Security Guard’s Romance



4The students were all sitting there blankly, either watching or discussing.    1


Wu Qianqian looked around in a daze. She did not expect Huang Xing to actually catch up with her.    


However, she did not beg Wang Renkui for forgiveness in a hurry. Instead, she stood in place, looking to be deep in thought.    


Wang Renkui stood still in front of Wu Qianqian, waved his hand, and said to Huang Xing: "Fire machine." Huang Xing took out his lighter and lit up a cigarette for him. Wang Renkui shook his head and said: "Wu Yawen, if it wasn't for Huang Xing, I would never forgive you! You should thank yourself for having such a good classmate who can cut two ribs for you.    


He turned his gaze towards Huang Xing, and a faint smile formed on his lips.    


Huang Xing thought, you must have done it because of the three hundred thousand. However, for the sake of Wu Qianqian's wishes for the past few years, he could only bear with it. As the saying goes, something that can be done with money is not a thing.    


Wu Qianqian suspiciously looked at Huang Xing, his expression suddenly becoming excited, he walked over and said to Wang Renkui: Wang ? Teacher Wang, you're finally willing to forgive me?    


Wang Renkui nodded his head: I was moved by Huang Xing's sincerity. Remember, I want to see how you will perform in the future. Otherwise, once I become a teacher, I will definitely call upon all my students, defend the dignity of the school, and clean our doors!    


To Huang Xing, such righteous words seemed pale and powerless.    


Perhaps at this moment in time, the students thought that Wang Renkui was really that kind of person who hated evil, that he was a master of self-control, that he was also a man of his heart.    


No one knew that he had actually taken three hundred thousand, or even five hundred thousand, to pave the way for this.    


For Wu Qianqian's sake, it could be said that Huang Xing was going all out.    


Wang Renkui finally sat down peacefully as he stared at the fat piece of meat that was Huang Xing's meat. The delicacies on the table no longer piqued his interest.    


At this point, Wu Qianqian's wish had been granted, and a dream of his own was completed.    


During the banquet, everyone gathered together happily. Wu Qianqian sat around each table, pouring out his years of classmates' feelings. This caused her to be overjoyed, as if she were in a dream. For many years, her family and friends, especially her classmates, had always regarded her as a traitor and ungrateful person. She did not hesitate to expend a great deal of energy to change her image. After going through a series of fierce battles with Huang Xing, the mountain peak had finally been conquered. The large stone that had been hovering in her heart for a long time, finally fell to the ground.    


Wu Qianqian drank a lot of wine because he was happy.    


However, she still did not tire of clinking cups with her classmates. From time to time, she would go to the front and sing a little song to cheer them up.    


After thirty years of drinking, the reunion was transformed into a random party. Students rushed to be the first to perform a performance, songs, Beijing Opera, martial arts, endless.    


It was a lively scene.    


After a while, Wu Qianqian started to burp, but she still had a smile on her face.    


Once he sat down beside Huang Xing, Wu Qianqian suddenly grabbed Huang Xing's hand excitedly and said emotionally: "It's all thanks to you, if not for you, I wouldn't be here today." Happy, very happy. Can you see how happy I am now?    


She was already a little incoherent.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: Even if you're happy, you should drink less.    


'I'm not drunk.' Wu Qianqian shook his head, he then picked up his wine cup and placed it in front of Huang Xing: "Come, come, meritorious general, let me toast to the meritorious general!    


She took the opportunity to pick up Huang Xing's cup, her eyes filled with feelings of love. This tenderness was like water, clear but bottomless, attractive. This sweetness, this sweetness, this purity, this freshness was like a dream.    


Huang Xing really wanted to grab her wine glass to let her drink less, but seeing that she was so happy, he couldn't bear to interrupt her emotions, so he said: Let's stop at that, let's drink less.    


Wu Qianqian looked at his wine cup and chuckled: I have to get rid of him! A deep feeling of affection filled his heart!    


He raised his neck and downed the wine in his cup.    


Huang Xing sighed, but he was also genuinely happy for Wu Qianqian.    


Thus, he too straightforwardly finished the wine in his cup.    


At this time, a few female classmates suddenly ran in front of Huang Xing and toasted him.    


Huang Xing tried to explain, but seeing that he could not escape anymore, he poured some into his wine cup and said, "I toast to my fellow students, it's been so many years since we last met. Let's do it one at a time!"    


Chen Fen, a female classmate, smiled slyly and said, "How can we drink together? Let's toast one by one." Only then would there be any sincerity.    


Huang Xing frowned: Chen Fen, you and I have no enmity with each other, please do not inject it into me. They were all good classmates, so drinking together was the best. Come on, I'm a boy.    


He downed the wine in one gulp.    


The winery is like a battlefield. You have to know the tactics. Naturally, Huang Xing did not dare to let his classmates toast him individually. If he continued to walk in like this, with more than a hundred students present, giving each of them a toast, he would find it hard to deal with them. The only viable tactic was to drink in groups.    


She took the initiative to stand up, and said: Heh, I'll drink with you, one on one!    


Huang Xing said to Chen Fen and the rest. Don't let Wu Yawen drink, she's drunk too.    


