Security Guard’s Romance



0It turned out that today, after Huang Xing left, there were a few people who came to the house and acknowledged his filial piety. There were even many villagers who tried the advanced massage chair, feeling that it was very magical. One of them, an uncle named Chen, thought it was good and bought it for a high price. He paid five thousand dollars in one go. Huang's mother felt that for something worth a few hundred dollars, he would earn more than four thousand yuan just by selling it. So he agreed.    


How could she know that the true value of this massage chair was two hundred thousand!    


This made Huang Xing not know whether to laugh or cry.    


He understood his mother. She was a person who had never seen much of the world. Her heart was very kind, but she had one weakness, and that was that she loved to take small advantages of others. Naturally, she would not miss such a good deal. However, she felt that five thousand dollars was a bit too much for a country bumpkin, so she offered to lower the price. A thousand yuan was her offer. He was earning hundreds of gold, wasn't he?    


The Huang's mother flaunted his business acumen, and even his business conscience. Not only did he earn money, he also took care of his neighbors' feelings, killing two birds with one stone.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Mom, don't sell this massage chair, no matter what. No one can buy it.    


'Why? ' Huang's mother said confidently: Won't you just buy one after I sell it? A few hundred dollars, earning a few hundred dollars at a time. I'll advertise it tomorrow. If anyone wants to buy it, I'll give them a thousand dollars. Then you can help me get in. Isn't this also a way to make money?    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly: "Mom, I told you I bought it for a few hundred yuan, do you really believe me?"    


Huang's mother was stunned: Why, not just a few hundred, that... That was ? Thousands?    


In order to dispel his mother's plan to take advantage of him, Huang Xing had no choice but to hand over his trump card: Ninety thousand! This was still the purchase price. Its real price is two hundred thousand.    


'What?! ' Hearing that, the thing in Huang's mother's hands almost fell to the ground. Two hundred thousand? Who would buy a chair for two hundred thousand yuan? I can build three courtyards. This money. ' The Huang's mother said as he clicked his tongue. It was obvious that he did not quite believe Huang Xing's words.    


No wonder, then, that to a rural woman who had never seen the world before, it was nothing more than an electric chair, several times more expensive than an ordinary one.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Mom, I'm not lying to you. Don't sell it.    


Huang's mother stared at Huang Xing suspiciously, but she still shook her head.    


Huang Xing replied: I'm not fooling around with you. If you don't believe me, I'll show you the invoice.    


Helplessly, Huang Xing took out the transaction slip.    


When Huang's mother saw the number on it, his face couldn't help but turn green. He said in panic: This prodigal son, spending so much money to buy a chair, you ? You are really... Crazy!    


He carelessly touched the rolling pin, and swiped it in front of Huang Xing's eyes.    


Huang Xing had gotten used to it long ago when he was young. His mother was just angry, she wouldn't actually hit him.    


Huang's mother calmed down a few times to understand the situation. Then, he said sincerely: "Child, although we can make money now, but we can't spend it carelessly." Money had to be used on the blade. Obediently, pull this chair back tomorrow.    


Huang Xing used his normal tongue to persuade his mother, but her mother did not budge. She insisted on Huang Xing returning the massage chair.    


She even warned Huang Xing angrily that if he did not retreat, she would personally retreat.    


Just as the mother and son duo were in a stalemate, Uncle Liu who was sitting in the hut drinking wine called out Huang Xing's name.    


Huang Xing took the opportunity to exit the kitchen and rushed over.    


They had all had a lot of drinks, blushing, boasting and chatting excitedly.    


Uncle Liu used a steel needle to pick the gaps between his teeth and said to Huang Xing: Star, good child!    


Huang Xing was startled, he knew that Su Yun had drank too much, so he just went over and poured him a cup of tea.    


But the Uncle Liu was unhappy. He pointed to the wine cup and said, "If you poured wrong, you poured wrong. The wine cup is here, this is the wine cup." Come, fill up your uncle.    


'Don't drink anymore, Uncle. If you drink too much, you'll hurt your body.' Huang Xing finally mustered up the courage to speak.    


Uncle Liu frowned: What, are you not going to drink enough? This child, how did he learn to be stingy?    


Father Huang quickly tried to smooth things over with Huang Xing. "Children don't mean that, don't take offense."    


Uncle Liu snickered: Weird, what's weird? It's not too late to like it! Xing, today, Uncle Liu will be your matchmaker, how about it? Look, you've been divorced for so long. Your dad and mom are always in a rush, aren't you?    


Huang Xing was startled. Uncle, I ?    


'You what? ' Uncle Liu used his chopsticks and lightly tapped on the table: "Uncle Liu has made the decision today, my Erni will ?" Marry you!    




With that said, everyone was stunned!    


Wine talk! It was definitely just words out of alcohol!    


The Liu Family's Erni, with a name like Liu Liping, was four years younger than Huang Xing. Logically speaking, a girl her age should have already married her own daughter, but she hadn't heard about what Liu Erni was talking about.    


