Security Guard’s Romance



1Huang Xing was too tired to answer the call, he just let the music play by his ear.    


Turning on the Space Weightlessness Mode, the massage chair automatically flattened itself. That kind of feeling was like being in space. No restraints, no pressure, only the comfort of being pressed down by mechanical hands.    


Comfortable, damn comfortable! Huang Xing couldn't help but exclaim.    


To be exact, even in his dreams, Huang Xing dreamed of having such a high-end massage chair. When he returned home everyday, he enjoyed the feeling of being reborn. Even though his income wasn't low, he really couldn't convince himself to spend 200,000 on such a chair. Born in the countryside, he knew too much about hardship and austerity. Logically speaking, he should have been able to buy a decent massage chair. Even the imported, top-level massage chair would not have cost him a month's salary. However, he really couldn't bring himself to be ruthless.    


That would be too extravagant!    


Suddenly, his brain opened wide!    


If he wasn't willing to buy one, then he could definitely buy one for his parents!    


The sudden thought struck like a flash of light into the brain of Yellowstar. Spending 200,000 on a massage chair was too extravagant. However, if he bought it to his parents, his parents, who had been worrying about it all their life, would be able to enjoy such a tiring and relaxing day by day. Two hundred thousand yuan was not a lot!    


Thinking of this, Huang Xing suddenly became extremely excited!    


It was time to do what he could for his parents. They raised him and gave him a healthy physique. Nothing in the world could save his life. Not to mention a two hundred thousand year old massage chair, even if Huang Xing had to give his life to his parents to extend his life, he would not be hesitant. Because he believed that his life had been given to him by his parents. Without his parents, there would be nothing for him! Parents are the root, parents are the root, no matter how much I repay them, I can't repay one ten thousandth of their kindness.    


Yes, Father had a sore back, Mother had arthritis, and if they had a massage chair, it would definitely be beneficial for them.    


After making his decision, Huang Xing's eyes shone with a happy light.    


Tomorrow! Tomorrow! He wanted to personally bring this massage chair home for his parents! Coincidentally, he still had to help Wu Qianqian tomorrow to organize that student gathering.    


His phone kept ringing.    


Huang Xing got down from the massage chair, took the phone and looked, it was Sha Mei!    


Looking at the name, Huang Xing's heart skipped a beat for some reason. He couldn't help but think of that beast in clothes, Huang Jinjiang. Revenge, revenge, revenge! He kept shouting in his mind, and the muscles in his body began to quiver in response.    


Revenge, tonight?    


Invite Shamei to his house?    


The string of question marks made Huang Xing feel somewhat conflicted in his heart. He might not feel fully prepared, for example, if he still needed some hidden video and recording tools. This way, he would be able to share the scene of him and Sha Shi being bewitched with each other with Huang Jinjiang! You took my wife, and I'll give you back your teeth!    


Hot blood is flowing through my body!" As the saying goes, it is not a gentleman to not take revenge for a grudge, not to mention, it is a grudge to steal a wife! He had destroyed his vision of love for marriage and family, and he had destroyed his sense of life, love and values that he had always clung to. He had put a disgraceful green hat on his head ?    


He must take revenge, he must take revenge!    


Thinking about it, Huang Xing accepted the call.    


"Brother Huang, are you home yet?" Sha Mei's familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from the other side of the phone.    


Huang Xing felt as if a fish bone was stuck in his throat, and he whispered back, "I'm back, at home."    


He wanted to add, Let Shamei come. However, for some reason, he was somewhat unable to say it out loud. It suddenly occurred to him that he really wasn't ready to carry out his revenge plan.    


Sha Mei complained, "Why didn't you contact me when you went home? Don't you even want to know the secret now?"    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Big Sister Sha, can you not keep trying to keep us in suspense? What secret is this?    


The more secretive, of course, the more secret. If I tell you so easily, it's still a secret, isn't it?    


Huang Xing said: Big Sister Sha, I'll go for a few days... Time was tight. I'll invite you to dinner in a few days. Sigh, your secret has been ruined by me, leaving me with no place to guess at.    


That's what you want. But you really must be prepared. This secret would offend a lot of people. And there's also the possibility of making you unhappy. So I'm very conflicted about what I should tell you. I don't want you to be kept in the dark either... But at the same time, I don't want to make you unhappy... So to me, this secret is like a hot potato.    


Huang Xing said: Don't worry, my mental admittance is strong! Just say it!    


Sha Mei said, "Alright, then I'll give you a hint. This secret concerns the incident where you took care of the traffic accident ?" That matter is not as simple as it seems to be ? Can you understand?    


Huang Xing was immediately stunned: Didn't I already finish handling it? Why did it have something to do with this?    


Sha Mei let out a sigh. Alright, I'll give you a hint here. Another day, another day, I'll solve the mystery for you in person. I don't want anyone to deceive you and keep you in the dark.    


Huang Xing panicked: Who lied to me, what's going on?    


Sha Mei said, This is all I can say to you right now.    


Huang Xing anxiously said: Why don't I go to your house to look for you now?    


Shamei said quickly: Don't! My daughter is at home. Now. How about...    


Huang Xing interrupted Sha Mei's words. You're looking for me?    


After a moment of silence, Sha Mei said, It's not convenient tonight. It's not convenient for you when I'm convenient. Why is it so hard for us to meet even once? Yeah.    


She laughed at herself. It was a desolate laugh, a helpless laugh, a laugh that could lead one to daydream.    


Huang Xing replied with a question: What can't I say over the phone? Just tell me a secret, Big Sister Sha.    


If I say it now, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep, Sha Mei said.    


