Security Guard’s Romance



3Huang Xing was in a dilemma. Please     0


To be exact, it could also be considered a kind of fair and equal exchange. Wu Qianqian's entrance fee was very high, it would not be excessive to measure him with five hundred thousand. However, Wu Qianqian only wanted to help Huang Xing get back the 500,000 yuan that was blackmailed by Wang Renkui, but he neglected a serious problem.    


Even if County Chief Song agreed to Wu Qianqian's plan, using the amount of sponsorship to deduct the fees, Huang Xing and Wu Qianqian would lose their trust in their home. Like this, Wu Qianqian lost both his husband and his army. After all, her appearance fees were not low. Since the County Chief Song dared to invite her out of the mountain, they must be very well-placed.    


Therefore, Huang Xing shook his head: No. One yard to one yard.    


The County Chief Song seemed to have also realized the subtleties of the matter. After pondering for a moment, he said: I agree to take your attendance fee to cover a portion of the sponsorship fee.    


Wu Qianqian scratched his head as though he was thinking about something. After a moment, she raised her head. "Alright, County Chief Song. Let me think about it." Telephone contact, keep it. I'm a little out of my mind right now.    


'That's fine. The County Chief Song said: However, I sincerely hope that you can contribute a bit to the literary and arts aspects of my hometown. This is also you... It's also to build up your prestige here in your hometown... Good. Maybe in the last few years, you've been busy with your career, which has led to... This caused many people to not know where you, Wu Qianqian, are from. We're proud to have a famous person like you in our county. You are truly a proud person, but I think that sometimes, you still have to show off your power as an example.    


County Chief Song spoke in a very reserved manner. It was clear that he knew about the criticism and rejection Wu Qianqian had suffered at his hometown.    


Wu Qianqian nodded, and said, I understand.    


County Chief Song stood up: It's getting late, I'm going home. Wait... Waiting for your good news.    


Huang Xing stood up and sent the County Chief Song off, and Huang Xing quickly followed and said his goodbyes.    


Who would have thought that Wu Qianqian would actually pounce on them excitedly and put his hands on Huang Xing's shoulders, saying: "He's gone, you're also gone, are you guys planning to go plotting something?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: What can we plot, I will also go home.    


'Don't go back. Wu Qianqian blinked her beautiful big eyes. Talk to me. Do you know how overwhelmed I am right now? I'd really like to... I'd like to dance with you.    


'Dance? ' Huang Xing shook his head. Save it old classmate, let's not act crazy, it's the middle of the night.    


Wu Qianqian pursed his lips, disheartened.    


Huang Xing lightly patted Wu Qianqian's shoulder: Alright, go to sleep early, I'll see you in Ji Nan.    


Wu Qianqian asked: Then when are you going back to Ji Nan?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Tomorrow afternoon. Come back. Tomorrow morning I'll see if there's anything else I need at home. It's not easy for parents, but they can't bear to spend money.    


Wu Qianqian stretched out his thumb: Filial piety! Give me a chance to show off? I'll go see my uncle and aunt tomorrow.    


Huang Xing quickly said: Don't, don't. We all have our own things to do.    


Wu Qianqian bit her lips lightly, and two beautiful dimples appeared on her cheeks. I'll be home early tomorrow morning. I'm going to stay here for a few more days. Otherwise, there would be a lot of things happening in a few days. There were all kinds of rehearsals and Spring Festival shows. My god, I'm so tired.    


Huang Xing nodded.    


Walking out of the hotel, he realized that the temperature outside was very low. Dressed in a crescent moon, he hid half of his body in the clouds to keep warm.    


He unlocked the car and was about to get on when he heard a burst of sirens.    


Turning around, he saw that it was a brand-new Passat.    


After a while, County Chief Song walked down from the Passat. As he walked, he rubbed his hands together. The Director Huang is leaving?    


Huang Xing went forward and greeted them with a few steps, saying, "County Chief Song still hasn't left?    


'Waiting for you.' County Chief Song laughed: To be honest, I am a person who loves to make friends. After finally meeting you, I really can't bear to part with you. So, I want to meet with you after you come out.    


Huang Xing frowned, he thought that this County Chief Song was being overly passionate, there was no need for that, what about that, let's go home. How cold it was outside.    


County Chief Song pointed at Passat: Get in. The car was warm.    


Huang Xing shook his head: It's getting late, I still have time to meet you again.    


County Chief Song thought for a moment and said: Then I ? Then I won't force it. Okay, be careful when you're on your way. Call me if you need anything. On our side, my words are still quite useful.    


Huang Xing nodded: Thank you, thank you.    


After bidding farewell to the County Chief Song, Huang Xing drove back. However, he still felt that County Chief Song had other intentions when he went to the hotel.    


Could it be that his real goal was to find Wu Qianqian after he left?    


Or could it be that he was only looking for Wu Qianqian because he wanted to invite her to host the Spring Festival Gala?    


There were many questions that remained unanswered.    


However, what Huang Xing did not expect was that at the intersection of the south's outer ring, he would encounter the traffic police checking the wine drive.    


It was impossible for him to turn around. He had been thinking about something and had not noticed what was happening at the intersection. It was only until he got there that he realized that the traffic police were inspecting the cars.    


