Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C34 The Treasure Auction House of the Spiritual Artifact Pavilion Had Struck It Rich

C34 The Treasure Auction House of the Spiritual Artifact Pavilion Had Struck It Rich

2After negotiating with Li Yun about the transfer of the Treasure Inn for five million spirit stones, all the chefs and waiters were received by Li Yun for safekeeping. Of course, Chang Bao would open a new store in the future and could come to Li Yun at any time to buy spices and various spices.     1


The first thing Li Yun did when he took over the restaurant was to give a whole Cloud Cow to the kitchen and have them make a veal with spiced sauce for the guests to taste.    


The next morning, a sign of Cloudy Sea Restaurant had replaced the sign of the Precious Lai Inn. From that day onwards, Cloudy Sea Restaurant no longer accepted guests. Guests who previously stayed in the restaurant could also only stay outside.    


Han Feng was also leading his construction team and headed straight for Heze City from there without stopping.    


Hu Yong had already sent in news that the auction would be held in three days. During these three days, Li Yun stayed indoors and did not interact with anyone.    


In fact, Li Yun went back to Earth to crazily purchase materials, ranging from generators and building materials to Game Currency s and spices.    


On the afternoon of the third day, Li Yun finally returned to Cloudy Sea Restaurant. From that day onwards, Cloudy Sea Restaurant officially released the Ma La Pot and all kinds of delicious delicacies.    


Han Feng also arrived at Yunhai Restaurant in the afternoon and saw Li Yun.    


Aside from the five hundred square meters on the street and the four storeys of a grand building, the area behind the building was even larger. There were thirty acres of land, and after nearly a hundred years of operation by Chang Bao, it was built into a hundred different sized courtyards.    


Now Li Yun was going to transform them into a commercial, leisure, and entertainment conglomerate, a converted restaurant: the front part of the building was dominated by catering and video game gambling machines, the back part was going to have fifty courtyards converted and preserved, and the rest of the area was going to be demolished and rebuilt.    


Li Yun's plan was to establish a separate bank here, a large independent Spiritual Clothing Pavilion. The scope of operations of the Pavilion was similar to that of a large department store on Earth. There were all kinds of clothes, shoes and hats, and some daily necessities that would be sold here.    


Li Yun's plan was very big. He wanted to use the commodities to stimulate the demand, and in the end, let the Game Currency become the currency of the Heze city, so that he could use the Baise and the Heze as the foundation, and he could gradually spread the influence outwards. Finally, let the entire Wind Continent use and collect this kind of worthless currency.    


One of the key points was that all goods only cost Game Currency s. And the bank insists on the Game Currency and spirit stones exchange business.    


Li Yun had secretly become the person with the most Baise spirit stones after passing the Baise. Thus, he was extremely rich. After everything was settled, he had Han Feng start his work immediately.    


Li Yun took advantage of the dark sky to take Chan Juan and her servant out for a walk.    


After walking a short distance, Li Yun saw a tall and lofty building standing before him. It looked simple and unadorned, and as Li Yun walked closer, he saw a black and gold board with the words "Spirit Treasure Pavilion" written on it.    


A white-haired old man sat behind the counter with his eyebrows down and his eyes lowered, looking like he was meditating.    


Li Yun walked into the shop and looked around, not wanting to disturb him.    


"Young master, what do you want to buy?" The old Daoist suddenly spoke.    


Li Yun quickly turned around and bowed, "Dao leader, this way please. Do you have any flying swords for sale?"    


"A low grade flying sword costs three thousand spirit stones a piece, while a middle grade flying sword costs fifty thousand spirit stones. The price for a high grade flying sword is based on the materials." The old Daoist casually said without even opening his eyes.    


"I wonder what is the difference between low-grade and mid-grade?" Li Yun seriously asked.    


"However, the flying sword is supported by the flight control. The difference in grade is the material used to make it." The old Daoist didn't seem to want to talk much.    


With Hu Yong's warning in front of him, Li Yun didn't want to cause any trouble, so he directly said: "Then I'll buy twelve mid-grade flying swords."    


The old Daoist opened his eyes and stared at Li Yun. After sizing him up for a while, he said, "I'm a young master of the temple, only at the mid Foundation Establishment stage with twelve mid quality flying swords. I'm afraid that it will cause trouble."    


Li Yun bowed respectfully to the old Daoist, "Thank you for your reminder, Daoist Priest. I still have twelve of Spiritual Maid's that are about to reach Foundation Establishment. These are all prepared for them."    


When the old Daoist heard this, his white brows twitched and his eyes revealed a look of shock. This was a pile of millions of spirit stones. From this, it could be seen how rich this young man's family was. A mere six hundred thousand spirit stones was nothing.    


