Security Guard’s Romance



1Huang Xing made a trip to the hospital first.    


Li Rong laid on the sickbed. His heart was not at ease at all.    


The door to the ward was open as Huang Xing walked in gently. Song Menglian was sitting on the side of the bed, peeling small fruits and stuffing them into his mouth. On the bedside table, there was already a large pile of orange skin.    


What surprised Huang Xing even more was that Song Menglian dressed quite grandly, like a sexy and beautiful big beauty. Moreover, she had a lot of accessories on her head, big earrings glittering with gold, and on her hand was an exquisite big bracelet. It was unknown whether it was real gold or simulated gold.    


Seeing Huang Xing rushing over, Song Menglian reflexively stood up and greeted him. "Huang ? Director Huang.    


Huang Xing slightly nodded his head as he pulled over a chair and placed it under Huang Xing's butt.    


Huang Xing sat down, seeing that Li Rong was sleeping soundly, on his swollen arm, hung a hanging bottle. Her dazed, sleepy expression was pitiful.    


Song Menglian grabbed a few small fruits and passed them over to Huang Xing: Director Huang, come come come, eat orange s, it's especially sweet.    


Huang Xing reached out his hands and pushed them away: Don't be too fussy about food, the key is to take good care of the patient.    


Song Menglian pouted his mouth, placed the orange back on the bedside table, and pointed at Li Rong, saying: "She is a little unstable, and when she is awake, she is still wiping tears. Sigh, how pitiful, to be able to...    


Huang Xing coughed lightly and warned: Don't speak nonsense! She had only gotten a small wound, so she could only do a small operation. No need to be so pessimistic.    


Song Menglian emphasized: But I've seen her film before, even her bones have been broken into pieces.    


Huang Xing frowned: With medicine being so advanced, taking a few bones is no problem. If a finger dropped down, it would be able to connect the finger back together.    


Song Menglian thoughtfully nodded his head: That's true, that's true.    


Huang Xing smelt the perfume on Song Menglian's body, and could not help but frown: Looking at your dressing, and you smell so nice, are you going to go for a blind date? It wasn't for you to... I told you to go out for a talent show!    


Song Menglian felt wronged and said, "I ? Here I... It was not easy to make a trip out, and he always wore overalls in the mall, and he was not allowed to use perfume. Now... Of course we have to make up for it now.    


'Recover? ' Huang Xing said: Then why don't you just wear all of your family's clothes on your body, this will make up for it. And this perfume of yours is all chemical. It's not good for the patient.    


Song Menglian clicked his tongue: That... Well, I know. I'll be careful.    


At this moment, Le Le who was on the sickbed next to them suddenly called out to them. "Bro, Bro ?"    


Huang Xing turned his head to look and saw Le Yue wearing a set of cotton pajamas. She was looking towards him with happiness and a pillow was in her hands.    


It took only a while for him to come back, but he still didn't recognize me?    


Huang Xing emphasized: No, no. Before he could ?    


Then why have you been here for so long?    


Huang Xing said: I haven't even made time yet, you ? Your parents are gone? Have you made up your mind? When are you going to leave the hospital?    


Le Le pouted and sighed. I won't be able to leave the hospital for a while. Sigh, why did I end up with such a difficult pair of parents? Oh yeah, bro, at noon... Can you avoid it at noon?    


Huang Xing was startled: Dodge? Why did he avoid it?    


I'm doing it for your own good! You'd better get out of the way, or...    


Huang Xing could not help but have many conjectures, what is Le Le Yi trying to tell him to avoid?    


But Le Le immediately announced the answer: My parents are coming back at noon, it would be terrible if they met you again. They were especially angry!    


Huang Xing was stunned: They ? They came at noon?    


In order not to cause you harm, I suggest that you avoid it for a while.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly with shame.    


When Song Menglian heard this, he was displeased. He turned around and asked Le Le Le Le: "You want us Director Huang to hide? Who are your parents? How grand are they to make us Director Huang ? Dodge. From what I see, the ones who should be avoided are them!    


Le Le clicked his tongue: so fierce! Brother, who is this? Did you hire a nurse?    


Huang Xing explained: She's an employee of our company, Xiao Song. You can call her Sister Song.    


Le Le immediately called out: Sis! I'll send you off now! Sister Song, you can go now!    


And she did turn over and sit down on the edge of the bed.    


Song Menglian was a little angry as he said: "Child, you are really rude!" He was fine, yet he still stayed in the hospital. The money he had was too much for him to spend, right?    


I like it, I like it! What was going on?    


Huang Xing waved his hands to interrupt the two people's argument: Alright, alright, stop arguing, we met in the same ward, it was fate, why are you guys arguing.    


Song Menglian, on the other hand, listened and took the initiative to recover his silence. Le Le gave a humph and also stopped attacking.    


But Li Rong woke up very quickly.    


She rubbed her eyes and moved her arms as if she was used to it. She couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.    


When Li Rong noticed Huang Xing's arrival, the pain automatically healed. She looked at Huang Xing: "I thought you wouldn't come, so you sent a shrimp soldier over to send me off, hiding in the corner to avoid trouble."    


