Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C146 Skeleton Legion

C146 Skeleton Legion

3Yang Feng originally thought that he heard the sounds of fighting because of the fight between the Liu Sheng and Shan Kou Clans, but when he got to the origin of the sound, the scene that he saw shocked him. It was too unbelievable!    


Yang Feng saw two ninja dressed people fighting. They were fighting, but their fights were not directed at the ninja's side, but towards someone else, or to be more accurate, towards something else. And that thing was a skull that could not be counted! Yes, they were skeletons, standing in groups, holding various weapons in their hands.    


Seeing this scene, Yang Feng's mind went blank, it took a while for him to regain consciousness, he immediately suppressed his own Qi, and secretly watched from the side. Yang Feng saw that those skeletons were especially tall and sturdy. Although they were all bones, they looked to be even stronger than a normal human being. Inside the skulls of the skeleton soldiers, a dark-red flame was burning, and the flames that shot out from their eyes looked extremely terrifying.    


Furthermore, these Skeleton Soldiers had extremely strong battle capabilities. Yang Feng reckoned that if these Skeleton Soldiers fought the soldiers outside empty-handed, no one would be their match. Furthermore, these soldiers were not afraid of death. The skeleton soldiers at the front fell and the ones at the back immediately rushed up. A large number of skeleton soldiers rushed towards the two of them and surrounded them.    


However, even though there were many Skeleton Soldiers, even after fighting for so long, they were still unable to break through the defenses of the two Divine Ninjas. Yang Feng was also secretly shocked when he saw the strength of the two Divine Stubborns. He thought about whether or not his current strength was a match for the two of them, and the result was that even though he could win, he would definitely be severely injured!    


From afar, Yang Feng could see that although the two ninjas came from different families, their teamwork was pretty good. One was for long-range attacks and the other was for close range defense.    


The Ninja responsible for long-ranged attacks continuously formed hand seals, and then either shot a huge fireball with a diameter of two to three meters at the Skeleton Soldier, or a lot of wind blades appeared out of thin air and cut the Skeleton Soldier into pieces. Or else, suddenly, a wave of cold air appeared and froze all of the Skeleton Soldiers that were charging at him.    


As for the ninja in charge of close range defense, he was obviously a very powerful martial artist. With a katana in his hand, he slaughtered the Skeleton Soldiers who had broken through to the two of them one by one. This man's martial arts were indeed good, but in Yang Feng's eyes, it was still not as profound as the martial arts he had learned. The only thing that caught Yang Feng's attention was the katana in Shen Nong's hand!    


Not only was the katana in Shen Nu's hand extremely sharp, all of the skeleton soldiers were like tofu being sliced apart by it, but what was even more mystical was that the katana actually absorbed all of the flames inside the skulls of the skeleton soldiers that it slashed into the blade, and as it absorbed more and more flames from the skulls of the skeleton soldiers, Yang Feng realized that the power of the katana also increased as the katana became longer and longer!    


Along with the growth of the katana's light, more and more skeleton soldiers were cut down by the katana! Yang Feng saw that the katana actually had such an ability, and his interest towards the katana grew greater and greater, thinking that he just so happened to lack a weapon that he could use, the katana looked pretty good, should he snatch it from that Shen Nu's hands?!    


Although Yang Feng's broken sword was extremely powerful, the amount of True Qi required was too much. Before Yang Feng reached the Jindan Stage, if he wanted to release three feet of the Sword Qi, he would have to exhaust half of his True Qi in his body. At Yang Feng's current Aurous Core stage, he would need about a quarter of his Innate Qi to release three feet of the sword light, and transferring all the Innate Qi from his body to the broken sword would just be adding on the orange gems on the sword, the consumption was just too huge, so Yang Feng needed a small consumption but the power was great, as though the sword was very suitable for Yang Feng's needs.    


One after another, more and more skeleton soldiers rushed out, as if there was no end to them. Although the two Divine Stubborns were very powerful, but with many ants, one could still kill an elephant, and with the waves of ferocious and fearless skeleton soldiers attacking them, the two of them seemed to be unable to hold on. However, the two of them seemed to be persisting on, Yang Feng didn't understand what the hell they were trying to do. He really didn't know what that Gouyu was. It could actually make these two gods even disregard his own life in order to obtain it!    


Yang Feng still restrained his presence and hid at the side while peeking. He didn't want to help the two island nations with their tolerance, but who told you two to not stay in the island obediently and to come all the way to China to wreak havoc. Although they would have to face countless skeleton soldiers on their own after death, Yang Feng didn't care at all. He would rather face these skeleton soldiers on his own than join hands with the islanders. Moreover, Yang Feng originally wanted to snatch the katana from that Shen Nu's hands, so he really wanted the two of them to die quickly!    


Even after the Skeleton Soldiers had attacked for so long, they were still unable to kill the two Divine Stubborns. The sound of drums came from an unknown place, and the Skeleton Soldiers immediately disappeared without a trace, like the receding tide of the ocean. Seeing the skeleton soldier retreat, the two Divine Ninjas clearly let out a sigh of relief. However, at this moment, footsteps could be heard from the opposite side, just like when a horse was running at full speed.    


