Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C244 Fly to the Moon

C244 Fly to the Moon

2Yang Feng's mind was filled with questions, was he thinking whether or not his blood wings were absorbing the energy of the sun?! If so, how could such a change happen?    4


Yang Feng did not retract his Blood Wings, and continued to allow the Blood Wings to automatically absorb energy that he did not know came from the sun. Because the energy that was absorbed by the Blood Wings into Yang Feng's body, if it was not absorbed by Yang Feng's mind, it would be absorbed by his body, and stored in his body, slowly accumulating the energy required for the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to enter the next stage.    


Yang Feng only used his mind to carefully feel the energy that was being absorbed this time, and very quickly, Yang Feng discovered something different! The energy that he had absorbed at night, was the type of light, nimble, and ice-cold energy that Yang Feng had felt, but the energy that he had absorbed during the day was instead intensely burning. This kind of feeling was completely different from what he had experienced, and it made Yang Feng realize that the energy he had absorbed right now should be the energy of the sun itself.    


After confirming that the blood wings could absorb the sun's energy, Yang Feng started to consider why the blood wings could absorb the sun's energy. The wings of the Strigoi could help them absorb the energy of the moon, allowing them to constantly temper their bodies and make their bodies stronger. However, that was only absorbing the energy of the moon; other than Cain being able to absorb the energy of the stars, the rest of the Strigoi could only absorb the energy of the moon!    


Even Cain's blood wings could only absorb the energy of the moon and stars, but how could his own blood wings absorb the energy of the sun? Yang Feng felt that this was too unbelievable! Even if his body had experienced many strange things before, Yang Feng was already used to those strange things. In the past, if he did not understand what happened to him, then he might as well not think about it.    


However, it was different this time, because if he could understand why the Blood Wings could absorb solar energy, then it would be of great help to his future cultivation! One must know that the energy of the sun is endless. If one can absorb the energy of the sun to cultivate the Nine Suns Divine Art, then the Nine Suns Divine Art will quickly reach a very high realm!    


Cultivating the Nine Suns Divine Art meant absorbing the free yang energy from between heaven and earth, and then using the Nine Suns Divine Art mental cultivation method to convert the yang energy into Nine Suns Divine Art true energy. If Yang Feng understood why the Blood Wings could absorb the solar energy, then Yang Feng could directly use the Blood Wings to absorb the solar energy to cultivate the Nine Suns Divine Art!    


Yang Feng was thinking about the relationship between the sun, moon and the stars in the sky. Since the energy they emit could be absorbed by the blood wings, then there must be some sort of relationship between them. Suddenly, Yang Feng's eyes lit up. As if his heart had been illuminated by a bright lamp, his entire person became incomparably energetic in an instant!    


The reason why Yang Feng acted this way was because he had thought of the relationship between the sun and the moon. When Yang Feng thought of the relationship between them, he couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh, because the relationship between the sun and the moon was simply too simple.    


Why does the sun shine and emit heat energy?! That was because the sun was a star and the stars were all over the sky. However, because they were too far away from the Earth and the sun was the closest to the Earth, the light of the other stars was blocked by the sun, so they could only display their light at night.    


And why does the moon shine? That was because the moon reflected the light of the sun! The moon itself did not emit light, nor did it emit energy. It was only because it reflected the light and energy of the sun that people thought the moon emitted light! This was the scientific knowledge that he had learned in the elementary school textbooks. However, it was used to explain why the Yang Feng Blood Wings could absorb the sun's energy!    


Why were Yang Feng's blood wings able to absorb both the moon and the sun? The answer was obvious, because it had originally absorbed the same kind of energy! The Lunar energy that the Blood Wings absorbed was the solar energy that the Moon reflected on Earth, so Yang Feng could directly absorb the solar energy as well, because the Lunar energy and the solar energy were originally of the same origin.    


After he understood why the Blood Wings were able to absorb the solar energy, Yang Feng started to think why the Thirteen Blood Guards and the others were not able to absorb the solar energy directly. Based on the reason that Yang Feng had thought of, being able to absorb the energy from both the moon and the sun was the same source of energy. Since he could directly absorb the energy from the sun, then the Thirteen Blood Guards and the others should be able to as well? But why can't they?    


Yang Feng thought that perhaps it was because he had blood wings, and Thirteen Blood Guards's side did not have blood wings, so he could directly absorb the solar energy, the Blood Guards could not, but the Thirteen Blood Guards had also said before, that even Cain who had the same blood wings could not directly absorb the solar energy! This caused Yang Feng to have some doubts. He thought to himself, what exactly was the reason why the Blood Guards could not absorb the solar energy directly?    


