Security Guard’s Romance



3To be exact, at this very moment, Xie Yundan was extremely close to Huang Xing. The scent on her body carried the unique scent of a beautiful woman, assaulting his face and making Huang Xing feel slightly intoxicated.    2


From the Wonton Xi Shi in the past to the current owner, her temperament was not something that a small peddler would be able to find. That unparalleled magnificence was a gift from the heavens. No matter who saw it, they would feel that it was extremely beautiful and their hearts would surge.    


She just looked at her in silence, blinking her eyes. The corner of her mouth had a slight smile, but also a hint of shyness. Suddenly, she grabbed onto Huang Xing's hand, and her hand tensed up: Stand up, stand up!    


Huang Xing was startled, but he still stood up.    


She put her hand on Huang Xing's shoulder and looked at him affectionately: "Let's dance."    


What? Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Dance? What do you think, you. I don't have that kind of feeling.    


Xie Yundan turned on the music on his phone in an intoxicated manner. No matter if Huang Xing agreed to it or not, he started to twist his body slightly and lead him to a light dance.    


Huang Xing felt that this situation was too sudden and he was caught off guard. It was not excessive, and there was no sign at all. Xie Yundan suddenly started dancing duet with himself. To a certain extent, Huang Xing was purely blind when it came to dancing. He didn't know what kind of dance Xie Yundan was dancing on. But she also couldn't help herself, and began to play her movements and her melody.    


With a beautiful woman in his arms, he felt romantic and warm, relaxed and elegant. Presumably, those so-called celebrities all had a soft spot for dancing.    


Huang Xing said unnaturally: "Since when did you become so romantic?" Dancing.    


Xie Yundan said shyly: I've always been very romantic, it's just that you didn't notice it. Normally, when you are tired, I am also tired. During your free time, I would dance to relieve my fatigue and even mediate my mood.    


Huang Xing laughed at himself: "The key is that I don't know how to jump."    


Xie Yundan emphasized: The highest level of dancing is that you can't jump. Everything was going according to his will.    


'What a profound theory! ' Huang Xing exclaimed: If you say it like that, then it won't dance, and will instead be the best!    


Ye Yun Dan leaned her head closer to him and said in a mosquito-like voice, "At least in my heart, you are a very ?" "A very good dancer.    


'Me, me? ' Huang Xing told him with a laugh: "Don't tease me, if I dance well, then I'm afraid..." Then I'm afraid there's no one in the world who can't dance!    


Xie Yundan said gently: Dance, move according to my heart, move according to my dreams. You are my dream.    


Huang Xing was shocked!    


~ This Xie Yundan, why is he suddenly so poetic!    


Light steps and dance, warm everywhere. These two pairs of eyes, filled with youth and dreams, collided and blended together. It was as if he was using his mind to send a signal.    


Slowly, Xie Yundan held onto Huang Xing's neck with ease. That warm palm was like a hot spring on the back of Huang Xing's neck, smooth and comfortable. She raised her head slightly, but suddenly stopped moving, her sexy, gentle lips seemed to yearn for some kind of real wetness.    


So much so that she took the initiative, gently, to move her mouth close to his.    


Between lips and lips, the waves rose and fell. Huang Xing's body couldn't help but shake a bit.    


Life is full of irresistible ambiguity, and sometimes, the more you resist, the more you agree. At this moment.    


They held each other, the long-lost music as a accompaniment.    


A long kiss pushed this pair of young men and women to new heights. As a result, Huang Xing eagerly wanted to continue the upgrade with her. His heart was beating very fast, and his soft body seemed to be filled with magic, making him unable to stop!    


He knew that he had been tricked by Xie Yundan again! A dance that captured him!    


Men were like this. Without a man that couldn't be conquered, only a woman that couldn't.    


Xie Yundan seemed to be close to Huang Xing's face. When her exquisite skin lightly made contact with Huang Xing's skin, it stimulated all the sensitive nerve cells in his body.    


Xie Yundan softly said, "This afternoon, I am yours!"    


Such soft words weighed a thousand pounds! This caused ripples to form in Huang Xing's heart. His heart surged and surged like the sea. It was as if a strong current of air from outer space had created a whirlpool that would never stop. The whirlpool rose straight up into the sky!    


However, Huang Xing still maintained a minimum level of rationality. He lightly shook his head, and then used his hand to draw a circle on the tip of her nose: Today's noon, I'm only dancing with you. No, no, partner.    


Xie Yundan's eyes slightly moved upwards, continuing to say gently: "I am your ?"    


Huang Xing also followed:    


Xie Yundan's hand grabbed Huang Xing's ear, his lips lightly touching it as he said: "I am yours." The heart is also yours.    


