Profound Dragon Warlord



2Thinking about that, Shen Longxuan pushed his way through the crowd and once again arrived in front of the ticket seller's girl. Before he could even open his mouth, the lady impatiently said: "Why is it you again, line up behind people who want to buy tickets!"    


Her good mood from before was broken by Shen Longxuan again. The ticket girl looked at Shen Longxuan with a gaze filled with rage.    


How could Shen Longxuan have guessed that the ticket seller had such a narcissistic thought? He said: "Beauty, I'm actually an alchemist as well, I don't know if I can enter the Pill Battlefield right now."    




Not only did Shen Longxuan not believe her, the martial cultivator s behind her did not believe her either. They saw that Shen Longxuan was not even twenty years old, and he had a clean and white appearance, without a single strength of fire on his body.    


He obviously wanted to use his identity as a fake alchemist to curry favor with a beauty.    


"Brat, it's better for you to rest in peace and wait at the back of the line. If you're an apothecary, then I'm an apothecary!"    


"Smelly brat, how could you miss little sister Xiao Li? Get the hell out of my way, or else I won't mind teaching you a lesson."    


"Exactly, look at your morals, you're not in the right. Can it be your turn here?"    


Shen Longxuan did not expect himself to be so disrespectful. Wasn't it just speaking the truth, that everyone was targeting him.    


"Pretty boy, you said that you're an alchemist? Where's the evidence? Besides being a 1-star disciple, which star has proven that you're an alchemist?" The ticket seller said with a mocking tone.    


Shen Longxuan lowered his head to look at his chest, and immediately understood that the Dragon Abyss Sect should have a place to appraise, to appraise the levels of the pill refiners, thus he said: "Although I don't have the stars, I'm still a pill refiner!"    


"Ha, how laughable. The alchemists in the Dragon Abyss Sect have had an appraisal from the first rank, but you are not even a first rank alchemist. Coincidentally, there is an appraisal elder in our Pill Battling Field.    


"If you are unable to appraise an alchemist, then get the hell out of the Pill Competition forever. You are not welcome here!" The ticket seller said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.    


Her thoughts did not change at all. Shen Longxuan had obviously come up to strike up a conversation, and with just one more word from Shen Longxuan, her thoughts were strong. She looked at him with disdain, not giving him any face at all.    


However, she did not expect Shen Longxuan to still not appreciate her kindness and said: "Yes, but if I am able to appraise you as an alchemist, would you have the right to scram as well?!"    


This time, it wasn't just the girl who laughed. Everyone laughed. Where did this brat come from? Was it so easy to become an alchemist?    


Shen Longxuan was simply a fool's dream here, they all thought that Shen Longxuan was being reprimanded instead of flirting, and now they were all angry out of embarrassment.    


"The appraisal room is over there. Hurry up, I'm waiting to be chased out by you!" The ticket girl sneered and then ignored him.    


Shen Longxuan walked along the direction that he pointed, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared from everyone's sight.    


"Humph, Appraisal Elder doesn't have a good temper like me. This kid will definitely be blasted out!" I'll take care of you when the time comes! " The ticket seller thought to herself.    


As time passed, the ticket seller gradually forgot about Shen Longxuan's matter. She, who was busy with her work, suddenly became quiet, and her ears were filled with the sound of breathing.    


She slowly raised her head, her face filled with disbelief, as the appraisal elder politely sent Shen Longxuan out. The Old Man was a fifth grade Pill Refiner, but she was clearly looking at Shen Longxuan as a peer.    


"What's going on? Am I seeing things?"    


Shen Longxuan who was walking far away slowly walked over, and everyone on the road automatically opened up a path, allowing the ticket girl to clearly see that there were five golden stars on Shen Longxuan's chest.    


"How is that possible? He was actually identified as a fifth grade Pill Refiner? "    


"This kid can't be the grandchild of an appraisal elder, right?"    


"No matter what, those five asteroids can't be faked. This is going to be interesting!"    


The onlookers' faces were filled with envy, but the ticket seller's face was filled with terror, causing the item in her hand to fall to the ground without her noticing.    


