Security Guard’s Romance



3Time flies!    2


The memo said: "Tomorrow night's reunion."    


Brackets (Wu Qianqian).    


In other words, tomorrow night would be a classmate gathering that Huang Xing had organized that held special meanings. The purpose of this gathering was to save the negative effects that Wu Qianqian had in the eyes of the students.    


Thinking about it, it was indeed not easy for Wu Qianqian to become an artist. He had just entered the Dao when he was young and had a strong vanity. In order to show that he was of noble birth, he did not dare to admit to his hometown. He even hid his parents, who were always selling snacks. Because of this, she was despised and rejected by her former classmates, causing her to be unable to raise her head in front of her fellow countrymen.    


Huang Xing exhaled lightly. To be exact, he wasn't very confident in being able to help Wu Qianqian reconstruct his image. After all, her impression of her in the hearts of her classmates had already been deeply ingrained.    


Xie Yundan saw Huang Xing put the phone back in his pocket, and could not help but be surprised: Why are you not answering the phone, disturbing the call, could it be?    


Huang Xing shook his head: It's a reminder.    


Xie Yundan asked with interest: How big of a thing is that? You have to use your phone to remind me. Could it be with a certain beauty ? A date?    


Huang Xing pretended to be mysterious: I'm helping others to do a great thing!    


Xie Yundan said: What do you mean good news? Maybe I can help!    


Huang Xing shook his head slightly. Sorry, I promised to keep this a secret.    


Xie Yundan pouted, looking a little disappointed: "Then I won't ask anymore." But what can I do for you?    


Huang Xing pretended to be serious and serious and said: I urgently need six hundred million, please call my account in an hour! Thank you!    


Xie Yundan was stunned, then laughed: "How much do you think I can sell it for?" Sell me, won't you?    


Huang Xing burst out laughing: You, ah, can be sold for less than six hundred million!    


Xie Yundan exclaimed: Really? In your heart, can I be worth six hundred million?    


Huang Xing gave a bluff and nodded: less than six hundred million.    


Xie Yundan emphasized: That is still a huge astronomical figure! I didn't expect me to be so valuable. 6 billion, if I were to sell it by a jin, it would probably be ? Let me calculate. I weigh 95 pounds, which means over 47 kilograms. That's over 10 million yuan per kilogram. Oh my god, looks like I have to increase my weight. I have to try my best to increase it to two hundred pounds. Wouldn't that be worth several hundred million then?    


Huang Xing stressed: "Do you think it's to feed pigs? The fatter it is, the more valuable it is." When I said less than six hundred million, I meant six hundred!    


Six billion? Xie Yundan raised his eyebrows, looking shocked and cute.    


Huang Xing's words broke through the heavens: 60 yuan, RMB!    


Xie Yundan counted on his fingers: Why did it become sixty pieces of six hundred million? Isn't this loss a bit too severe? You don't have to play like this!    


Huang Xing laughed: I said less than six hundred million. Sixty pieces, less than six hundred million! What? What went wrong?    


Xie Yundan frowned, suddenly enlightened. He then patted Huang Xing's shoulder: I hate you! Playing word games with me! Then I will also say that in my heart, you're worth less than a trillion! Humph!    


Huang Xing pointed to his nose and emphasized: I am priceless, so I won't sell it no matter how much!    


Xie Yundan felt that he had been cheated, but he still tried to continue playing with Huang Xing until the end. Priceless is priceless, not worth a penny. I pity you, I gave you a dollar and thought you were mine! Poor child, it's not easy for your parents to raise you. How much food and water did you eat, how much water did you waste on the country's resources? Wuu wuu, pitiful!    


Huang Xing countered with a question: What, you're planning to raise me?    


Xie Yundan nodded his head fiercely: You're the one who runs the fast food restaurant, can't I raise you? The leftovers and leftovers from every day are enough for you to eat.    


Huang Xing said: Adopt a dog?    


Xie Yundan nodded his head: Not bad, the meat and bones in the leftovers are for the dogs.    


Huang Xing continued to ask: What about me?    


Xie Yundan tsk-tsked, "You eat ?" You're cheap, you didn't buy it with money, so of course you're a vegetarian! I'm a businessman. I have to think about the cost, right? Who asked you to be so priceless! We'll just have to have some cheap food!    


Huang Xing opened his eyes wide: You are not afraid of me, being so cruel to me ? Aren't you afraid of thunder?    


Xie Yundan glared at Huang Xing: Why are you striking me? I am doing this for a good reason. Rescue priceless... An idle person with no price!    


Huang Xing was stunned...    


In front of Xie Yundan, there was a trace of naughtiness, a trace of cuteness, and a trace of sexy humor. Her change in these few days made Huang Xing feel very gratified. Back then, when Xie Yundan opened the wonton shop, it was called cold! It was even colder than a cold storage! It was as if he had just taken it out of the fridge! If not for her extraordinary looks, who knows if any customers would be willing to eat wontons with her wonton shop!    