In reality, this Liu Ernie could be considered a village flower. She had a sweet and charming appearance, and was also very polite. She was loved by the entire village. Naturally, there were quite a few girls with such conditions who came forward to propose marriage. However, Liu Ernie's eyes were exceptionally high. She had met over a hundred targets, but none of them were people she liked. "Even so, after all these years, she was still staying at home. She could be considered an 'old lady' with quite a bit of fame within a few miles.    


Although he called her an old lady, she wasn't actually old. However, due to the customs of the countryside, girls who had not been married off until the 22nd were called old maidens. Worried parents often start setting up targets right after their daughter has finished middle school. In their words, the first to strike was the best. They wanted to find a good son-in-law and find a good home for their daughter. Otherwise, if they made a move too late, all the good guys would have been taken away by other girls.    


To a certain extent, this Liu Erni could be considered to be a goddess of a few villages. The young lad would often use Liu Erni as a metaphor for jokes. To be precise, amongst the people his age, which boy did not have ideas on Liu Erni? However, the goddess' eyes were too wide open. No male student could enter her eyes.    


Hearing Uncle Liu's words, the other elders all started to giggle.    


However, Huang Xing quickly said: "Uncle Liu, you can't let this joke go." If Erni hears it, I have to worry about you.    


'She dares! ' The Uncle Liu said firmly: "What, do you not like our Erni?" Alright, Uncle knows that you have the ability. But my Erni is still Huang Hua's daughter, and you've already been married once, haven't you? Perfect, perfect!    


Uncle Wang, who had nothing better to do, also echoed: "I think it's alright!" Er nier is handsome, this child can make money, and he is talented. A good match, a good match.    


Uncle Zhao said, "Old Liu, you have to keep your word. Can you make the decision?"    


Uncle Liu pounded his chest fiercely. At home, we have the final say.    


Uncle Zhao continued to ask, "Can you make a decision for your daughter?" If she could do it, she wouldn't be an old lady, right?    


Uncle Liu frowned: What are you saying? What old girl! Let me tell you, there are many people in the 10 villages who are thinking about my Erni. Hmm, in June this year, even the mayor sent a matchmaker to my house to propose marriage, and his son fell in love with my Erni. But, my Erni will not do it, don't you think it's infuriating? But now I understand, my family's Erni is waiting for fate. Fate. Now, fate had arrived. As for the stars, they were the most suitable. Today, I've made up my mind. It's settled then. Tomorrow, I will ask Erni to come and find you! To be honest, my Erni has a good impression of you, she said you are a dragon amongst men. Right ? Right ? I also had the intention to ask her, if Huang Family your Star isn't married, will she be willing to marry you? What do you think she answered?    


Almost at the same time, everyone asked, "What did my daughter say?"    


Uncle Liu's words had broken through the heavens: Yes! Unfortunately, it was too late. However, looking at it now, good food is not afraid of late, good horses are not afraid of riding. Son-in-law, come, drink one ?    


What nonsense!    


Perhaps his drinking speech was just a joke after drinking.    


What he did not expect was that this Uncle Liu had always been using this matter as a topic, even from the details of Huang Xing and Erni going to school together to the point of breaking mud, to the point of them growing up. That was simply describing them as childhood sweethearts.    


It was also true that after going through the Uncle Liu and getting drunk, Huang Xing could not help but remember the interesting things about him and the Liu Family's Erni. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were childhood friends. Since a young age, Liu Erni was very beautiful, making people fall for him. The other students were all rushing to sit at the same table as her and play games with her. But Liu Erni decided that other than going to the toilet, the two of them would spend almost every day together. They would go to school together, play games together. Because of this, Huang Xing had once suffered from the jealousy and envy of other students, causing them to fight twice.    


Furthermore, at that time, it was indeed as Uncle Liu had said. Every boy's biggest dream was to be able to marry a wife like Liu Erni when they grow up.    


As time went by, her childhood desires were blurred, but she was still a legend in a dozen villages.    


They drank until 3: 30 in the morning.    


Moreover, they were all forcefully dragged home by their own women.    


Huang Xing finally breathed a sigh of relief. Under his exhaustion, he really wanted to immediately lie on the bed and get a good night's sleep.    


He had experienced too many things when he came back this time. It was a small matter, but he was physically and mentally exhausted.    


However, he did not expect that when he was about to close the Great Iron Door, the Uncle Liu would come back humming a song.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: "Uncle, why have you come back again?"    


Uncle Liu put a cigarette in his mouth, shook his body and said: "Xing, don't take my uncle's words like that. Erni is yours, so it's yours." You're mine, so you're mine... Son-in-law. The choice of a son-in-law is yours ?    


His words were incoherent, but his spirit was impassioned.    


Huang Xing lit up a cigarette for Uncle Liu and said, "Let's talk tomorrow. We'll talk tomorrow."    


The Uncle Liu smiled and patted Huang Xing's shoulder: I'll have the Erni look for you tomorrow, you are not allowed to go out, understand?    


Huang Xing nodded his head perfunctorily.    


But in his heart, there were countless emotions.    


However, Huang Xing did not expect that early the next morning, Liu Erni would pay him a visit.    


What was going on?    


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