Security Guard’s Romance



2The guard's difficulty made Huang Xing feel helpless.    


If he had not been a security guard and experienced the hardships of the job, how could Huang Xing be willing to accept it?    


Helpless, Huang Xing called Fu Jie once again.    


However, there was still the sound of waiting time from the other side. No one answered.    


What should he do?    


Security officer urged him: Alright, stop pretending, just try and it will be exposed. Let's go, let's go, stop disturbing the people here, follow me to the duty room to be investigated.    


Huang Xing raised his head and looked at the door of the house. Then, with a flash of brilliance, he said, "I'll try using the door."    


Security officer stretched out his hand to stop him.    


Huang Xing asked: What's wrong?    


Security officer emphasized: If this time... You... You're still a nuisance. Don't try to cover it up again, there's no need. Let's just obediently go. I dare say that even if you press the doorknob, no one will recognize you. Under the guise of looking for someone ?    


Right at this time, the astute Huang Xing found out that a sportscar was approaching them at a low speed. From its appearance, it looked like an Audi TT.    


Huang Xing was immediately stunned.    


Isn't this Zhuang Shuwen's new car?    


Zhuang Shuwen, an employee of the Xin Meng Merchant House. Huang Xing and Zhuang Shuwen had met her when they were looking for Fu Jie. She had a high education and various abilities, so she easily entered the Xin Meng Merchant House and assumed the role of assistant floor manager.    


Zhuang Shuwen lived in this district. What was even more coincidental was that her father was the person that Xie Yundan had frequently mentioned. In the past, because Xie Yundan made a mistake, he was reduced to being a lover of a leader. This leader was Zhuang Shuwen's father. Because of this, after Zhuang Shuwen's mother found out about Xie Yundan's news, she came to find trouble with him quite a bit. Fortunately, it had been a bit peaceful recently.    


It was already this time, why had Zhuang Shuwen just returned?    


Fu Jie's phone call was connected, yet he coincidentally bumped into Zhuang Shuwen. As if he had met his savior, Huang Xing waved his hand towards the Audi TT.    


The car stopped and a moment later, a young girl got out from the front passenger seat. The smell of alcohol permeated the air and she asked Huang Xing in an extremely unfriendly tone: Who are you, why are you stopping our car? Scram to the side, do what you need to do!    


Huang Xing was immediately stunned! What was going on?    


Not Zhuang Shuwen's car?    


Just as he was worrying, another girl came down from the driver's seat.    


This girl was without a doubt Zhuang Shuwen, she seemed to have drank a lot, and walked unsteadily, but upon closer inspection, she realised that the one in front of her was Huang Xing, she could not help but be shocked.    


'Yellow... ' "Yellow ?"    


Before he could even say the word 'Boss,' he was already hushed by Huang Xing and stopped in his tracks.    


The Security officer seemed to know Zhuang Shuwen. She was startled for a bit, then said: "Aren't you the owner of Building No. 9, why are you ?." Why did you come to Block 7? You can't go on. You have to go back to Building Seven.    


Oh, oh, oh..." Zhuang Shuwen glanced around and scratched her head, "Sorry, sorry. I went the wrong way after drinking too much.    


Huang Xing didn't miss an opportunity to speak. "Shuwen, hurry and explain to this security guard." He's actually treating me as a suspect in a burglary.    


'What?! ' Zhuang Shuwen was shocked, she angrily rebuked Security officer: You security, did your retina fall, or what happened? Is he a thief? If you look again, does he look like a thief? He is me... My friend.    


Security officer asked suspiciously: Is he really your friend?    


Zhuang Shuwen nodded his head fiercely.    


Security officer asked again: Is he looking for you?    


Zhuang Shuwen shook his head, then nodded. Looking at Huang Xing, he revealed a face of hesitation: "You are here to look for Fu ?." Pay... From the Director Fu?    


Security officer asked: Who exactly is he looking for?    


Zhuang Shuwen emphasized: In our small district, he has several friends. What's wrong with him coming to visit his friends? Aren't you, as a security guard, making a big fuss over nothing?    


Security officer pondered for a moment. Under Zhuang Shuwen's identification, the suspicions in his heart were finally dispelled. However, there was still a final destination that was hard for him to forget. Security officer said: Just now ? Just now, someone had reported him as being suspicious and sneaky.    


Zhuang Shuwen waved her tender arms. Fuck you, is he sneaking around? Do you know who he is?    


Huang Xing coughed lightly, signalling Zhuang Shuwen not to act so quickly, why waste so much time talking to him.    


Security officer took a glance at Huang Xing, and asked Zhuang Shuwen: Who is he?    


Zhuang Shuwen waved his hand: Forget it, forget it. In short, he was neither suspicious nor sneaky. I think the person who reported him is the most suspicious one. Go on, go on, go to your shift, patrol more, maybe, the real suspect is in front of another building.    


Security officer let out an 'oh'. In that case, he's your friend, I'll believe it. I... I'm leaving. I'll keep patrolling and stand the last watch...    




'Wait! ' Zhuang Shuwen shouted.    


Security officer turned around and asked. What else?    


Zhuang Shuwen's eyes darted around a few times. He left just like that? You wronged him and left without an apology?    


Security officer thought for a moment, and as expected, he walked over. He nodded reluctantly and said, "Sorry, I admit my wrongs, in the future, take it easy, don't wander around in the house in the middle of the night, it's easy to cause misunderstandings."    


