The Ancient Supreme

C88 Farewell on departure

C88 Farewell on departure

4Seeing that, Yang Hao was afraid that Su Xiaoyu's shouts would attract other disciples, so he immediately extended his hand out and covered her mouth.    


But Su Xiaoyu acted as if she had gone mad, and kept twisting her body.    


Seeing that, Yang Hao's heart was suddenly enraged, he raised his hand and fiercely slapped Su Xiaoyu's face.    


Su Xiaoyu felt her head buzzing once, her mind going blank.    


"Let me tell you, you can give up on Lin Yuan, you are already my woman!" Yang Hao said with a cold smile.    


Su Xiaoyu glared at Yang Hao fiercely. The look in her eyes could not wait to pounce on Yang Hao and tear him to shreds.    


"Do you think you can beat me?" Seeing Su Xiaoyu's stance of wanting to fight to the death with him, Yang Hao sneered.    


Su Xiaoyu clenched her teeth and stared at Yang Hao, "You are worse than beasts!" She said this coldly.    


Although Yang Hao was furious in his heart, he still did not attack Su Xiaoyu.    


"No matter what you say, you can't change the facts of the situation. If you can forget about Lin Yuan, I can treat you well without thinking about the past, but if you keep thinking about him, then don't blame me for being rude!"    


Yang Hao said to Su Xiaoyu with a threatening tone.    


"Tomorrow, I want you to personally witness your big brother Lin Yuan's death under the six great punishments!"    


Yang Hao sneered, and then stood up.    


"I'd like to see how a dead man fights with me for a woman!" Yang Hao said while gnashing his teeth while tightly grabbing onto the shreds of Su Xiaoyu's clothes.    


"Humph!" Then, he threw the broken piece of wood onto Su Xiaoyu's body, and walked into the cave without looking back.    


Su Xiaoyu sat alone outside the cave quietly, the tears in her eyes poured down like a flood.    


If she had listened to her elder sister earlier and stopped at the right time, she wouldn't have ended up in such a situation.    


However, now, no matter how much he regretted, it was already a foregone conclusion.    


Su Xiaoyu looked at Yang Hao's cave and couldn't help but clench his fist.    


"Yang Hao! I will definitely make you die a graveless death in the future! " Su Xiaoyu glared fiercely at Yang Hao's cave and gritted her teeth as she spoke.    


Su Xiaoyu put on the clothes that Yang Hao had given him, and walked step by step back into the bamboo forest with her entire body covered in wounds.    


She stood outside the room, not daring to take a step inside.    


He absolutely could not let Lin Yuan see her miserable appearance, and also could not let him know that he had been duped by Yang Hao!    


When she recalled the scene in her mind again, Su Xiaoyu felt pain in her heart. Why? Why did the heavens treat her so unfairly, wanting to make her lose her virginity?    


Su Xiaoyu clenched her fists tightly and screamed in her heart!    


She could not accept the fact that she had been tainted by Yang Hao.    


After standing outside the room for a while, Su Xiaoyu was afraid that Lin Yuan would suddenly come out, so she quickly hid in Su Qing?er's room.    


Su Xiaoyu endured the pain as she prepared a jar of water for herself, after that she took off her clothes and walked into the bathtub.    


She kept wiping away the traces on her body, as if all she had to do was wipe them away and it would be as if nothing had happened.    


However, no matter how she wiped it, there were some things that could not be erased.    


"Why!? Why! Why would such a thing happen to me! " Su Xiaoyu cried and asked.    


Her tears fell unceasingly as they mixed with the bath water.    


This was not the end she wanted. Su Xiaoyu ruthlessly wiped off the skin on her body, some parts even turning red, but she still gritted her teeth and refused to let it go.    


But no matter how hard Su Xiaoyu tried to wipe it off, and then take out a face that was filled with a devious smile, it was still stuck in her mind.    


"AHH!" "Don't..." Su Xiaoyu suddenly threw away the handkerchief in her hand, held her head and cried in pain.    


Her beautiful face was contorted with pain.    


"Xiao Yu, is that you? Are you in there? " Lin Yuan's shout came from outside.    


Maybe it was the sound of her crying that disturbed him.    


Su Xiaoyu immediately covered her mouth, forcing herself to stop the tears.    


"Big Brother Lin Yuan, it's me." Su Xiaoyu cleared her throat and said.    


"I'm bathing." To prevent Lin Yuan from suspecting anything, Su Xiaoyu immediately added.    


Hearing her words, Lin Yuan did not ask anymore.    


Realizing that Lin Yuan's footsteps were getting further and further away, Su Xiaoyu suddenly burst into tears.    


"Big Brother Lin Yuan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry ?" Su Xiaoyu cried as she shook her head in pain.    


Elder sister is right, being too stubborn will only harm me! Now that she had received her retribution, she would never be worthy of Big Brother Lin Yuan again in her entire life.    


Su Xiaoyu suddenly felt that she was very dirty. She once again picked up the towel in front of her and started to ruthlessly wipe her body.    


Until his skin was scratched and bright red blood flowed out ?    


In Su Xiaoyu's room, Ah Yin, Die Wu, Su Qing?er were still unconscious.    


There was a serene look on their faces, without the slightest reaction.    


Lin Yuan had already been hiding by the bed for an entire day, looking at Ah Yin's pale white face, his heart felt like it was being cut by knives.    