At this time, Yang Feng felt that the temperature of his blood wings had grown higher and higher. He could already feel a slight burning pain from it, and the pain made Yang Feng quickly retract his blood wings! The moment he retracted his Blood Wings, Yang Feng suddenly understood why the Thirteen Blood Guards and even Cain could not directly absorb the solar energy. Instead, they could only absorb the solar energy reflected by the moon!    


The reason was simple, because if they were to absorb the solar energy directly, it was impossible for them to endure the heat produced by the solar energy. Yang Feng was already in the Fifth Cycle of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, and with a body at the level of Senior Magi, he would feel a burning pain after absorbing the solar energy directly. Furthermore, their Blood Clansmen's bodies were originally inferior to those who possess the pure Shaman bloodline, so it wasn't that they couldn't absorb the solar energy directly, but rather, their bodies couldn't withstand the heat generated by the solar energy directly!    


Thinking about it here, Yang Feng finally thought of these problems, and decided to go cultivate Nine Yin Meridians and Nine Suns Divine Art, and this time Yang Feng was going to a place to cultivate, and that place was the moon!    


That's right, Yang Feng had to go to the Moon to cultivate, because on the Moon, not only could he absorb solar energy at any time to train in the Nine Suns Divine Art, Yang Feng also remembered that when he was in primary school, he had also learned that the place on the Moon that was not illuminated by the sun's rays was at a very low temperature. At that time, the temperature would be even colder than the north and south extremes of Earth.    


Yang Feng wanted to cultivate his strength to the Spirit Severing Stage as soon as possible, and then cultivate his Primordial Spirit to refine the nine cauldrons. Only then would he be able to grasp the fate of the Chinese people.    


After Yang Feng made his decision, he walked out of the room, found Chi Zheng, Guo Meimei and the others, and told them what he thought. Chi Zheng was in favor of Yang Feng's decision. After knowing that Yang Feng had obtained the Ancestral Voodoo Blood, Chi Zheng held even greater hope for Yang Feng. Therefore, he was naturally very supportive of Yang Feng's decision!    


As for Guo Meimei, Zhang Fei and Dongfang Xue, although they did not want to part with Yang Feng, they knew that Yang Feng was going to do some proper business, so they did not stop him either. This was the first time he kissed the three girls, and it was only on their cheeks. However, this had already made the hearts of the three women of Guo Meimei's family linger for a long time!    


immediately made Guo Meimei create an Invisibility Charm for him, that way, she would be able to cultivate on the moon without being seen by anyone. With so many technology satellites around, Yang Feng did not want anyone to know that she was training on the moon, otherwise, she would be treated by others as a monster.    


Picking up the invisibility talisman that Guo Meimei had created, Yang Feng placed it on his body, then activated the invisibility talisman and flew up towards the sky.    


However, as Yang Feng continued to fly higher and higher, the gravity of the Earth he felt also became stronger and stronger, causing him to require more and more energy to fly. In the end, Yang Feng had no choice but to use his Blood Wings and break through the shackles of gravity, breaking through the Earth's atmosphere, flying into space, then flying towards the moon.    


Although it was a vacuum in space, and there was no air to let people breathe, Yang Feng's tyrannical body had already reached the [Innate] realm, and immediately went from breathing to breathing in space, so the vacuum had no effect on Yang Feng!    


Actually, this was also Yang Feng. Others would not be able to easily fly into space with their flesh and blood, and even Cultivator in the cultivation world would not be able to do this.    


Although the Cultivator was an omnipotent deity in the eyes of the people of the mortal world, that was only in comparison to the people of Earth. If one wanted to use their body to break through the gravitational force of Earth and fly into space, it was impossible to do so without being at the Large Success Realm! Moreover, even if one had a mastery level, he would still need a tyrannical body. That way, when breaking through the Earth's atmosphere, he wouldn't be turned into ashes by the intense high temperature!    


Yang Feng continued to fly forward, the distance between the Earth and the Moon was not short. Even though Yang Feng's speed was extremely fast, it would still take him a very long time to reach the Moon's gravitational range!    


After going through another incident of resisting the Moon's gravity, Yang Feng finally landed on the Moon. He then found a place on the Moon to cultivate at.    


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1 Even more so, thank you brothers for your support!    


Thank you for your support of the mice, SZLY and the book brothers.    


The state of recovery, the mouse is trying to save the script, strive to this weekend for the brothers to explode, O (?) O (?) O!    


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