As the sound of these footsteps drew closer and closer, the two Divine Stubborns became more and more nervous, and when Yang Feng saw clearly what was in front of them, his body clearly trembled for a moment. Then, he couldn't help but take a few steps back, because what appeared in front of them was actually a platoon of over a thousand Skeleton Cavalry Soldiers!    


A Skeleton Horse that was much larger than the current horses rushed over. The four hooves of these Skeleton Horse were all emitting black flames, and the inside of their heads were also burning with dark red flames. Each warhorse was clad in heavy armor, making them look like small tanks.    


On the backs of each warhorse was a skeleton soldier dressed in heavy armor. These skeleton soldiers were even taller than the previous ones, probably two meters tall. They were all holding long spears in their hands and the sabers hanging from their waists were similar to the katana in the hand of the god tolerated.    


The cavalry of a thousand men charged towards the two Divine Ninjas. Every single skeleton soldier on horseback raised his spear horizontally, and aimed the tip of the spear at the two Divine Ninjas! At this time, these two gods could no longer maintain their composure just now. In the face of such a pair of cavalry, no matter how strong they were, it was useless. Moreover, they had already expended too much strength in their previous battle with the Skeleton Infantry soldiers, and now it was impossible to fight them.    


Thus, when they saw this cavalry squad approaching, the two of them chose to retreat and turned to walk outside. Yang Feng looked at the two Divine Stubborns running towards him, and naturally couldn't let them come over. Thus, his finger gently flicked twice, and two strands of finger flicking ability's energy silently shot towards the calves of his legs.    


Under the normal circumstances, Yang Feng's finger flicking ability force simply could not injure these two ninja's that had reached the Divine level. However, these two ninjas had already consumed a large amount of energy before this, and with the addition of the pursuers of the cavalrymen at the back, the two of them had already panicked, so they were unlucky enough to be ambushed by Yang Feng!    


With two thudding sounds, Yang Feng saw the force he emitted penetrate the stomachs of the two Divine Stubborns, causing two bloody holes in their calves, and then, the two Divine Stubborns fell onto the ground. However, as soon as the two fell to the ground, they crawled back up. No matter if they were ambushed or not, they crawled back up and continued to run forward.    


However, in the instant they fell, the cavalry behind them had already arrived behind the two gods. Without the slightest hesitation, the spears in the hands of the Skeleton Cavalry soldiers pierced towards the back of the two gods' hearts, and with two soft 'pu pu' sounds, the two gods were pierced through by the spears as if they were candy.    


Fresh blood fell from the bodies of the two gods and fell onto the bodies of the Skeleton Cavalry soldiers. In the instant they were drenched in blood, the two skeleton riders opened their mouths and let out an excited roar. Following the shouts of the two cavalrymen in front of them, all of the cavalrymen behind them lifted up their spears and roared loudly!    


'Awesome, too intrepid! ' Seeing this scene, Yang Feng's blood started to boil, he only thought of the word intrepid in his heart! He never thought that the ancient cavalry attacks would actually have such a violent and violent aura and power. The power that nothing could stop them from advancing deeply touched Yang Feng!    


As more and more blood flowed out from the two of them, the bodies of the other two riders had already been dyed red. When the last drop of blood fell, the two of them were already barely alive. The two Skeleton Cavalry Soldiers swung their long spears and directly tossed the two Divine Ninjas to the side. Then, they led the group of cavalrymen back!    


After the skeleton riders left, Yang Feng waited for a while before he walked out. He walked to the side of the two Divine Stubborns, and looked at the two Divine Stubborns that were left with only one breath left. Yang Feng first took the katana from the Divine Stubborn's hands, but what made Yang Feng depressed was that this Divine Stubborn actually refused to let go of the katana in his hands even at death's door. He was still holding it tightly, and only took the katana away after breaking one of his fingers!    


Yang Feng looked at the katana in his hand and realised that the katana's blade had two words carved on it in the ancient Chinese language. Yang Feng could tell that the two words were "Village Head", and it seemed that the katana's name was the village head. But Yang Feng did not care about the title of the katana, all he cared about was that the katana now belonged to him!    


Yang Feng held the katana and looked at the god's tolerance that he had just lost. After that, he brandished the blade and released a three foot long blade light that chopped off that god's tolerance level head, and ended his life! What made Yang Feng happy was that the blade light just now had consumed only a very small amount of his true qi, to the point that it could be ignored!    


This made Yang Feng very happy, and he looked at the other person who was looking at him in terror, the one who was still holding his breath. Yang Feng thought about the fireballs he used, and the wind blades he seemed to have quite a bit of power, so he used the Soul Search to snatch all the memories in that God Tolerance's head, and then took care of that God Tolerance's life.    


After settling all of these matters, Yang Feng then walked towards the depths of the cave with satisfaction, towards the source of the devilish aura!    


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Uh, it's time for the fifth, continue begging for flowers and recommending votes! Thank you to all the brothers who sent flowers to the mice, thank you for your support!    


Continue to thank all the brothers who gave the mouse as a gift. Thank you for your support of the mouse!    


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