Security Guard’s Romance



4As the saying goes, the flowers in chaos gradually mesmerize one's eyes, and the lanterns in drunkenness captivate ten thousand halls in spring. On this night, a pair of drunk men and women walked in the ambiguous ocean as they enjoyed their blessings. Ouyang Mengjiao gave Huang Xing the warmth and comfort he hadn't enjoyed in the half year they were married. He was like a warrior who never knew exhaustion. Ouyang Mengjiao was like an amorous mermaid, at times docile and at other times wild.     2


Even Huang Xing couldn't remember how many times he had drank that night, although the alcohol had yet to subside, he still felt a sense of elation and satisfaction that he had never felt before.    


The next morning, the two of them seemed to have reached a mutual understanding as they woke up at the same time. When he thought back to last night, Huang Xing's heart was filled with regret. However, Ouyang Mengjiao actually smiled shyly, and crawled out from under the blanket naked, calmly putting on his clothes in front of Huang Xing. Her figure was good, even better than Zhao Xiaoran.    


But he also felt that this matter was a little strange. Why did he have a relationship with Ouyang Mengjiao that was so muddled last night? After all, she was still a young girl. Just as Huang Xing was pondering, Ouyang Mengjiao suddenly held onto his lower abdomen, and said that it was a little painful. Huang Xing realized that maybe last night was too violent and wanted to say "sorry", but he couldn't. Taking this night's affair for example, he was completely baffled. It was as if a pie had suddenly dropped from the sky and landed squarely on his head.    


Ouyang Mengjiao put on the blue work clothes, sat on the bed, and stepped on his shoes. Huang Xing didn't know how she should face Ouyang Mengjiao who suddenly had a physical relationship with her. Before this, she had always been a fashionable sexy little girl that Huang Xing admired. Of course, it was just appreciation. But last night, he had actually done this to her. He didn't know if he should be glad or reflect. The chopsticks and the small piece of mushroom on the small table were still there, as if explaining the cause of what happened last night. Huang Xing vaguely remembered that when he and Ouyang Mengjiao's chopsticks were first pinched together, they had a muddled embrace afterwards ? He could not imagine that there was such a thing in life!    


After Ouyang Mengjiao put on his clothes, he unexpectedly patted Huang Xing's body and laughed: "Lazy pig, wake up, the sun is going to bask your ass in the sun!"    


Huang Xing was so surprised that she could still laugh.    


He lifted the corner of his blanket and peered inside, his face burning. At least, he would not dare to stand up naked like Ouyang Mengjiao, and let his opponent know all the secrets in his body. Even though, since last night, this mystery had become no longer a mystery. Ouyang Mengjiao washed his face and combed his hair, then hummed a song as he went out to buy breakfast.    


Huang Xing was still shaken, so he quickly put on his clothes and used cold water to wash his face. This was not a dream, it was too real and too magical. It made him feel as if he had lost his sense of direction. However, recalling the joy and surging emotions he had felt last night, he couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart. To be able to have such a chance in his life, it was worth it even if it cost him his life!    


However, he was suddenly startled by his own emotion.    


After a while, Ouyang Mengjiao bought a few youtiao and two boxes of soy milk. Huang Xing seemed to be embarrassed as he sat down to eat with Ouyang Mengjiao. Ouyang Mengjiao only ate one youtiao before he was full. He took out a tissue to wipe his mouth, and was about to go to work. Before they walked out of the house, she suddenly whispered into Huang Xing's ear: "You really looked like a warrior last night!"    


Huang Xing asked doubtfully: "Why?"    


Ouyang Mengjiao knew that when he asked "why", it wasn't because he asked why they seemed like warriors, but because they were countless "why". For example, why did he have a relationship with Huang Xing last night; why was he so calm and even excited after their relationship ? But Ouyang Mengjiao did not want to answer for the time being, even though she had her own logical reasons. But she knew that this kind of reason was reasonable for her, but for Huang Xing, it was the exact opposite.    


