Security Guard’s Romance



1To be exact, at this moment, Huang Xing was very worried about Fu Jie's feelings.    


Yu Mengqin had intentionally kept him here, what was his motive?    


Yu Mengqin paced back and forth in place for a while before he spoke out, "Xiao Huang, there is no other reason for me to leave you here alone." I just wanted to hear your true thoughts in private.    


Huang Xing was stunned: What does Director Yu mean?    


Ouyang Mengjiao sat down beside Huang Xing, pushing him on the shoulder, saying: "You don't even know this? Leaving you alone, I want to ask you for your opinion on that Stage Two and Stage Three. The Queen Mother's considerations were quite thorough, and taking into consideration that it would be inconvenient for you to speak in front of Fu Jie, she decided to keep you here, so she asked for your opinion on this matter. And what you think of the Porsche. OK? Oh yeah, and your opinion of Fu Jie too.    


Yu Mengqin emphasized her words: Meng Jiao, don't cause any trouble.    


'Avoiding? Ouyang Mengjiao pursed his lips: Why do you want me to hide? Huang Xing and I had a very good relationship, to the point that we could even wear the same pants!    


That's what he said! Huang Xing couldn't help but feel a little awkward. He was a little worried that Ouyang Mengjiao would tell others about the matter of renting a house in the past, especially Yu Mengqin. Of course, this was not to say that he wanted to escape, but rather that he was afraid of something untoward happening.    


Yu Mengqin frowned: You two try it on! Really, adding fuel to the fire!    


He then looked at Huang Xing and said: "First, let's talk about your thoughts on the second stage, the third stage, and Fu Jie's plan.    


'I, I... ' Huang Xing scratched his head and stammered: This is ? This... I feel that Fu Jie's idea was not bad. Expanding their business and following the popular route were no problems. But... I prefer the second episode, the popularization of the Grand Merchant Chao. As for the third real estate project, I think we should still... Be more careful.    


Yu Mengqin countered with a question: Are you optimistic about the second phase as well?    


Huang Xing unconfidently nodded his head. After all, this was a multi-billion-dollar project, and he felt that saying it out loud was incredibly heavy.    


Yu Mengqin pondered for a moment, then said: "You must guarantee that what you say is true from the heart." You know, this project, you have to invest a lot of money. Billions. Furthermore, according to Fu Jie's plan, you still need to mortgage a large amount of the Xin Meng Merchant House s' loans. Once the investment in this project fails, there will be no way out for us. Do you understand?    


Huang Xing replied: I know. However, was Fu Jie right? If he wanted to gain a foothold, he would need to follow the path of the masses. The customers of the Xin Meng Merchant House were all at the top of the society. Although these people all had a certain amount of economic strength, they were, after all, only a small number of people. If they were to build the second phase of the civilian merchant house, it would just happen to complement the Xin Meng Merchant House. All of the customers at all levels would be here.    


Yu Mengqin remained in place for a few steps, then stopped and continued: Continue talking, to that Manager Bao just now, what do you think? Recently, Fu Jie seemed to have thought quite highly of him.    


Huang Xing scratched his head again. This question, was quite thorny to answer.    


Even though he didn't have a good impression of Bao Shijie, he didn't want to give Yu Mengqin a bad impression either.    


After thinking about it again and again, Huang Xing said: "Manager Bao..." The Manager Bao should have a little thought inside his head. But I think he's more of a soldier. Strong theory, not practical value. In other words, his greatest contribution to the Xin Meng Merchant House was his reference value.    


'A vase? ' Yu Mengqin said: In other words, you think that he, was flowery but not real?    


Ouyang Mengjiao took the opportunity to emphasize. Flowers but not real, these are the descriptions of beauties, okay? Bao Shijie, Porsche, your name is rather lofty, just that your character isn't that great. I don't have a good impression of him anyway! Self-admiration, the pretence of being a tiger, the pretence of being serious!    


Yu Mengqin said a little angrily: "Meng Jiao, I'm warning you again, don't interrupt!" Otherwise, you won't be here!    


Ouyang Mengjiao felt wronged and asked, "Why not? Why not let me speak?" I'm also a part of the Xin Meng Merchant House now, okay? I have my own feelings, my own thoughts.    


Yu Mengqin emphasized: What you think, I will give you a chance to express later. But it's Huang Xing's time now, don't mess around.    


Ouyang Mengjiao smacked his tongue and did not speak any further.    


Huang Xing didn't miss an opportunity to say: All that Ouyang Mengjiao had said ? I also have some approvals. The Manager Bao was indeed a lonely person. With Fu Jie's trust and respect for him, he often looked down on everyone in the business district, including a few vice presidents. In fact ? Even his personal life after work was a bit rotten.    


'Erosion? ' Yu Mengqin asked: How do I corrode it?    


Huang Xing said. After all, everyone has their own private life and privacy. I can only express my opinion of this person. Everyone says it's the right thing to do, but I don't do the right thing to anyone today. Speaking from a personal perspective, I don't think that Bao Shijie is a good person.    


Perhaps it was due to Yu Mengqin's repeated questioning and Bao Shijie's repeated persecution of him, that Huang Xing decided to throw away all reservations and told her all about his evaluation of him.    


Yu Mengqin said as if he had thought of something: Then I still don't understand, if he really is such a person, how would he let Fu Jie ? Let her like this? Every time Fu Jie comes over, including every time he talked to me on the phone, it seemed like he mentioned Bao Shijie. Her trust and expectations in Bao Shijie had already reached a very high level.    


