Super Little Farmer



0The leader of the group was a beautiful woman. Why do you say that? But it's all my feeling.     3


The beauty of this woman is also the only thing I have ever seen. He searched for Withered intestines, only to discover that she was probably the most beautiful woman he had ever seen other than that superstar Han Bing'er. Merely, what was different from Han Bing'er's delicate and pretty appearance was that the person before him was extremely charming and moving. There was one more point. No matter how she dressed, or how she looked, it could not hide the truth of time. Based on my honest guess, she should be over 30 years old.    


She was very pretty, and her dress was fine and stylish. It was hard to see her actual age in the eyes of ordinary people. From the looks of it, it was absolutely possible that she was twenty-three years old. However, I was certain of my opinion of her. You can't blame me for that. Because my eyes are always accurate and sharp, especially towards my concerns. She appeared in my beautiful sister-in-law Guo Qing's ward, of course I care about her! This sharp gaze came from my years of practicing martial arts, and also from hunting in the mountains. Perhaps, there is still a little genetic factor behind it!    


I don't know who she is, but her temperament is noble. Even her aura of superiority is above that of Secretary Yi! Of course, this was all just my feeling. If one wanted to seriously test them, they would be unable to see or touch them.    


At the side of this beautiful woman stood two young men. They were about the same age as me, or perhaps a little older than me. The one in front was a similarly beautiful girl. She was very young and full of vigor. She was also very elegant and was talking to my beautiful sister-in-law, Sister Guo Qing. Obviously, the two of them were very close.    


It was as if I had seen this beauty before!    


It's strange that I should have such a feeling in my heart!    


But, after a pause, I spat at myself and smiled wryly. When have I ever seen her? How could I possibly have seen her? How funny! It seems that I am not particularly lustful!] Yet, he didn't know why he had such feelings for this beautiful girl before him! Furthermore, this feeling of meeting each other is the same as the feeling I have towards Sister Guo Qing!    


But, I'm almost sure, I haven't seen either of them! This feeling was really strange!    


Beside her was a very handsome young man. In terms of beauty, he should be above me; only his figure was somewhat weaker than mine; he also had a kind of luxurious and refined temperament. Moreover, his appearance was somewhat similar to that young woman's. I looked at the two youngsters and immediately confirmed in my heart that these two were definitely related to each other by blood. 80% of them were siblings, and the worst of it was that they were cousins that were extremely close to each other!    


When I came in, Sister Guo Qing, the beautiful sister-in-law who was sitting on the sickbed talking to the young woman, gave me a look. Almost at that moment, I suddenly understood her eyes: apologetic, unwilling and helpless! Before I could speak to her, the noble and beautiful woman looked at me and asked, Are you Zhang Yun?    


I nodded. The two young men who had come with her looked at me at the same time. Almost at the same time, I could feel the astonishment of the beautiful woman and the hostility of the handsome man. I tilted my head in wonder. The beautiful woman glanced at me and turned her head to look at Sister Guo Qing, the beautiful woman's sister-in-law. The man smiled at me and nodded politely. However, I still saw astonishment and admiration from the corner of the eyes of the beautiful woman, and envy and hatred from the eyes of the handsome man!    


I was about to ponder about it when the beautiful woman said, Zhang Gang is your brother, right?    


I was stunned!    


Because she knew my brother's name!    


But I don't know her at all!    


Who is she?    


Seeing that I nodded and then looked at her doubtfully, that beautiful lady didn't have a trace of a smile on her face. He looked at me, who was tied up like a cocoon, then he looked at the beautiful sister-in-law who was lying on the bed with a calm face and eyes filled with grief. He nodded slightly and said, "My surname is Guo!" I'm going to take my daughter!    


His surname was Guo? Take her daughter away? I was stunned for a moment, unable to recover my senses.    


"Mom, I'm not leaving!" Sister Guo Qing sat up on the sickbed and said loudly, her voice choked with sobs.    


Ah!" I'm really in a daze this time! Not only me, I'm sure that everyone in the room, with the exception of the three who just entered, was stunned!    


So it turned out that she was the mother of Beautiful Sis Guo Qing! However, how could a beautiful sister-in-law have such a beautiful mother? It seems like this beautiful mother was only in her thirties, but her daughter was already in her twenties! And this is in my eyes! In the eyes of others, it might be even more shocking! This was because this beautiful mother of hers looked to be in her twenties. To call her a sister with a beautiful sister-in-law would be even more convincing!    


"Sis, it wasn't easy for Aunt to make that decision either. You, come with us! " Everyone stood there stunned, but the beautiful young woman spoke to her beautiful sister-in-law, Guo Qing, before glancing at me once more.    


"Exactly. It's best if Sister Qing doesn't touch Aunt's good intentions! " The handsome young man who had some hatred towards me also tried to persuade his beautiful sister-in-law, Big Sister Guo Qing, in the same manner, "Aunt has always been worried about you." You never tell your aunt the truth. "We just got the news that you were hospitalized from the hospital, so we immediately rushed over!"    


"Mom, I'm not going back!" The beautiful sister-in-law on the sickbed looked helpless, as if she was afraid of something. She repeated the words, but tears finally started streaming down her face!    


"Have you forgotten how you promised me when you first came out?" However, that beautiful mother of Guo Qing did not say much and only replied with a question. Sister Guo Qing, the beautiful woman's sister-in-law, finally didn't say anything. She looked at me, then lowered her head and started crying. That young woman looked at me with some hatred and went to persuade Guo Qing's elder sister. That handsome man who hated me a little, however, smiled lightly at this moment.    


I was about to speak when the door of the ward opened and a man and a woman came in. I know the woman, it's the beautiful doctor Wen Yun; the man is a man I don't know. He looks like he's been through a long time, and with a single glance he's obviously an expert with a lot of combat experience. After entering the door, he ignored everyone else and went straight to the side of Guo Qing's beautiful mother and whispered a few words to her. Sister Guo Qing's beautiful mother nodded as she listened, and even glanced at me twice. When the man finished speaking and retreated to the door, she looked at me, nodded slightly, and said, "You're still a bit brave, you know to pay up all the money."    


When I heard that, I couldn't help but smile bitterly. I just paid for it. It's only two thousand yuan, so it's not very expensive. Besides, my beautiful sister-in-law's money, and my own money, of course, have to be paid for by me. Although both payments had to be paid by Zhu Dantong in the practical sense, I had just made up my mind that I would not accept any of her family's money and would no longer work in her company or on the construction site, so I had gone out to settle the bill so quickly. As far as I was concerned, once the accounts were settled, I would leave the city with my beautiful sister-in-law, Guo Qing. Or maybe I gave her what little savings I had, and told her to finish her graduate studies in peace, and I went out to work alone!    


However, what was the correlations between the payment of medical fees and being courageous?    


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