Eternal Martial Soul

C50 Fierce Sue bad! Domain Sue's house, and the vibration north domain? !

C50 Fierce Sue bad! Domain Sue's house, and the vibration north domain? !

1— —    


Wu Nichang happily heaved a sigh of relief. She understood that the appearance of Ding Busan's group would definitely be able to solve the problem of Su Huai's danger. A pair of limpid eyes stared fixedly at the distance. Facing these three Huangji martial artist s, she was not panicked. She only had a dark face and a determined expression, as if she had a man that was as lofty as a mountain, and a calm demeanor that did not fall, which was completely different from other men's. What kind of person was he exactly?    


Compared to those who usually surrounded him to curry favor with him, he was many times stronger. But, would he like me?    


"Pfft!" "What are you thinking about?" Thinking about it, Wu Nichang blushed, her long eyelashes blinked, and looked at Su Huai's figure, her eyes sparkling.    


"Sir, how big of an impact do you think this will have on the Great Wu Empire?" The Great Martial Emperor frowned.    


"Influence?" There must be, but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. " Zhuge Cangsheng pondered for a moment, then suddenly transmitted his voice back, and laughed: Once I get involved with the Su Family through Su Huai, it might be a beautiful thing, coincidentally, Ni Chang is very interested in that brat.    


"Hrm —" The Great Martial Emperor's face sank, as if he was worried about something.    


Zhuge Cangsheng's eyes flickered as he flowed with the light of wisdom. He smiled and said, "I understand what the Great Emperor is worried about. However, from the battle with the Grand General's Tomb, I could already see that Su Huai was a man with more hearts than the heavens, and he had at least two Martial Spirits. With his talent and personality, he would definitely enter the central region in the near future. Without the Su Clan, if he did not die today, he might have developed the Great Qin Nation to dominate the northern region. Only when he became stronger would he be able to enter the central region. But, what about now? The strength of the Su Family, he would definitely be able to see through it. This boy, he would definitely understand that the Great Qin without even a single emperor was not conducive to his own development. He also didn't have enough resources in the Northern Reaches. In this place, one would be able to train very slowly.    


"Only the central region, the natural selection competition, and the prevalence of martial artists are more suitable for him! Moreover, Suwu Muhou valued him so much, if he went there, he would definitely receive a lot of nurturing and protection. Even an expert like Ding Busan could be his guard. It was too simple to choose between the two. Only when a warrior enters the central region will he have a magnificent future. " Zhuge Cangsheng said.    


"Sir, please enlighten me!" The Great Martial Emperor's pupils constricted before he finally nodded.    


"Haha, actually, in the heart of the Emperor, he already has a plan." Zhuge Cangsheng laughed.    


The Great Martial Emperor's expression was normal as he did not say anything. His eyes flickered as he looked in that direction.    


In reality, even if Zhuge Cangsheng didn't say it, he could understand it, but, Zhuge Cangsheng was from the Central Region, so he knew more about the situation there. The Great Martial Emperor must go one step further from Zhuge Cangsheng's analysis to confirm his thoughts if they were correct.    


The conversation between the two of them might sound like a long time, but it all happened in a very short period of time.    


Wu Nichang was immersed in the young lady's bashful emotions, but of course she was not in the mood to care, as she did not know anything about the two of them scheming.    


At the same time, in Qin City, three Huangji martial artist s brought along a lot of Jindan Stage experts, their murderous aura overflowing, it was obvious that they had not come with good intentions.    


boom — * A wave of heaven-shaking power spread out and suddenly enveloped everything.    


'Plop, plop, plop! 'The commoners revealed fear and unease, and as they could not endure the aura of the Huangji martial artist, they kneeled down, each and every one of them trembling.    


"Three Emperor Peak Realm s, what should I do?" Many officials turned pale with fright.    