The old Daoist immediately stood up and took out twelve identical flying swords. "The twelve flying swords were personally crafted by This Penniless Priest. They are made of the same material and the runes engraved on them are linked together in a continuous order and fit perfectly into one another's body. "I created it for a friend who used the sword formation back then. Now that he has no use for it, I can sell it to you. 100,000 for one. You can train a battle formation and have the power of 12 people gather at a single point to attack the enemy.    


When Li Yun heard Hu Yong mention a team of a hundred people at the 9th level of the Qi Cultivating Stage, he thought of using a battle formation to kill a later level of the Jindan Stage." He never had a chance, so he just went for the kill.    


He immediately opened his mouth and said, "100,000 is not too expensive, but I don't have any formation techniques, so what's the point of coming here?"    


The meaning behind his words was that he might as well buy fifty thousand one sword, which would save him a lot of spirit stones.    


The old Daoist immediately became anxious and spun around in circles. He hesitated and then resolutely said: "This humble Taoist has a combination attack that is suitable for women to cultivate. It is called the Phoenix Dance of the Nine Strikes and its power is limitless." It was left behind by my friend, so I'll sell it to you for three million spirit stones. "    


"Oh, don't you need her permission?" Li Yun asked curiously.    


The old Daoist looked a bit sad and said, "She has already left thirty-two years ago. I can be considered to have found a successor for her."    


Li Yun thought to himself, so you were just giving your lover a flying sword, but before the sword was given out, he was gone. Then he entered the Dao. It seemed like this old Daoist was also an idiot.    


Thus, Li Yun began to recite in a low voice, "The moon is round and full, and people are happy and sad. This is a difficult matter to accomplish in the ancient times. I wish that people can live on for a long time."    


The old Daoist looked startled upon hearing this, and then burst into tears. He cupped his hands and bowed to Li Yun, "Young Noble's words are like the morning bell, waking up the people in my dreams. Death and old age, the sorrows and joys of life and death are the norm in this world, yet this humble Daoist has persisted for decades, and today I have been awoken by Young Noble's words. Thank you Young Noble."    


Li Yun kept the secret manual on flying swords and Phoenix Dance Nine Strikes, and just as he was about to dig out the spirit stones, he was stopped by the old Daoist: "Young Noble's words, wake up This Penniless Priest and help his state of mind increase.    


Li Yun quickly declined, "Absolutely not. Daoist Priest's precious gift is something Li Yun cannot afford."    


"So your name is Li Yun. This humble Taoist greets the young master. As for the matter of Xie Yi, don't decline. Otherwise, this humble Taoist's heart won't be at peace, and his cultivation will be ruined."    


Li Yun felt that this was somewhat unimaginable. He was able to awaken a half-step Nascent Soul Stage powerhouse and raise his stagnant realm. In exchange, he was able to obtain twelve mid-grade flying swords and a set of combined attack techniques.    


Who knew that something even more shocking would happen? Wu Chen took out a palm-sized building model and passed it to Li Yun. "This immortal estate was left behind by my master."    


Li Yun was shocked, "Daoist Priest, what is the meaning of this?"    


Wu Chen said solemnly, "My master has no sorrow. He ascended to the Immortal World 30 years ago and left behind this thing before he ascended. He warned me to hand it over to you. And the person my master is following is called Li Yun."    


Li Yun was stupefied for a moment. He hesitantly said, "The names are the same, could the Daoist recognize it wrongly?"    


Chen Zheng said, "Thirty-two years ago, my most beloved was killed by my enemies. Although I have already killed my enemies, I have lost everything I loved. Master ordered me to wait here today for a young man called Li Yun. He said he would enlighten me."    


Calming his emotions, he continued, "Master also told me that Li Yun established the Foundation Establishment stage, the golden pellet. A while ago, I received news from Baise that Young Master Lee had cut Cane in the Cloud, so I won't be mistaken."    


He wasn't willing to offend a late stage Jindan Stage expert, so he said in a serious tone, "Well, let's talk about this first. I didn't lie to you about anything, but you insisted on giving me the immortal estate. If you find out that this is a dragon incident in the future, you can't look for trouble with me. At most, I'll just return the immortal estate to you."    


Chen Yu responded with a smile, "Of course. This humble Taoist can swear on the heavens." With that, he made a Daoist hand seal and pointed his index finger at the sky as he muttered something.    


Moments later, the faint sound of thunder could be heard from the horizon, as if the Heavenly Dao was answering this question.    


