Security Guard’s Romance



4Sitting on the bed, Wu Qianqian looked at Huang Xing strangely, his eyes filled with various elements. Please     0


There was a sense of ambiguity amidst the blurriness; there was a faint thought within the blurriness. There was an unquestionable beauty about her, so beautiful that one could not bear to look away. Drunk women had a unique charm. Even if it was just a blurry gaze, it was enough to make people fall for it.    


Huang Xing's heart thumped once, as he lit up a cigarette to ease the waves in his heart.    


Caught off guard, Wu Qianqian suddenly leaned her head in front of Huang Xing, and they were face to face, very close, so close that he could see his startled self from her eyes.    


Huang Xing smelt a mixture of the scent of wine and the smell of the incense. This kind of smell only existed on drunk women. Moreover, it was a beautiful woman. Men, normal men, often lacked immunity to such women. Huang Xing had always thought that his immunity was strong, but it was hard for him to recover from this kind of gaze.    


Huang Xing was stunned and subconsciously tilted his head back.    


Wu Qianqian went closer and giggled. "Huang Xing, you are my savior, my savior in this life."    


She used her hand to stroke his chest a few times. With each movement of her light, jade-like fingers, she vividly explained the gentleness of a woman.    


Huang Xing shook his head: Don't say that, I am just an old classmate, a good friend, I should be doing this. Don't forget, you helped me a lot before. Back then, if it wasn't for your free on behalf of, Xinyuan Company wouldn't have developed so well. You are my, Huang Xing's, benefactor, right?    


Wu Qianqian drew a semicircle in the air with his hand, and his eyes blinked rapidly. You are my benefactor, and I am your benefactor. Between us, we are destined to ? Destined... Destined to be inseparable.    




What is this new word?    


Huang Xing coughed lightly and said: "Alright, stop sighing. A good rest is the most important thing."    


Wu Qianqian said with a smile, I want to reward you. Then she put her lips together seriously and thought: What's the reward, the reward... Money? You don't treasure it, nor do you treasure it ? Then only... Only reward people.    


Huang Xing was startled: Reward?    


Wu Qianqian timidly said. I'll reward you!    


Huang Xing was startled, and stammered: Don't, I can't afford it. How much money will you have to earn to support yourself in this manner?    


Wu Qianqian hurriedly shook his head: I don't want money, I don't want money. A free gift.    


'Stop, stop. Huang Xing joked: My family is not planning to hire a nanny for the time being.    


Wu Qianqian panicked and patted Huang Xing's chest: Are you treating me as a nanny?    


She nodded thoughtfully. The nanny is not bad. I'll wash your clothes, cook your meals, and... Anyway, I'll take on any job as a nanny. Maybe you don't know yet, but I'm very capable. Oh, housework.    


Huang Xing knew that she was just saying these drunken words. If she were to wake up tomorrow, who knows how she might regret it.    


However, Wu Qianqian still continued to express his thoughts nonstop, narrating everything he knew from her admiration for Huang Xing in high school to how they had changed their way of thinking after that incident. The thoughts of a girl were placed in front of Huang Xing.    


But Huang Xing was at a loss as to what to do.    


So much so that after Wu Qianqian had finished describing his thoughts, he couldn't help but kiss Huang Xing on her cheek.    


It was cool!    


Huang Xing shuddered.    


However, there was a voice in the depths of his heart that kept reminding him.    


He couldn't take advantage of someone when they were in danger! He could not do anything that would let Fu Jie down!    


When he thought about Fu Jie, Huang Xing immediately had a feeling that he hadn't felt in a long time. In actuality, he had only met Fu Jie this morning, but they had only parted a few hours ago. That kind of three years' worth of pain made his heart sour. Love pain, love, no matter what I can't betray her!    


Once he had made up his mind, he couldn't help but distance himself from Wu Qianqian. She was as gentle as fire, with bright and clear eyes, and her fluttering thoughts filled Huang Xing's heart. But this wave, along with his longing for Fu Jie, had turned into a bubble.    


Huang Xing purposely sat away from Wu Qianqian. Wu Qianqian curled his lips and coldly snorted: What, you don't like me?    


She looked wronged as she stared at Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing shook his head, and sighed: You drank too much, Wu Qianqian.    


'I didn't drink too much, 'he said. Wu Qianqian emphasized: I really didn't drink too much. In the end ? What am I supposed to do to get your heart?    


Huang Xing replied: I didn't drink too much. Alright, that's enough. I'm going back.    


'I can't leave, I can't go.' Wu Qianqian anxiously stood up: Do you have the heart to leave me here alone? It's so cold here, so cold.    


Huang Xing looked around the room, then walked over and adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner: There was an air conditioner, central air conditioner.    


Wu Qianqian clenched his teeth: It looks like you really reject me, right?    


