Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C152 Strange Bead

C152 Strange Bead

0As Wei Hwa and the others took the survivors away from Australia, the follow-up news report of Weigmar Killing Hospital also gradually faded away from the eyes of the news media and the public due to the efforts of various forces.    


Donner Auction Exchange began to publicize the second round of the auction. In this auction, other than the items that Li Yun had provided, there were also public recruitment efforts.    


Due to the influence of the previous auction, there were many people who were eager to provide items. Today, the Donna Auction House had received a very strange item, and many experts were unable to determine the year and material of this item.    


And the person who provided the item could not explain the source of the item, so Joanna called Li Yun for help.    


Li Yun, who received the call, rushed to Joanna's office and saw the magical item.    


The object of the auction was a black bead that was about two centimeters in diameter. The material was neither gold nor stone, but it was incredibly heavy. The Group of Experts had once weighed the beads with a scale, with a net weight of 6,400 grams. In other words, a two centimeter diameter bead weighed nearly 13 pounds.    


What shocked Li Yun the most was that the bead was filled with immortal spirit energy. It was the aura of the two Heavenly Immortals that Li Yun had killed. In addition, this aura was more than a hundred times stronger than that of the two Celestial Immortals.    


A professor from the group stood beside Li Yun and explained in detail how they appraised the bead. "We used all sorts of methods, but we were unable to determine the material and composition of the bead. We didn't even have any tools, so we could get even a little powder from the bead."    


Li Yun used his Heaven's Eyes to carefully examine the bead. He discovered that the bead was emitting a red light. It seemed that the bead's original color was red and it was covered by something.    


Li Yun turned his gaze to the professor at the side. "The customer who owns this bead, what is their identity and occupation, and what are the requirements for the starting price?"    


Chairman, the other party is a farmer who owns a very large manor and has raised five to six thousand cows. He found this pearl in the cow pen, and he himself used countless methods to identify it, but was unable to identify it. However, the peculiar weight of this pearl makes him feel that it is a treasure. The professor from the group of experts explained in detail to Li Yun.    


"Hurry up and contact that customer, I want to talk to him about the price. I'm preparing to buy this bead, don't go to the auction anymore." Li Yun cautiously said to the professor.    


"This person has yet to leave our company and is currently going through all sorts of auction formalities downstairs. I'll immediately get someone to invite him up." the professor replied.    


"Okay, you take him to the next conference room. I'll wait for him there." After Li Yun finished speaking, he walked towards the meeting room next door, holding the pearl in his hand.    


A short while later, a tall, boorish Australian followed the professor into the conference room.    


Li Yun carefully sized him up. This person was around 40 years old, he wore a red and white plaid shirt and a western cowboy hat. His beard was already somewhat gray, and his dark skin was etched with wrinkles from the vicissitudes of life.    


Li Yun politely stood up and extended his hand to shake that person's hand. "Hello, my name is Li Yun, I'm the chairman of this auction house. May I know Mister's name?"    


"Hello, Mr. Lee Yun. You can just call me Henry. My friends all call me Old Henry." Henry said in a loud and rough voice.    


"Sit down, Mr. Henry." Li Yun extended his hand and invited Henry to take a seat. A staff member from the auction house immediately served them two cups of coffee.    


"Mr. Henry, we received an item from you. We used almost all of our methods, but we were unable to determine the material and year of the item. Although there are some special methods that we haven't used yet, they will destroy the completeness of the item." At this point, Li Yun stopped and looked at Henry inquiringly.    


"Then I want your advice." Henry said in a reasonable manner, "That is true. I have also used countless methods, but I am unable to appraise the material of this thing."    


Li Yun saw that Henry was so reasonable, so he continued, "I am also very interested in the material of this bead, but as the holder is you, I do not dare to test it. So, I thought of a way. Please state your psychological price, and I will pay you the money to buy this bead. Even if I smash the bead, it will have nothing to do with you. "    


Hearing this, Henry hesitated for a moment and said, "Because I don't know the true value of this bead, I can't quote a price."    


Li Yun thought for a moment, changed his method, and said, "If we go to the auction, what kind of price do you think we should start at? It won't cause any auction, and it won't cause too much loss in value."    


When Henry heard this, he looked conflicted. After kengchi kengchi, he said, "Do you think the starting bid of 5 million will be sold?"    


"For an item that cannot be explained, directly starting with a price of 5 million, to Donner Auction Exchange, it is an extremely embarrassing thing. "But I'm willing to give you $1 million to buy this bead, what do you think?" Li Yun immediately doubled the starting price.    


Hearing this, Henry's face showed excitement. He had been conflicted for a long time before daring to bid 5 million. He didn't expect Li Yun to double his bid, but his greed allowed him to quickly calm down.    


Henry had heard that Li Yun was very rich, and since the owner was interested in the pearl, he decided to make a new one.    


"I think if you give me $2 million, we can make a deal right away." Henry's words were firm, but his heart was in turmoil.    


Li Yun gave him a meaningful look. Both the Heaven's Eyes and the Divine Sense let Li Yun know that Henry was not feeling well at the moment. He was afraid of losing $1 million and at the same time, was afraid of selling the beads at a low price. However, Li Yun was not lacking in money, and only he knew the true value of this bead.    


Therefore, Li Yun smiled magnanimously and pretended to say, "Let's do it at the price you suggested. I'm really too curious about this bead. We'll deal with the transfer agreement immediately and transfer the $2 million to you immediately."    


Li Yun immediately called the customer manager and told him to transfer accounts with Henry. He wanted to get Henry's account number and transfer $2 million directly to Henry's account on his cell phone.    




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