"Ah Yin, I will get the antidote for you tomorrow! "It's okay, you'll be fine!" Lin Yuan held onto Ah Yin's hand, but in his heart, he felt a wave of reluctance.    


Su Xiaoyu had said it before, anyone who had experienced the six great punishments would most likely die.    


Lin Yuan didn't know whether or not he could make it through tomorrow.    


However, he had no other choice but to take the risk.    


Originally, he wanted to ask Elder Lei and Elder Mu for help, but she was afraid that Yang Hao would do something extreme if he knew about it.    


If he destroyed the antidote, he would definitely die together with Ah Yin, Die Wu and Su Qing?er.    


Lin Yuan could not take Ah Yin's life to gamble!    


"Ah Yin, you will protect me. You'll let me escape safely tomorrow."    


Lin Yuan pulled Ah Yin's hand to his mouth and kissed her gently.    


"Ah Yin, if I'm not back alive, you can go back to the Southern Wilderness! Don't fight for the Chinese wisteria fruit anymore! "    


Lin Yuan looked at Ah Yin's pale face and continued to talk.    


Suddenly, a line of tears flowed down Ah Yin's face.    


A tear fell onto the back of Lin Yuan's hand.    


Lin Yuan could not help but open his eyes and look at Ah Yin in shock.    


"Ah Yin, you hear me!" Lin Yuan excitedly pulled Ah Yin's hand.    


Ah Yin and Die Wu were both from the Southern Wilderness, and one of the biggest characteristics of the Southern Wilderness was poison.    


Therefore, when Su Xiaoyu poisoned them, they felt it very vigilantly, and immediately channeled all of their spiritual energy to avoid the poison.    


The toxicity of my Soul Search is too strong.    


As a result, even though Ah Yin and Die Wu were on guard, they still managed to attract some attention.    


Fortunately Ah Yin and Die Wu had tasted a hundred poisons since childhood, so the Soul Search was unable to harm their true essence.    


Therefore, ever since they were poisoned, Ah Yin and Die Wu had been using up all of their energy, trying to force the soul poison out of their bodies.    


Ah Yin was different from Die Wu. Su Qing?er had been poisoned too deeply, so he fell into a state of unconsciousness.    


Although Ah Yin and Die Wu could not wake up, they could still hear the movements in their surroundings.    


Yesterday, when Su Xiaoyu and the others were present, Ah Yin wished that she could stand up and expose their ugly crimes.    


Now that she knew that Lin Yuan was going to be restricted by Yang Hao in order to exchange for the antidote, Ah Yin became anxious.    


"Lin Yuan, you must not go!" Ah Yin prayed anxiously in his heart.    


"Ah Yin, can you really hear me!?" Lin Yuan held Ah Yin's hand tightly.    


"Don't worry, I will definitely exchange the antidote for the antidote to save you!" Lin Yuan said excitedly.    


"You idiot, who wants you to change the antidote!?" If you go, you're going to die! " Ah Yin was anxious and angry in her heart, but she was still unable to break through the barrier set up by the Soul Search poison.    


"Princess, don't be angry. Otherwise, if the poison enters your heart, you won't be able to break through the barrier!"    


Die Wu heard Ah Yin's thoughts and immediately used the Thousand Mile Sound Transmission Technique to tell Ah Yin.    


"Die Wu, are you going to let me just watch him die!?" Ah Yin shouted.    


Die Wu realised that Ah Yin seemed to be trying to break through the barrier.    


"Princess, please don't!" Seeing this, Die Wu screamed in fear.    


"If you were to forcefully break through the barrier and enter your heart meridian, there is no cure!"    


"Princess, if you continue to be so stubborn, Die Wu will kill herself immediately!"    


Seeing that Ah Yin was not willing to listen to him, Die Wu spoke anxiously.    


"Die Wu, don't!" After Ah Yin heard this, she immediately stopped.    


Although she wanted to break through the barrier and stop Lin Yuan, under Die Wu's threat, she couldn't bear to see something happen to Die Wu either. It was truly a dilemma for her.    


Lin Yuan realized that Ah Yin's tears were flowing out of her eyes.    


"Ah Yin, you... What's going on? " Lin Yuan clenched Ah Yin's hand tightly and asked worriedly.    


"Does it hurt?" Lin Yuan guessed that since they were poisoned, it would probably hurt a lot! He couldn't help but feel a burst of pity in his heart.    


Ah Yin couldn't immediately break through the barrier, he could only scream nonstop in his heart.    


"Lin Yuan, don't! Don't ever go! "You will die!"    


But Lin Yuan would never hear her words.    


As Ah Yin walked further and further away, Ah Yin's tears began to flow even more violently.    


"Princess, don't worry. In a few more hours, we will automatically break through the barrier."    


When Die Wu heard Ah Yin's heart-wrenching cries, her heart ached for her.    


Hearing Die Wu's words, Ah Yin couldn't help but raise a trace of hope in her heart.    


"Really?" Ah Yin could not help but ask.    


Die Wu replied, "Princess, we possess a physique that is immune to poisons, so the poison from the Soul Search can only disturb us. After a certain period of time, it will be neutralized by the defensive system within our body."     4


After hearing Die Wu's explanation, Ah Yin had an extra strand of hope in her heart.    


She prayed that she could break through the barrier as soon as possible.    


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