Super Little Farmer



0As if sensing my strange expression, or perhaps understanding my mind in the same way, Luo Jing smiled. In his kind laughter, I remembered what I had meant, and it took me a while to get back on track.    


Since it wasn't the result of the acquired ability, then it could only be considered talent. He couldn't see Zhu Zhi and his wife, and since they didn't look like they were good people, their way of thinking was quite alive. Later on, I carefully analyzed the method of making money from Zhu Zhi, and found that there are a few experiences that can be used for reference. One was to open a small stove. Some of our large group of laborers were wealthy; they and the technicians of the site had relatively high requirements for the quality of life and were more willing to spend money on food. Zhu Zhi set up a small stove for his wife to handle personally. Actually, it was just some ordinary dishes, but in this place, the price was quite expensive. Most of them didn't care as long as they ate better. They would either think highly of their status and separate themselves from these common laborers, even if they had to pay more money. They would also know that Zhu Zhi was a distant relative of their boss and wanted to take care of his business during meals. With such a stable source of customers, it would not be easy for Zhu Zhi's business not to earn money. Second, to deal with everyone. Since most of them didn't want to spend too much money, the dishes they wanted were relatively simple. Zhu Zhi took the right medicine: a chili fried meat and a boiled melon. Everything was settled. He then poured a few drops of oil into the big pot, and after stir-frying for a while, he stretched the water pipe into the pot, poured half of the water into the pot, and boiled it, and that was it. However, this chili concoction was very particular. If there was no meat, these laborers would suffer. If there was too much meat, the contracted Zhu Zhi wouldn't be able to pay for it, so he had been the one to personally capture the dish. I had a meal once, said it was chili fried meat, and it was really like that. A big bowl of chili peppers, five points of meat, three of which are still extremely minuscule. I surmised privately that this method of cooking the chili sauce might have made him more profitable than cooking the melon.    


However, Zhu Zhi didn't earn much money from me. It's not that I don't want to eat it, it's not that I don't want to eat it. On the contrary, I would have liked to eat. He couldn't earn my money, not because he was incompetent, but because I kept going back to my room to eat, and my sister-in-law was also very wise, excellent craftsmanship, every meal prepared for me to eat, and seemed to be my favorite dish. I ran back to my room at noon from the construction site, ate my lunch, and then went back to the construction site. Only a few hours later, because I was working so hard, I didn't go home, but instead went to the cafeteria to eat lunch. However, because of my large appetite, I am sure that even if I paid five yuan for a meal, I would definitely be able to eat it back at Zhu Zhi's place. Perhaps, I might even be able to eat the contents of six yuan.    


However, I still don't understand. For a laborer like me, the Zhu family shouldn't welcome me. On the contrary, instead of giving me face, they treated me well. Once, Zhu Zhi's wife even gave me the dishes of the small stove to eat, and didn't want my money. For a time it surprised me. At least, I still don't understand what they mean.    


But this made Luo Jing and the others laugh for a long time, saying that I was too handsome to even ask for money for a meal. I've always been baffled, and I don't say anything about it. When Luo Jing saw me like this, he laughed even harder. 'I think they're probably interested in you. They want you to be their lackey!'    


My face was a little tender, and I was not used to this kind of joke, so I immediately became flustered. At the time, Mrs. Zhu happened to come out, and seeing that we were talking about this, she also came over. I don't know if it was true or not, but she started to promote her daughter to me with a smile: I say, Little Zhang, do I really have this thought? How about it? You want to call me mother-in-law? My daughter is very pretty...    


I fled that day.    


This action seemed to have piqued the interest of the group of people, causing them to burst out in laughter. Since returning to the construction site, Luo Jing had brought up this topic more than once. The other laborers also laughed and encouraged me to get closer to "mother-in-law" Zhu Zhi's wife in order to get her daughter. Rogan even asked me, in front of everyone, if I had ever tasted a woman before; if I had, I could bring Zhu Zhi's daughter over for a taste, and after I had tasted it once, I would want to taste it every day.    


I've been to college, so I know what it means to have a taste of women. But, have I ever tasted a woman before? I'm still a virgin! The more I heard them talk like that, the more I panicked. However, after returning home, he began to imagine what it was like for men and women to be together. He then thought about the knowledge he had learned about physical hygiene back then. It seemed like men and women were just like that.    


That night I did not dare to look at my beautiful sister-in-law seriously. To this day, I still find her face the most attractive of the day. That towering chest, that slightly raised buttocks, that gentle smile, those sexy lips, they attracted me all the time; all that night, I insisted that this beauty Guo Qing was not my sister-in-law, but an ordinary beauty, tempting me to pounce on her all the time. But in the end reason kept me from acting. For my sister-in-law, as usual, did not act out of bounds; and it was I who seemed to have been set on fire, trying to vent. Finally, after a thirty-minute cold shower, I was completely calm. After a while, he got angry because he had lost his temper. He hated himself for thinking like this about his sister-in-law and scolding himself for being worse than a beast!    


The beautiful sister-in-law seemed to sense that something was wrong with my expression and thought I was ill. She insisted on pulling me down to examine me. Actually, she had always been warm to me, but today my excellent physique unexpectedly also got sick, which made her especially worried. Then she leaned forward slightly, her face soft against mine, her eyes fixed on my face, as if she wanted to see from my face what was wrong with me. I was taller and had a problem, so I didn't dare meet her gaze. I could only lower my head.    


Oh my god! This gaze was directed at the pair of proud peaks on her sister-in-law's chest.    


Because of the heat, my sister-in-law's blouse was lower than usual; and now, as she leaned forward to examine my face, I could see the peak of the pair of flesh through the slightly lower top! Although the two peaks were covered by a lacy little garment, I could not see them completely. However, because they were so full and firm, I was able to see about seventy to eighty percent of them. I swear, I didn't mean to peep, I just didn't mean to; but I'm pretty sure that's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life!    


I lowered my head with difficulty, and my face grew even redder. My sister-in-law didn't seem to realize that she had left me. I was blushing and sweating and didn't seem to think it was the effect of the mountain on her chest. She just said that I had a bad cold. I couldn't hide from my sister-in-law's concern. At her insistence, I finally took two cold pills and drank a large amount of cold water. After a night of daydreaming, I was finally able to recover from it.    


After the next day's work, by the evening, I had calmed down and was having dinner with my sister-in-law. Her sister-in-law blushed slightly and stared at me with a smile that wasn't a smile. For some inexplicable reason, as I ate heartily, I smiled idiotically back at my sister-in-law. After a long while, my sister-in-law blushed and jokingly said to me, "Zhang Yun, what's the smell of a woman?"    


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