Security Guard’s Romance



0Ouyang Mengjiao donned a set of luxurious clothes and appeared in front of everyone!     1


The upper half of her body was made of leather, while the bottom half of her body was made of black leather. Her long legs were wrapped in a pair of black stocking and were knee-high in heels. She was playing a melodious melody.    


"Dear Lady Mother, I'm coming!" The moment Ouyang Mengjiao entered the door, he immediately rushed towards Yu Mengqin and wrapped his arms around her neck and started to act coquettishly.    


Yu Mengqin frowned, he extended his hand and stopped Ouyang Mengjiao's intimate actions, and grumbled: What are you doing, why are you here?    


Ouyang Mengjiao emphasized: What, is it wrong for your daughter to come to visit your mother?    


Yu Mengqin said: It's business time now!    


Ouyang Mengjiao raised his head: What's wrong with working hours, I can't come back to see my mother while working hours? Isn't there a song I can sing? I often go home to visit. Mom has prepared some nagging, even helping dad wash his dishes and massage his shoulders ?    


She pieced together the song of "Looking Home often," in her own way, and began to hum.    


Yu Mengqin questioned: Then, did you apply leave with Director Fu and Director Huang?    


Ouyang Mengjiao took a glance at Fu Jie and Huang Xing, and spoke with reason: "If they aren't here, how am I supposed to take a leave of absence? To whom?    


'Nonsense! ' Yu Mengqin said: If you continue to act like this, then come back obediently and accompany me by my side.    


Ouyang Mengjiao felt wronged and said: "I'm not messing around." If you don't believe me, ask these two. Director Fu, Director Huang, how did I perform in Xin Meng Merchant House?    


Fu Jie nodded his head in embarrassment: Yes, yes, Supervisor Ouyang was more serious in his work.    


Yu Mengqin coldly snorted. In front of me, you obviously wouldn't say that she couldn't work anymore. My daughter is too willful.    


Ouyang Mengjiao fixed his gaze on Bao Shijie, his eyes started to shift around strangely: Eh, isn't this Manager Bao Bao Shijie? Why did you come as well? What are you doing here?    


Bao Shijie stammered in embarrassment, "I, I, I ?" I am...    


Fu Jie helped him smooth things over: I was the one who brought him here!    


Ouyang Mengjiao pretended to be confused and asked: That's not right! Director Fu, this is your mistake. He's just a small manager, and he just entered the job not too long ago. You bring him here, my Lady Mother ? The Director Yu, was she saying something to him? Why, when the Director Fu goes out, do you still need to bring bodyguards?    


Her indirect sarcasm made Huang Xing feel somewhat satisfied!    


Fu Jie held onto his hair and said: "I believe that the working abilities of Manager Bao and Director Huang can be seen by everyone. He is a rare genius." He did a great job in the construction and planning of the mall...    


Ouyang Mengjiao shook his head: I didn't see it, I didn't feel it. Hey, Director Huang, what do you think?    


Huang Xing blurted out: It's indeed a bit exaggerated, haha.    


Fu Jie's face immediately turned green, she frowned as she glanced at Huang Xing, slightly angry that he had thrown the stone when the situation was critical.    


But in reality, Huang Xing was in's trap, they were a pair of irreconcilable enemies. But in Fu Jie's opinion, what Huang Xing had landed on was his own well, and what he had landed on was his own stone.    


In front of his mother, Ouyang Mengjiao seemed to be a fox pretending to be a tiger. She went on: It's just exaggerated! What was he doing at the Merchant Shop? It was nothing more than redecorating, adding a counter, and narrowing down the customer activities and resting areas ? What else had he done other than kill the chicken to get the eggs? Sigh, Director Fu, you raised the Director Huang from Xinyuan Company, which proves that you are a joyous person. But when you get to Xin Meng Merchant House, your standards are much worse. Not all horses are thousands of horses, and not all Bole at all times recognized the thousand horses.    


Yu Mengqin could not watch any longer. He stretched out his hand and said, "Meng Jiao, you said that you would cause trouble the moment you came back." Go, or go to another room, or get me back to work at the mall!    


Ouyang Mengjiao pouted, feeling wronged. Mother, my lord, I don't have any! I'm also the supervisor of the mall. According to my position and qualifications, I'm always better than that ? Wasn't he, as a small manager, much higher? Besides, I'm your own daughter! He can sit here as a manager. Why can't I?    


Well said! Huang Xing snickered in his heart, this girl had ridiculed Bao Shijie on his behalf, so he had no choice but to be loyal to her master, and said: Director Yu, Supervisor Ouyang has indeed grown up a lot. There was no harm in letting her listen.    


'That's right, that's right! ' Ouyang Mengjiao looked at Huang Xing and emphasized in a complacent manner.    


Bao Shijie was a little embarrassed, but he was still too inexperienced and his position was low, so he did not dare to retort openly.    


On the other hand, Fu Jie wrinkled his brows and defended Bao Shijie: "I brought Manager Bao here today, naturally I have my reasons. Director Yu was a rare talent. He had outstanding talent in business management and long-term planning. I brought him here to let you see, I remember that I had already suggested to you before that you prepare to promote him to Manager Bao ? He was the deputy general manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House. general.    