Huang Xing emphasized: "I didn't reject you. You were the one who did it... Something you're afraid of yourself, I'm afraid. Remember, you drank too much. What you need now is clarity.    


Wu Qianqian raised his voice: Then at least wait for me to wake up before you leave.    


'I... ' Huang Xing stuttered.    


At that moment, there was a knock on the door.    


Wu Qianqian shouted towards the outside in alarm: Who is it, the waiter is already asleep.    


Outside, someone replied, It's me, it's me.    


Huang Xing felt that the voice was familiar, but he could not pinpoint where it came from.    


'Who are you? ' Wu Qianqian frowned, and walked to the door.    


The door opened.    


County Chief Song?    


He had changed into a casual outfit and was looking inside with a big smile on his face.    


However, when he found out that Huang Xing was in Wu Qianqian's room, his smile froze. Oh, the Director Huang is here ? "Then I ?" County Chief Song turned his head in embarrassment, as if he was in a dilemma.    


Huang Xing said: Come in, County Chief Song.    


'Fang... "Is it convenient?" County Chief Song probed.    


Huang Xing emphasized: What's inconvenient about it. I've got some water for her, and I'm just leaving.    


Wu Qianqian used his hand to stroke his thigh a few times. With a special tone of voice, he said: It's so late, why is County Chief Song so ? What can I do for you?    


County Chief Song said: Nope ? Nothing. Just to see if you're used to it and what else you need. You are an esteemed guest, and I am the head of a county. Of course I have to ? Of course I have to take good care of him. At the same time, your arrival, along with the arrival of the Director Huang, made me mention it to Secretary Liu and the other leaders. They said they would arrange a venue for you tomorrow. Meet me.    


Huang Xing quickly waved his hands: Don't, don't. We'll go back to Jinan tomorrow.    


The County Chief Song said: Why are you in such a hurry? It's a promise. There's a new house in our county ? A specialty western restaurant chain, go have a taste.    


Wu Qianqian took the opportunity to say: Sorry, I don't like western cuisine. I'm very patriotic.    


County Chief Song said: Then what do you want to eat?    


Huang Xing emphasized: No need, thank you County Chief Song for your good will.    


'This... ' County Chief Song's face was filled with awkwardness: That ? Then let's contact tomorrow. Let's contact tomorrow.    


Wu Qianqian said: Don't contact him tomorrow. I'm tired. I will check out tomorrow morning. Thank you County Chief Song for arranging the accommodation.    


County Chief Song said: The county city, nothing like the provincial city. There were no five-star hotels. If you have any disrespect, please forgive me. However, I can guarantee that this place is the cleanest place in the entire county.    


Huang Xing saw that the County Chief Song had sat down and did not seem like he wanted to leave, so he said: How about this, you guys chat for a while, I'll go home first. My family is still waiting for me.    


County Chief Song stood up: That's fine too. Do you want me to find a driver to take your place?    


Huang Xing shook his head: No need. I woke up pretty drunk.    


'That's good, that's right.' County Chief Song turned to look at Wu Qianqian, and said: "It just so happens that Xiao Wu and I have something to discuss at work. It's not easy for her to be back for a trip, I have to seize this opportunity."    


Wu Qianqian glared at Huang Xing, and said repeatedly: You cannot leave, and have not left yet. You are in a hurry to leave, what you should not leave.    


When those words came out, County Chief Song's face immediately turned green.    


Wu Qianqian quickly replied: County Chief Song, I'm not talking about you. You said you were going to talk to me about work. I don't think we have any connections at work, right?    


County Chief Song said: Then I'll be frank. This year's Spring Festival Gala was being held in the county, where the guests were all preparing to make some big moves. They had even called some of the B-list and C-list celebrities from all over the country to come and support them. Right now, the choice of the host had always been at a loss. I think... I'd like to take the liberty of inviting you here as a host, you see...    


'I don't think so.' Wu Qianqian said straightforwardly: On our side, there's conflict.    


County Chief Song emphasized: No conflict, no conflict, we can use your time to record it in advance. You are the pride of our county, with you as the host. I think this year's literary work will be a big highlight.    


Wu Qianqian tilted his head and said half-jokingly: "County Chief Song, I'm very expensive."    


County Chief Song said: That is not a problem. Just... As long as there was a price.    


Wu Qianqian glanced at Huang Xing who was about to leave and said: "I can do it for free." But there was a deal.    


County Chief Song asked anxiously: "What condition?"    


Wu Qianqian pointed at Huang Xing: I don't need Huang Xing's five hundred thousand gold. He had won.    


County Chief Song was shocked and his expression turned ugly. He immediately stood up: "This ?" This... I don't think this is good, I am trying to poach a corner of the President Wang.    


Wu Qianqian tilted his neck up, his eyes looking up: Then I'm sorry, Master Song.    


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