Huang Xing said. Don't talk nonsense! With Xiao Song here to take care of you, I feel at ease. How can I sit idly by when a staff member of a mall is in a car accident. Don't worry, I'll come and see you every day.    


Li Rong glanced at Song Menglian: "Why haven't I seen her before, is she an employee of Xin Meng Merchant House?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Of course, she's financial, but... But it's normal that you don't know him, as he's only been in office for a short time.    


Song Menglian was obviously a little angry at Li Rong's pickiness, and couldn't help but interject: "You still think I'm a shrimp soldier, right? If you have the ability, ask the governor to accompany you to bed. Do you have the ability?    


Li Rong frowned: "You, you..." You... Director Huang, you see, a new employee dares to talk to me like that! It was the opposite!    


Huang Xing said: Alright, Li Rong, stop provoking me. As if you were a very old employee. Didn't you just come to Xin Meng Merchant House not long ago?    


Li Rong emphasized: My old employee, me! I've been doing this for years!    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Where did all these years come from?    


Li Rong said confidently: I was in the Xinyuan Company for a few years!    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: You were in another company, but in those few years, could you be considered a part of it?    


Li Rong said in a loud voice: "Of course!" Everyone knew that Xinyuan Company was the previous self of the Xin Meng Merchant House, the direct descendant. Without the Xinyuan Company, there would be no later Xin Meng Merchant House. So, it had to be counted.    


Huang Xing lazily tried to explain to her, but when he glanced at her arm, he felt that the swelling had slowed down a little.    


At that moment, a male doctor, accompanied by two nurses, entered the ward.    


The male doctor stopped in front of Li Rong and flipped through her injured arm, looking like he thought of something.    


Huang Xing didn't miss an opportunity to ask: "Doctor, when can we arrange surgery for her?"    


The male doctor looked at Huang Xing, his tone was a little too serious: When to arrange things, I will arrange them. He would have to wait until the swelling was completely gone before he could arrange it.    


Huang Xing asked again: Then, how many days do you think it will take for the swelling to subside?    


The doctor frowned a little. "Do you think I'm some kind of god? I didn't know that she would have a few days of mild swelling. This has something to do with her physique."    


Just then, one of the female nurses took out a thermometer to measure Li Rong's body temperature. Li Rong pouted and said: "How many times do you want to measure a day?    


The nurse emphasized, Three times a day, one in the morning, one in the morning and one in the evening.    


Li Rong retorted: "I don't have a fever, why would I take your temperature? There was no need to measure anymore, this thermometer was cold!    


The nurse said seriously, Please cooperate with our treatment.    


Huang Xing waved his hand: Alright Li Rong, stop being so stingy, let's do whatever the doctor tells us to do.    


Only then did Li Rong obey.    


The male doctor took Li Rong's injured hand again. After observing it for a while, he used his smooth four fingers to touch it. Li Rong gritted his teeth and gave a hint: It's lighter, it's lighter, it's painful.    


The doctor murmured something thoughtfully, then fixed his gaze on Le Le Le. Le Le Le, you're not going to leave the hospital yet.    


Le Yue felt wronged and said: "Doctor, can you do my Dad's mother's work? They won't let you out!" Let us observe again.    


The doctor said, You've lost all sense of observation. You've recovered very well.    


That's right, that's right! But my dad and mom won't listen!    


The doctor said, Then when they come, ask them to come to my office. I'll talk to them.    


That's great. I hope you can convince them.    


The doctor left with two nurses.    


Song Menglian took the opportunity to say: This doctor and nurse's attitude isn't good at all. Look, their faces are all downcast, as if others owe them a million! This level of service was truly terrible!    


Li Rong emphasized: Isn't it always like this in hospitals? Once you enter the hospitals, you have to listen to the doctors and be slaughtered by others. He was going to suffer even after spending so much money, and he would have to see the expression of the doctor after that.    


Just as Huang Xing wanted to speak, a phone suddenly rang.    


It's Xiao Yan!    


When Huang Xing answered, he heard Xiao Yan's voice from the other side: Director Huang, why are you not here yet? I've been waiting for you for ten minutes. If you don't come ? Then I'm angry.    


Huang Xing quickly said: "I'll be there right away, I'll be there right away!" On the way, now.    


Xiao Yan said: That's good, hold tight!    


Huang Xing looked at the time and then bid his farewells to the rest, driving towards the Xin Feng fast food.    


However, this was the peak hour for traffic jams. Huang Xing was once again blocked at an intersection.    


After twenty minutes, the traffic jam slowly subsided.    


In front of the Xin Ya Fast Food Restaurant's gate, Huang Xing saw Xiao Yan's Lamborghini with a single glance.    


Upon entering, the one who welcomed him was not Xiao Yan, but Xie Yundan.    


Xie Yundan didn't display any obvious surprise, but instead said with a hint of sarcasm and charisma: Director Huang, Sister Xiao has been waiting for you for a long time, in Room 107.    


Huang Xing nodded and started walking in.    


At this moment, he had yet to realize that some unexpected things and the truth were silently approaching.    


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