He wanted to speak but was unable to do so. Standing there and watching Shen Longxuan slowly approach, his heart was about to jump out of his chest.    


"Do I still need to get out of the arena now?"    


"Can I not look at your face? Do you think I don't need to line up at the back?"    


"My face is a bit paler. Do I look like a pretty boy? Do you think that I'm here to talk to you because I'm interested in your beauty? I'm telling you, in my eyes, you're not worth a single cent! "    


Shen Longxuan's voice was raised higher and higher, allowing everyone in the room to hear him clearly. It was like a resounding slap on the face of a ticket seller, extremely stinging.    


Those people who had been laughing at Shen Longxuan all along left dejectedly. Offending a fifth grade alchemist was something they could not afford, so it was best to leave.    


The ticket seller did not dare to make a move. In the current situation, even if Shen Longxuan were to beat her up, she would have to hold on, so she pretended to look pitiful in order to gain sympathy.    


"Arrange a seat for me!" Shen Longxuan did not lower himself to her level either. He spoke a few sentences and got straight to the point.    


The ticket seller hurriedly said, "Sky Hall No. 3 Room. Master, your name is esteemed, I will write you down."    


"My name is Shen Longxuan, remember, your service will be better in the future, don't discredit us alchemists!" After Shen Longxuan finished speaking, he walked into the Pill Battlefield.    


With the identity of a pill refiner, Shen Longxuan made his way without any obstructions and arrived at room 3 of the Pavilion of Heavenly Words. It was a luxurious room, and one could see everything that happened in the Pill Battlefield while sitting in the room.    


At this moment, the Pill Battlefield was packed with people. There were at least tens of thousands of people in the seats, and they were discussing among themselves. The most talked about was the pill refiners who came to compete in the Pill Battling Arena.    


"Did you see that? Today, room number 3 of the Pavilion of Heavenly Words lit up, doesn't that mean a fifth grade alchemist has come? Who exactly is it?"    


"This is really interesting, a fifth grade alchemist actually came here to dabble in alchemy, then who can still win?"    


"That might not be the case. There is an expert in the art of alchemy, and the pills given by a fifth grade alchemist are not necessarily better than those given by a fourth rank alchemist."    


After hearing the discussions, Shen Longxuan could not help but laugh, but after seeing the competition rules, Shen Longxuan had to admit, the people from Dragon Abyss Sect were truly talented, to think of such a playstyle?    


The so called Dou Dan was something that all Alchemists would refine. They would place the same kind of pill into the Demonic Beast puppet's body that was created by special methods.    


This puppet no longer had any life, but once it was placed in a pill, it would automatically run in circles around the track according to the medicinal strength of the pill. The more rounds it ran, the better the pill it refined.    


Starting from the Grade Three Pill, the puppet that could run one lap showed that the pill was very ordinary, it was of low quality, two laps was middle quality, three laps high quality, four laps was the highest, and every time the pill levelled up, the number of laps would double.    


What the spectators were betting on, however, was which grandmaster's pill would allow the puppet to run a few laps, and then bet on the ranking of the puppet according to the number of laps it took.    


He needed to have a good understanding of every single apothecary, and he also had a good understanding of every single pill refined by them. This amount of experience was earned from gambling time and time again.    


This place was like a fire pit to the rookies, but the high rewards made them reluctant to part with it. If they could win first place, then they would never have to worry about food or clothing for the rest of their lives.    


In the room number 3 that Shen Longxuan was in, there was a comprehensive introduction. With just a sweep of his spiritual sense, he already understood clearly that the "Heavenly" Pavilion was prepared for fifth grade alchemists, and the "Earth" was prepared for fourth stage alchemists.    


At this moment, Master Huang was in a private room of the Earth Pavilion, enjoying his services.    


The services provided by the Pavilion of Heavenly Words were even more comprehensive. There was nothing that you couldn't imagine. No wonder the apothecaries here were so arrogant; it seemed like they were used to it.    


Shen Longxuan saw from the service room that if he wanted to participate, he only needed to place the pill into the groove on the table, and then enter the name.    




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