"Is the Great Qin Empire finished?" In the ancestral hall, all of the clan elders had expressions of shock as they withstood the pressure with faces full of anxiety. "Patriarch, how about, we go all out ~ ~ ~"    


"Exactly! We Qin would rather die in battle than kneel and beg for our lives. " Everyone had a solemn expression.    


"Shut up!" Wait a little longer, Su Huai said that he's prepared ~ ~ ~ " white-browed elder said in a deep voice.    


"But him —" Everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces. How could Su Huai deal with Emperors?    


"I hope you are really confident, or else …" white-browed elder clenched his fist, obviously feeling extremely nervous.    


"Kid, hand my daughter over." Master Xu condescendingly shouted.    


"Xu Jianlan? Heh, I have already decided to give her the title of 'Lan Beauty'! You, and your Corpse Puppet Sect, better look forward to her. Be obedient, serve her, and satisfy me. This way, we might even be able to survive. " Su Huai asked coldly, not afraid in the face of danger.    


"How dare you!" Master Xu was angered to the point that his face darkened. With a sinister expression, he said fiercely: "Child, your death is near at hand, you still dare to spout such arrogant words? Haha …    


"Between you and me, who's courting death? Won't we know after we try?" Su Huai sneered.    


"Su Huai! How about this? "If you contribute the secrets of the Nine Dragons Protecting City and submit to the Chu, I will help you deal with them." Chu Huang suddenly said.    


"Chu Yanhuang! "What did you say?" Sea of Broken Souls's Great Clan Elder opened his eyes wide.    


The old man's expression immediately changed. His withered hand clenched into a fist, as if he feared Chu Huang.    


Chu Yanhuang stood there proudly, as though he was bestowed a gift, and looked over. In his view, since he had said that, Su Huai should agree and obediently submit to him.    


However, this time, he was destined to be disappointed! Su Huai rejected: "Sir, it's best not to have any big dreams."    


"Hahahaha, Chu Yanhuang, you heard it yourself. This brat doesn't know what's good for him, if you don't make a move, this old man will! "Brat, I'm afraid I've never heard of it before. When this old man was young, I liked to kill geniuses the most. Die!" The Great Clan Elder of Corpse Puppet Sect laughed towards the sky. In his sinister expression, he reached out his hand and a grey white hand covered the sky and covered the earth, grabbing towards Su Huai.    


"Humph!" Su Huai remained silent and did not say a word. He raised his right hand as though he was going to defend. At this moment, a flash of red light suddenly rushed over. "What?"    


'Weng ', the red light came from the direction of the Great Wu Empire, and suddenly entered his body, Su Huai's face darkened, he became cautious. However, before he could think about it further, he shouted, "Destiny!"    


"Ang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" In the sky, the karmic karmic karmic dragon let out a monstrous dragon's roar.    


Suddenly, the qi flow surged into his body, Su Huai's entire body was enveloped by a golden light, all his limbs and bones were immediately filled with explosive strength, quickly becoming strong.    


In the time it took for a spark to fly, he took a step forward with a savage expression on his face. He suddenly threw out a punch, and a golden fist aura filled with the aura of panic collided with the old man's hand.    


boom — * A super huge explosion. Su Huai was forced five steps back.    


"You, you can actually take a casual attack from this old man?" The skinny old man exclaimed.    


"The power of a country? Unfortunately, this force wasn't enough. Furthermore, you are only at the Innate Realm. This enormous force will probably cause your body to explode and die very soon. " The Chu Huang said.    


"Hahaha, so this is the power of a country's might? So what if you have three Huangji martial artist s? The Great Qin is the home of the Gu. " Su Huai suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. He was in high spirits and roared wildly: "Solitary Emperor! All Qin people who do not want to be the slaves of a fallen nation, raise your right hand and think of my name and gather your strength in my hand! "Victory against the enemy!" Su Huai roared loudly, his heart was at ease. In his previous life, he swept his gaze across all six areas, occupying the Central Plains and unifying China. He did not have a sea of destiny, but now, he was going to give it a try.    