Bao Shijie couldn't help but raise his head proudly when he heard Fu Jie's words.    


Is your family a rocket maker?" Whoosh! If that was the case, Director Fu, what kind of outstanding results had the manager obtained ever since he entered the Xin Meng Merchant House? Why, with just a few words of flattery, was it possible for him to raise the price to such a high level just by coming up with a proposal to gather resources and add a special counter? The key point was, had it worked? The turnover of a merchant's shop had advanced by leaps and bounds, or was it ? Or what?    


This chain of rhetorical questions caused Fu Jie's face to tense up.    


Although Huang Xing felt that Ouyang Mengjiao's criticism was very reasonable and venting, to have someone question Fu Jie like that in front of him made him feel unexplainable sadness. No matter how Fu Jie treated her, her position in her heart was unshakable. He loved her with all his might. There was no doubt about that! Furthermore, Fu Jie did not do anything to let him down. Everything silently happened around the arrival of Bao Shijie. including his position in the Xin Meng Merchant House, and the relationship between him and Fu Jie.    


Of course, this kind of change wasn't solely due to Fu Jie's unilateral intentions. There were definitely many coincidences behind this, as well as little people's plans.    


Yu Mengqin looked at Bao Shijie, and said lightly: Manager Bao, right?    


Bao Shijie stood up in shock, and bowed to Yu Mengqin: "Yes, yes, I am Bao Shijie." Director Yu.    


Yu Mengqin smiled lightly: Fu Jie has once mentioned to me some of your previous plans and plans. It can be seen that your Director Fu thinks quite highly of you. However, I am not entirely in favor of this kind of rocket-propelled promotion. There still had to be a process. I feel that after this, you have to continue to accept the test that the Leader has placed on you.    


Bao Shijie nodded his head: I am willing, I am willing! We are honored to accept the Director Yu's test!    


Yu Mengqin didn't speak anymore. He just glanced at Fu Jie and changed the topic: Second phase third stage. This matter is extremely important, and it is impossible to be impatient. However, I will take the time to take a look at your proposal.    


Fu Jie thoughtfully said: "Director Yu, I think ?." I think opportunities are fleeting. Once those two pieces of land were taken by someone else, it would be too late for us to regret.    


Yu Mengqin said: I can't rush it. In that case, it would only mean that we are not fated to be together. But I'll think about it. Billions of dollars isn't a small amount. If he were to invest it into the market, it would probably be a few years later, right? I have to take into account a lot of projects around the country, and I also have to take into account... It takes into account all aspects of the turnover of funds.    


Fu Jie emphasized: It's written very clearly in my plan, regarding the funds, we will not rely entirely on the Dream Group. We can also borrow money from banks by way of mortgages. Taking another step back, we can sell a portion of the shares to the managers and employees of the Xin Meng Merchant House.    


Yu Mengqin said: You sure are bold! Doing this would be equivalent to using the Xin Meng Merchant House and the employees as stakes. The Xin Meng Merchant House was gone, the employees were also gone, and the Dream Group's reputation was greatly reduced.    


Fu Jie sighed slightly. Losing money was basically impossible. And what we are doing is long-term planning. Whether we can take over the market as fast as possible is the key to our success or not.    


Yu Mengqin countered with a question: You mean, if I gave you permission one day late, it would be equivalent to me occupying the market for you.    


Fu Jie quickly shook his head. Of course ? Of course I didn't mean that.    


Yu Mengqin looked out of the window for a long time.    


For a moment, the room was relatively quiet.    


Until three minutes later, Yu Mengqin turned around and said to Fu Jie: This way, I will give you a concrete answer by tomorrow.    


Fu Jie stood up excitedly: Thank you Director Yu, thank you Director Yu.    


Yu Mengqin said: I have yet to say whether I agree or not, don't be in such a hurry to thank me. Alright, you can go back first. We can't group up without a leader at the merchant house.    


Huang Xing and Bao Shijie also stood up.    


The three of them walked to the door, but Ouyang Mengjiao said while grinning: "Mother, what about me, do you want me to go back to the mall, or do you want me to do my daughter's best to stay with you for a while longer?"    


Yu Mengqin said: You and Xiao Huang, you two stay here for a while. I have something to tell you.    


'Alright! ' Ouyang Mengjiao lightly patted Huang Xing's shoulder to show his celebration.    


But Huang Xing's heart skipped a beat.    


What was the purpose of Yu Mengqin keeping him here?    


Seeing this, Fu Jie couldn't help but mutter in his heart. She looked at Huang Xing: Then we'll wait for you in the carriage.    


Huang Xing said: Why don't you all drive back first, I'll call a taxi to leave later.    


Ouyang Mengjiao took out a car key from his pocket, and emphasized to Fu Jie: Take my car, take my car, I'll take him. The Empress Mother has spoken. You may withdraw first.    


Fu Jie glanced at Ouyang Mengjiao, frowned slightly, and then walked out as well.    


Yu Mengqin pointed to the sofa and said: Come, sit down first!    


Huang Xing sat back down on the sofa, feeling a little apprehensive in his heart.    


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