Super Little Farmer



1However, this isn't the place for me to think and be troubled. After that, I calmly took the blueprint and looked at the signature. After confirming that I had obtained the approval of the expert jury, I thanked the vice principal and returned home alone.    0


On the way home, of course, there was a bit of excitement, because it meant I was one step closer to my dream. But, the whole journey, I am not happy, because I lack money!    


I need a lot of money now!    


Along the way, I have already inferred from various sources that I would not be able to complete the first 4 km of road if I don't get 200 million yuan from this method! This was only the current market situation! If the price goes up a bit, my numbers will shoot up like a rocket!    


When he returned home, everyone was already there, while Zhou Bingjie and Zhou Yajie were already gone. I didn't want everyone to see my depression, so I pretended to be happy as I took out the road map and started to eat. The other girls were also very happy. When they saw this, they also began to praise him. I didn't say much and hastily ate a meal before returning to my room. However, after thinking about it for a long time, I was unable to find a good solution. Just as I was about to rest on the bed, Zhu Dantong walked in. Seeing that I was so depressed, he didn't say anything and just walked up behind me and gently rubbed my shoulder.    


It's good that she didn't come, but as soon as she did, I realized something was wrong. That was all. To the other girls, this blueprint was an amateur. However, to Zhu Dantong, this was an inside story. She was familiar with me, and she would have guessed that I would be short of money if I followed the latest design blueprints. Even if all the profits from my other companies go to the investment company, it won't be enough! Because at the moment, the net income of all the companies in my possession couldn't possibly reach two hundred million. You have to know, although my account manager has hundreds of millions of yuan, but he can use it temporarily, so he can't keep it for long, otherwise something big will happen! Because that was the price paid by the suppliers of the fresh supermarket! He had to return it after the Revolving Core realm had arrived!    


But from the looks of it, I'll need to use this money for a long period of time! Optimistic estimation, it would take at least 5 years to recover part of it! And that money, not even five years, not even five months! At most two months!    


Therefore, there was no way to get there!    


I have to think of another way!    


Yunzi, let me tell you a story! Zhu Dantong said softly as she helped me loosen my shoulders. And whether I wanted to or not, she went on.    


Zhu Dantong told a story? What was going on? My brain short-circuited. However, I instantly understood that there must be a reason why she wasn't so simple today. Perhaps, this story really could explain something. With this thought in his heart, he calmly listened.    


"There is a woman who wants to do business and run a small restaurant when she makes a good meal. It was just that her husband was not in good health at the time, and she had spent some of the family money on treating her lover's illness. As a result, she didn't have much capital and couldn't do much business. "But she didn't do business. As a woman, she didn't have a better way to earn money. Not to mention curing her husband's illness, even supporting her family was a problem.    


"One day, she brought her husband back from the hospital for an examination. The doctor said he wanted her to give him some nutrition. There was nothing she could do. On the one hand, she had no money to live her life, while on the other hand, her husband's body needed to be nourished. It was really hard for her, and she didn't know how to deal with it. When she returned home and thought about it, no matter what, her husband's body still had to be nurtured. Otherwise, if her husband's body collapsed, it would be meaningless for her to live. Therefore, she was determined to supplement her husband's nutrition.    


"In their part of the world, the only nourishment left was stewed chicken. But at the time she didn't have the money to buy a chicken. Thinking that her husband's health was more important, she gritted her teeth and said good words to the man in the market next door. She wanted to see if she could get some chicken on credit so she could cook it for her husband first. In the end, the person who was doing the chicken and duck business knew her, so without saying anything further, he gave her half a chicken. She also agreed to pay in five days. After returning home, the husband ate the chicken, also a lot better health. And five days later, the money she earned by being a nanny for someone else was already in place. The first thing she did was to return the money to the chicken.    


"This incident gave her a lot of inspiration. She rented a shop and arranged to pay the rent five days later. Then she went to a nearby market to find some food vendors, telling them to order the goods and to pay every night. For one thing, they were quite familiar with her. Although she would pay later, she would not spend the night with them. Secondly, she did not have much goods to sell, so she could be at ease.    


"This woman took the rice, vegetables and meat she had bought on credit and started the business of this small restaurant. Because of her excellent culinary skills, there were many people who would eat like this. The news spread like wildfire, and it truly began to spread. Since the food was in cash, she took the money and paid for the vegetables, the meat, the rice, and the noodle. As time passed, her fame grew, and the consumption of rice and meat increased. Those who were happy with their business all took the initiative to seek her out and give her credit, making her pay once a month.    


"Just like this, she basically didn't spend any money and just expanded the business …"    


Before I could hear it, I reacted. Hearing this, I stood up and looked straight at the beautiful girl. "Dantong …"    


"Hee, let me tell you, this woman is my mom!" Zhu Dantong smiled at me, her face slightly red as she spoke softly.    


My heart jolted again. When I looked at Zhu Dantong again, she seemed to know that I had understood something. She stopped rubbing my shoulders and left me alone, thinking. In fact, I didn't need to think about it. I have already experienced the core of this: Let others have the money to enter the arena and help me build a batch!    


This will minimize the pressure on my money.    


Of course, the thought broadened my mind: I could do this in several ways, for example, in places where the other party could fund me entirely; in places where I could prepay a portion of the money, but most of it would still be financed by the other party; and in the most important places, I could pay the full amount! As long as the pressure on my funds is relieved, when the time comes, the money I earn from other companies will be provided. At that time, I can fully repay all of the money that others have given me!    


When I opened my mind, I finally had an idea. Inexplicably, I thought of the story I told earlier, Zhu Dantong. I wanted to see her again, but she had already left.    


Somehow, I found myself missing her! Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a little apprehensive. Because this girl, since who knows when, has really and quietly entered my heart, and occupied a place! I wanted to look for her, but found that something was wrong.    


Because it was already late in the night, it would be inconvenient to find her tonight. Thus, he could only put aside the yearning in his heart, take a bath, and go to bed. Of course, he had a plan: he could ask one or two companies to be responsible for certain sections of the road, and he could also entrust those underground tunnels to those companies with sufficient qualifications to build them. He could also do so for the bus stop and the green square. That's right, we'll do it this way: each of our six subsidiaries will be responsible for one unit, and we'll also bring in a portion of the companies. We don't need too many of them.    


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