"Ah, raising my hand to borrow strength? The late emperor only borrowed power once. " Many Qin cultivators were stunned.    


"But, Crown Prince, no, can the Emperor block it?" Many citizens did not think highly of Su Huai.    


"No matter what, let's raise our hands first. "Your Majesty, you can take my power." Millions of Qin people on this piece of land raised their right hands.    


Even though they did not believe that Su Huai could resist Huangji martial artist … But, at least, this new Qin Shi Huang was willing to try.    


At this critical moment, he stood up bravely and led us to battle? What the Qin people needed was such a powerful Emperor. The commoners all acknowledged this in their hearts.    


"Boom boom!" Suddenly, the power of a commoner poured into Su Huai's body. Even with his body that was comparable to Jindan martial artist, his entire body was in extreme pain, as though his muscles and pores were about to be torn apart. However, this made Su Huai even more excited, and his face revealed excitement. Destiny? Power of the people? Not in his previous life.    


"Old fool, come again this time!" Su Huai's face turned sinister as he roared.    


He actually flew up to the sky and attacked the Corpse Puppet Sect Great Clan Elder. The old man was angry from embarrassment. He grinned and said, "What a bold kid. Die immediately!"    


This time, he became serious. With a palm strike, Essence Qi surged. Corpse Qi. Deathly Qi. Boundless and boundless. It covered the sky and covered the earth, making it hard for people to breathe.    


But, Su Huai's face was sinister, his fist punched out, 'bang', another extremely loud sound, and actually blocked it a second time.    


"What?" "Your body can actually withstand such an immense power?" The old man's eyes widened and his expression darkened. The killing intent in his eyes became even more violent.    


Suddenly, he performed an incantation gesture. A few coffins exploded in the air. Powerful living corpses rushed out one after another. Their faces were fierce, their teeth were green, and their heads were covered in green hair. They pounced like evil spirits.    


"A living corpse? Heh! Today, Gu Chu ascended to the throne, and with your Huangji martial artist, we shall sacrifice your blade! " Su Huai was not afraid in the face of danger.    


"Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!" With the blade in hand, Su Huai roared towards the sky with an ominous aura that shot out blood light into the sky.    


"Roaaaaar!" The few high-grade Jindan Stage corpses were intimidated by him, but they did not dare to attack for a moment. They were so angry that the withered supreme elder's face turned red.    


"Kid, I have to say, you've angered this old man." The old man roared out a shocking amount of anger.    


"So what? "Fight!" Su Huai roared, and instantly pounced forward.    


"You're courting death!" The old man grinned fiendishly and immediately attacked. Suddenly, the two of them collided head on in the sky and didn't back down at all. Su Huai was ferocious, his entire body condensed with the imperial Qi, the power of the citizens, as well as the bonus from the 'Blood Burning Blade'.    


"I don't believe that you can actually stop me!" The old man's face was twisted as he roared, "What are you still standing there for? Kill his officials, destroy his country, and ruin his destiny!" His hair stood on end, his fury billowed, and he unleashed a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering profound art from his Huangji martial artist. It was extremely terrifying.    


"That's right. Kill him!" Master Xu reacted and shouted loudly.    


"Boom!" Immediately, the Corpse Puppet Sect's Jindan Stage Elders and Master Xu pounced towards the court officials.    


"With Bai Qi here, who dares to be impudent!" Suddenly, Bai Qi coldly shouted. He pointed his sword towards the sky as a terrifying killing intent burst forth from his body.    


The entire world seemed to have turned the color of blood. Dark clouds covered the sky, and his power had been restored even more.    


"What?" "You're even stronger than that day." Master Xu's face changed as he exclaimed.    


"Master, we will help you." Quite a few elders rushed forward to withstand the killing intent.    


