Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C370 Vajra Nirvana

C370 Vajra Nirvana

1The Taurus Knight's Taurus broke the cloth bag and used its huge horn to pierce through the bag. Then, the Taurus Knight swung its huge head and threw the bag of cloth out. The Leo Knight's huge golden lion bit onto one of the arm of the Laughing Lion Arhat and forcefully tore it off.     4


When the peerless beauty of the Virgo Knight struck the Libra Knight's Libra Knight, when thirteen streams of pure holy power descended from the sky, and then when the Taurus and Leo Knights attacked from behind, all of this was done in an instant. By the time the disciples of the various sects of Chinese Cultivation World had realised what was happening, the Bag Arhat and Laughing Lion Arhat were already seriously injured.    


Suddenly, the entire Chinese Cultivation World became deathly silent. From the cheers getting louder and louder before to the dead silence now, the huge contrast in the middle made all the other Cultivator feel uncomfortable. It was as if a person was eating a big meal and was about to finish it in one bite, only to discover that there was a fly in the middle of the last mouthful! This kind of feeling was unbearable!    


The cheers disappeared and the entire battlefield quietened down. All of the Chinese Cultivator s looked at the Constellation Knight and the old monks inside the energy shield. Although only the Laughing Lion Arhat and Bag Arhat were heavily injured, and there were still 16 Arhats who were unharmed, this sudden change gave everyone a bad feeling.    


Although the meditation of Zen still had 16 undamaged Appearances, the Sagittarius and Gemini Knights had not made any moves on the side of the Constellation Knight. Furthermore, under the attack of the Virgo Knight's beauty, the entire Constellation Knight had recovered all of its fighting capabilities. Even the Aquarius Knight who was severely injured previously had broken through the Star Compass's energy barrier and once again returned to the battlefield!    


Now, the battlefield had turned into a battle between thirteen Constellation Knight s against the sixteen remaining Vajra Arhats. Although the number of old monks still held the advantage, all of the Chinese Cultivator s were already beginning to worry. At this moment, they had already began to doubt that the meditation of Zen was able to defeat the Constellation Knight.    


Yang Feng who was watching the competition from the sidelines used only one word to describe the attacks of the old monks of the meditation of Zen. That was pedantry!    


From the start of the fight, the old monks of meditation of Zen had never used their mana to attack. They had only waited for others to attack before they started to counterattack. However, after retaliating, they would not kill their enemies in a single strike. Each Dharma Idol would wound the things that attacked them and cause them to stop when they lost their battle power. They would not be able to completely destroy their enemies!    


Since you guys have strength stronger than the opponent, then you have to use everything you have and kill the opponent in one strike, you absolutely cannot give them another chance to counterattack! For example, these old monks used their mana to condense their Appearance Mana and waited for others to attack, after counterattacking, they would simply defeat the opponent and not completely annihilate the opponent. In the end, they would attract the opponent's counterattack!    


Right now, after the thirteen Constellation Knight were illuminated by the pure holy light beams, their auras were not one bit inferior to the mana of the old monks. They also borrowed a sliver of the power of the eighteen Arhat from the Buddha of the Western Heavenly Realm.    


Previously, when the Constellation Knight was completely at a disadvantage, when Yang Feng saw that the Pope still had a complacent look, he already knew that these Constellation Knight still had other unexpected abilities that they had yet to reveal. At that time, Yang Feng already felt that the probability of victory was not high for the meditation of Zen.    


However, with just the intervention of the Virgo Knights and Libra Knights, they had already brought the disadvantage back to their original positions. Furthermore, they allowed the injured Constellation Knight s to regain their fighting strength and become even more powerful, in addition to the Sagittarius Knights and Gemini Knights who had yet to make a move!    


Having fought to this extent, Yang Feng already knew that the fate of meditation of Zen's defeat was sealed. Because the old monk from meditation of Zen was from the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai, Yang Feng did not care about their lives at all.    


The other three sects from the Cultivator were cheering for the meditation of Zen s when they saw that the old monks from the other three sects had the upper hand. However, from start to finish, Yang Feng and the others were extremely quiet, and not a single person cheered for the meditation of Zen s. There was no need to talk about Yang Feng and the rest, the Demonic Sect and the Phantom of Fengdu would not cheer for the people of the meditation of Zen, and as for the loose cultivators, they were all following Yang Feng and the rest's lead. Seeing that Yang Feng and the rest did not make a sound, the loose cultivators did not make any sound, and just watched quietly.    


