Super Golden Eye

C457 The Revenge of Shanfei

C457 The Revenge of Shanfei

2"Don't listen to his nonsense!" Faang Yang glared at Ji Ping. "I just feel that she doesn't look outstanding, but she has an indescribable mysteriousness."    


Wang Qiang also deeply agreed. "But fortunately, she doesn't seem to have any ill intentions towards us. Why does she suddenly feel so weak?"    


"It is not that we are weak, but that the enemy is getting stronger and stronger." Faang Yang took a few bottles of beer from the fridge and gave them to the two. "I have a feeling that this trip to Menggong will be even more exciting!"    


In another hotel, Shea Shangfei was crazily smashing everything in his room. He only sat down on the sofa after he used up all his strength, breathing heavily.    


His assistant carefully took a step forward and said with a trembling voice, "Manager Shi, Manager Liu and Manager Hu are waiting for you outside."    


"Hm?! Why didn't the two of them tell me earlier that they were here?! Don't ever appear in front of me again! " Shea Shangfei just happened to have nowhere to vent his anger, and the secretary took a breather.    


Shea Shangfei casually grabbed a piece of clothing and went to the living room outside. Two youths around his age were sitting there and chatting. They were Liu Songren and Hu Guangjin, who were also known as the three young masters of Sheep City.    


"Why didn't you call me first when you two came?" Shea Shangfei was still very enthusiastic about these two guy.    


Liu Songren was tall and strong. In order to train him, his family had thrown him into the special forces training business for half a year. Although that period of time had made Liu Songren wish he was dead, he had also trained a strong body.    


Seeing Shea Shangfei's untidy clothes, Liu Songren laughed mockingly and said, "What is it? We brothers came at the wrong time? Did we delay your good news?"    


Hu Guangjin also jeered from the side, "It's very likely! I think Mr. Shi's personal secretary is very lively!    


Especially her pair of charming eyes. When she looks at you, she can't wait to hook her soul away. Mr. Shi indeed has good fortune with women!"    


" That's enough. We are brothers. Don't mock me here. " Shea Shangfei sat down beside them and poured himself a glass of red wine. "You should have heard about what happened in High Ascending Prosperity, right?"    


Liu Songren and Hu Guangjin exchanged glances and nodded. "I heard. I didn't expect Wang Qiang to be so capable."    


Shea Shangfei finished the glass of wine in one gulp and said hatefully, "He was just lucky! He is my brother. He just wants to see me make a joke. He wants to help me vent my anger! "    


Liu Songren advised, "I will definitely vent my anger, but at this juncture, it is better not to show off too much."    


"How can this be showing off?" Shea Shangfei said loudly with excitement, "The Wang family and the Gu Family in the Eastern Sea actually have the same share as our Sheep City! Is this fair?    


It wasn't easy for us to get in touch with the Gao family. As long as we get rid of the Wang family, we can snatch their share! "    


Hu Guangjin was shocked by his loud voice. He quickly stood up and held Hu Guangjin down." Keep your voice down! What if other people hear you? The man from the Gao family is not a good person!"    


Liu Songren walked to the window and looked around. After making sure that there was no one around, he walked back with lingering fear and sat down.    


"Mr. Shi, you are too impulsive. If others hear you, even the two of us will be killed by you!"    


Shea Shangfei seemed to have reacted at this moment. He lowered his head and sat on the sofa. He picked up the bottle of red wine and poured it into his mouth.    


"Alright, drink less! Given your character, you might cause trouble if you drink too much." Liu Songren snatched the bottle from Shea Shangfei's hand and threw it to the side.    


"We came to find you this time because we were afraid that you would be impulsive and ruin the big deal. Although it looks like it's a good thing for the Gao family to look for us, it's also very dangerous. We have to be careful! "    


Shea Shangfei said in a muffled voice, "What are you afraid of!? Anyway, I can't wait any longer. Wang Qiang, that brat, dared to make me embarrass myself in public. This matter can't be finished just like that! If you're my brother, then help me think of a way. If you're afraid, then I won't force you!"    


Liu Songren and Hu Guangjin saw Shea Shangfei's attitude. If they didn't teach Wang Qiang a lesson, they would never let this matter rest. If it was Shea Shangfei's character, who knew what trouble he would cause you.    


"Mr. Shi, tell me, how far do you want to go? The Stone Gambling Assembly didn't have much time left.    


Although the Wang family was getting worse with each generation, their relationship with the Gao family was not ordinary. If it gets too big, I'm afraid it won't end well!"    


Although Liu Songren was tall and sturdy, he was actually the one with the most meticulous thoughts among the three of them. Shea Shangfei was currently in a fit of rage. If he were to use force, the effect wouldn't be too good.    


It was better to block it than to let it slip. He would listen to his thoughts first and try his best to quell the resentment. There would not be any big problems.    


Shea Shangfei was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously, "At least let him taste the feeling of being humiliated in front of everyone that day!"    


Before Liu Songren could say anything, Hu Guangjin slapped him. "That's not easy to do. On the other side of Jin Yuan, there will be a Strange Stone Meeting tomorrow. Let's set it up in advance. Why should we be afraid that he won't make a fool of himself?"    


Shea Shangfei's eyes lit up. "That's right! Why did I forget about this?! The Strange Stone Meeting is run by Jin Yuan. I believe Wang Qiang will go."    


Apart from the annual meeting of the Stone Gambling Assembly, there were also many other small meetings with different purposes.    


Among them, the oldest and the most influential one was the Strange Stone Meeting hosted by Jin Yuan.    


Jin Yuan's background was quite big. It was the manor where the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty had specially sent a eunuch with the surname Jin to collect jade and jade stones.    


After the eunuch died, his clansmen passed it down from generation to generation. In the past, with the appointment of the royal family, it was justifiable.    


Therefore, for a long period of time, Jinyuan had always been the leader of the Menggong's Huaxuan Jade circle. Although it was a bit of a decline now, many inheritances were still perfectly preserved.    


Shea Shangfei, Liu Songren, and Hu Guangjin gathered together and discussed in a low voice about how to use the opportunity of Strange Stone Meeting to regain face from Wang Qiang.    


Wang Qiang, who was in the same city, didn't know that he had been secretly schemed against. Of course, there were too many things that he had to deal with now.    


Initially, the Wang family didn't have much hope to continue cooperating with the Gao family. They didn't expect that Wang Qiang would give them an unexpected surprise.    


After receiving the news from Wang Qiang, Wang Siyuan immediately sent two elders to Menggong. Firstly, it was to prove how important he was to them, and secondly, it was because of Wang Siming.    


The experience of Gao family had made Wang Qiang mature and steady. He strictly controlled his subordinates to not go out at will, and kept a close watch on every movement in the Menggong.    


For the majority of the day, he spent most of his time with Faang Yang studying the information in his hands, trying to figure out what would happen next, until a invitation card was placed on his table.    


"Ai, I knew it. It's impossible to wait until someone comes in safely." Wang Qiang knew what it was just by looking at the note on the invitation card.    


Faang Yang had seen Wang Qiang's rapid growth. He did not expect an invitation card to make it so difficult for him. "Who sent it?"    


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