Security Guard’s Romance



1Huang Xing's heart was finally at ease. He did not expect Deng Guanghui to be so nervous before he even had a chance to show his cards. He had thought that this old fox in the mall had a lot of tricks up his sleeves, but he didn't expect him to be one of those well-behaved kids.    


Wu Tie said, Connect with the top, and it will be more convenient from now on. Be like a child to an agent. You can't be coaxed or spoiled. He had to scare them at critical times. The Xinyuan Company is Deng Guanghui's boss, 80% of the selling machines in his shop are all from us. Once we develop a few more agents in the chatroom, it would be like cutting meat off Deng Guanghui for others to eat. Of course he wouldn't want to see that happen. In order to ensure that he would have more and more benefits in the future, he had no other choice but to compromise.    


Fu Jie said, I thought it was a dangerous move, but I didn't expect it to come to fruition.    


Huang Xing said, It's a risk game. However, to Deng Guanghui, it was a fatal move.    


Director Huang, you really are a treasure of my Xinyuan Company! It seems that your thinking is deeper than I thought.    


Huang Xing said, "Director Fu is too kind."    


Fu Jie said, "When you come back, I want to reward you well!" By the way, let Fu Zhenxin do the follow-up work. You should hurry back to the company. A sample of our new machine has been sent from Shenzhen and will arrive tomorrow morning. Next, we'll look at brand naming, promotion, pricing, positioning, and the next step in the new strategy. Anyway, when the new computer comes out, there are a lot of things we have to do. I can't count on Shan Dongyang, so you have to play the leading role next.    


Huang Xing said, "Director Fu, you're praising me too much!" I've never actually come into contact with marketing or advertising, aren't you afraid that I'll start a war of words?    


I believe you can do it, Fu Jie said.    




After hanging up, Huang Xing felt that it was unbelievable.    


Perhaps all of this was heaven's will. He did not spend much effort to successfully force Deng Guanghui to pay for the goods. This would undoubtedly allow him to stand firmly in the Xinyuan Company and establish a solid foundation for himself.    


Then Huang Xing checked out at the front desk. According to the rules, he checked out before 1: 00 PM. After two hours, he had paid 30 yuan in overtime compensation. When they arrived at the hotel, Huang Xing thought about the time and decided to go directly to the bus station to take the long distance bus. However, thinking about it, should I say hello to Fu Zhenxin? Even though Fu Zhenxin had always had a strong prejudice against me and had just quarreled with me, she was after all, my second boss, Fu Jie's sister.    


Thinking this way, Huang Xing turned back and walked to the door of Fu Zhenxin's room.    


Knocking twice on the door, Fu Zhenxin asked who and opened the door without waiting for a reply.    


She was in the middle of answering the phone when she saw Huang Xing. Her originally relaxed expression froze.    


Fu Zhenxin said impatiently. She was busy, so she closed the door and shut Huang Xing out.    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly in his heart.    


He was being looked down on so much, why did he have to put his hot face on the other party's cold butt? Huang Xing made up his mind and decided to play the game first. When he got on the car, he would send a message to Fu Zhenxin to inform her. But just as he was about to leave, he heard Fu Zhenxin's sweet voice coming from inside …    


Fu Zhenxin was on the phone with Fu Jie. When Fu Jie told her about the 200 thousand payment, Fu Zhenxin was both excited and surprised. So much so that while answering the phone, he twisted his waist, rejoicing in this great moment. People are happy when they see a happy occasion. Furthermore, although Fu Zhenxin was extremely reluctant to believe that Huang Xing was the reason for the debt being recovered, the facts were undeniable. Huang Xing did indeed have a certain level of foresight and foresight. A wise man.    


The moment she hung up the phone, she suddenly opened the door and found Huang Xing still standing in the doorway.    


Fu Zhenxin restrained her expression of joy with great effort, and with one hand she pinched and twisted between her buttocks, waving her other hand in the air, saying, 'Great, this is a celebration! Huang Deputy Director, come, come with me to the mall to buy clothes!    


Huang Xing thought that this Fu Zhenxin was really temperamental. He shook his head. No, Director Fu told me to go back to the company.    


Fu Zhenxin was stunned. "What? Return to the company?"    


Huang Xing said, "Yes." The prototype will be sent to Jinan tomorrow and Director Fu will have a meeting.    


Fu Zhenxin pouted and said, "Tsk." Why did you get me to do this? Even if you did, it would just be an act. Forget it, let's go. Deng Guanghui and I still have to discuss the marketing direction of the next step and I won't be able to return to the company until tomorrow.    


At this moment, Huang Xing's phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was Fu Jie calling.    


After answering, Fu Jie said, "Director Huang, you don't have to come back so quickly. You can go back to the company with Fu Zhenxin tomorrow afternoon." I thought about it and felt uneasy leaving Fu Zhenxin alone in the city.    


Huang Xing answered with an "oh" and said, "Okay, then I'll stay."    


