Eternal Martial Soul

C168 The Xianyang that was always in danger! Luring a snake out of its cave?

C168 The Xianyang that was always in danger! Luring a snake out of its cave?

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Great Qin Empire, Great Wu Empire, when they were establishing their territories, they also stood against each other. At this time, the competition between the two allowed the two of them to slowly reveal the gap between them. In the Great Wu Empire, there was only Wei Qing, he worked hard for the imperial court?    


On the other hand, on the Qin side, there were talented people, such powerful generals as Wang Jian, Bai Qi and the others, who were able to establish their own territories and establish their own territory. There were good ministers and officials like Li Si, who controlled the imperial government, mobilized the rations and stabilized the situation.    


The Great Qin Empire was on the way to success.    


A majestic aura spread out as the Divine Dragon roared. The aura of a terrifying Emperor erupted in all directions, as if a sovereign had descended upon the world, shaking the entire world.    


However, at the same time that he became strong, it was as if everyone had forgotten that the victor was not within the Xianyang.    


On this day, the news of the Lan Fei being happy spread like wildfire. The entire Xianyang Palace was shaken, and many of the imperial concubines were filled with jealousy and envy. All of them were clenching their teeth in hatred.    


"Lan Fei, this slut, normally complies with orders but never reveals it. I never thought that she would actually have such great ability. Even though the emperor isn't around, she's pregnant!" A imperial concubine howled in rage.    


"Impossible, I don't believe it, so how can she do it?" This slut should have been eliminated a long time ago! "This is no small matter. Men, report this to father." There was also a woman in the palace whose face was twisted in jealousy and hatred, "Father is the assistant minister of the imperial court, a second rank official. His influence is great, he must have a way to deal with this slut."    


"There's joy?" Your Lan Fei has no power or influence. Do you think you can give birth to the Duke of Qin in this Xianyang Palace? Haha, hahahaha, what a joke ~ ~ ~ " The killing intent of the palace was hidden, the various palaces were reacting.    


Within a gorgeous palace, Xu Jianlan looked at the man in front of him. With a worried expression, she advised: "Father, have you really gone mad? They actually asked me to do such a thing, and even pretended to be pregnant, they will find out, then everything will be in vain, no use, those people aren't idiots? "    


"Hmph, what do you understand? This is the 'mother blood lotus root' I found, the 'father and daughter heart Gu'. I have already channeled my bloodline and injected the 'child' into your stomach, turning it into a fetus and giving birth to a child. That is the true child, but after this child is born, I will control it! Moreover, I am currently cultivating a devil art and have advanced by leaps and bounds, I have already become a Emperor Peak Realm Cultivator. The current Great Qin Empire is developing at a high speed, Bai Qi, Wang Jian, these experts are all not here, who can be my opponent? Haha, hahaha! No one can doubt the bloodline of this child. Mother is precious, I will help you take everything. After waiting for so long, I will not only avenge my vengeance, but the entire Great Qin Empire! Su Huai, won? Heh, you destroyed my Corpse Puppet Sect, so I'll use your entire Qin to repay this debt. " The middle-aged man's expression was one of madness, and his eyes were shot with blood.    


"Crazy! Do you understand the price of failure?!" Xu Jianlan asked in a daze.    


"There will be no failure, and failure is not allowed!" Master Xu, no, Mr. Chou was roaring.    


"The Qin is victorious, Wang Jian, Bai Qi and the rest, they will be returning to the capital, bringing the troops back to the throne ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" Qin Shi is victorious, Wang Jian, Bai Qi and the others, they will be returning to the imperial court ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Let alone the soldiers back together, even one of them can't beat Wang Jian. Xu Jianlan advised.    


"Soldier King? Ha, they, what if they don't come back? " Mr. Chou said in a twisted voice, "Bai Qi, Wang Jian, I cannot stay, I am not the opponent, but in the Northern Region, there are people who wish for their deaths more than I do. Once I have grasped the Great Qin Empire, those people will naturally come knocking on my door, and if I were to raise my hand and reveal some information, Bai Qi, Wang Jian, I will definitely be defeated!"    


"Even if we are defeated, we can still be convicted even if we aren't killed by those people? "I've observed them for a long time. These people are very loyal to the victory, and will not defy the imperial edict. They are even more unwilling to be traitors. Therefore, they will undoubtedly die …" Mr. Chou's face was twisted, filled with hatred.    


