Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C307 Nine Infant Fighting Again

C307 Nine Infant Fighting Again

0After Yang Feng transformed into the 30,000-meter-tall golden body, the gigantic body of the Twelve Divine Generals became much smaller in Yang Feng's eyes. The Soaring Serpent and the Azure Dragon became earthworms in Yang Feng's eyes, the Vermillion Bird was only a ball of flames, the Black Tortoise was like a small rock while the White Tiger was like a miniature dog!    0


Because his body was currently glowing with spring light, Yang Feng did not linger any further. Stretching out his mountainous, gigantic hand that was like a mountain, he began to eat and devour the sun as he instantly sucked the energy from the twelve divine generals into his own body, storing it all into his own body as the next time he trained in the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique.    


After exterminating the twelve Godly Generals in the blink of an eye, Yang Feng immediately withdrew his Golden Body. Then, he took out a set of clothes from the Black Tortoise Sacred Ring and put them on. When Yang Feng finished putting on the clothes, and slowly walked to a place not far from An Beiqingming, he had still not recovered from his shock.    


But right after, An Beiqingming's body shook greatly. After spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood essence in a row, he finally became clear-headed, and looked at Yang Feng with a terrified and unreconciled expression. At this moment, An Beiqingming was truly terrified of Yang Feng, he never thought that a mere Nascent Soul stage cultivator would possess such strength, what was wrong with the giant who had transformed into thirty thousand feet of human body?! How could the twelve Divine Generals, who were unrivalled in An Beiqingming's eyes, be killed without even having the power to resist?!    


Because the Twelve Divine Generals were also connected to An Beiqingming's mind, the Twelve Divine Generals were killed, so An Beiqingming's mind was naturally injured. He spat out a few mouthfuls of blood essence, which caused him to suffer a very serious internal injury.    


On the other hand, he was already in the late stage of the Divine Tribulation Realm, and was about to reach the great perfection realm. After he reached this level, he would be able to undergo a tribulation and ascend to the Fusang Immortal Realm, but suffering from such a severe injury would cause his tribulation to be delayed for a very long time, so it was uncertain whether he would succeed or not!    


Originally, An Beiqingming had great confidence in transcending the heavenly tribulation and advancing to the Fusang Immortal Realm, because even though he was unable to withstand it with his own strength, with the help of the Twelve Divine Generals, he had the confidence that he would be able to succeed in transcending the heavenly tribulation. At that time, he would only be able to sacrifice a few Divine Generals at most.    


The unhappiness in An Beiqingming's heart became stronger and stronger. Seeing Yang Feng who was walking towards him, a look of determination flashed past his eyes. He reached his hand into his bosom and took out a golden symbol, then used his cultivation to spit out some blood essence onto the golden symbol.    


After the golden spell was shot into Gou Qianyu's body, the speed of Gou Qianyu's rotation suddenly sped up, and waves of violent gales burst out from Gou Qianyu's body. A faint white light started to be emitted from Gou Qianyu's body, and the light became more and more dazzling as Gou Qianyu's rotation speed increased.    


The entire sky above the Heavenly Blessed Illusion Realm was already occupied by Gou Qianyu. Right at this moment, a black figure shot out from Gou Qianyu, and as the black figure continued to grow in the air, he soon appeared in front of Yang Feng. By the time he appeared, he was already a few hundred meters tall, and this black figure had nine gigantic heads!    


Yang Feng smiled when he saw this figure. He never thought that there would be such a huge beast among Gou Qianyu's group. had seen this beast before in the Martial Sect. It was the Nine Infants, a huge snake with nine snake heads. It was also a strong beast that was second only to the White Tiger and Archaeopteryx.    


When Yang Feng was in the Third Cycle of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, he challenged the Nine Infants a few times, but there were a few times where he almost died at the hands of the Nine Infants. However, the Nine Infants was no longer Yang Feng's match, so when Yang Feng saw that the gigantic monster that appeared was the Nine Infants, he no longer had anything to worry about.    


Yang Feng now wanted to know what exactly this Gou Qianyu was. Yang Feng had already discovered that this Heavenly Blessed Illusion was under the control of Gou Qianyu, and that the nine babies were sealed in Gou Qianyu, so he had some understanding of treasures and knew that these sealing treasures were all spatial treasures, and his Profound realm Sacred Ring was also a spatial treasure. It was just that the Profound realm Sacred Ring could only contain inanimate objects, so sealing living beings like the nine babies was not an option.    


Yang Feng looked at Gou Qianyu who was in the air, and then looked at the Nine Infant in front of him, and at this time, An Beiqingming was already so dispirited that he was paralyzed on the ground, this Nine Infants was not something he could control, the fact that he could summon the Nine Infants from Gou Qianyu exhausted all of his energy, and he was drained of energy. However, at this time, An Beiqingming started to laugh maniacally.    


