Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C246 Reforming Jindan

C246 Reforming Jindan

3After a few days of cultivation, Yang Feng had already compressed all of the Nine Yin Meridians's Zhen Qi and Nine Suns Divine Art's Zhen Qi into liquid form. It only took him a few days to reach the early Foundation Establishment stage. This kind of speed was considered a miracle even in the cultivation world!    


Firstly, the Nine Yin Meridians he was cultivating was a peerless martial art practice. Firstly, there was still such a dense amount of Yang and Yin Qi for him to cultivate, it would be difficult for him to cultivate at a slow pace even if he wanted. Secondly, because Yang Feng had already cultivated the Nine Yin Meridians and the Nine Suns Divine Art to the aurine stage, so this time, he could cultivate it with ease.    


Yang Feng looked at the golden Nine Suns Divine Art true qi and the silver white Nine Yin Meridians true qi that were circulating in his two meridians. Although the two types of true qi were compressed into a liquid state and had become as thick as a human hair, the surging energy that was being emitted made Yang Feng feel very satisfied.    


Yang Feng also did not think that directly absorbing the solar energy and the Yin Qi on the moon to cultivate the Nine Yin Meridians, the quality of the Zhen Qi he obtained would be many times stronger than the Nine Yin Meridians Zhen Qi he had learnt previously. Furthermore, the two flows of Zhen Qi were even purer and without any impurities, allowing Yang Feng to save himself the time of refining and refining again!    


Moreover, its speed was three times faster than when Yang Feng was training to the Foundation Establishment stage. At that time, when Yang Feng was training to the Foundation Establishment stage, the circulation speed of his Innate Qi was only one and a half times faster than when he was circulating his Great Circle of Circulation, and this time, when Yang Feng was deliberately compressing and accelerating the circulation of his Innate Qi from the very beginning, causing the circulation speed of his Innate Qi to become even faster when he reached this realm!    


In the process of Yang Feng's cultivation, his Mind Palace had been opened up by a lot, which allowed the Nine Yin Meridians Zhen Qi and the Nine Suns Divine Art Zhen Qi to have even more space in his Dantian, hence there would not be any conflicts.    


After reaching the Foundation Establishment stage, when Yang Feng continued to cultivate, the amount of solar energy he needed was even more, so using his body to absorb it was already a little insufficient. Therefore, when Yang Feng started to cultivate his Nine Suns Divine Art, he also started to use his Blood Wings.    


Before, when Yang Feng was training in the Nine Suns Divine Art, he did not use his Blood Wings, but it was enough to absorb all 365 acupoints in his body. But after reaching the Foundation Establishment stage, after training in the Nine Suns Divine Art, the amount of solar energy required would increase by a lot. Although this ring-shaped mountain range could gather a large amount of solar energy to the bottom, there were still some that could not satisfy Yang Feng's needs.    


It was because the Blood Wings were like a super solar absorption board. As long as he opened his Blood Wings, all of the solar energy gathered at the bottom of the valley where Yang Feng was at would immediately be absorbed by the Blood Wings!    


And at this time, the blood wing on Yang Feng's back would slowly grow as he absorbed more solar energy, and its temperature would also rise bit by bit, causing Yang Feng to feel a burning pain. And this burning pain was not just average, it was extremely intense, as if the blood wing was being burned by flames, and was extremely unbearable!    


Yang Feng was originally very confident in his own body that had cultivated the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to the Fifth Cycle, but under this burning sensation, Yang Feng's confidence was crumbling little by little, letting him know that the Fifth Cycle of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique was not invincible, and that there was still something that he could destroy!    


In fact, what Yang Feng did not know was that the reason the Blood Wings on his back felt such intense burning pain was because the solar energy he absorbed was emitted by the sun, and the flame that burned in the sun was the Grand Sun Primordial Flame, which was only second to the flames of Nanming fire. Back then, only the two Monarchs, Di Jun and Tai Yi, and Di Jun's ten sons were able to use this flame.    


However, after the Lich War, Di Jun, Tai Yi, and Zhu Rong all fell one by one. Nine of Di Jun's ten sons were shot down by the Witch Houyi at that time, leaving behind only Zhu Rong, who was known as the Fire God, who was able to control the Grand Sun Primordial Fire. After that, no one else was able to control the Grand Sun Primordial Fire.    


Afterwards, during the Conferred God Battle, the prehistoric continent was destroyed. At that time, the sun formed by Pangu's right eye was affected, causing the sun to shatter into countless fragments. Those fragments then became countless stars in the universe!    