"You're crazy! You're courting death!" Xu Jianlan continuously shook her head, and retreated step by step.    


Mr. Chou's eyes turned blood-red as he placed everything on the line, ferociously saying, "Death, it won't happen ~ ~"    


Xu Jianlan was poisoned and was unable to resist. In the next ten days, killing intent at the palace fluctuated, all of the schemes rushed at Xu Jianlan, any kind of poison, assassinations, everything, everything, in a silent and sinister manner. However, all the imperial concubines and the families behind them realized that Lan Fei seemed to have made some preparations and remained unmoving.    


Ten days later, in the house of the Second Class Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, a 50-60 year old official was trembling violently as he looked at the information in his hand. He said, "Impossible? Why is it that, who is it that has been secretly investigating me and grasped so many details? Even the incident from a few days ago has fallen into my hands and I've been caught?    


The murder of a prince is a capital offense! " The second rank courtyard was in complete panic as it paced back and forth in its study.    


"Master Wen, do you want to die or live? If you don't want this to be known to the public, then listen to my arrangements. Otherwise, hehe, you won't be able to escape the punishment of destroying the nine generations. " Suddenly, at this moment, a voice came from behind Lord Wen. It was sinister and hoarse.    


"Who?" "Who are you? How dare you ~ ~ ~" Master Wen felt his hair stand on end as he quickly turned his head around.    


"Who am I? No need for you to worry, remember what I said! " That person was clad in a black robe with a deathly aura swirling around him. His pupils were ashen gray, as though he was a dead man.    


"You!" Lord Wen's expression changed and he immediately retreated, but that person disappeared with a bang.    


"Not a human, but a zombie?" Lord Wen also had some experience, so he immediately exclaimed.    


No one seemed to have noticed this, and Sir Wen thought so as well. After that, the study room fell into a long silence. Sir Wen seemed to be hesitating, unsure, and lost in thought.    


As the situation of the Great Qin Nation expanded and expanded at high speeds, a monstrous conspiracy was brewing in the Xianyang Palace. The busy Qin Chen seemed to not have noticed it at all.    


— —    


Central Region, Ten Thousand Beasts City!    


Inside a palace, Su Huai's eyes narrowed as he looked at the black robed man in front of him. With a surprised expression, he laughed: "Xu Shan? The second viper has surfaced? "    


"Yes, my King, Xu Jianlan was suddenly delighted, this matter is not normal, and beside him, a person suddenly appeared, although he changed his appearance and voice, but from the information we received, from our analysis, it should be him!" The black-robed figure immediately said.    


"The 'Black Ice Table' has done well this time. The 'Dark Emperor', is very powerful, isn't it?" Su Huai laughed and asked.    


"Your subordinate is unable to see through the cultivation of a commander." The black-robed man instantly lowered his head.    


"The two poisonous snakes that escaped back then, Duan Wuji is already dead, only you, Xu Shan, are left. This time, not only did I lure away the mighty ones like the Sect Leader of the Ten Thousand Swords and the Great Martial Emperor with me, I've even 'lured a snake out of its cave'. Do you really think that you will be forgotten after a long period of time! " Su Huai squinted his eyes, and laughed coldly, his eyes flashed with the light of wisdom, as he made the plan, and won by a thousand miles: "I can't wait!"    


"There's joy?" Let me guess, the next step is to enter the imperial court and hold court from behind the curtain. Hahaha, hahahaha, I will play with you alone! " Su Huai's eyes were overcast as he sneered.    


"My King, shouldn't you inform the Commander to capture this person!" The black-robed man immediately asked for instructions.    


"Not at the moment. Wang Jian and Bai Qi are currently confronting the Great Wu Empire. Wei Qing's defense is watertight, and he does not dare to advance recklessly. If there is no chance, we will give him the chance." Su Huai said.    


"Yes, Your Majesty." The black-robed man's body trembled, and he immediately retreated respectfully.    


"All of you are in deep thought, but you don't know that all of this is a solitary trap. It doesn't matter if you win or not, you can still control everything in the central region alone!" Su Huai revealed confidence.    


— —    


A few days later, in the palace of Xianyang, Li Si's eyes were wide open, as though he was enraged, and bellowed: "Lan Fei, you have guts, to actually try and hold court from the shadows?!"    