The Constellation Knight who had fully recovered their fighting capabilities attacked once again. The only ones who attacked were the Aries Knight, Goat Knight, Scorpio Knight, Crab Knight, Pisces Knight, Taurus Knight and Lion Knight, and the Aquarius Knight, Virgo Knight, Libra Knight, Sagittarius Knight and Gemini Knight who had retreated to the back.    


This time, the Constellation Knight attacked together, and did not attack one at a time. The first seven Constellation Knight s attacked the remaining sixteen Arhats together, because at this time, Constellation Knight's strength increased by a lot, and was not one bit weaker than the Arhat's, thus her attacks were even more powerful.    


Other than the Laughing Lion Arhat and Bag Arhat who were severely injured by his Dharma Idol and were unable to fight back, the remaining 16 Vajra Arhats also began to fight back! The most powerful Dragon-Subduing Arhat and Tiger Arhat in the Vajra Arhat had also finally made their move!    


The descending dragon arhat was holding a five clawed golden dragon in its hand. When it was in his hand, it was only about three feet, but once it was thrown out, it turned into a several thousand foot long body in the wind! The huge divine dragon immediately rushed towards those things. The five-clawed golden dragon was the king among dragons. Naturally, it would feel a sense of condescension when facing those weak creatures.    


It was just that although the golden dragon in the Arhat's hands looked good, it was only condensed out from the mana of the monks below. If it was really the golden dragon of the Arhat from the 18 Arhats in the Western Paradise, then even a single sneeze from the Arhat would be enough to kill these Constellation Knight!    


However, at this time, the Heavenly Scorpion Knight controlled the huge scorpion above its head and swung its huge tail, directly wrapping itself around the five-clawed Golden Dragon. Then, it retracted its tail and used a pair of huge pincers to gradually break the five-clawed Golden Dragon into three big sections!    


At the same time that the five clawed golden dragon of the Arhat was cut into three sections by the Scorpio Knight's scorpion, the Arhat released his giant tiger and pounced towards the Constellation Knight. The tiger was also the king of beasts, but this king of beasts was controlled by the Goat Knight and the Aries Knight, using their horns to pierce the white sheep and goats on top of their heads.    


The Arhat Descended Dragon had lost its five-clawed golden dragon, and the Arcing Tiger had also lost his giant tiger. Their two most powerful weapons were gone just like that, so they didn't have any means of attack.    


Rohan extended his arms to attack, but his hands were broken off by the giant crab riders. Rohan released the image of Rohan, and Rohan released the deer. However, the elephant riding Rohan was sent flying by the Taurus Knight's Taurus, and the road on Rohan was bitten to death by the lion of the Leo Knight! Even the long-browed arhat's two long eyebrows were torn apart by the Pisces Knight's two golden fishes!    


The remaining Arhats were defeated by the Constellation Knight s without any suspense! At this moment, the avatar of the Vajra Body that held the upper hand no longer had any strength to fight back!    


This change made the originally silent Star Compass even more silent. The excitement and passion in the hearts of every Chinese Cultivator, slowly cooled down upon seeing this scene, because they already knew that the old monks of the meditation of Zen were no longer able to continue, and failure was only a matter of time!    


Towards such an outcome, the Chinese Cultivator s could not accept it! Previously, the Mount Shu Sword Sect's thirty-six disciples were all annihilated, so were the eighteen Vajra Arhats now?    


None of the Chinese Cultivator s present wished for such an outcome, but they couldn't do anything to stop it.    


Just when those old monks from the meditation of Zen, who were condensed out of mana, were being beaten to retreat, the eighteen monks from the meditation of Zen suddenly sat cross-legged on the ground. They were still chanting buddhist scriptures, but their bodies began to emit rays of golden light!    


As for the golden beams of light, they did not dissipate, but instead moved around the old monks' bodies. They were just like a group of dancing golden flames!    


The pulsing golden light grew more and more, and the bodies of the old monks who were sitting cross-legged on the ground began to gradually decompose!    


The old monk's flesh and blood disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving only the milky white sariras floating in the air! Eighteen Vajra Arhats actually chose Rebirth!    


The eighteen old monks all chose Nirvana Rebirth and left behind eighteen milky-white sariras. After that, the eighteen sariras shot into the sky and disappeared into the Dharma Idol that was condensed from all the mana of the old monks!    


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It was already the third and fourth days in a row. Brothers, if there are any flowers, please support this mouse. Thank you!    


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