Soon after, with Chen Chen's help, Li Yun certified the immortal estate with a drop of blood. After which, he kept the immortal estate in the Ring and asked Chen once more, "Does your master still have any other words?"    


"Master told me that if Young Master Lee doesn't understand something, it's normal. When Young Master Lee succeeds in his cultivation and ascends to the Immortal World, the truth will be revealed." Wu Chen described in an extremely pious manner.    


At this moment, Li Yun had already firmly believed that there was no one in the world who would give away such a precious treasure for no reason. He politely bid farewell to Wu Chen.    


Young Master Lee, in the future, pay attention to any place in the world that has a Spirit Artifact Pavilion. As long as you show this jade tablet to them, you will be able to get any help from them, and when they see this jade tablet, it will be like seeing the Sect Leader. "" Yes, Sect Leader.    


"Also, if Young Master Lee meets a strong enemy in the future, crush this badge and hide in the immortal estate. This humble Taoist will lead the elders and experts from the sect here to help. Great Daluo Immortal can forget about breaking this immortal estate." Wu Chen continued to add.    


Li Yun repeatedly nodded as he listened, but in his heart, he was thinking, "I wonder if this immortal estate can have the same antigen as me?"    


After taking his leave, Li Yun returned to his own courtyard at the back of Cloudy Sea Restaurant to rest. He didn't pay too much attention to the matters of the immortal estate, as he knew, wasn't this the carriage for Wind Continent? It seemed to have bulletproof capabilities.    


An appointment was made with Hu Yong to go to Heze City's Treasure Pavilion early the next morning to watch the auction of the《 Moral Scripture》 and《 Yellow Emperor's True Scripture》.    


Therefore, when he woke up in the morning, Li Yunwu ate a bowl of Red Braised Beef Noodle Soup and then left with Chan Juan and her servant in the direction of the Treasure Pavilion.    


Heze City was ten times larger than Baise City, but the Treasure Pavilion in Heze City was more than fifty times larger.    


Under the guidance of a young man, they entered a VIP room. The room was roughly twenty square meters in area. Through the balcony, they could see the whole auction platform.    


The VIP rooms were divided into three levels, with each level being exactly eighty. The number of each room was indicated on the side facing the auction platform, and the number of each room was exactly the same as the number of the room itself.    


From 101 to 380, exactly two hundred and forty rooms.    


Near the window sill, there was a desk with a stack of large white papers and the Four Treasures of the Literature Room. Spiritual Maid, who was responsible for counting the bids, was standing beside the desk.    


With the sound of a gong, an old man dressed in green carried a large and small wooden chest and walked up to the auction stage. He cupped his hands and bowed as he said, "Today, the Treasure Pavilion has invited all four of their friends here for a special auction of two extraordinary books. One is called the Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon, and the other is called the Classic of Virtue. I won't say much more, I really have to start now. "    


With that, the old man bowed and said loudly, "The first auction book is the Classic of Virtue. The content of the book is too heavy, the Treasure Pavilion does not dare to comment, and after reading a small paragraph from the first part of the book, each individual friend will then evaluate the price themselves. The starting price is 10 million, and each increment must be at least 1 million."    


After the old man finished speaking, he opened the smaller wooden box and took out the book on top. He carefully opened the first page and read slowly:    


"The Dao can be used, the Dao can be used, the Dao can be used, the name can be used, the name can be used …" Nameless, the beginning of all things, famous, mother of all things. So often do not desire, to see the mystery, often desire, in order to see its. Both of these are different names, both are called mysterious, mysterious, and a door of wonders. "    


As soon as the voice fell, with a bang, the entire audience went from being quiet to bustling with noise and excitement. All sorts of discussions about this topic could be heard in the rooms. 308 rooms were the first to bid.    


On the opposite side, Li Yun saw a white piece of paper hanging from the 308 windowsill. There were 20 million words written on it.    


Before the old man could even bid 308, the price of the tens of white pieces of paper had already increased 308 times.    


The atmosphere was indescribably heated. The 308 guests looked around at the prices around them and quickly retracted their original bids, changing them to a bid of 60 million.    


Very quickly, more people had set a new record of 308. White pieces of paper were constantly being hung up, causing Li Yun to feel dizzy and dazzled.    


Finally, another one hundred and eighty million yuan was raised, and the rest of the rooms all returned the blank paper that they had hung up earlier.    


Seeing that the deal was settled, the old man in cyan said in a loud voice: "Guest 308 bidding for 120 million spirit stones, congratulations, we will send someone to your room immediately to handle the transaction. Please wait a moment."    


After saying this, the old man handed over the Book of Virtue to Spiritual Maid and sent her off the stage.    




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