Security Guard’s Romance



2Such a beautiful body! The more hazy it was, the more shocking it was.     0


Huang Xing's heart was thumping hard, as if it was going to jump out of his chest.    


The night was hazy, the night was lonely. This was the first time Huang Xing felt that the night was so beautiful.    


She picked up her cell phone and pressed a few buttons, chuckling.    


The phone was placed on the headboard and the light quickly faded. Fu Jie even let out a satisfied moan from the corner of his mouth.    


Suddenly, Fu Jie turned sideways and was the first one to come into contact with Huang Xing intimately.    


At this moment, the entire world no longer existed.    


Huang Xing felt as if his whole body was being connected to electricity.    




A terrifying roar pierced through the night!    


This loud shout startled Huang Xing. At the same time, he felt as if he had been kicked in the hip by a foot and almost fell out of bed.    


What was going on?    


Seeing the naked body on the bed, Huang Xing immediately jumped up and turned on the table lamp in panic.    


The truth was immediately revealed!    


Huang Xing was dumbstruck, how could it be Fu Zhenxin?    


Fu Zhenxin was even more dumbfounded. She tried to cover her body with her hands, but how could she? She hugged her chest while trembling and started cursing. "Why is it you, why is it you ?" You bastard, why did you come here ?    


Huang Xing, still in a panicked state, quickly pulled the blanket over his body.    


Putting all doubts aside temporarily, this time, Huang Xing witnessed Fu Zhenxin's entire body from the bottom of his heart. It was very shocking. Forget about why Fu Zhenxin would appear here, just this dramatic scene made Huang Xing feel somewhat prostrate. To be exact, this was the third time Fu Zhenxin suddenly appeared in front of him. Three times, each time deeper than the last. And today, on the third time, she was standing in front of him with her life intact!    


Oh my god!    


Fu Zhenxin's body was truly beautiful, her skin was like jade, sparkling and translucent. The weak light of the table lamp made her body look like a painting. Her smooth, snow-white shoulders outlined a beautiful curve, alluring and sexy... Huang Xing had to admit that Fu Zhenxin's sexy ability was far beyond his imagination.    


On top of Fu Zhenxin's navel, there was a lifelike butterfly that was spreading its wings and flying. I don't know if it's a tattoo.    


Of course, these were all the scenery that Huang Xing had browsed in his panic. Other than being shocked, he had no choice but to wrap himself in a blanket and roll off the bed. He acted as if he had done something wrong and didn't dare to look at her directly.    


But what had he done wrong?    


Fu Zhenxin was extremely embarrassed, her eyes started to moisten. She didn't know what to do. In this situation, she even forgot to wrap her body up at the first moment. She exploded, like an atomic bomb. She frantically grabbed the pillow on top of the bed and threw it towards Huang Xing, cursing him as she did so: "Rascal, it's you again, big scoundrel!"    


She tugged at her hair in pain, stomping her feet in a frenzy.    


Although Huang Xing also felt wronged, after getting hit by so many pillows, he still warned Fu Zhenxin, "Can you put on some clothes first?    


Fu Zhenxin suddenly realized. Trembling, she tied the towel around her and ran out of the bedroom like a flying fairy. Taking this opportunity, Huang Xing quickly put on his clothes. It hurt to pinch her thigh. Huang Xing thought about how many lifetimes he and Fu Zhenxin were enemies, otherwise why would he ? Just as he was laughing bitterly, Fu Zhenxin had already put on his clothes, and rushed back aggressively. She was fine after coming back, but she actually touched a broom in her hand. Like a beautiful girl's yaksha, she rushed over crazily and started whipping Huang Xing fiercely.    


Too unreasonable!    


Huang Xing grabbed the broom that was pulled out. Seeing that he could not take it back, Fu Zhenxin pounced on him and fiercely bit on his arm.    


Huang Xing cried out in pain. He believed that even if he was bitten by a tiger, he would not feel such a heart-wrenching pain. She was biting herself to death.    


Huang Xing's hands trembled, and it took a lot of effort to shake Fu Zhenxin off. She bit her lip and stared at herself, tears streaming down her face like beans. Her delicate and pitiful appearance caused the anger in Huang Xing's heart to gradually cool down a little. He lowered his head and looked at his arm. To a certain extent, Huang Xing could understand how Fu Zhenxin felt. A young lady, sleeping in the same bed with a man she hated the most, and had his body revealed to her that he had nothing at all ? This kind of shame was enough to make her feel ashamed, even mad.    


Fu Zhenxin panted heavily, but he still managed to calm down. However, the quieter it was, the more intense her tears became.    


Huang Xing reached out and grabbed onto the bite mark on his arm, frowning as he said, "Cry, what are you crying for!" What madness!    


Fu Zhenxin bit his lips as he cursed each word, "Bastard ?.."    