Huang Xing stressed: If you don't tell me, I won't be able to sleep, that's why I'm having such wild thoughts. He's always trying to keep things in suspense.    


Okay, rest early. Bye.    


Huang Xing was stunned.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing laid back on the massage chair for a while to enjoy. Then, he took a bath and went to bed.    


Lying in bed, he kept thinking about Sha's beautiful words. She reminded him that this secret was related to his accident. But Huang Xing really could not understand what kind of important secret was hidden within that traffic accident that could cause Sha Mei to be so conflicted and cause others to be so suspenseful.    


Could it be ? Could it be ? Could it be ?    


Huang Xing ruled out a few guesses, and decided on Song Menglian instead. After thinking about it, there was indeed something fishy about it. How could it be such a coincidence that they ran into one of his employees when he was drunk?    


Was this a premeditated collision? Or could it be that Song Menglian wanted to use this car crash to attract his attention and lay a foundation for her promotion in the future?    


Song Menglian, you don't seem to be that scheming, right?    


The complex images in his mind made Huang Xing's brain feel a little burdened. He shook his head, trying to get some rest. However, the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it.    


It was only when the phone rang that his thoughts were disturbed.    


This time, the caller was Hua Jingjing.    


It was only then that Huang Xing realized that he had actually forgotten to call Hua Jingjing. She gifted him such a great gift, naturally, Huang Xing was not willing to accept it. The only solution, was to spend the money to buy the massage chair.    


After answering the phone, Hua Jingjing's sweet voice came out: Big Brother Huang, are you home yet?    


Huang Xing said: We are already home.    


Hua Jingjing said: Liar, who knows where I might have gone to do some evil deeds? I guess you're not home yet.    


Her guess was not unreasonable. Under normal circumstances, if she suddenly discovered that her family had such a priceless item, she would at least call to express her gratitude.    


Huang Xing emphasized: I'm indeed at home. Jingjing, thank you for your good intentions, but, I can't take your massage chair, it's too expensive.    


Hua Jingjing said: You're really home? I intentionally gave you a surprise. Are you surprised? Are you happy?    


Huang Xing said: "I can't say it's a pleasant surprise, but it's a little scary."    


'Scared? ' Hua Jingjing was startled: It's too hurtful. I meticulously prepared such a pleasant surprise for you, but you treated it as though it was scary. How infuriating. Big Brother Huang, you really hurt me.    


Huang Xing said: That is not what I meant when I said scared. It's because the items are too precious. I really can't afford a massage chair of several hundred thousand ? I really can't take it, Jingjing. I appreciate your kindness. If I want to massage, I can just go to your counter. This way, I can save electricity.    


He did not miss the opportunity to be silent.    


Hua Jingjing said: What about after work? After a tiring day, I returned home and pressed the button for 20 minutes. It felt really good.    


'It is very good! ' Huang Xing said: I am truly moved by your kind intentions. But I really can't.    


Hua Jingjing complained: Why can't I? Under your leadership, our family's fitness apparatus are selling very well. Moreover, it hadn't been affected by the incident from the other day. It's only right for me to show you. This was what they called, 'eating water won't forget to dig a well'. You and the Xin Meng Merchant House are our well diggers.    


Huang Xing explained: Jingjing, a few days ago, the Merchant Shop had just found a manager who received benefits from the Merchant Shop, and he was almost expelled. As the general manager, of course, I couldn't bring this down.    


Hua Jingjing laughed: So that's why you're afraid of this. If you won't tell me, I won't tell you. Who knows?    


Huang Xing emphasized: "Even if no one knows, I can't do this. However, I thought about it, since you've painstakingly sent it over, pulling it back wouldn't be such a good thing ?    


Hua Jingjing grinned and said: Sly! He still acted so clean and honest. So it turned out that he had been in the memorial archway all along. Hehe, that's more like it. Such a small intention, disrespectful. I hope our family's exercise chair can become a guardian of your health.    


Huang Xing said: Listen to me, what I mean is, I will give you the money and buy this chair.    


'What?! ' Hua Jingjing said: That won't do! Then wouldn't I be forcibly buying and selling it? You must take the chair. I can't ask for a penny.    


Huang Xing said somewhat anxiously: "If you don't want the money, then I also don't want the chair."    


Hua Jingjing asked anxiously: Why are you so stupid?    


Huang Xing said: This is a principle. The red line was untouchable.    


Hua Jingjing thought for a while, then said: "Since that's the case, I will charge you a cost price of one thousand gold coins, is that alright?"    


'A thousand dollars? ' Huang Xing said in shock: You're selling it for two hundred thousand gold coins for a thousand? Aren't you being too black-hearted? Don't take me for a fool. So, you can just give me a membership price and give me a 20% discount. This way, I'll get benefits, and you won't lose money.    


Hua Jingjing sighed: My dear Big Brother Huang, why are you so stubborn? Alright, alright, I'll tell you the truth then. This chair is for the 85,000 entrance fee, so you can offer it to me. I was going to give it to you, but you don't want it. Sigh, my head hurts. You can only take that as me getting you one for free.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: That makes sense, thank you.    


After hanging up the phone, the worry in Huang Xing's heart was finally lifted.    


However, he was an impatient person. Since they had reached an agreement and the goods had already been delivered, he should pay the other party as soon as possible.    


Without thinking too much, Huang Xing immediately transferred 100,000 yuan to Hua Jingjing's account. Of course, there would also be other types of transportation, labor, etc. If he were to give her the price according to the price, Hua Jingjing would definitely lose money.    


There was no choice, Huang Xing was just a person who followed principles.    


However, he would never be able to imagine what would happen next.    


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