Just like that, Huang Xing stayed back. For the first time, Fu Zhenxin didn't have a bad impression of Huang Xing. She almost grabbed his arm and walked out. Perhaps, in the depths of Fu Zhenxin's heart, there was already a subtle change to Huang Xing. She suddenly felt that Huang Xing wasn't completely useless. He was able to analyze a lot of business theories and policies. However, because he had been continuously losing his virginity in front of him, he had always felt an inexplicable sense of rejection towards him. This sense of rejection prompted her to always think of Huang Xing as a fake enemy in her interactions with him. In this case, he had ignored all of his strengths and magnified all of his shortcomings, including those that should not be called defects.    


It was only after she had accidentally withdrawn 200,000 yuan, that Fu Zhenxin's mood rose to the peak of Everest. Looking down, she realized that she might have been too extreme towards Huang Xing. It must be Huang Xing's first meritorious deed to collect the arrears this time. His continuous use of stimulants caused Deng Guanghui to fall into a worrisome state. He then took the initiative to compromise and voluntarily called out 200,000 in arrears to the company, begging Fu Jie to cancel her decision to continue recruiting agents in the city. As a result, the relationship between Xinyuan Company and Deng Guanghui, the big representative, suddenly became clear. Before this, every time the Xinyuan Company pursued a debt of goods to be sold, they would go to great lengths to obtain sympathy. This time, it was the exact opposite.    


Fu Zhenxin also gradually realized that she couldn't just 'coax' the agent and just give him what he wanted. That would just make you sick. It was just like raising a child. In addition to coaxing, he also needed to learn checks and balances. Usually, he could give the child some benefits, but at crucial moments, the adult would have to decide. If adults were to be led by the nose by children all day long, sooner or later, the consequences would be disastrous. Adults should be well-informed about their children, as should the company's agents.    


For a moment, Fu Zhenxin thought of many things.    


Huang Xing accompanied Fu Zhenxin to the mall they went to in the morning, while Fu Zhenxin went straight to the Armani counter. The jacket, which was 2,600 after the discount, made her look forward to it but also couldn't bear to do it. But now it was different. Once she recovered the two hundred thousand, Fu Zhenxin predicted that her sister would secretly give her a considerable amount of pocket money. Women are born with a love for beauty, not to mention Fu Zhenxin's age of first love. She took the Armani top into the fitting room, and a moment later a beautiful, fresh, sexy, noble little woman came out.    


Fu Zhenxin slightly twisted her waist and asked Huang Xing, "Is it good?"    


Huang Xing nodded and said, "Yes."    


Fu Zhenxin was a little disappointed. She said, "Only two thousand six hundred yuan?"    


Then what do you want to hear... Okay, let me think about what other adjectives... It's a good fit, with good design and bright colors...    


Fu Zhenxin seemed still dissatisfied with his praise, interrupting him. Forget it, your comments are far-fetched. No matter how good your clothes are, you won't be able to buy them.    


At this point, the Armani sales clerk said, "This dress came from the famous designer, Slenbeccher's Hand. It's very good for the body. It suits the lady's good figure. The effect is very good." The design combines the lower hem with the lapel and the vertical collar, maximizing comfort and mobility. Fashion repair, business leisure, whether in work or life, wearing this dress is very appropriate. The color of the outfit is a unique coffee blue, coffee bland, with blue sex appeal and nobility, enough to attract everyone's eyes and attention...    


The clerk kept talking endlessly. Fu Zhenxin, who had long gotten used to this kind of framing persuasion, didn't miss the opportunity to interrupt her. She told Huang Xing, "Did you hear that? That's what you call a professional."    


Fu Zhenxin took out a wad of cash from her purse and told Huang Xing to click on it. Huang Xing took out 2600 yuan and handed it to the shop assistant, asking her to help him pay the bill at the cashier's counter.    


Huang Xing thought to himself, this is extravagant. Buying a piece of clothes for 26000 is enough for me to live on for a year.    


This was the rich.    


Fu Zhenxin was happily admiring the dress in her hand as she asked Huang Xing in a hurry: Why don't you buy one too?    


Huang Xing shook his head eagerly. I don't have that kind of ability.    


Fu Zhenxin glanced at Huang Xing a few times, clicked her tongue and said, "The clothes you're wearing don't look like Deputy Director at all. They're obviously all poor quality goods." As a man, he had to be a bit more cruel to himself. No wonder you still don't have a girlfriend. Any girl would retreat after seeing the clothes you're wearing. A man depends on his clothes and horses by the saddle. A man's taste, in addition to his speech and manners, is to look at his clothes. Clothes, shoes.    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly and said, "Rather than spending money to buy taste, I might as well buy a few books and read them." What had increased like that was its connotation.    


Fu Zhenxin was speechless. Eh, that's not right. Aren't you a security guard? Why do you like reading books? What are you reading, a novel?    


Huang Xing shook his head. "I like to read some business management books. Also, I've been researching kickboxing recently."    


Fu Zhenxin immediately laughed up and down. "You're still studying martial arts?" Haha, this is the funniest joke I've heard this year.    


Then, she restrained her smile and pretended to be serious. She patted Huang Xing's shoulder and said, "Save it, Comrade Huang Xing. We are not Zhang Wuji, Guo Jing, and we are not Shan Dongyang." I'm not that kind of material, so don't make it unrealistic.    


Huang Xing had her: What, little Director Fu looks down on me like that?    


Fu Zhenxin frowned. I didn't mean that. Just a reminder. A kind reminder. Did he have to worry about that?    




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