"General Bai Qi, this old man shall lend you a hand." On the other side of the ancestral hall, the white-browed elder roared and charged forward, her face filled with grief and grandeur.    


'Rumble! 'Suddenly, a great battle broke out between the two sides as Bai Qi suppressed Master Xu. white-browed elder, at this time, also went all out, leading all the clan elders to frantically attack, his Essence shot out, causing the sky to turn dark.    


From a distance, in a higher place, Su Huai was soaring ferociously. His strength had already reached a terrifying level, the 'Blood Burning Blade' made his blood boil, and his battle intent soared to the skies.    


"Snowstorm, soar three thousand kilometers!" While they were fighting, shouted loudly.    


With a "puchi", many glaciers rose from the ground and pierced one corpse after another. Their power was boundless, and snowflakes fell one after another. Not only that, a green light surged wildly from the palm of Su Huai's hand as boundless green vines shot out from his back into the sky, erupting with a destructive might.    


"Damn it! You damned brat! " The Grand Elder had a face full of surprise and anger.    


"Old fool, you can't do it!" Su Huai laughed. It was indeed a feeling of contentment.    


"The divine might of our Emperor …" Many officials and commoners were equally excited as they shouted out in excitement.    


"This child cannot be left alive!" Otherwise, when he matures, it will be the end of Sea of Broken Souls. " Killing intent suddenly flashed across the eyes of the Sea of Broken Souls Emperor.    


"The strength of a country, he's only an Innate? How can my body take it? With such a huge force, even I, would explode from the strength that is comparable to Huangji martial artist. How, how did he train his fleshly body? " Duan Wuji's eyelids twitched, her face was filled with jealousy.    


"Third Commander!" Is that the young master? can actually deal with Huangji martial artist! " Outside of Qin City, in the sky, Su Jiawuzhe had long since arrived. Only, he did not take action the entire time, but at this time, a Jindan Stage expert sitting on the Jadeblood Golden Eagle's back exclaimed out loud.    


"There's no mistake. If the Blood Searching secret art's light falls on him, then he definitely can't be wrong!" Ice Martial Spirit? The might of the attack seemed to be mediocre! Hm, there's another type? A martial artist with twin Martial Spirits, a genius! What? This wood type Martial Spirit was actually a grade two Martial Spirit? Hahaha, the descendants of Mu Hou, are all dragons and phoenixes among men! Good, good, good! This brat, after returning to the Central Region, he would definitely be nurtured by his clan. In the future, he would be another strong Ranker comparable to Suwu Muhou!    


"A Heaven's Pride from ancient times, the hero among men!" When Ding Busan saw it, he couldn't help but exclaim in admiration and guffaw.    


"Third Commander!" Let's make our move! There are two more Huangji martial artist s over there. " Suddenly, a seventh level Jindan Stage martial artist made a reminder.    


"Die for me." At this time, while Su Huai was fighting against the skinny old man, the eyes of the Sea of Broken Souls Elder burned with killing intent, and he actually chose to take action.    


"Your Majesty, be careful!" The expressions of the officials changed drastically as they cried out in alarm.    


"My King!" Only Li Si, Bai Qi, had a calm expression and was faintly looking forward to it.    


The hearts of the commoners jumped. Many of them revealed expressions of grief and indignation. It was indeed admirable for Su Huai to gather the strength of a nation and use it to resist Huangji martial artist.    


But, if he could block one Huangji martial artist, what about two? Could he beat him? What would happen if there were three?    


Thunderous sparks flashed, and an unbelievable killing intent filled the air. Su Huai's pupils shrank to the size of a needle, they were not in a mess even in face of death. Under the dangerous situation where the two Huangji martial artist were acting malevolent, the 'black iron ring' in his hands seemed to have brewed a super storm, which was shocking enough.    


