Super Evil Emperor

C87 See parents again

C87 See parents again

2After a long while, Yang Xie walked forward, and just at this time, an old man dressed in official robes hurried out from the residence.    


Seeing him, Yang Xie smiled and called out: "Chen Bo."    


He looked up and saw a handsome young man standing not too far away. At first, he thought that this young man was a scholar who had come to visit his master, but when he saw that the young man was carrying a long sword on his back and was dressed like a martial artist, he was immediately puzzled. He did not know if the young man was a scholar or a warrior, but seeing that the young man looked gentle and did not look like a bad person, he relaxed and asked, "May I ask what may this old man want?    


"Does Chen Bo know who I am?" Seeing that the other party did not recognize him, Yang Xie did not mind and asked with a smile. After all, he hadn't seen his appearance in ten years, so it was normal that he couldn't recognize it.    


"You are?" A trace of suspicion surfaced on Chen Bo's face. After carefully sizing up Yang Xie a few times, his eyes suddenly revealed disbelief.    


"Second Young Master?! It's you? It's really you? You, you're back? " Chen Bo's face revealed surprise, he went forward to grab Yang Xie and said with a trembling voice.    


"Un, it is indeed me. Chen Bo, I have returned." Yang Xie looked at Chen Bo's excited expression and nodded with emotion.    


"Good!" Good! "It's good that you're back, it's good that you're back. Wait for me to notify Madam." The Chen Bo was so excited that he spoke incoherently, kept nodding his head, and then let go of Yang Xie.    


Seeing the Chen Bo's appearance, Yang Xie's heart warmed. He took a deep look at the door in front of him and strode inside.    


As soon as he entered the house, he saw the familiar scenery he had seen in the past. Low fake mountains, exquisite pavilions, and clear streams. Every time he saw one, Yang Xie would think back to the scene when he was playing inside.    


Everything that had happened in the past seemed to have happened exactly yesterday.    


Just as Yang Xie was immersed in his childhood memories, the sound of messy yet hurried footsteps came from afar.    


Not long after, a group of people surrounded a dignified middle-aged woman who walked over quickly. The woman looked elegant, even though she was in her middle age, she was extremely well-maintained and looked like she was only in her thirties. However, there seemed to be a trace of unrelenting worry between her eyebrows, causing her to look somewhat haggard.    


But when the woman saw Yang Xie, the worry on her face instantly turned into pleasant surprise, and she shouted out loud, "Child!", ignoring the support of the people around, she ran towards Yang Xie.    


Just as she moved, a gust of wind appeared out of nowhere and gently stopped her, then with a movement of Yang Xie's, she appeared in front of the woman.    


Looking at the woman in front of him, Yang Xie felt extremely guilty. Suddenly, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to the woman, then raised his head and said: "Your son is unfilial and made your mother wait."    


Just then, the force that was restraining the woman had disappeared, the woman had just recovered her ability to move, she immediately pulled Yang Xie who was kneeling on the ground, while wiping her tears, she choked with sobs: "Quickly get up, quickly get up, it's good that you're back, it's good that you're back."    


As he spoke, his hands couldn't help but touch Yang Xie's face, as if he wanted to clearly see every single change on Yang Xie's face.    


Just then, the Chen Bo interjected: "Madam, Second Young Master has returned from a long journey and is probably hungry. Why don't you ask the kitchen to prepare some food?"    


"Yes, yes. Chen Bo you go down and instruct Xiao Xie to follow mother into the house first. " Once Chen Bo reminded her, the woman immediately came to her senses, and after giving her orders, she pulled Yang Xie into the living room.    


Yang Xie smiled and nodded, he allowed his mother to lead him into the living room. With his current cultivation, he would not feel hungry even if he did not eat for a few days, but he could not reject his mother's good intentions.    


Sitting in the living room, Mother Yang kept asking Yang Xie how his days in Cloud Sky Sect were, and whether he was cultivating hard.    


Hearing that, Yang Xie started to talk about some interesting things within the sect, and during the process, he naturally concealed the bitterness he had as a service disciple.    


Even so, when she heard that the sect's food still needed to be prepared, her mother cried out in heartache.    


"It's all my fault, Mother. If I hadn't sent you to the Cloud Sky Sect back then, why would I have suffered so much? Xiao Xie, why don't you stop cultivating from now on? With father and mother around, you will be able to live without worry for food and clothing. " Mother Yang tried to persuade him.    


"The path of cultivation is always clear and bitter. Since I have stepped onto the path of cultivation, how can I return? Moreover, I have already made up my mind to focus on the martial way, and there is no way I can change that." Yang Xie shook his head, and said resolutely.    