Her teeth were very white, causing Huang Xing to want to ask her what kind of toothpaste she was using, which could he use as a reference?    


Ouyang Mengjiao did not answer, and did not pursue the matter any further. He would treat all of this as a mystery. As for the answer to the riddle, knowing or not knowing probably didn't have much meaning. There were many things in this world that were hard to explain. For example, the relationship between men and women, as well as the mystery between the sexes.    


Ouyang Mengjiao had already left the house, but she immediately returned back and said to Huang Xing: Oh right, didn't you lose your job?    


Huang Xing's eyes lit up: What kind of job?    


Ouyang Mengjiao thought for a bit: There are some that are suitable for you, namely, warehouse management, sales rep, and after sales rep.    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly: "I haven't even done it." Just two years as a security guard.    


Ouyang Mengjiao smiled and said: "It's alright, you can learn it." Our company doesn't have much technology in its work. If you want, I'll talk to the leader in the morning and give you a message in the afternoon.    


Huang Xing nodded: Thank you.    


Ouyang Mengjiao hummed a song and went to work. Looking at her leaving figure, Huang Xing suddenly felt that he was not empty-handed. His wife was gone, his entire home was gone, but she suddenly had Ouyang Mengjiao. Even though he knew that Ouyang Mengjiao's appearance might only be a fleeting thought, he firmly believed that this beautiful girl had brought him a shock he had never enjoyed in twenty odd years.    


Huang Xing originally wanted to go out and buy a job that would be suitable for him in the Wise Alliance, but considering that Ouyang Mengjiao was fighting for his life, he gave up on this idea. Although he had made some achievements in the security world, he no longer wanted to touch upon that job. That wound had already turned into a wound, and was forever engraved in Huang Xing's heart. He decided to change himself. He did not believe that such a huge provincial capital would not have a stage that belonged to him.    


Huang Xing had been reading books on administration in his rented room for the whole morning. He liked to read books and write things down with a pen. Reality was full of tragic colors. He wanted to use the illusion to satisfy his pursuit of beauty, passion for life, and hope for the future.    


At noon, Huang Xing closed his book and prepared to go to the nearby Gindelli's Fast Food Restaurant to improve his lifestyle. The moment he closed the door, he couldn't help but glance at the traces of battle on the bed. He wasn't prepared to clean up, and certainly wouldn't view this as a type of glory. At most, it was a kind of memory, a deep memory.    


He walked through the bustling streets of the provincial capital and saw all sorts of cars speeding along the roads, creating a special kind of melody. It matched well with the wealth of others and Huang Xing's poverty. Huang Xing dreamed of when he could have a car in a suite in the provincial capital. This kind of dream was beautiful yet cruel, it dug deep into Huang Xing's heart. An Audi car suddenly screeched crazily behind him, causing Huang Xing to suddenly realize that he had walked onto the road unknowingly. When the Audi passed by him, it had purposely slowed down. The owner of the Audi opened up his car window and cursed at Huang Xing: "You have long eyes and a butt, are you looking to die?"    


Huang Xing smiled as he understood. In his heart, he thought, rich people with no morals, can they be considered as true rich people?    


After exchanging his voucher at the Kindly's, Huang Xing saw that there were a lot of people queuing up, so he found a seat and sat down. However, not only did the number of people queuing up to buy food not decrease with the rise of Huang Xing, instead, the queue grew longer and longer. Every window was filled with people. It was a bit like queuing up to buy a ticket at a railway station. "Just as Huang Xing was about to stand up and join the ranks of the supporters, a beautiful woman with a very refined temperament suddenly walked towards him, smiling.    


Huang Xing was sure that he did not recognize her. He turned to look at her and confirmed that she was smiling at him.    


The beautiful woman placed her sumptuous meal on the table, then said to Huang Xing: "Sir, I can't finish my meal, you just happened to not have bought anything yet."    


Huang Xing immediately understood the lady's intention.    


But then he felt insulted, and said to the pretty woman, I appreciate your economy, but I'm sorry, I don't like what's left of it.    


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