"Haha, god Baji, help me get rid of him. I'm willing to offer myself as a sacrifice to you!" An Beiqingming's handsome face contorted as he shouted towards the Nine Infants.    


The Nine Infants, who was called the Eight Aids Great God, had one of the snake heads turn towards An Beiqingming, and then reached out its snakehead towards An Beiqingming. It then opened its mouth wide and sucked An Beiqingming in, and the fate of the island's famous Great Yin Yang Master was actually like this, was a little confused, why did An Beiqingming choose to commit suicide?    


It could only be said that the people of the island were all abnormal, and because An Beiqingming had killed his Twelve Divine Generals, An Beiqingming himself had suffered severe injuries. Therefore, he felt that he would not be able to get through the tribulation, and would not be able to fly to the Fusang Immortal Realm.    


He used the price of his own life force to summon the Nine Infants, but the power of the Nine Infants was not something that he could control with his current cultivation, so if he wanted the Nine Infants to help him eliminate Yang Feng, he had to offer up a sacrifice, and An Beiqingming already had nowhere to look for a sacrifice. So he gave himself up to the Nine Infants as a sacrifice, and then let the Nine Infants kill Yang Feng!    


It was just that this method was a little too paranoid, but the people of the island nation were like this, there was nothing they could do about it. Yang Feng looked at An Beiqingming who had been devoured by the nine babies, and thought that he had originally wanted to let him live, but did not expect that he would actually dig himself out of the grave, and send himself to death.    


After the nine babies swallowed An Beiqingming, nine heads, and eighteen eyes focused on Yang Feng at the same time. The nine huge snake heads swayed left and right, and suddenly, the nine snake heads roared at the same time. Earth-shaking roars reverberated in the Heavenly Blessed Illusion, and following that, the nine heads of the nine babies attacked Yang Feng together.    


Seeing the Nine Infants coming at him with nine snake heads at the same time, Yang Feng took out her Demonic Knife and prepared to use it against the Nine Infants. Yang Feng also did not want to waste time with the Nine Infants, he also wanted to finish them off in one go. The fastest way was naturally to use the Appearance Mantra, but with Yang Feng's current strength, he could only use the Golden Body once a day, and it could not last for too long, if not, even with Yang Feng's Fifth Cycle of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, he would not be able to withstand the immense power required for the Golden Body!    


If Nine Infant and the Twelve Divine Generals had come out together, Yang Feng could have taken care of it with the shoulders of the Twelve Gods, but now, Yang Feng no longer had the strength to use the Appearance Golden Body again, so he could only use the Demonic Knife to deal with the Nine Infants!    


Yang Feng's figure flashed and appeared in the air above one of the snake heads of the Nine Infants. Because the Demonic Knife that had retracted its blade spirit and evolved here was already at the low rank of a Houtian Soul Treasure, using the Demonic Knife to chop off the head of a Nine Infant was as easy as splitting a watermelon.    


The Demonic Knife broke through the Nine Infant's scales that were a hundred times tougher than steel and slashed down. One of the snake heads along with its long neck was split into two by the Demonic Knife.    


The Nine Infants with a snake head exterminated, now fit the description of the one that An Beiqingming called "great god Baji" a moment ago. The remaining eight gigantic snake heads all started to bite towards Yang Feng. Yang Feng's figure flashed, and dodged all the bites from the snake heads, but this time, he arrived at the junction of all the snake heads in the Nine Infants. He then lowered the Demonic Knife s, and pierced through them.    


When the Demonic Knife stabbed into the Nine Infant's body, the Nine Infant's huge body was like a deflated balloon, rapidly drying up. Furthermore, the Nine Infant's body was constantly disintegrating, eventually turning into dust, returning to nothingness!    


Once again absorbing a large amount of flesh and blood energy, the patterns on the blade body started to emit a blood-red glow. Yang Feng pointed the Demonic Knife at Gou Qianyu who was in the sky.    


After Gou Qianyu was hit by the blood-red colored blade beam, she began to tremble violently. Then, Yang Feng saw that her surroundings started to distort violently, and then, all of the surrounding scenery was absorbed into Gou Qianyu. Then, Gou Qianyu's trembling continued to decrease in size, and finally landed on the ground.    


At this time, Yang Feng had already appeared in the courtyard in the middle of the meditation room behind the Great An Nation Temple. Yang Feng bent down and picked up the piece of jade, looked at the comma shaped jade and studied it for a while, but did not find anything, thus he kept it.    


Just as Yang Feng kept Gou Qianyu, the two meditation rooms in the center opened!    


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