Huang Xing frowned: Are you apologizing or teaching me a lesson?    


Security officer emphasized: A reminder, a reminder of goodwill.    


Zhuang Shuwen said angrily: You don't need to remind me? A small security guard like you doesn't know how high the sky is and how far the earth is. Your attitude will be punished sooner or later.    


The Emperor was far away?    


Which country or dynasty invented this word?    


Security officer continued to light up his flashlight as he strolled towards the front of a building.    


Actually, the lights in the residential complex weren't weak. Every ten meters or so, there would be a solar street lamp with a bright enough number of tiles. Although they couldn't let the residential area become as bright as day, it was much brighter than most residential areas.    


Huang Xing lit a cigarette, looked at Security officer who was walking further and further away, then asked Zhuang Shuwen who reeked of alcohol: Where are you going so late at night?    


Zhuang Shuwen laughed mischievously and said: "I'm going to give my big sister a birthday party. I'm having fun, so after eating, I'll go drink some songs for a while." I forgot the time.    


Huang Xing emphasized: You dare to drive after drinking?    


Zhuang Shuwen replied: It's alright, I drank a lot, how much... Not high. Eh, Director Huang, it's so late ? You... You're looking for Director Fu?    


Huang Xing's face was burning hot. This question was really hard to answer. After thinking for a bit, Huang Xing said evasively: "It's like this, isn't it the new year soon? The year-end review and so on, as well as the evaluation and evaluation prizes, I've already organized them all. Director Fu is going to have a meeting tomorrow morning, so let me ?." Let me send it over as soon as possible.    


'What?! ' Zhuang Shuwen was startled: Director Fu is having a meeting tomorrow? A general meeting or a small meeting?    


Huang Xing replied perfunctorily: I also ? I was only speculating. Since she couldn't open it, she had the final say.    


Zhuang Shuwen mischievously said: "Since I have caught up, I would like to ask secretly ?" Heh heh ? Was I included in the list of rewards, was Zhuang Shuwen included?    


Huang Xing was startled: Aren't you Zhuang Shuwen?    


Zhuang Shuwen said: I am... I was afraid you wouldn't remember my name, so I emphasized it.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Is it even necessary? My memory is that bad?    


Zhuang Shuwen took a step closer and begged: "Does it exist or not? If it is, I will show off to my mother and she will definitely reward me well." Hehe, this is my New Year's gift. She will buy me whatever I want.    


Huang Xing frowned: Don't hold too much hope, you have only been in the Merchant Shop for a few days?    


Zhuang Shuwen stuck out his tongue: In other words ? Without me?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Before the announcement is made, this is a top secret of the merchant house and nothing can be said about it.    


'It's so petty. Zhuang Shuwen pursed his lips: Then I won't ask, oh right, where's Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua... Down...    


Huang Xing looked around and realised that the 'Xiao Hua' she was summoning was the girl sitting in the front passenger seat. She was the young girl who had just got out of the car and scolded him.    


Zhuang Shuwen saw that he should not shout, so he walked over to open the passenger door.    


Oh my god!    


Xiao Hua had actually fallen asleep.    


'Xiao Hua, get up... Zhuang Shuwen pulled Xiao Hua's arm.    


'What's wrong, is it dawn? ' Xiao Hua rubbed his eyes and only realised that he was in a car after a long while.    


Huang Xing was convinced by this girl who was the same age as him. Just a moment ago, she berated him in a dignified manner, but in the next moment, she went back to the carriage and fell asleep. The speed and efficiency of this sleep would probably make those insomniacs envious.    


After Xiao Hua woke Xiao Hua up, he rubbed his eyes and got out of the car. As he got out, he asked: What's wrong?    


Zhuang Shuwen pointed at Huang Xing and said: "Do you see him?    


Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows: What's wrong with her?    


Zhuang Shuwen emphasized: "He's what I told you ?. General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building!    


'What?! ' Xiao Hua, who had been feeling sleepy all this time, immediately became spirited upon hearing this: He ? He is Huang Xing, and he is your Boss? Oh my god! What a coincidence!    


Zhuang Shuwen nodded: It's such a coincidence. Director Huang's girlfriend also lived in this district.    


Xiao Hua scratched his head: Oh, I remember now, is it that guy ? That... The beautiful woman in the picture you showed me the other day? That pretty girl... What's that called ? Fu Jie? Right?    


Zhuang Shuwen said: Yes, that's our Director Fu.    


Huang Xing coughed lightly, and warned them: "Assistant Zhuang, do not keep revealing the matters inside the merchant house to the public.    


Zhuang Shuwen stuck out his tongue: This is my good friend, my iron rod, my best friend. We both... Hehe, you look just like a person.    


Good day, Boss Huang. I've heard so much about you, and I've always wanted to see what kind of man can make Shuwen give such high praise ?" Unexpectedly ? I didn't expect to meet her today, what a coincidence.    


Huang Xing touched her hand in a perfunctory manner and quickly retracted his: It's indeed a coincidence. Alright, let's go home early and work tomorrow.    


Xiao Hua immediately said: I'm not working, I'm a freelancer.    


Huang Xing thought, I'm not talking to you. But on the surface, he said: "Then you should also form a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early."    


Who would have thought that Xiao Hua would actually take a step forward and closely size him up?    


Huang Xing was scared witless, and reflexively retreated for a long time.    


A phone's ringtone sounded.    


Huang Xing took out his phone and looked, it was Fu Jie.    


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