"Alright, since you've already made up your mind, then I won't try to persuade you anymore. However, remember not to fiercely fight with others." Seeing how determined Yang Xie's words were, Mother Yang did not try to dissuade him anymore and turned to warn him.    


Hearing that, Yang Xie laughed bitterly in his heart, although those words could be used in the ordinary world, it was definitely not suitable for people who cultivate.    


To break through all these obstacles, one would need all kinds of resources, and to obtain these things, one would need to fight with others for them. The bloody battles in the process were not something that a person of the same path could imagine, if they did not fight for them, they would only be a waste in their entire cultivation life.    


Of course, Yang Xie would not say these words in front of his mother.    


Soon after, the mother and son duo chatted for a while until maidservant brought them their food.    


At the dining table, Mother Yang was cooking for Yang Xie incessantly, causing Yang Xie's heart to feel very warm.    


Halfway through the meal, suddenly, a clear and melodious voice of a Female came out from outside.    


"Eh? Why is dinner starting so early today? "    


While speaking, a young lady who was around fifteen or sixteen years old walked in, but seeing that the young lady had skin as thick as cream, a collar like fine oil, and an extremely beautiful appearance, her eyebrows were extremely similar to Mistress Yang's, just that compared to her gentle and demure mother, the lady seemed to be extremely heroic. From the looks of the longsword on her waist, it was not difficult to see that she was someone who would cause trouble.    


When she saw that other than her own mother, there was also an unfamiliar Young man sitting there, she was startled for a moment. When she saw how kind and affectionate she was towards that man, and even treated her in such a manner in the past, she couldn't help but feel suspicious. Her mother had been living in seclusion these past few years, so it was rare for her to see anyone, and this man was so unfamiliar that even she had no impression of him.    


"Could it be the Thief?" Suddenly, the young girl remembered the son of the general that the family had mentioned to her a few days ago. Her eyebrows immediately raised in anger.    


Although she had never seen the Guardian's Son before, it was said that he relied on her to take a 'immortal' master, that he was usually domineering, that he was extremely lustful, and had ruined countless of good women in the world. Furthermore, she heard that he had a glib tongue, and it was best for him to deceive all kinds of Female.    


Therefore, she mistook Yang Xie as the Thief and used her sweet words to deceive her mother, causing her mother to treat him this way.    


The more the girl thought, the angrier she became. Ignoring the fact that her mother was present, she unsheathed the sword at her waist and slashed at Yang Xie.    


"Die you evil scum!"    


If it was an ordinary person, they would definitely be struck by this strike. However, to Yang Xie, this kind of attack was not even worth mentioning, and there was no need for him to use any spiritual energy at all. With a wave of his fingers, he caught the falling longsword.    


Seeing that the other party had used his fingers to catch her sword, the young girl was shocked. She was about to pull out her sword, but the other party's fingers were like steel pincers, firmly locking onto her longsword.    


"Let go!" The young girl could not draw, so she could not help but say in exasperation.    


"What is it? You want to kill even your second brother? " Yang Xie looked at the girl who was so angry that her face was flushed, and said with a smile that was not a smile. From the moment the other party entered the room, he recognized that this woman was his sister, Yang Wanqing. Although he did not know why the other party would make such a move against him, he reckoned that there must be some kind of misunderstanding.    


"Qing Er, what are you doing?" Quickly put the sword down! " Although she could tell that her daughter was not a match for Yang Xie, she was afraid that she would be hurt by accident. These two were her own flesh and blood, so even if she were to hurt any one of them, it would make her heart ache.    


"second brother?" Hearing Yang Xie's words, Yang Wanqing's originally flustered and exasperated mood instantly froze, he looked at Yang Xie with wide eyes, and suddenly revealed a pleasantly surprised expression.    


"Is the second brother really you? "You're back?"    


With that said, he immediately released his longsword and pounced towards Yang Xie.    


Seeing this, Yang Xie smiled slightly. With a flick of his fingers, the longsword at his fingertips flew out and stuck itself into the ground outside, preventing the longsword from slicing into Yang Wanqing.    


Embracing her lightly, a trace of deep emotion surfaced on Yang Xie's face. He thought that she was just a follower who only knew how to follow behind his butt at the time, he never thought that she would actually be this beautiful today.    


After a while, Yang Xie lightly patted her back, and said: "Alright, hurry up and get up. You are now a young lady of a noble family, it would not be proper for anyone to see you like this."    


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