Obviously, Su Huai attacking before was just a try, to mobilize an entire nation's power? After all, in his previous life in China, he hadn't used the country's destiny or the power of the common people. He just wanted to give it a try. In addition, he was also prepared to use this pressure to kill Huangji martial artist, so maybe, he could break through the bottleneck of Jindan martial artist and achieve a breakthrough. In actuality, he still needed the body of a 'Tomb of the First Emperor' to win if he wanted to fight back against the three powerful enemies.    


The second Huangji martial artist was coming over ferociously with surging vitality. Su Huai prepared to bring out his other body. Victory! As long as she came out, she could devour three Emperors with a single bite.    


"How dare you!" However, at this critical moment, an explosive shout rang out. Three rivers of blood surged forth with unfathomable force, churning up an earth-shattering might as they crashed down, mercilessly smashing against the body of the ambusher. The people of the Northern Region saw the Emperor Peak Realm that most of the warriors could only look up to, the Supreme Elder, flying backwards like a cannonball.    


His hair was disheveled and he spat out three mouthfuls of blood. His eyes were gloomy as he exclaimed, "Ah! What are you doing?!"    


Ding Busan! He made his move! Chu Huang stood at the side and did not move the entire time. At this time, her eyelids were twitching violently as she asked in shock, "Who are you?"    


"Who am I? I don't need you to know! However, the three of you actually tried to kill my Su family's young master. Ding Busan proudly stood in the air and three rivers of blood appeared behind him. Each river was three hundred meters wide and ten meters wide, and it moved swiftly in the air, giving off a soul-shaking feeling. Within the blood river, the thick blood was boiling and exuding a fiendish aura.    


"Su Clan?" Chu Huang's face darkened, she frowned, as though she was thinking about where the Su Family came from.    


"Enough of your rubbish! All of you are finished!" Ding Busan laughed sinisterly.    


As he spoke, he coldly glanced at Chu Huang. In front of all the eyes, and with a swipe of his big hands, the three blood rivers beside him seemed to have come to life, transforming into three astonishing dragons that seemed to be controlled by Ding Busan. With a twist of their dragon bodies, they instantly pounced towards the three great Huangji martial artist s. Such terrifying power was enough to shake heaven and earth. His eyes were cold and indifferent, and as he made his move, he laughed loudly: "Young master, I am Ding Busan! Leave these three to me, you can go and rest, haha. "    


"Ding Busan?" With this unforeseen event, Su Huai stopped in shock, his expression at a loss.    


"You, no." The Supreme Elder of the Corpse Puppet Sect felt that something was amiss. It was already too late, as a river of blood was enveloping him.    


"How dare you? The three of us will attack together and kill! " Chu Huang's face darkened, she made her move.    


'Rumble ', three great Huangji martial artist, and besieging Ding Busan, had no effect. Ding Busan was too ferocious, he easily crushed the three of them.    



"How is this possible!?" The Qin actually had such powerful support? " The expressions of the Northern Reaches martial practitioners changed drastically.    


"Young master, we will help you kill your enemies. Don't worry. None of those Jindan Stage experts who offended you will be able to escape." Suddenly, Su Jiawuzhe rushed over while laughing loudly.    


"Bastard!" Who are you people? " Duan Wuji's eyelids twitched, he was extremely furious.    


Su Jiawuzhe seemed as if he wanted to show off in front of Su Huai. All of them put in great effort, fighting two sects' Jindan Stage experts, and it was as if they were going to crush them to death. There was even a middle-aged man who was at the eighth level of the Aurous Core Stage. He jumped down from the 'Jadeblood Golden Eagle' and started waving his Essence to help Bai Qi deal with Duan Wuji and the Master Xu. In this way, instead of having no opponent, the Elder of Ying Clan retreated from the battlefield. The officials were at a loss, and the Elder of Ying Clan was no exception. white-browed elder looked at Su Huai.    


"I don't know either!" However, from the looks of it, this group of people probably didn't have malicious intents. "We'll ask them after they're done fighting." Su Huai asked doubtfully.    


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