Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C101 Recapitulation

C101 Recapitulation

0Although Golden Monkey, the instructor, was especially excited when he saw Yang Feng, he was very meticulous when it came to the military training. He treated every freshman very strictly, whether it was male or female, and treated them equally, without any form of discrimination. Although the chances of the Earth Group finding a talent with special abilities was very slim, in order to revive the Earth Group, they still spared no effort in searching.     0


However, not everyone could endure this kind of training. It was still better for boys and longer for girls. Under such intense training, some girls were not able to hold on for too long. Fortunately, Goldmonkey knew how to show mercy to the fairer sex. When the girls couldn't hold on any longer, he announced that he would rest on the spot.    


"Did you record that military boxing routine?!" When Yang Feng was resting, Yang Feng took Wang Ming to sit at a place somewhat far from the classroom, and then, he asked Wang Ming who was seated right next to him. At this time, the golden monkey walked over to them.    


"Brother Feng, that military boxing set is so simple. I have memorized it all. But, what's the use of memorizing such a simple move? You'd better hurry up and teach me the true sword style!" Wang Ming didn't really understand the set of military punches that wanted him to remember from his instructors. He hoped even more that he would be able to learn the true sword art that Yang Feng had promised to teach him as soon as possible.    


Don't underestimate this set of military punches. Although its moves are simple, if you use true energy, then it will be different. Yang Feng saw that the golden monkey was walking towards them, so he sent Wang Ming to practice on the side. When Wang Ming heard that the military boxing style was going to be different from practice on the side, his eyes lit up immediately, and he went to the side to practice on the side in high spirits.    


"Captain." He understood that Yang Feng did not want the other students to know his identity, so he did not make any noise. He quietly walked over when no one was looking. As for the place where Yang Feng and Wang Ming were sitting, it was a distance away from their class, and there were even a few small trees blocking them, so no one paid attention to this place.    


"Hur hur, why have you come to be instructors?!" Yang Feng was still a little confused by this question, so he asked like a golden monkey.    


Although Yang Feng wanted to establish his own power, he had never thought of taking as his own disciple. Rather than painstakingly bringing up a disciple, why not just bring down an expert, then have the expert train the other disciples? Wouldn't that be much easier?!    


"Their Heaven Squad can choose some people with good aptitude, but how do we choose our Earth Squad?!" It's impossible for you to know that I have a superpower just from looking at it that way, right?! " Yang Feng was after all, the leader of the Earth Group, and should be concerned about the situation of the Earth Group.    


The golden monkey also sighed upon hearing Yang Feng's words, then said to Yang Feng, "It's just that this problem isn't easy to solve, if someone with supernatural ability didn't use it, we wouldn't even know what would happen. Therefore, we can only let the peeping peeper use his abnormal mental force to probe it bit by bit, and those with supernatural ability all have outstanding mental power.    


When Yang Feng heard Golden Monkey's words, he also felt that the Earth Group was in a rather awkward situation. However, there was nothing he could do about it, it seemed that the only way he could help them was to increase their superpowers. However, he was not very good at this. It seemed that he needed to consult with King Kong. Only now did Yang Feng know that the strange energy in King Kong's body was of the metal attribute, the same attribute as the golden monkey in front of him.    


"Oh right, captain, that black friend of yours had such a powerful ability last time. In front of him, Xiantian realm experts are nothing. Plus, he has a metal attribute ability, so how did he train in that ability?" The golden monkey asked Yang Feng.    


Yang Feng thought to himself, just now he was thinking of helping them seek guidance from Kong Kim, but this Golden Monkey had already impatiently asked him, so Yang Feng smiled and said to Golden Monkey, "I don't know how he cultivates, but I was planning to ask him, when I found out, I will tell you guys, after all, I am also your team leader!"    


After Golden Monkey heard what Yang Feng said, he became excited and said to Yang Feng excitedly, "Thank you, party leader!" Perhaps, the reason Golden Monkey called Yang Feng a team leader before was because he admired Yang Feng's strength. However, this team leader now truly regarded Yang Feng as the team leader of their group.    


Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard a commotion coming from his own class. Yang Feng and Golden Monkey both looked over and saw that one of Yang Feng's classmates had been knocked down by someone, and the one who had hit him seemed to be a student from another class.    


When the golden monkey saw this situation, his face changed into an angry expression, because he saw that when his class was in conflict with the other classes, the instructor of that class was also beside him. It was a member of a Heaven Squad, and the members of the Heaven Group not only didn't stop the conflict between the two classes, they were also gloating on the side.    