At this moment, Ye Yundan's cell phone was playing a new song, "A Daughter's Love". The melodious melody seemed to be playing in her mind, as if it were opening its doors to her heart: A pair of lovebirds and a pair of butterflies. Ask the sage secretly, daughter is beautiful, daughter is beautiful. They talked about royalty and nobility, and feared that the rules would be broken. I only wish to be with my beloved for as long as possible. Love, love    


As if deeply infected, Xie Yundan also started to softly hum along.    


With a beautiful woman in his arms, he had a wonderful time. The most beautiful feeling in the world could not be any more. As a normal man, how could Huang Xing not get drunk?    


And how could he not understand Xie Yundan's feelings for him?    


But Huang Xing was still Huang Xing after all. Sometimes, he would be able to take a few moments of soberness out of being drunk and hold onto a few moments of cool amidst the scorching heat. In this world, there was no such thing as a genuine benevolence of the Willow. Everything was a disguise. Calm and unflustered, he was very dignified. This was just a legend on the surface.    


Huang Xing tried his best to conceal his almost uncontrollable impulse. He used a word of humor to hide his confused thoughts: Am I a monk?    


Xie Yundan emphasized in an emotional tone, "I have to ask the Holy Monk in secret, is my daughter beautiful?    


Huang Xing feigned ignorance: Daughter? He was too lacking, right?    


Xie Yundan immediately changed his tune and hummed: I'm secretly asking the Holy Monk, is the rhythm pill beautiful, is the rhythm pill beautiful? I only wish to be with you forever...    


Huang Xing nodded without answering the question: Not bad, you sang quite well. In the next edition of Journey to the West, you'll be the king of the female kingdoms.    


Xie Yundan's brows slightly twitched: "Are you really that unromantic?"    


Huang Xing smiled, feeling conflicted.    


'Sorry? ' Xie Yundan's soft voice suddenly became louder. Although his tone was still not very high, it still contained a bit of emotion: "Why are you apologizing to me again? I, Xie Yundan... Yes, I was once... There was once a disgraceful experience, but ? But... But I have changed.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: "I am very pleased, but the current you, needs to rely on yourself."    


Xie Yundan laughed bitterly: Don't speak empty words, just stand on your own two feet. Sigh, isn't this the slogan that is often used in moral lessons? Huang Xing, I have no other thoughts, I just want to silently be the person beside you who cares about you. Just this was enough.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Aren't you accompanying me right now?    


Xie Yundan parted his lips and asked tentatively: Are you ? Do you think I'm very... Do you think that women who take the initiative don't have good things?    


Huang Xing shook his head, and patted her shoulder lightly: You're a good girl. While he's young, think about his future.    


'Future? ' Xie Yundan asked: What future? Future... Future husband?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Of course it's included.    


Xie Yundan said: You're telling me that this cannot be you, right?    


Huang Xing was startled, he did not know how to answer. He thought about it for a moment, then, in a self-deprecating way, laughed and said, I have broken the grass. I don't want to betray you. At the very least, it seems to me that love needs to be maintained and persevered, not betrayed! I've already had a failed marriage, I...    


Xie Yundan interrupted him. Your master is Fu Jie, right?    


Huang Xing didn't know if he should accept it or not.    


Xie Yundan laughed softly. Her laugh was desolate and helpless: But now she... Don't you know what she's doing to you now? Every day, she would be paired with Bao Shijie, you have long been ? She was thrown out of the Nine Heavens Clouds! You still want to hold on to such a love that doesn't even exist?    


Huang Xing emphasized: It's not like what you saw! Today... No no, yesterday, we ? We opened our hearts and said something.    


Xie Yundan was shocked: Yesterday? Last night? You two together?    


Huang Xing shook his head, but quickly nodded again.    


Xie Yundan's pupils rapidly enlarged. You guys ? She ? She spent the night at your house?    


'That's not.' Huang Xing said: Yes, there is a problem with the relationship between Fu Jie and I. But I believe that these problems can be handled well and that they can be remedied.    


Xie Yundan asked: How can I make up for it? Glue? 502? 101? Love is not glued by glue, but should be like magnets, mutual attraction. You've already been married once, why are you still so innocent?    


Huang Xing sighed lightly: It's simply not me, it's...    


He did not say the following.    


Perhaps he was worried that he would be rebutted and criticized by Xie Yundan with even more emphasis.    


'I don't care, I don't care! ' Xie Yundan suddenly shook her head emotionally and hugged Huang Xing's waist tightly: I just like you! God allowed me to meet you and get to know you. I could no longer control my feelings for you. Every time I met you and thought of you, my heart would be filled with excitement and pain ? I don't want to be in pain anymore...    


Huang Xing tried to push her away tentatively: "But if you continue to be like this, you will be in pain for the rest of your life.    


'I don't care, I'm willing! ' Xie Yundan stressed the point coquettishly.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly, what a joke, what a joke!    


An urgent ringtone sounded out. Huang Xing moved Xie Yundan's arm, he took out his cellphone and looked, and could not help but be shocked.    


Actually, this wasn't a phone call, but a reminder!    


Arrived? They arrived so quickly?    


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