There was no doubt that Xie Yundan's change from a cold faced beauty to the mischievous and lively Lady Boss today was due to Huang Xing's help and infection. Everything seemed to be fated. She did not care about her safety and bravery, speaking up for Huang Xing in front of a bunch of thugs, buying time for Huang Xing. She would not be beaten to a pulp while taking care of herself or even getting beaten to death! Huang Xing would never forget this favor of saving his life. However, he was a person who knew how to repay favors. The kindness of dripping water was something that should be repaid in the form of a gushing spring. Furthermore, it was a life saving favor! That was why Huang Xing had patiently helped and cared for Xie Yundan afterwards, and even did not hesitate to seek for his own benefits in order to pave the way for a successful outcome for Xie Yundan. At least two-thirds of the credit for this Xin Yun fast food belonged to Huang Xing. Now that the Xin Ya Fast Food Restaurant had the best management and a superior geographical location, and also monopolized the consumption of the Xin Meng Merchant House's staff members' meal card, his business was like the sun in the sky!    


Huang Xing looked at Xie Yundan and sighed.    


Xie Yundan didn't know what Huang Xing was thinking in his heart, so he tried asking: What are you laughing at, smirking idiotically!    


Huang Xing unnaturally revealed his true feelings: I'm laughing at you, laughing at how difficult this walk of yours was. Seeing your results today, I couldn't help but laugh!    


Xie Yundan said with fear and trepidation: It's just the beginning! It's all your help, otherwise I might have been begging in the street by now. If so, would you throw a ticket in my broken bowl? I must have been dirty then, and my face was dark and oily. Can you still recognize me?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: You're thinking too much!    


Xie Yundan shook Huang Xing's arm: I want to hear your answer! Quick, quick, answer!    


Huang Xing unexpectedly shook his head: No!    


Xie Yundan pouted his lips in disappointment and sighed: No sympathy! After all, they had known each other for so long that they weren't even willing to give him a single cent! What a scrooge!    


Huang Xing stressed: "I want to say, I won't throw a ticket into your bowl." I'll bring you home, clean up, take you to a restaurant, have some good food, and then...    


Xie Yundan interrupted Huang Xing and continued: And then sell it to the traffickers?    


Huang Xing blushed with shame: "Am I that malicious?"    


Xie Yundan blinked: Then let me guess, what will you do ? Bring me to your house, dress me up, take me to eat, and then... Oh, I see, you mean... Stealing my job, forcing me to lose my job! Think about it, after cleaning me up so cleanly, how am I supposed to beg? Who's going to treat me as a beggar? Who's going to give me the money to pity me ? Too insidious!    


This kind of reverse logic ability made Huang Xing really not want to injure his brain cells anymore!    


He might as well remain silent!    


But in reality, Huang Xing enjoyed the atmosphere of exchanging words with Xie Yundan! It was very cozy, very warm, and also very interesting!    


The current Xie Yundan was no longer the cold killer of the past! Her enthusiasm, her cheerful nature, as well as the pursuit of life, were all stimulated, turning into a wave of positive energy!    


After the joke, they looked at each other and smiled.    


He had always thought that Xie Yundan's coldness was because of her special beauty. Only later on did he realize that when she smiled, she was even more beautiful.    


So, in that instant, Huang Xing felt admiration. The beauty of a woman was not only the beauty of her appearance, but also the beauty of her figure. The beauty of a smile that could topple a nation. That was the true beauty of a woman.    


Xie Yundan tilted her beautiful little head and couldn't help but lament again: "Meeting you changed my life." Can you feel my change?    


Huang Xing nodded his head: "You have changed so much that I can't recognize you anymore!"    


Xie Yundan said: Are you still comparing me to when you were selling wontons back then?    


Huang Xing emphasized: I didn't know you before you sold wontons. There was no way to compare. However, you were indeed ? Too cold!    


Xie Yundan asked cheerfully: Is it colder than the North Pole?    


Huang Xing said: It's colder than the Arctic. At least there are polar bears in the North Pole, one of your cold eyes that can kill everything.    


Xie Yundan laughed and touched his hair: Aren't you still alive and well?    


Huang Xing put on a cold face: I, am colder than you!    


Xie Yundan extended a finger and pointed at the bridge of Huang Xing's nose: You're not cold, you're cold. Library for inventory. Me too, I'm cold, I'm a warehouse of stock. In my heart, I have already met you, every minute, every second, every big thing.    


Huang Xing was shocked in his heart, as if he had received some kind of indescribable shock.    


Xie Yundan was now a logical expert. His words were eloquent and interesting, full of poetry.    


Huang Xing also joked: Don't stock up anymore, that place is a cold storage, it would be easy to freeze to death.    


Xie Yundan argued: The cold storage would keep the food fresh, it would not deteriorate, and it would not grow mold. The heart of cold storage, is a kind of love!    


Huang Xing took out a cigarette and didn't dare to argue with Xie Yundan.    


Sometimes smoking is not just a habitual act, but a way to defuse awkwardness and end a dispute.    


Xie Yundan smiled and took the cigarette from Huang Xing's mouth. Huang Xing had thought that she was stopping him from smoking, warning him that smoking was harmful to his health. Unexpectedly, she put the cigarette in her mouth, lit it with a lighter and took a light drag.    


Huang Xing was shocked!    


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