I'm a hooligan, I'm shameless? Huang Xing commanded Fu Zhenxin: "Little Director Fu, it was you who unknowingly laid on my bed! You are the one who is playing a hooligan on me! Let's change positions and think about it. If you're sleeping on the bed, I'll run naked and lie down next to you...    


Fu Zhenxin interrupted Huang Xing: "Shut up! Shut up! This is me... My house! I'm going to call the police! I'm going to call the police!    


Huang Xing frowned: Go ahead and report it, I'm just afraid that you won't dare! I, Huang Xing, am truly unlucky. I was sleeping well, not only was I disturbed by you, I was even scolded and bitten. Look at my arm, it's bleeding! He was going to get a rabid dog vaccine! Was it a public injury?    


Huang Xing tried to silence them for a while to dissolve the awkwardness between them. There was no point in arguing who was right or wrong at this moment. What was important was to turn hostility into friendship.    


Fu Zhenxin clenched the broom in her hands tightly and scolded with a frown: You are the mad dog! You are!    


Huang Xing let out a light sigh and decided to develop his style. He took the initiative to put on the war prevention identity card: Little Director Fu, I apologize to you. I really don't know...    


Fu Zhenxin scolded, she just apologized and that was it? Tell me, why are you here? Just as Huang Xing was about to explain, Fu Zhenxin continued to curse. I'll tell you, from today onwards, I don't want to see you anymore! Immediately pack up your things and scram from Xinyuan Company! The farther the better!    


Women were always so unreasonable.    


Huang Xing didn't understand what was wrong with him. He had indeed seen her body. But it was an accident.    


Intense sounds of arguing woke Fu Jie, who was at the opposite door. She was wearing her pajamas and rushed over to the scene. She couldn't help but frown at the scene before her. Seeing his savior, Fu Zhenxin went over and wrapped his arm around his sister's arm, as if he was weeping and complaining about Huang Xing's crime. She ignored the most basic question: why would Huang Xing appear in this room in the middle of the night? That was the key point, and the root cause of the incident.    


Fu Jie pinched his forehead and muttered to himself: I forgot ? Fu Zhenxin also had the key to the house. It's my fault.    


Fu Zhenxin asked: "Sis, what do you mean?"    


Fu Jie calmed himself down and said: "Huang Xing accompanied me to see a client today. I think it's getting late, so I let him stay here."    


Fu Zhenxin tried to denounce her: "Sis, how can you casually let a man stay at home for the night?    


Fu Jie said: Even if it's empty, so be it. I ask you, what are you doing in this house when you don't live in your own house?    


Fu Zhenxin was at a loss on where he was, and said: "Big Sis, I ? ?" I have a... When my old classmate came to Jinan, I invited him to dinner. He wanted to stay in a hotel, but I thought you should let him stay in my house since you still have an empty house. So I came here. Who would have thought that this damn hooligan would also be here!    


Fu Jie asked: Male?    


Fu Zhenxin stammered: Female, female.    


Fu Jie said: Your house has three bedrooms, is that not enough?    


Fu Zhenxin hurriedly defended himself: She, she brought her boyfriend along. I also want to be a good person to the end, to give others a quiet world of two people.    


Fu Jie scolded: Nonsense! It was simply nonsense! Hand over the key to my house. From today onwards, you are not allowed to come back here without my permission!    


Fu Zhenxin pouted and said: "Sis, what do you mean? I'm your sister, sister by blood! For the sake of this scoundrel, you are actually so heartless to me? Sis, why do you have such bad eyes now? Do you have to protect him like this after a small sale? Leaving him at home? Isn't this inviting wolves into their house?    


Fu Jie said angrily: You better shut up! Fu Zhenxin, let me tell you, what happened today is just like this. Why don't you come and sleep with me.    


Seeing that his sister and his son had started a dispute, Huang Xing felt strangely apologetic in his heart. He suddenly felt that he was very shameless and naive. Originally, Fu Jie was the one who asked him to stay behind out of kindness, but he mistook her for being lonely and wanted to throw himself into his arms. This led to a series of comical events. He didn't understand what kind of deep hatred did Fu Zhenxin have for him in his previous life, to be able to shine brightly in front of him three times in a row. What was even more unimaginable was that she also had the habit of sleeping naked, causing her entire body to be exposed without a doubt in front of him.    


Huang Xing wanted to take this opportunity to slip away, but he felt his legs go weak.    


Fu Zhenxin was still staring at her like a tiger staring at its prey, shouting in grievance: Sis, are you still my Sis? It was just a coincidence? Do you know, I, I just ? Without any clothes on, I was completely seen through by this beast! I can't accept it. Ever since Huang Xing came to the company, I haven't had a good day. You immediately chase him away, get him to scram, and let him leave Xinyuan Company forever! He is my nemesis, the devil!    


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