Super Little Farmer



0"Clang!"    4




I was just using the moonlight to move forward when I heard a loud noise coming from ahead, accompanied by the screams of the people. This sound was extremely terrifying in this dark and lonely mountain. However, I, who was already used to all kinds of sudden sounds, didn't feel anything. However, this sound was very special in this place. It sounded especially like the sound of some kind of mechanical falling off a cliff.    


Thinking of this, I smiled bitterly. If there were any vehicles or machines in the mountains, I wouldn't believe it even if I were beaten to death. After all, no one would go crazy. What kind of big machine would come to this mountain, or drive to such a deep mountain without leaving at such a late hour? After a while, he rejected the idea that there really was such a person. It was called the "Survival Experience", or "Expansion Training". He even chose this kind of deep mountain and wild forest to train with. After thinking about it for a moment, I reject myself. It seems that this kind of behavior is only in the legends of people. When I was in university, I heard my classmates saying that it happened to me, but no matter what, I would not believe it.    


While my thoughts were wandering about, my footsteps didn't stop. I continued moving at a fixed speed through the mountains. In less than ten minutes, I had reached the edge of the hill and was about to descend. From the nearby stream came a faint, intermittent voice. I am sure that if it had been any other time, no one would have heard it, but it was particularly harsh on this lonely night in the mountains. The place was so quiet that I could only hear some insects chirping. This kind of human voice, when mixed with the sound of insects, was especially loud!    


However, this person's language is obviously not Chinese, is not what we usually say, and is not our native language. I'm sure that's 100 percent Japanese! I learned Japanese in college because I practiced judo. It should be said that my language talent is not bad, I can achieve Japanese interpretation and translation! Now, I can understand this communication language, but a male voice is talking to a female voice. I tried to listen, but I couldn't. The sound became weaker and weaker until it could no longer be heard.    


There are Japanese speakers in this place? My heart skipped a beat. He took a few quick steps forward and reached the bottom of the ravine, right at the edge of the stream. Taking advantage of the moonlight, a sedan was actually lying not too far away! Without guessing, I already knew that the car was the one that had climbed to this bottom from the simple road halfway up the mountain!    


Just a few steps to the car where the accident happened. Under the moonlight, I could see two people inside. Using all of his strength, he opened the door of the sedan on the side and went to help the person inside. In front of him was a woman's back. I reached for the woman, and when my hands gave her a little support, she fell to the side, powerless. Below her was a small figure. It turned out that there were more than two people in the car, but there were three! Two adults, a man and a woman, and a little girl!    


I don't think I'll ever forget those helpless and lonely eyes! Without even thinking about it, I extended my hand and picked up the little girl who was tightly protected by the middle-aged man and woman. The girl didn't cry, she only used her terrified eyes to look at the middle-aged man and woman in the car. I hugged the little girl, and I believed that my broad chest would be a comfort to her. After stabilizing her emotions, I went to help the middle-aged woman and the middle-aged man in the car. Unfortunately, although both of them still have some warmth left in their bodies, I know that they have already lost all signs of life! After what happened to my parents and brother, I can confirm my point of view!    


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