'Don't let me drink... ' Wu Qianqian pouted: This is too bullying, why don't you let me drink?    


Huang Xing emphasized: If you keep on drinking, I think you'll hit 120. Sit down and I'll drink with you later.    


Wu Qianqian giggled: That's fine, that's fine.    


However, as Huang Xing was the organizer of this gathering, he also had some prestige amongst the students.    


On the other hand, Wang Renkui was more tactful. When the gathering had reached the point of toasting, he had actually gone somewhere to hide. The students searched for him everywhere, but he was nowhere to be seen. After all, he was the former teacher in charge of the class. Almost every student present had come to toast him according to the usual procedure. But now that he was gone, they could only use Huang Xing.    


However, as the organizer, Huang Xing obviously could not leave.    


When he left, the enthusiasm of the students would be affected, and it would even lead to a situation where the situation would end up like a tiger with its tail between its tail and its tail.    


Even though Huang Xing had used eighteen different types of martial arts to help her break the alcohol barrier, this wave of students had come and gone, and after going and coming, he had naturally drunk quite a bit.    


In the blink of an eye, it was already ten o'clock at night.    


The Huang Xing who was already somewhat drunk was immersed in this atmosphere of friendship between fellow students, and was unable to extricate himself.    


Wu Qianqian ran to the bathroom and vomited again and again, drinking and vomiting. This cycle continued for a long time. Finally, unable to drink, he lay down on the table and took a nap.    


Huang Xing put on a coat for her.    


At this time, Wang Renkui also rushed back. Presumably, at this moment, he was the clearest person present.    


Most of the students had already drunk quite a lot, or chatted with their former classmates, or gathered around a table to play a little game. There were even a few students who had been at the winery for a long time. They began to move their fists to guess the situation, making it very lively.    


A few students who were not yet drunk came over to toast to Wang Renkui. Wang Renkui had more than enough time to deal with them and calmly drank.    


This was indeed an old schemer from a winery. Just now, he had avoided the limelight when the toast had just reached his ears. As the party drew to a close, he came out to play the hero again.    


He patted Huang Xing's shoulder and said: "Boss Huang, you're rich. You might as well finish it all with a good deed. It's been so many years since we last met.    


'Sing? ' Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Is there any place in the county that can accommodate a hundred people singing at the same time?    


Cheng Tao said while grinning: Go to Ji Nan. Find a big KTV.    


Huang Xing said: Do you think it's safe to let a group of drunkards drive to Ji Nan?    


Cheng Tao replied: Since you have the money, you should just go and find a few big buses.    


Huang Xing was a little speechless, and said: "Alright Cheng Tao, stop tormenting yourself, we all have families, and family members are worried, enough." It was already very enjoyable.    


Cheng Tao said in a slightly displeased tone: According to the teacher-in-charge's words, you are just being mean and heartless. Why, please sing a song, is it that hard?    


'It's not difficult. Huang Xing stressed: When I wake up later, I won't be able to sing it no matter how hard I try. If you have time, go to Jinan, I'll take over a convention center, and we'll sing to our heart's content. But today, it was not appropriate.    


Cheng Tao extended a finger: This is what you said, then I will really go. They won't go, I'll go. If you are a tycoon, who else can you be if not a tycoon?    


Huang Xing was a little speechless. Waiting for you.    


Cheng Tao left proudly.    


Wang Renkui then solemnly clinked his cup with Huang Xing's and said: "Look, you're already so drunk." Even the tycoon came. Haha, my bunch of students are really interesting.    


Huang Xing nodded. Everyone was happy, happy.    


Wang Renkui looked around and said: How much wine is left?    


Huang Xing saw that there were still a few boxes of white spirits at the corner of the wall.    


Wang Renkui 'oh', and said: "That ?" It's not convenient for you to bring this wine with you. In this way, my home will be very close to here.    


Wasn't this clearly taking advantage of the situation?    


However, there was a good name for him to take advantage of, and that was for next year's gathering.    


By next year's time, these boxes of wine would have gone through the ecological cycle a few times, right?    


This teacher in charge was simply a miser!    


But it wasn't easy for Huang Xing to reject her, so he nodded his head: Okay, okay. That President Wang is in trouble, I will drive you to his house later.    


Wang Renkui nodded, stood up, looked around again, then spoke to Huang Xing: "Also, collect all the cigarettes on each table." If you drink too much, don't let the soup soak you. It's a waste.    


Huang Xing thought, how are you worrying about wasting everything, you clearly want to take all the remaining cigarettes for yourself. Huang Xing thought about it and rejected: This ? Wait a minute. You see, the students are still enjoying themselves. They went to collect the cigarettes, as if they were chasing everyone away.    


'That's true, that's right.' Wang Renkui sat down awkwardly.    


At this time, Wu Qianqian woke up. She rubbed her eyes, focused and slowly recovered some of her spirit.    


Her eyes were slightly red, and the effect of the alcohol caused her body to sway for a bit.    


Wang Renkui supported her and said immediately: Yawen, be careful.    


But at this moment, a few staff members in police uniforms suddenly hurried in from outside.    


Huang Xing looked up and couldn't help but be startled.    


What was going on?    


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