"Prime Minister, I have an imperial decree here that the emperor left behind before he left. Why, you want to disobey it?" Head of the Guards, Xu Jianlan said indifferently as she wore a phoenix coronet and ceremonial robes.    


As they spoke, a eunuch delivered a scroll of 'imperial edict' to Li Si, who took a look at it immediately.    


"Fake, this is fake?" Lan Fei, you dare to forge an imperial edict? Intervention in politics? " Li Si only took a glance, and immediately became furious, tearing apart the imperial edict, he shouted at the Lan Fei above in anger.    


"How dare you!" Li Si, it is not up to you to decide whether or not the imperial edict is fake. Lan Fei narrowed his phoenix eyes and said with a smile, "Everyone, please take a look."    


"Let me take a look!" Immediately, an official stood out and picked up the imperial edict. With a frown, he examined it for a while before whispering to a few other officials! After a long while, Lord Wen came out. He hid a trace of worry and said seriously, "State of Zhao, this is indeed His Majesty's handwriting!"    


"That's right, and the seal of the Imperial Jade Seal can't be wrong." another official agreed.    


"How dare you all collude with this woman?" Li Si bellowed, and stared.    


"Prime Minister, what we're saying is the truth!" The officials were panicking a little.    


"Men, bring the prime minister down to his palace. Imprison his residence for a period of time and let him think it through. Wait for his majesty to return to the throne before coming to a conclusion ~ ~" On Xu Jianlan's side, a command was given.    


"Who would dare?" Li Si shouted in anger. None of the officials or guards present seemed to dare to step forward.    


From behind Xu Jianlan, they fiercely pounced towards him. Li Si tried to resist, but it seemed that she was' powerless to struggle ', and was not her opponent. She could only roar and be dragged out!    


Some officials exclaimed, "The first minister ~ ~"    


"Don't worry, I won't do anything to the prime minister, right? I believe that he was confused for a moment and would like to understand. Everyone, this is the time for the rapid development of our Great Qin Empire. Xu Jianlan, who was seated at the head position, consoled the officials who were with him, her expression calm.    


"This, Xianyang has changed!" The hearts of the officials were filled with shock, as though a storm had swept through them.    


This was a special kind of Spirit Demon beast. It did not have much strength, but it could fly fast, and was good at concealment. Usually, after being tamed, it would be used to deliver messages, and it would be the best, for Li Si had sent a 'message'.    


"The emperor is in charge of planning. In my Great Qin Empire, we can pass through any danger!" Li Si stood with his hands behind his back.    


In the blink of an eye, the Residence of General was deserted. It was as if the Prime Minister had completely lost his power and influence.    


Not long after, at the Duke of Qin Palace, in front of Xu Jianlan, Mr. Chou was looking at a few pieces of paper, laughing coldly: "Li Si, do you think that I would not know to pass on the message to Wang Jian, Bai Qi, and the others?"    


"Will I let this news spread so early?" Mr. Chou's face distorted.    


In the next few days, the Xianyang was as calm as ever, but in the shadows, there was a loud noise. Li Si 'fell off the stage', many loyal officials were suppressed and demoted, and instead, a large number of weak officials moved their positions around to seek high positions under the authority of the Lan Fei. These people held a large amount of power, but their abilities were insufficient, which seemed to have caused a lot of trouble for the Qin Empire's development.    


The Great Qin was like a raging horse, incomparably fierce. It spurred its horse forward, and it was growing increasingly hot. However, this raging horse suddenly seemed to have become thin and thin.    


The rapid development of the city had suddenly become a little sluggish, showing that there was a problem in taking over the city. But, what was the problem? It was as if every major force had received a signal.    


"Investigate, we can't let go of any clues. Investigate!" All the major powers gave their orders one after another.    


"Preposterous! The army has already escorted us for three days to transport the grain! Why hasn't they arrived yet?" "Tell me, aren't you afraid of being punished by martial law?" At the front lines of Limestone Fortress, Bai Qi's eyes were emitting killing intent.    


"What?" What guts! The imperial harem takes over, what a great Lan Fei! " General Wang Jian was also furious.    


"How can this be? There was hope for Qin Guan to rise up and unite the northern region. He had never thought that it would be a woman who would do such a bad thing. Before Qin Shi Huang left, he made all the arrangements, but had forgotten about this! " Countless scholars were analyzing.    


