Security Guard’s Romance



4Huang Xing said straightforwardly: I'm Xin Meng Merchant House's manager. I want to ask, if you guys have enough time to register and attend the 9 o'clock training this morning?    0


After a moment of silence, he asked in a panicked tone, "What?" You are... You are from the Xin Meng Merchant House? Really? That... You... Of course, of course. Although the registration was closed yesterday, we are willing to make an exception for you. So, tell me your job title, name, and the number of participants. I'll help you register ?    


The other party's excessive enthusiasm surprised Huang Xing.    


But then again, this Liu Jinming and his training company only targeted the training of small and medium-sized enterprises. Any bigger company or unit would not choose such a powerless small training institute. Thus, when they heard that a famous Xin Meng Merchant House was participating, they were naturally ecstatic.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: We have two people selected, I will bring my assistant over to take a look.    


The other party replied, "Your position and name..."    


Huang Xing replied: About that, don't register anymore. We'll know once we get there. By the way, I don't have time to get an invitation now, what should I do?    


The other party was silent for a moment before replying, "Then I'll give you a green light. After you arrive at the venue, just register at the entrance and it will be fine."    


Huang Xing replied. Thank you.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing immediately called Tao Fei and told her to wait at home. He went to pick her up in a while.    


Tao Fei complained repeatedly that she was preparing to go out with her friends and meet up with them in the southern mountains.    


Huang Xing said that on the second day of the new year, what kind of friend would they meet?    


Tao Fei said, then she, I will let go of my own matters first. But I'm going to work tomorrow, so you have to... Why don't you give me another day off?    


Huang Xing laughed, he was getting ahead of himself, still! We'll see.    


After hanging up, Huang Xing drove the car and rushed over to Tao Fei's residence.    


On the way, Huang Xing suddenly realized a problem. Should he take the opportunity to visit his uncle Aunt Tang's home during New Year's Day? They were unkind to his hometown, so he couldn't be merciful. Moreover, his cousin was currently working in Xin Meng Merchant House, so it was reasonable for him to go there himself.    


However, the schedule for the next few days was so full that he could only consider it further.    


When they were about to reach Tao Fei's residence, she suddenly called.    


Huang Ling asked mysteriously: "Brother, my dear brother, are you home today?"    


Huang Xing said: Not here. I'm going to attend... To do something.    


Huang Ling said: Not here? I'm going to visit your family with my parents. It's the new year.    


Huang Xing said: Then it's useless for you to go today, I don't have time to entertain you. My mom and dad are in a hurry to record this program, I think... I estimate that tomorrow, there will be no problem.    


Huang Ling was shocked: Recording a program? Record a program?    


Huang Xing said: A program from a television station. Alright, I'll go to your house in a few days.    


Huang Ling was pleasantly surprised: Really? Then I'll make you something delicious myself. I've been studying cooking and cooking.    


Huang Xing said: Keep boasting. More research, fighting for, promotion of a position, pay, that sort of thing.    


Huang Ling replied: That's none of your business.    


Tao Fei went downstairs.    


Huang Xing stopped the car, raised his head, and saw a fashionable beauty waving to him by the side of the road.    


Focusing his eyes, he recognized that it was Tao Fei. He was used to seeing her in work clothes, but he still felt that she was not used to the bright clothes she was wearing. She had her hair done in a bun, her face powdered and her eyes painted.    


Tao Fei got into the car, and the slightly thick scent of perfume stimulated Huang Xing's sense of smell. Huang Xing could not help but say: "It's not like you're going to a blind date.    


Tao Fei tsk-ed and said: "Director Huang, it's not time to work, so I can't be pretty right now?"    


Huang Xing laughed and said: "Wearing work clothes without makeup, looks pretty good too."    


"Really?" Tao Fei's eyes flickered. "I had thought that Director Huang was already tired of seeing me, so I changed to a new shape for you to see."    


Huang Xing did not bother to reply and drove out.    


At the Jade Fortune Restaurant. Fourth floor.    


The staff went forward and warmly welcomed him. Then, he made Huang Xing sit down and sign in.    


"Wow, you're the leader from Xin Meng Merchant House!" The staff member almost cried out in alarm as he stretched out his hand. "We are flattered that you were able to attend our training course. "Please come in. The seats are specially arranged for you."    


Huang Xing shook hands with her symbolically, and looked around. However, he didn't see Liu Jinming at all.    


At this moment, a staff member brought something similar to a banner over and asked the other staff member to help pull it apart.    


"The leader said that as long as the noble guests from Xin Meng Merchant House can come, the banner would be hung."    


"Come..." Coming, already. This is the general manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House, Director Huang.    


"Ah?" "Really?"    


Huang Xing raised his head to take a glance, and saw impressively that there were several large words written on the banner: Warmly welcome the Xin Meng Merchant House's Leader to participate in the training session.    


The efficiency was high! However, these people were indeed good at gimmicks. If they hung this banner on the wall, it would become a live advertisement. It can tell the participants silently: See, the leaders of the Xin Meng Merchant House are here to listen to the lecture, our organization is strong, right?    