Although Yang Feng had cultivated the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to the Fifth Cycle, and the Ancestral Magus Zhu Rong's blood had also been awakened, allowing him to control the Nanming fire, the pain he had endured when absorbing the solar energy was still as intense as before. Yang Feng wanted to use his own bloodline's power to control the solar energy after the awakening, but what made Yang Feng feel helpless was that he could indeed control the Grand Sun Primordial Flame, but it couldn't reduce the burning pain that would come from entering the solar energy. Therefore, in the end, Yang Feng could only grit his teeth and bear with it!    


Fortunately, the burning didn't last long, and the moon quickly turned its back on the sun. And at this time, Yang Feng's blood wings had already started to absorb the power of the stars, the cool and refreshing power of the stars immediately removed the burning pain Yang Feng had previously suffered, and let Yang Feng's mood instantly become refreshed!    


Of course, the power of the stars could not be used to cultivate the Nine Yin Meridians, so Yang Feng would still absorb the power of the stars into his body and store it there. However, due to the fact that he had reached the Foundation Establishment stage, the amount of Yin Qi required for Yang Feng to cultivate the Nine Yin Meridians was even more, and using the big acupuncture points on his body to absorb the Yin Qi from the moon already did not meet Yang Feng's needs.    


This question troubled Yang Feng, because the Blood Wings did not have the means to absorb Yin Qi like the sun and the stars, so when Yang Feng cultivated the Nine Yin Meridians, there would be a lack of Yin Qi. Under such a situation, his cultivation would not be good, so he thought that it would be great if he could directly absorb the Yin Qi from the moon.    


What made Yang Feng pleasantly surprised was that when this thought appeared in his mind, he actually felt a surge of energy from the moon beneath him, and the yin energy that was then infused into the moon actually started to surge violently. It was then like a great wave that rushed towards Yang Feng, and Yang Feng was immediately surrounded by a dense amount of yin energy!    


This phenomenon shocked Yang Feng. He did not understand why such a thing would happen, why when he thought about it, it would happen immediately. Furthermore, Yang Feng could clearly feel the situation on the moon, as if he had seen it with his eyes. This wondrous feeling made Yang Feng feel very surprised, when did he ever have such an ability?    


Actually, this kind of thing happened because last time Yang Feng was training in the Martial Gate, he encountered a situation where he was lacking energy when breaking through the third transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique. At that time, he was once again controlled by the Asura Demon Eyes, and then, he awakened the divine powers of Earth Control and Wood Control. He absorbed a huge amount of energy from the ground and forest, and finally cultivated to the third transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique!    


Just now, when Yang Feng was thinking that he could absorb the Yin Qi from the Moon, it was because of his Earth Controlling Technique that he could clearly feel the changes in the Moon.    


When Yang Feng was learning the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, he had gotten lucky and obtained all of the Ancestral Witch inheritances on the stone wall carved with the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique technique, so he might be able to awaken all of the Ancestral Witch's abilities in the future. It was just that the awakening of these abilities required a lot of luck and was not something that could be obtained easily. Now, aside from his own bloodline awakening, Yang Feng had also coincidentally awakened Earth Control and Wood Control's ability. This could already be considered as extremely lucky, and whether or not he could awaken other abilities in the future would depend on how twisted his luck was!    


Although Yang Feng did not know where that wondrous feeling came from, but to be able to solve the problem of cultivating the Nine Yin Meridians was more important than anything else, so he did not think about it too much. He tried his best to maintain that feeling and absorb the Yin Qi that was continuously flowing out from the Moon, slowly increasing the amount of Nine Yin Meridians true qi!    


Yang Feng endured the torment of the Grand Sun Primordial Fire for a while as he trained her Nine Suns Divine Art, and tried his best to recall the feeling that could trigger the moon's internal Yin Qi to absorb it for her Nine Yin Meridians. Under this kind of situation, after an unknown amount of time, Yang Feng's Nine Suns Divine Art true qi and Nine Yin Meridians true qi could already circulate nearly twenty times every time he breathed, and crystals had already begun to appear in his dual meridians that were already as wide as a great river of liquid true qi!    


The next step was to form the golden core. Since he already had the experience of forming the golden core, he didn't have any difficulties this time.    


Yang Feng controlled the crystals in the Nine Yin Meridians true qi and the crystals in the Nine Suns Divine Art true qi, and then merged them one by one into his dantian Zifu, and then continued to compress the crystals after that. Like this, it slowly accumulated until Yang Feng finally formed his Jindan again!    


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