The last time he experienced 'escape from danger', Huang Xing still had a lingering fear in his heart. But at this moment, not long after, the second chance was right in front of him. What should he do? Although he had already woken up from the drinking, the alcohol concentration in his body had not subsided that easily.    


Since it was already midnight, there were very few pedestrians on the road. The traffic police waved his hand and stopped Huang Xing's Audi.    


Huang Xing really wanted to rush over, but this traffic policeman was very daring, and actually stood in front of the carriage. There were also two police cars parked diagonally in front of him. If he tried to force his way in, the traffic police would definitely chase him down in the police car.    


Admit defeat?    


Opening the window, one of the traffic police came forward and saluted.    


Huang Xing frowned, and asked despite already knowing the answer: What, is there something wrong?    


The traffic police said, Please get out of the car and accept our alcohol test. At the same time, please show me your driver's license and driving permit.    


Huang Xing found the second proof, but hesitated and didn't want to get off the car.    


It was a headache. It was all his fault. He insisted on driving while drunk. After suffering a loss once, didn't he have a good memory this time? However, the helplessness of life lies in this. If I don't drive a car, how can I attend and raise money for parties? Why buy wine and cigarettes? As the organizer of this meeting, it would be unreasonable not to drink. If driving a car and drinking alcohol really can't be avoided, then finding a substitute car is also a good choice. However, in this remote small town, there was no substitute for it.     


The traffic police saw that Huang Xing was still sitting in the car and did not get off, so he raised his voice and said: "Please get off!    


Huang Xing knew that he could not escape, so he got off the car.    


There was no doubt that Huang Xing had already reached the drunk driving standard.    


In his extreme helplessness, Huang Xing thought of the County Chief Song. Since the county governor had stepped in, the traffic police would naturally buy it. Huang Xing did not really like asking people to do things for him, unless it was his last resort.    


After calling County Chief Song, Huang Xing told him what had happened.    


The County Chief Song was straightforward as well. "Don't be anxious, I'll call the traffic police right now."    


As expected, within a few minutes, the few traffic policemen on duty received a call from their superior. They then walked in front of Huang Xing and asked: "You know County Chief Song?    


Huang Xing let out an "oh".    


The traffic policeman saluted and said, Well, after our tests, something went wrong with the equipment. Now, you can go.    


Huang Xing was startled, it seemed that the little traffic police was quite tactful.    


Through this matter, Huang Xing deeply understood how easy it was to get to know the Leader of a county. Take the traffic police for example, if they didn't have any acquaintances or a leader to speak up for them, then the punishment would be severe.    


After they passed the intersection, Huang Xing called County Chief Song to thank him.    


County Chief Song said politely.    


But in reality, in Huang Xing's heart, there was another kind of complicated feeling.    


When he got home, his parents were still awake. A few of the village's uncles and children were drinking with their parents, all of them red in the face.    


Through the fierce battle between the Huang Family and the Han family, the position of the Huang Family in the village became as bright as the sun at that moment. The villagers, who were the same age as their father, all came to drink two cups of wine in celebration.    


The smell of alcohol soared in the house.    


He had just escaped one bar before he fell into another.    


Qi Lu's wine culture was frightening.    


As a junior, Huang Xing naturally could not be like a normal person, and snuck into a side room to sleep. According to etiquette, he had to give a few cups of wine to his seniors.    


Huang Xing's mother was in the kitchen stir-frying peanuts, and the sizzling sound of the hot oil in the wok accompanied with a burst of smoke coming out. Huang Xing felt that he should buy a smoke machine for the house.    


The few elders' faces turned red, as they gave Huang Xing a thumbs up.    


"Young and powerful, the only one who dares to go against Han Shengli's family in the village is your Huang Family!"    


'The Han family won't be able to turn their backs on us this time ? '    


'Except for one disaster, you're doing it for our village.'    




Towards the elders in the village, Huang Xing of course had to be respectful and respectful, not daring to slight them. He had been working in Jinan all year round, and only his parents were left at home.    


Huang Xing took down a bottle of Maotai from the car and poured wine for the few elders. The aroma of the wine permeated the air and the elders were completely dumbfounded.    


'It's not cheap, Moutai. Hundreds, right? '    


"Of course. There are over a thousand of them." "It seems like our visit tonight was worth it, and we even had time to drink from Maotai. Haha ?"    


'Look at you! '    


'Good wine, good wine.'    


In truth, Huang Xing did not have much interaction with these elders. Usually, his father was more honest, and there were very few people who came to visit. If it wasn't for the battle with the Han Family today, these people probably wouldn't have hurried over to drink with their father.    


One cup, after another. This winery continued without end.    


The Huang Family was a scene, if the guests did not mention about leaving after dinner, he would definitely feel embarrassed. This was the rule of the countryside winery. Even if the guests drank until dawn, the main house would still accompany them.    


Seeing that his elders, including his father were already drunk, Huang Xing really wanted to advise them out.    


But he didn't know what to say.    


The moment he opened his mouth, it was easy for him to misunderstand.    


When Huang Xing went to help his mother carry the plate, his mother told him one thing.    


After Huang Xing heard this, he almost crumbled.    


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