Maybe Liu Jinming and the others would take this opportunity to take a step forward, take photos as a reminder, and imprint this banner onto the promotional page to increase their brand name effect. After all, the words Xin Meng Merchant House were just a living signboard. If it was a lesson that could be attended by the leaders of Xin Meng Merchant House, then it would definitely be the same. If advertising is done well, the agency could even open up high-end markets for large companies.    


Tao Fei was a smart person, of course she could think of this. So he went up to the staff member and warned, "You can't hang up on us. Did you get our permission? Let me tell you, our Director Huang came here to keep a low profile. Do you understand? "    


The staff member was a little confused as he stammered, "Our leader heard that there might be someone from Xin Meng Merchant House coming, so he got us to produce this banner as soon as possible ?"    


Tao Fei was about to speak again, but Huang Xing stopped her: "Forget it, forget it, let's hang up. It's not like we can't face the light when we come to listen to the lecture."    


"But ?" Tao Fei emphasized: "Director Huang, why... Why did you suddenly come to class today? This training institute doesn't seem to be famous. It's very, very small ? "A small company."    


Huang Xing retorted, "Who told you that the small companies today can't become the big companies tomorrow and train the big shots of the world?"    


The staff members were greatly encouraged by these words. In his heart, he thought, a leader's words have a level of skill.    


Under the guidance of the staff members, they entered the venue.    


In the middle, the third row.    


Actually, there weren't many students attending the lecture. Furthermore, from their attire and conversation, it could be determined that they were basically the small and medium-sized enterprises' bosses or managers.    


The staff took special care of Huang Xing so that the other participants could prepare a bottle of mineral water that was only worth a dollar. He gave it to Huang Xing and Tao Fei, but changed them to the high-end drinking water that was worth more than a dozen yuan each.    


Tao Fei laughed and said: "Director Huang, when we sit here, our auras will be different. Look, there are a lot of people watching us."    


Huang Xing frowned: "Come on! He was rather narcissistic. Look at us. What are you looking at us for? "It's all the same. Below the stage, everyone is a student."    


Tao Fei pouted and said: "How can it be the same, I am afraid that the combined strength of all the businesses here cannot compare to the power of one of our agents in Xin Meng Merchant House."    


"Don't underestimate others." Huang Xing warned as he surveyed the area. Finally, he found Liu Jinming near the window. He was holding a stack of business cards, respectfully handing them to the attendees one by one and saying a few polite words.    


The gray suit was stretched taut by his fat body. Liu Jinming was still the same as before.    


Just then, a staff member ran over and whispered a few words into Liu Jinming's ears.    


Liu Jinming was startled, and looked around the place. Then, under the guidance of the staff members, they arrived in front of Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing stood up, and took the lead to laugh while saying: "Teacher Liu, long time no see."    


"Why is it ?" It's you? " Before, Liu Jinming did not know who was the leader of the Xin Meng Merchant House, but seeing that it was Huang Xing, he could not help but be shocked: "Huang ? Director Huang, you are like the sun in the sky right now. "    


Huang Xing replied: "Of course not, of course not. I am only working for the Dream Group. "    


Liu Jinming's expression became serious, the big fangs in his mouth were about to burst out: "Director Huang, may I ask, what is your purpose in coming to participate in our training?"    


Huang Xing saw that his face was filled with an unfriendly expression: "What, you don't welcome? For the class, of course. Especially, knowing that it's you, Teacher Liu, who is the main lecturer, of course, I'm interested. In the past when I was in Xinyuan Company, I didn't hear enough. "    


The corner of Liu Jinming's mouth stretched into an insulted sneer: "If you want to use such a method, and your success, to make up for my insignificance and failure, then, please leave."    


This guy was still the same. He exposed his edge without concealing it.    


Tao Fei could not help but scold out, "Eh, how can you be like this? Our Director Huang coming to listen to your lesson is more than enough to give you face, why are you still ? "    


Huang Xing interrupted her and said: "Teacher Liu, I am indeed here for you!"    


Liu Jinming said: "Did you admit to it? Hmph, I knew you had bad intentions. But I have to tell you, I, Liu Jinming, would rather be smashed than die. No matter how good you are, I won't be envious. Before I get the staff to kick you out, you'd better save some face for yourself. "    


Huang Xing stressed: "I came for you, but I do not have any derogatory meanings. My motives are simple and nostalgic. Of course, it's because I miss your lessons. Your training is indeed not bad. "    


Liu Jinming coldly snorted, "It sounds a little fake."    


I want to talk to you later," Huang Xing said. Of course, I'm not here to talk to you with my status as the General Manager of the Xinmeng Merchant Shop. That was why he was a former colleague. "OK?    


Liu Jinming looked at Huang Xing suspiciously and said, "You want to talk to me? What do we talk about? "    


Huang Xing laughed and said: "Let's chat casually. For example, let's talk about the past and the future."    


At this time, the music changed to a soothing tempo. There was a staff member who was trying out the microphone on the stage.    


Liu Jinming's attitude slightly softened, and said to Huang Xing: "Excuse me. I'm going to start working. "    


Huang Xing raised his hand: "Go to Teacher Liu, I will listen seriously."    


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