— —    


"General, Great Qin Empire is strong on the outside, but, the inner palace of Xianyang is filled with dangers on all sides, this, is a rare opportunity, now, Prime Minister Li Si is under house arrest, they cannot follow up, and the food cannot be delivered on time! As long as our troops take the initiative to attack and force Wang Jian back, Bai Qi's great army will take some time to defeat them! " Someone in the Great Wu Empire was excited.    


"That's right, great general. We've been hiding like a turtle for the past few days, and the soldiers are getting impatient and have been listening to the Qin soldiers scolding and humiliating each day. They've long been on the verge of rushing out to fight their enemies to the death!" General, now that the chance has come, let's fight! " As the generals requested for battle.    


The truth was that in the past few days, Wei Qing had ordered his men to train in seclusion. Strict on the defense, encampment in the fortress, outside of the fortress, although the Qin soldiers were unable to break in for a while, Bai Qi, Wang Jian, and the others continued to command and curse from the outside, shouting and shouting.    


A surge of hot blood erupted from his chest, rushing towards the top of his head. However, the military order was like a mountain. All he could do was suppress it.    


"Pass down this commander-in-chief's order, you are not allowed to fight without authorization, otherwise, military law will be enforced!" Wei Qing shouted.    


"Great General, we …" A wave of grievance swept through the generals of the Great Wu Empire.    


"No need to say anymore, step back!" Wei Qing was tired, with a cold face, he shouted angrily.    


"Yes sir!" The generals felt a wave of unwillingness as they could only clasp their hands together and leave the general's manor.    


"Is the palace in danger? Was it a conspiracy, a trap? Or Qin Huang, just a hundred times out of a hundred? " These few days, he had been completely exhausted and had been feeling incredibly stifled. His heart was also moved, but he was more cautious than usual: "Someone, send a message to this marshal, activate Zhuge and the Great Martial Emperor. Buried in the deepest part of Xianyang is that chess piece!    


Anything that happens in Xianyang, get her to investigate everything in the past few days clearly ~ "    


"Yes, Great General!" They would leave immediately! Wei Qing was not an impulsive person.    


Two days later, Wei Qing narrowed his eyes as he looked at the detailed information in his hands, his gaze flickering with light, "Back then, the Corpse Puppet Sect Lord had faked her death to live and had been hibernating the entire time, yet he actually allowed him to hide within that 'Xianyang Palace'? Spirit Soul Disciple Mr. Chou? He needed help. His methods for the past few days could only cause a small disturbance within the Great Qin Nation, the Qin Clan was the true foundation, only by messing up the Qin Clan would he be able to shake the foundations ~ ~ ~ ~ and cause a great disturbance, and cause the Great Qin Empire s to rot and rot from the inside!    


"This marshal will help you ~ ~ ~"    


"Someone come, find Dongfang Shuo and have him bring my letter to the Xianyang for a trip. Father and daughter Xu Shan, it's not good enough for you to be in such a chaotic situation. It's just that the Xianyang is in danger from all sides, but Dongfang Shuo will help you spread the danger throughout the entire Great Qin Empire! Heh, as for Bai Qi, Wang Jian, you guys, I, Wei Qing, am I really afraid of you two? "Why don't we have a fight!" With the confirmation of the news, Wei Qing regained his fighting spirit.    


"Yes sir!" "Yes!"    


A few days later, Xianyang Palace, father and daughter, welcomed their esteemed guest.    


"I am Dongfang Shuo, Great Wu Empire, guest official ~ ~ ~!" The man was a scholar. He said solemnly, "This time, I came to assist you at the behest of General Wei Qing."    


"Hahahaha, I am very grateful that Mr. Dongfang is here!" The Mr. Chou laughed.    


After the two of them conversed for a while, in the conspiracy, Dongfang Shuo had the ability to immediately point it out.    


At the same time, within the Prime Minister's Estate, Li Si was watching the Duke of Qin's Palace with a profound look in her eyes.    


"Great Wu Empire, below Martial Emperor, one of the three Great Leaders! Although he was not as powerful as Zhuge Cangsheng and Wei Qing, but his governing ability was not inferior in the slightest, just that, due to the limitations of his bones, his cultivation was only at the The Realm of Golden Elixir level. Therefore, although he had a high position and power, he did not have Wei Qing and Zhuge Cangsheng, and was even more highly valued! But now, you've actually entered Qin. Since the Emperor has said so, don't leave! " While talking, Li Si revealed a smile, with a serious look in his eyes.    


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