Obviously, the members of the Heaven Squad were bullying the Earth Squad again. Golden Monkey immediately rushed over in anger. Although Golden Monkey Man was very skinny and had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, his temper was very explosive. Yang Feng saw that the golden monkey was rushing over, and was afraid that he would make a mistake, so he called Wang Ming to follow him.    


When Yang Feng returned to his class, Yang Feng was standing behind the crowd watching Golden Monkey supporting the student who was knocked out just now. The student's mouth was bleeding, and it was obvious that he had suffered internal injuries.    


The students in Yang Feng's class were also very angry, and one by one, they told their instructors the cause of the matter. In fact, it was very simple, because the position their class occupied was too great. The entire football field only had a little bit of shade, which naturally attracted the jealousy of the other classes.    


As a result, a class that was next to Yang Feng's class had's class change their seats to theirs. Naturally, the people in Yang Feng's class weren't stupid enough to agree to such a request, and so a dispute had arisen between the two. However, in the other class, there was a male student who proposed to use a martial arts competition to solve the problem. Everyone learned military boxing techniques and used military boxing to determine the victor. Whoever won could rest under the shade of this tree.    


When the boys in Yang Feng's class saw the boys in the other class provoke them, they naturally agreed to the challenge. In the end, one of the boys in Yang Feng's class was beaten up to the point of spitting blood when he was beaten up by the boy in the other class.    


But Yang Feng felt that this matter was not that simple, because he saw a person, or to be more accurate, it was a girl. This girl was from the Yang Family, and her relationship with Yang Feng was not simple. This girl was Yang Xiaochan! She was the first person Yang Feng hated the most out of all women in the Yang family!    


Even though this Yang Xiaochan was Yang Feng's younger sister, who was from the same father and mother group, she had never treated Yang Feng as her older brother. Although Yang Xiaochan had never fought against Yang Feng before, she hated her more than she had ever fought against Yang Feng. She would always think of a way to frame Yang Feng, luring Yang Wen and Yang Wu to take care of him.    


When Yang Feng saw her, he felt that this matter was not as simple as the other students described, and when Yang Feng saw the boy, who had beaten up his class to the point of vomiting blood, standing next to Yang Xiaochan, he immediately understood what had happened. Yang Feng was sure that this matter was instigated by Yang Xiaochan.    


Yang Xiaochan had been pampered since she was young, and because she was afraid of working hard, she had never properly cultivated her family's secret arts before. However, Yang Xiaochan was extremely beautiful, and there were naturally a few berserk butterflies coming over to work for her. Yang Feng believed that Yang Xiaochan was the one who instigated the boy beside her to do this.    


As for the Sky Team instructor gloating while watching the two parties clash, Yang Feng could also guess the reason. Because Yang Xiaochan liked to show off her status as the young miss of the Ancient Martial Yang Family, she really enjoyed the feeling of being respected, so she revealed her identity to the instructor. The instructor of Heaven Division naturally could not afford to offend her. That was why he only watched from the side and did not stop the conflict from happening!    


Of course, these were all Yang Feng's guesses, but Yang Feng believed that his guesses were correct, because he, as a lion, understood Yang Xiaochan's personality too well. She was always interested in her own interests, as long as it could satisfy his own interests, she would not care about the life and death of others, and would even use the cards in his hands to achieve his own goals!    


Although Yang Feng had guessed these things, he did not say them out loud. He was just watching the development of the situation from the side and watching the golden monkey handle this matter, Yang Feng did not want to appear right now, because he did not dare face Yang Xiaochan. He was afraid that he would not be able to resist and kill her.    


"Liang Zi, how did you become an instructor?!" Are you just going to let the students in your class be so impudent?! Did you think that there was no one on our team?! " Monkey Jin asked the instructor from Heaven Division loudly.    


"Oh, Golden Monkey, you're wrong about me this time. I know that your underground team has a strong backer, and I can't afford to offend them, but I'm not the one who asked them to do this. Look, this is the young miss of the Yang family, I can't afford to offend her, so if you want to find someone to reason, then find young miss Yang!" The one called Liang Zi, the member of the Heaven Squad said to the golden monkey with an indifferent attitude.    


After Yang Feng heard the words of the person called Qizi, he thought that his guess was indeed correct. It really was Yang Xiaochan who did it. When the golden monkey heard that, it also became troubled. It turned its pleading gaze towards Yang Feng!    


= = = = = = = = = = = =    


In addition, he continued to thank the Jujuangel brothers and the other brothers who gave the mouse gifts. Thank you for your support!    


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