Huang Xing replied: I know. Which was to say that his ability to talk about military matters on paper had indeed attracted Fu Jie's attention.    


Yu Mengqin said: Talking about troops on paper? Fu Jie didn't even have this kind of basic judgement?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Fu Jie is a rare genius. However, no matter how talented one was, there were times where they would misjudge others. At least, I think she really misjudged me this time.    


Yu Mengqin thought for a moment, then said: Alright, I don't really understand this Bao Shijie, and since you don't like him, then I'll leave it to you.    


Huang Xing did not speak anymore.    


Ouyang Mengjiao suddenly said: "I think, don't hang around anymore, we can just fire him!"    


Yu Mengqin frowned as he glared at Ouyang Mengjiao.    


Ouyang Mengjiao stuck out his tongue and lowered his head, trying to avoid Yu Mengqin's sharp gaze.    


Yu Mengqin looked at the time and said: Alright, that's it. Let Meng Jiao take you back to the Merchant Shop.    


Huang Xing said: Then Director Yu, you ?    


Yu Mengqin interrupted Huang Xing and said: "I still have a big pile of things to take care of. I will leave Ji Nan today."    


Huang Xing sighed lightly and said: I'm too anxious. Actually...    


Yu Mengqin waved her hand to interrupt Huang Xing. "Oh, that's right, Huang, I'd like to emphasize that you shouldn't beat a hasty retreat." Would it be easy for you to reach your current status? He would beat a hasty retreat whenever he encountered a problem. I know you and Fu Jie are at odds. That was normal. The important thing is that you should not resign in front of me so many times over small differences and contradictions. You really don't value yourself, a position that many people envy!    


Huang Xing's face flushed red: Director Yu, I ? I...    


Yu Mengqin raised his hand: Alright, stop right there, I won't do it again.    


Ouyang Mengjiao shook the car keys, and urged, "Let's go, Comrade Old Yellow, don't disturb my mother's work." OK?    


Huang Xing nodded and bid farewell to him, then followed Ouyang Mengjiao to the car park.    


Ouyang Mengjiao pointed to his red Audi TT sportscar, sighed and said: I'm sick of driving this car, the space is too small, and the size is also not enough. If compared to Fu Jie's Hui Ta, the difference is too obvious!    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: It's not a type of car, how can you compare? You're a sports car, that's a business car.    


Ouyang Mengjiao emphasized: Then I still need to get a business car!    


Huang Xing replied with a question: Didn't the merchant house already give you a bus?    


'Tsk! ' Ouyang Mengjiao said in anger: What do you mean? What kind of person do you take me for, with such a cheap, crappy car? Hmph, I still can't see through Fu Jie's intentions, she just wants to use the carriage to show off her status in the merchant house. How insidious! But I won't open it, so I won't! He didn't even sit down! I won't admit it, but my position in the Xin Meng Merchant House is not even comparable to that of a Vice General Manager!    


Huang Xing burst out laughing: Girl, you're pretty smart. But you think too much.    


Ouyang Mengjiao snorted: "Did I think too much into it?" Others were thinking too much. One day, I will be on equal footing with Fu Jie. No, no, no. He had to be a little bit taller than her!    


Huang Xing retorted: Why do you always want to go against her?    


Ouyang Mengjiao emphasized: It's obvious that she's been making life difficult for me!    


Huang Xing shook his head helplessly. He had witnessed the competition between Ouyang Mengjiao and Fu Jie for the longest time, and knew that the older people the better. Now that Fu Jie had completely the upper hand, Ouyang Mengjiao lost in the intense battle and gave up.    


Sitting in the car, Ouyang Mengjiao skillfully put the car on track, and the car swished out.    


On the way, Ouyang Mengjiao said: "Treat me to dinner tonight, okay?"    


Huang Xing was stunned: Give me a reason.    


Ouyang Mengjiao frowned: I'm dizzy! Do you need a reason to eat a meal?    


Huang Xing smiled: Sorry, I have an appointment tonight.    


"An appointment?" Ouyang Mengjiao retorted: Who asked you out? Beautiful women?    


Huang Xing shook his head: Handsome! Someone did me a big favor. I had to treat someone to a meal.    


Ouyang Mengjiao emphasized: Bring me along, I'll help you pay them back! It's boring for you to be by yourself. Take me with you, I can even be your driver, and I can even block your alcohol! Why not?    


Huang Xing said: No, this is a little special, I can't bring anyone else.    


Ouyang Mengjiao became petty: You're being shameless, you're being shameless! You don't have to beat me up. I came here to do something for you, and you still put on airs. Tch! What kind of person was this!    


Huang Xing said: Maybe I will consider inviting you out for a meal one day.    


Ouyang Mengjiao asked: Really? I mean it. Starting from tonight, I won't have any food anymore. I'll be waiting for your meal!    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Do you even need to go that far, you?    


Along the way, cheers and laughter could be heard. When they returned to the commercial district, Ouyang Mengjiao stopped the car, and went into the shopping mall first.    


They strolled around the first floor of the shopping mall, and when they were on the second floor, they coincidentally bumped into Zhao Xiaoran.    


Zhao Xiaoran was leading two Business management department employees to inspect the situation and discipline of the employees in the mall.    


Strangely, Zhao Xiaoran did not take the initiative to greet Huang Xing. She only gave him a glance, then left with large strides.    


What was going on?    


She even put it on the score?    


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