the acquired merit treasure was not as good as the treasure itself, being able to suppress the luck he had passed on, it was still considered very good, so it was understandable that Guan Yin Bodhisattva had passed this virtue down to her and subdued the destiny of the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai!    


Although Yang Feng felt that Xie Wang's words were magical, when he thought about the news he got from Chi Zheng, he quickly accepted it. Originally, Yang Feng did not believe that those gods existed, but after experiencing so many things, Yang Feng no longer felt that it was hard to accept hearing about such things anymore!    


However, when he heard that the willow branch in the Siyi's hands had such a great background, that would mean blood ? ? wouldn't they be in trouble? With this, Yang Feng started to worry. However, the more he was worried about one thing, the faster that thing would happen!    


Siyi no longer wanted to tangle with Xue Yi and his group anymore. Waving the green willow tree, the Merit Green Willow waved his hand, and eleven willow leaves flew out from the top of the Green Willow, which transformed into dozens of feet tall willow leaves. Then, they flew towards Xue Yi and his group at an unimaginable speed, and wrapped around Xue Yi and his group.    


The blood that was wrapped around Liu Ye ? they wanted to struggle but could not muster up any strength, and then, they saw the blood ? they all fell to the ground with a loud thud. Yang Feng wanted to rush forward to save the blood ? they had just moved, when a green light flashed in front of them.    


Yang Feng raised his head, and just happened to see Siyi standing in front of them with a face full of contempt, surrounded by Liu Ye's blood. Looking at Siyi's disdainful attitude, Yang Feng really wanted to go up and teach her a lesson, but right now, Xue Yi's life was already in her hands.    


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The mouse code word was updated at around 2 PM. It was updated at 8 PM, so I'm feeling a bit dizzy right now. Brothers, support the mouse a lot, thank you!    


Thank you for the gift from Vogue Young Master and Mengw426. Thank you for your support!    


At the beginning of the month, the Flower Wars was very intense. Lao Shu tried his best to get a few more chapters for today. After that, he would explode once more on the third day. "Brothers, please pay more attention!"    


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